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Auto 11's Contest! RATES ONLY! Contest will start Thursday, January 22nd @ Noon Fu Time and will end Monday, January 26th @ Nine Pm Fu Time. Photobucket Your Hostess: PebblesinAZ-Kisses to My Fu Valentine Shaun the Scotish Lad-"Member of Princess Leia's crew&

@ fubar The folder WILL BE OPEN TO ALL TO RATE! However, the person who also sends me the most New Friends and Fans will also receive a $1,000,000 Fubucks Prize! So, encourage your friends to F/A/R the Hostess for a Bonus! Prizes for Rates will be as follows! 1st....AN AUTO 11 Bling 2nd....A 5 Credit Bling and $500,000 Fubucks 3rd....A Ticker and $100,000 Fubucks Private Message me any SFW Pic you would like to use as your Contest Picture. There will be a $25,000 Entry Fee. Come and get My Goodies and let's have some fun! XOXO

She's Sexy, Sweet and Having a Happy Hour! Today...Tuesday...6 pm Fu Time Photobucket Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ BlondePrincess*~Live,Laugh,Love bc Lifes too short

@ fubar Photobucket 1913004604.gif She Loves it when you Tickle Her... Photobucket Be sure to Click, Click, Click and Rate, Rate, Rate! She always returns the luv! Photobucket Hey Ashlea... Photobucket
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook With Much Luv... PebblesinAZ-Kisses to My Fu Valentine Shaun the Scotish Lad-"Member of Princess Leia's crew&

@ fubar

967770611.jpg So, I made a mumm today regarding the status of another fu that it's rumored is "fake". I didn't accuse her of being fake, a scripter or a cheater. That is the opinion of others. I simply commented on the pathetic status. Then, I hear it's rumored I am fake as well. Are you serious? REALLY! If there's anyone that believes I am fake I challenge them to read my blogs, go thru my stash, analyze every detail of my pics and CHECK REFERENCES! For those that are too lazy...you can refer to this bulletin/blog! Ready... I currently have 2 verified salutes! I had more...but deleted a grip of my pictures and only kept one at the time that I spent a lot of time on. My pastel drawing of Pebbles. Exhibit A 2981335823.jpg I posted another recently while mocking a fake on this site and her lack of salutes! Exhibit B 1560397978.jpg I've even made self promotion videos as well as video salutes for friends... Exhibits C... D... and E... I even had the balls to post a bunch of my Singsnap videos in my stash....HAHAH! Exhibit F (There's more for your listening DISpleasure! haha) Hmmmm what else.... OH, I blogged very personally about A LOT of things if you took the time to read them! LIKE.... I was a battered wife for a very long time.... Exhibit G attack Are we getting somewhere? How about a list of references? FUs I have met in person... Boyfriend uɐɯssɐɹq (RL Boyfriend to PebblesInAZ)

@ fubar Ex Boyfriend Tappinit

@ fubar Friend ~~~ Babe~~~

@ fubar Does talking on the phone regularly count? ~*BlondePrincess*~Member of Fubars MOST Finest*~

@ fubar ¤Ðå §wêê† Ìrï§h þrïñ¢ê§§¤♡ÖwñêРߥ †hê M𧆠Ämåzïñg Måñ Èvêr*M¥ ÐåÐÐ¥*

@ fubar Any other questions?? Much love to my friends, family and fans that live with me in a little place I like to call REALITY! PebblesinAZ-Auto 11s ON!

