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“Don’t give me this bullshit Kira, you’re not alone….don’t you see me standing right here?” he growled. The woman that stood before him was impossible to get along with. Her stubborn nature had a way of both intriguing him and appalling him at the same time. For the past month he’d tried his hardest to get through to her but she was making it hard. “I am alone….damn it you don’t care about me, you’re just here to be here, you’re the one who’s bullshitting me!” He watched as tears welled up in her eyes, as she flung herself at him her fists made into balls. He didn’t try to stop her as she hit him repeatedly. He wanted her to let her anger out even if it meant he’d be in pain the next morning, or the next few mornings. As Kira’s pounding slowed to almost a halt he drawled her into his arms holding her close as she burst into sobs. He did care for her but it wasn’t in his nature to show it openly. “Kira I do care, I wouldn’t be here holding you if I didn’t…... stop lying to yourself love.” Kal did his best to sooth her worries, but she kept on weeping her tears dampening his shirt. Slowly he ran a hand over her back in small circles hoping it calmed her down and it did just as he hoped. Kira quit crying but stayed snuggled up against his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck. She was a beauty but a confusing beauty at that. Slowly he sighed and turned, taking her to her bedroom where such a sleeping woman belonged. She did not belong in his arms and never would. Slowly he laid her down on the bed and covered her with the comforter that lay at the edge of the bed. “Goodnight sweet Kira,” he whispered. He gently kissed her forehead and strolled out of her life…..or so he thought.

Out of The Dust

Out of the dust scrambled a girl, her hair the color of the burnt wood that was strewn everywhere. Her big pleading blue eyes were full of hatred and undying pain. She was an orphan once again with no one to run to and no place to call home. The rebels had cheated her from a life once more , it seemed all they wanted was her to hurt as they did. But why? She had done nothing to them…yet. She knew she could hide no longer, it was time to face the facts, her heritage kept catching up with her. She couldn’t take it anymore she was the final queen in the empire’s dying bloodline. Everything was up to her, the empires order, the continuation of her bloodline and restoring the dying belief in the magics. The rebels end was near if only she knew how to make the nobles believe her. The road was long, too long for any refined lady no matter how old. Normally they would have stopped in various places but it wasn’t safe anymore, the law in Sorin had all but diminished and no family not even the nobles had enough money for guards to travel with their daughters. To a girl of fifteen summers on her way to an endless marriage the breaks would have been nice. She was in no hurry to marry a man, a prince at that when she had never seen him. “ Milady…Milady Elizabeta please try and stay with me or I’ll have to take a switch to ya’s .” Elizabeta turned to gaze upon her old nurse maid, the old hag may have looked weak but by the gods she wasn’t. “Yes mistress,” she whispered. Slowly she took up her book and began reading the tiny handwriting of those thousands of years ago. It was amazing to her, the stories of the old ones, of magic and those that had danced with them when they still lived. The magic that ran through the pages was what she wished to learn, what she yearned to learn but her mother said it wasn’t fit for a young girl to learn- a young bride to be.
“that’s very sweet of you and all Shade, but I must regretfully decline, I’m working double shifts tonight…..gotta pay my way through college somehow.” Elizabeta gathered her stack of books and shoved them into her messenger bag, her gaze falling upon the professor. To her surprise he was looking straight at her, a lazy smile upon his face and for a moment she saw something impossible in his eyes. “Well I’ll ask some other time, catch you around darlin’.” She turned around in time to see Shade stalk out of the room, his shoulders hunched as he mumbled to himself. She almost felt complete pity for the boy. “Ms. Smith may I have a word with you?” Something in the tone of his voice made her turn towards him. Professor Warren

cries(cassie depressed)