@ fubar

A Christmas Story

A little long, but oh so funny! It is well worth reading! This is an article submitted to a 1999 Louisville Sentinel contest to find out who had the wildest Christmas dinners. It won first prize. As a joke, my brother Jay used to hang a pair of panty hose over his fireplace before Christmas. He said all he wanted was for Santa to fill them. What they say about Santa checking the list twice must be true because every Christmas morning, although Jay's kids' stockings overflowed, h is poor pantyhose hung sadly empty. One year I decided to make his dream come true. I put on sunglasses and went in search of an inflatable love doll. They don't sell those things at Wal-Mart. I had to go to an adult bookstore downtown. If you've never been in an X-rated store, don't go. you'll only confuse yourself. I was there an hour saying things like, 'What does this do?' 'You're kidding me!' 'Who would buy that?' Finally, I made it to the inflatable doll section. I wanted to buy a standard, uncomplicated doll that could also substitute as a passenger in my truck so I could use the car pool lane during rush hour. Finding what I wanted was difficult. 'Love Dolls' come in many different models. The top of the line, according to the side of the box, could do things I'd only seen in a book on animal husbandry. I settled for 'Lovable Louise.' She was at the bottom of the price scale. To call Louise a 'doll' took a huge leap of imagination. On Christmas Eve and with the help of an old bicycle pump, Louise came to life. My sister-in-law was in on the plan and let me in during the wee morning hours. Long after Santa had come and gone, I filled the dangling pantyhose with Louise's pliant legs and bottom. I also ate some cookies and drank what remained of a glass of milk on a nearby tray. I went home, and giggled for a couple of hours. The next morning my brother called to say tha t Santa had been to his house and left a present that had made him VERY happy, but had left the dog confused. She would bark, start to walk away, then come back and bark some more. We all agreed that Louise should remain in her panty hose so the rest of the family could admire her when they came over for the traditional Christmas dinner. My grandmother noticed Louise the moment she walked in the door. 'What the hell is that?' she asked. My brother quickly explained, 'It's a doll.' 'Who would play with something like that?' Granny snapped. I kept my mouth shut. 'Where are her clothes?' Granny continued. 'Boy, that turkey sure smells nice, Gran,' Jay said, to steer her into the dining room. But Granny was relentless. 'Why doesn't she have any teeth?' Again, I could have answered, but why would I? It was Christmas and no one wanted to ride in the back of the ambulance saying, 'Hang on Granny, hang on!' My grandfather, a delightful old man with poor eyesight, sidled up to me and said, ' Hey, who's the naked gal by the fireplace?' I told him she was Jay's friend. A few minutes later I noticed Grandpa by the mantel, talking to Louise. Not just talking, but actually flirting. It was then that we realized this might be Grandpa's last Christmas at home. The dinner went well. We made the usual small talk about who had died, who was dying, and who should=2 0be killed, when suddenly Louise made a noise like my father in the bathroom in the morning. Then she lurched from the mantel, flew around the room twice, and fell in a heap in front of the sofa. The cat screamed. I passed cranberry sauce through my nose, and Grandpa ran across the room, fell to his knees, and began administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. My brother fell back over his chair and wet his pants. Granny threw down her napkin, stomped out of the room, and sat in the car. It was indeed a Christmas to treasure and remember. Later in my brother's garage, we conducted a thorough examination to decide the cause of Louise's collapse. We discovered that Louise had suffered from a hot ember to the back of her right thigh. Fortunately, thanks to a wonder drug called duct tape, we restored her to perfect health. I can't wait until next Christmas.

Christmas Kisses



Give it to Me!

GIVE IT TO ME! What are you waiting for? Nobody's gonna show you how Why wait for someone else To do what you can do right now? Got no boundaries and no limits If there's excitement, put me in it If it's against the law arrest me If you can handle it...oops... HAHA! 2282243126.gif I have 3.4 million to Oracle! Be part of something amazing and help me get there! Let's set a record! I've busted my ARSE for my friends for a long, long time. I wanna see some ARSE BUSTIN' back! So, RATE, RATE, RATE and BLING, BLING, BLING and help me get there! You should know by now you will be thanked and rewarded! For those feelin' frisky or just UBER CURIOUS...RATE every single last one of my pics that aren't nsfw or ripped and I will add ya to fam to see them ALL! Show me what you are made of and bend me over and .... LEVEL ME! PebblesinAZ

@ fubar

Do this SHIZNIT!

Your Mission... The Sunday To Do List!
1st Mission It's this Sweet and Sexy FU's Birthday! Go show her lots and lots of love! Sexy Goddess¢¾rkkennedy84¢¾ *Owned By PhotoBug*Slave2T*

@ fubar Be sure and Spank her good and don't miss her Happy Hour tonight at 7 pm Fu Time. 2nd Mission One of my Amazing Owners is offering $10,000 Fubucks for every 100 Rates on his pics! So, go make that money! Dark Defender -FU Owned By BestBikerMom & Owner to Pebblesinaz&Sweetheart to PR Mamii

@ fubar Be sure to private message him when you are done rating and let him what you rated! 3rd Mission Go congratulate Polish Sausage on making Oracle! I knew better than to accept his challenge to race to Oracle! He made it and I still have 4.5 mil points to go! AUTO 11's ON - The Polish Sausage

@ fubar He's awesome so be sure to Fan, Add and Rate him! 4th Mission Go tell this Woman how beautiful and sweet she is! MsCharlotte2U~ No Rate~No Add~

@ fubar I am so thankful she's my friend and know you'll love her as much as I do! 5th and Final Mission... HELP ME ORACLE! I have Auto 11's on and with lots of help could totally pull this off! Anyone that goes out of their way to help me... i.e. Rating ALL my pics, Big Blingin' Me, Stickying this Bulletin, etc...will be pimped and rewarded with mega love, salutes and more surprises! Be sure to private message me when you are done and let me know what all you did so I can get your love back to ya! PebblesinAZ

@ fubar

Abnormal TRAIN!