“Maybe it would have been better if they’d put me out in the sun those years ago.” Jason glanced up at Cassie as she uttered those words, he couldn’t believe she was saying that. The woman that stood before him was not the one he’d known for years, she was someone different…someone weaker. Slowly he stood up and walked towards her, his heart breaking as he did so. “Cassie please do not speak of such things….damn it you don’t know how much it hurts to hear that when you know I love you,” Jason stated. With care he pulled Cassie into his arms and sat down on the bed. He couldn’t stand her being this way just like he couldn’t stand anyone harming her. She held his heart when no one else had ever succeeded in doing so. “Jason I’m not worth loving.” “the hell you aren’t. I’d give up my life for you and that’s never going to change.” He glanced down at her to see her looking up at him, her eyes filled with love and compassion. She cared as much about him as he did about her. Jason felt her fingers brush against his cheek wiping away the few tears he let fall.
“She was my lover once but did I love her? No I didn’t love her and wont ever. She never stirred emotions within me like you do…..damn it Cassie I’ve loved you since the day you first kissed me, whether it was just a friendly kiss on the cheek or not. But I knew I would never have a chance with you. I’m not some young man who’s untouched or has never touched a woman. Cassie I’ve touched but I’ve never loved. And by god you deserve someone better then me.” Jason took hold of Cassie’s shoulders, turning her around to face him. He didn’t want to hurt her, he wanted to love her, to prove that someone actually wanted her as a woman, a lover, as herself…..as an equal. She was a wonderful woman but no one truly saw that. “Jason please don’t joke around with me…….don’t be like everyone else, be my friend tonight and every other night. Don’t tell me you love me, enough people do. Prove it to me because for once I don’t wanna be just a body a person wants to ravage. I want to be seen as a woman……a person and someone’s equal,” Cassie screamed. Anger was not the loveliest of emotions but nothing could destroy the beauty of the woman that stood before him. She wanted someone to prove that they loved her, she wanted someone to prove she was more to them then a body. Slowly he leaned closer to her as he ran a hand down her cheek. “I love you Cassie and I will prove it to you.” Before she could utter a word he pressed his lips to hers, taking in her sweet taste.
His deep-set blue eyes showed no emotions at all as he peered down at her, the jagged scar beneath his left eye turning white hot. He was angry- angry with her and she didn’t even know what she had done. Slowly his smile turned into an evil grin that made him look vile, his cold hands clamped down hard on her shoulders digging his nails in deep. “What have I done to you,” She screamed. Her struggles against his grasp proved to no avail, his grip was of iron. A heartless chuckle surrounded her, chilling her to the bone. He wasn’t the man she had fell in love with….he was someone different. He was the monster he harbored within. “ Oh this hun? You haven’t done this I’ve just taken back to my natural born killer. Now shut up and hold still.” As his bared canines slowly inched towards her neck she struggled, screaming at the top of her lungs. She didn’t want to die. No not this way…..she wanted him to change her. To let her be his for the rest of their immortal lives. Before she knew it his teeth had sunken into her arteries, leaving her weak against everything that came. Old memories of the beatings her father would give and the curse words she’d heard hiding behind the couch found their way before her eyes. Suddenly everything went black and her world drifted away. The last thing she remembered was the rush of falling and the splashing of water………… Elena woke up screaming, her body covered in a cold sweat, the blankets of her bed thrown to one side. She had dreamed the same thing for the past six weeks and each night she still woke from it screaming. Was she really that afraid of death? With a heavy sigh she rolled out of bed and slipped on her red silk robe before stalking into the kitchen. Her multi-million dollar home wasn’t like any of the others in the city, hers had been left to her in her grandmothers will. Many people would go crazy from living in a house that wasn’t able to serve their every desire, wasn’t able to talk to them but Elena loved the peace and quiet. Day in and day out she spent her time acting like a content CEO employing and working with those that were both machines and ones that acted like them. With a heavy heart she poured herself a cup of coffee and sunk down in the one arm chair that sat at the table, trying to forget that in just a few hours she’d be pretending. Nothing seemed the same anymore. There were no values, no reason to live anymore except for money and power. Before Elena knew it the coffee cup she held was drained to the last drop and her mind had shifted to day dreaming. “Ms. Krypton…..Ms. Krypton…..Elena where are you?” With a start she turned to see the shadowy figure of her friend stalking up the hall. Had it been the right idea to give him a key to her house? Slowly she got up and slipped into her bed room, grabbing a suit from her closet as she did so. The texture of the suit didn’t quite feel right against her skin but unfortunately it was required.

a bit of love

He carefully placed the rose beside her head and bent down, letting his lips linger upon her forehead. This was his good-bye to her, he wasn’t good enough for her and never would be. As he stood up a few tears fell from his eyes and landed upon her cheek. With a heavy heart he turned and began walking towards the door. “ Please do not go, stay with me.” Her voice surrounded him, stopping him dead in his tracks, without needing any urging he turned to face the woman he so desperately longed for. “I cannot stay knowing I’m not good enough to be called yours, not good enough to love you Milady,” he whispered. Slowly he fell to his knees before her, pain and love his only emotions. Suddenly he felt her gentle fingers caressing his cheek and the touch of her lips upon his brow. “Who has told you that you are not god enough for me? Who would dare speak those words when you mean more to me then anything…I’m in love with you and only you. I cannot and will not ever love another.” Her words surprised him taking all the pain his heart held away. He need not go, he need not let his love for her go to waste. Without thinking twice on it he gathered her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

aint much but.......

She looked out the window to see nothing but the trees that had stood there for a thousand years, tears just slightly blurring her vision. Waiting for him was torture when she knew danger waited him but she had promised to stay put, to stay where he had left her. Slowly she collapsed upon the couch letting worry and fear for the man she loved take over, her sobs filling the entire cabin. If she lost him she would lose her life, her meaning, her worth in the world.


The waves crashed against the shore as a young woman of sixteen walked along the beaches, her long ebony colored hair blowing in the sea breeze. A plain violet dress clung tightly to the curves-curves that caught male attention. Beside the girl an abnormally large wolf trotted occasionally glancing her way. Suddenly she felt the pull of her master’s magic drawing her away from the shore and closer to the endless meadow. As she approached the small cottage she noticed her master standing outside creating spells near the fire that glowed blue. He wore his normal attire which was a thin brown robe tied at the waist by a white rope. His normally light brown hair was streaked with the gray that he tried so hard to hide and his smooth face adorned with wrinkles of time. Time could be seen upon his every feature and that worried her. “master why have you summoned me into your presence?” the girl asked. Casually she sat down on a stump hopping it wouldn’t move out from beneath her. unfortunately it didn’t matter, the stump scuttled away from her before she was even close to sitting down. The girl landed in the dirt with a slight plop creating a dust cloud that hung suspended in mid air. Something close to a laugh came from the jowls of the wolf as he took hold of the girls dress and pulled her to her feet. “ Dear Samantha you need to calm the wood sprite first.. I thought I taught you better then that,” Master Halgrith stated. Embarrassed Samantha looked down at her hands that were still covered in dirt. “ don’t worry dear friend it was an honest mistake….that I’m sure wont happen again” the wolf whispered. Samantha slowly ran her fingers over her friends soft fur. “it wont happen again I promise you that Samuel,” Samantha stated. Suddenly a small ground nymph came running up to the cottage breathing heavy. Samantha watched as Master Halgrith took the young nymph in his arms and listened to every word that was spoken. “ Child the nymph has just informed me that in a few minutes soldiers from the royal palace will be arriving carrying what is to be a formal invitation…and we all know those aren’t pretty.” Just as the nymph had said riders bearing the royal crest upon their armor came riding up from the forest. Samuel got on his hunches with his teeth bared and a low growl just coming from his throat. The first soldier stopped his steed and pulled out a roll of parchment before clearing his throat. “ Master Halgrith and Lady Samantha, King Agamemnon requests your presence at his wedding.. if you resist you will be taken by force,” he stated. Samantha watched as her master tensed and then relaxed a bit as he contemplated his options. “alright let us pack and we will be on our way….are you to accompany us to the castle?” Master Halgrith asked. The guards that had approached behind the captain seemed annoyed that they had to spend their time rounding up a few meaningless peasants. “yes we must accompany you to the castle…orders of his majesty himself.. he don’t want anything happening to you.” sure the king don’t want anything happening to us…more like he doesn’t want to take the chance of us running away. Why must he always make everything a lie? “ child go pack your belongings and hurry up about it as I ready our horses,” master ordered. Without having told twice she dashed into the hut and gathered what little belongings she had into a sac. When she emerged a long emerald cloak hung over her shoulders hiding her hair from view. “hurry child the men grow anxious as do the horses,” Samuel howled. Without thinking to hard on it Samantha swung herself up upon the horses bare back and carefully situated herself. “all ready?” the captain asked. Both her and her master nodded to acknowledge the captain’s question. Without another word the guards took their positions and led Samantha and Master Halgrith onto the road to Livandra. The sprites and spirits danced around the traveling group smiles upon their finely crafted faces. The magic was strong here but she knew that once they reached Livandra the magic would tarnish. child don’t worry you will still be able to weave your magic it is just that the sprites and spirits wont be there to help you. Samantha looked down at her side to see Samuel looking up at her with sympathy in his beautiful eyes. I know that but my magic wont do much good inside of those castle walls and besides I hear that the princess the king intends to marry is dark sorceress. something close to a chuckle came from Samuel as he looked forward at the Captain. Samantha you shouldn’t believe everything those fanciful creatures tell you but it is possible that she is. Samantha hung her head and sighed. Master even told me that she is a sorceress…or a black witch I cannot remember. “ what the…?” the sound of the captains voice startled her back into reality making her look up to see a pack of hungry rapid wolves standing in the center of the road.
The tavern was a buzz with patrons young and old eating their first warm meal in a week, as a young woman of sixteen delivered drinks. her long honey blonde hair hung in ringlets that framed her young face allowing her baby blue eyes to stand out. A beautiful rose colored dress clung tightly to the curves-curves that caught male attention. As she walked back towards the bar she saw her brother hit across the face by a man with mud brown hair. The expression on her brother’s face could not be seen but she knew it was of true pain. Slowly the young woman turned her head to look upon her aging father. He stood like a soldier as he filled mugs with foreign ale and red wine. His once jet black hair was streaked with gray and his face was hung with wrinkles. Time was taking it’s toll upon the man that had once rocked her to sleep in his strong arms. Suddenly the memories came flooding back to her. She remembered how smooth his face had been and how happy he had been. “Father please let me take your place, you need your rest,” the girl whispered. She gently placed her hand upon his cheek and smiled faintly. “ Missara you can’t do two things at once and neither can your brother,” her father murmured. “We will manage now go.” Missara ushered her father out from behind the bar and to the steps. But as her father made his way to his room the door opened and in walked a group of you men. The first young man was very handsome with shoulder length black hair glinted with crimson and he bore himself like a noble. A tunic of royal blue hung open to reveal a clean white shirt tucked into a pair of tan breeches. But his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes could entrance anyone. Three other young men all looked identical with the same curly auburn hair that reflected the firelight and florescent green eyes that seemed to draw you in. the final young man had long chestnut colored hair that just brushed against his shoulders and he bore himself like her father. All of the young me were handsome but none of them as striking as the first and as they all made their way to the back tables, Missara stared as if in a trance. The young man entered the Broken Heart with his friends and his body guard in tow. When he entered a cheerful site came to him almost making him smile brightly. A few young men were trying their luck at a game of faro while some soldiers
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