NORMAL? What the "EFF" is that? This is the Abby♥Normal TRAIN! For all of those that help my Dear Friend... Abby¢¾Normal

@ fubar ...with her Spotlight Fund and for all those proud to be a little ABNORMAL themselves! Just donate $10,000 or more to Abby♥Normal, ADD, FAN and Rate all the others on the bulletin and PRIVATE MESSAGE ME when you are done! PebblesinAZ...Read and Do My Blogs! XOXO

@ fubar I will add you to the bulletin, we'll keep it going, and get everyone some luvvin' in the process. I REALLY WANT TO SEE ALL MY FRIENDS ON THIS BULLETIN! F/A/R these FUs: Abby♥Normal

@ fubar PebblesinAZ...Read and Do My Blogs! XOXO

@ fubar ICE VIPER

@ fubar ~ Jimette~ member of Rating Revolution crew

@ fubar Rev. Beer-R/L Hubby To HotPinky

@ fubar ~*NunyaB~*The Pegasus Project*~*Fu-Owned byand Fu-engaged to JUSTFISHING~*

@ fubar DJ KIDD ROCK

@ fubar Lissa - [READ MY PROFILE!!!!!]

@ fubar ~Deviant WildCat~

@ fubar SARAH

@ fubar Fiesty 0ne * Owned by (bid now 2 see ur name!)*

@ fubar Lost Soul ~ Club United Fu Ownerd by Happily Taken Angel & SinfulBrat

@ fubar ♥ Arctic Mermaid ™ ♥ Club United ♥Greeter @ Fu-Radio ♥

@ fubar ~GreenEyez1103~

@ fubar Willie -(76th Nighthawk Leveler )( Owner of Party Pad )

@ fubar starchaser

@ fubar LauRieLiCiouS


@ fubar *`MZ.LIZ`* ℜ ℜ Crew, Dirty Diamond Crew, LDC member, Click Club Member

@ fubar ĴÅÐËÐßËÅÛŦ¥™{Owned by ÐÌÅßLØ}Tagmaker Rating Revolution{Sadistically Twisted's RL Wife

@ fubar ♥ Lovable Lil One ♥ ~*~Fu-Angel~*~Inky's Levelers~*~Fu Bad Girl~*~

@ fubar

Happy Birthday Doc!

Happy Birthday to... DOCBONE! Ðôçβôñε NYC Nurse's Playtoy

@ fubar
He's an Amazing Fu, Friend, Father and... Scorpio  scorpio
He's got his...
188345769.gif Let make it extra special for him! RATE, RATE, RATE! BLING, BLING, BLING! And girls, make him sexy birthday salutes! With Much Fu Luv: 1234487062.jpg

~*It’s Time for that smexi smexi Birthday gurl Ms. PebblesInAz and her AUTO 11s are on all day long*~ Photobucket Photobucket ~*She is always up to something, but it takes a real man to find out*~ Photobucket ~*Its her birthday today everyone so we need to go give her some bday spankings!!!*~ Photobucket ~*For every topaz she gets she willgive u some sugar back and a salute too:P*~ Photobucket ~*She can be a bit shy sometimes, look at her tryin to hide*~ Photobucket ~*She also has some pretty fun blogs you might be interested in!! Check em out 4 me and the poor thing has to work on her bday so she wont be here much today until later tonight. I think that calls for some……*~ Photobucket SOME BLING BABY!!!!!! Photobucket ~*Go right now and R/F/A/ the birthday gurl, tell her the princess sent u and if you r/f/a/bling her I will do u a salute as well!!*~ PebblesinAZ...Read and Do My Blogs! XOXO

@ fubar ~*Alsooooo You know tappinit has to tap that azz, so if you do her rate all over my face folder he will do you a custom animation*~ 2091330900.gif ~*So sweet so innocent, psshhhhhhh who am I kidding that bish is one devilishly sexy bad girl!!!*~ Photobucket pebbs ~*Happy birthday my love!! Love always*~ ~*BlondePrincess™'*~AUTO 11S ON*~FALL FU FESTIVAL AUCTION STARTS NOV 10th MESSAGE TO JOIN

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