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TBear's blog: "About me"

created on 12/24/2007  |  http://fubar.com/about-me/b171424
Just wanted to pass along the the sad news. I lost my best buddy today, Garfield has gone off to the big millet spray in the sky. He passed away this morning from a respiratory infection that came on suddenly. My theory is that God had a shortage of fine feathered friends, and needed Garfy more than I did. He picked a perfect day for flying into Heaven. I can feel him perched in the tallest tree, chattering & whistling and munching on his favorite - spray millet & boiled eggs! Some of you have met Garfy, many of you have listened to my stories about him. He has been in my life for 28 years and 2 months. My son Justin named him when he was but a boy of 8. It is the end of an era - as one of my friends has suggested. The first picture below was published in the Tennesseean, Nashville's daily newspaper, in 2002, in their first "Pet's Corner" weekly feature. True to form, I never miss a chance to talk about my little buddy! Of course, he is reflected in his beloved mirror containing the most handsome bird in the world. garfield_sm.jpg I have buried the mirror with him so he won't get too lonely. He has been an indomitable spirit, a friend, companion, and alpha male deluxe at my home, no matter where it happened to be. He has been with me in Oklahoma, New York, Illinois, North Carolina, a short stint in Virginia, and here in Tennessee. He loved to show off and was always a great source of smiles and laughter with his chronic zany behavior. He loved everybody, and everybody loved him. Not sure how he got it, but he had a penchant for long-haired women with soft breasts. It was perfectly normal to him, after all he was a people! He had been losing function in his legs for a few years, his only visible sign of aging. He had gotten to where he preferred the safety of his cage instead of getting into everything he could. He still loved to whistle & talk and loved treats. This morning I found him in the bottom of his cage hiding under his food dish. He was happy I got him out and held him until I could find a vet that was in the office and treated birds. It was his first trip ever to the vet's office. And he was none too happy about the vet, just too weak to make the Doc pay for his transgressions! I could tell he wanted to chew on this person very badly, especially after the injection! We came home after the shot of antibiotics, I held him while preparing some high calorie food to help him regain some strength. He licked my hand, then closed his eyes and was gone. It was his time to go. He will always live on in my heart & mind, and in the memories of those he touched through the years. I am sad, but also glad he will not be suffering anymore. He beat the life expectancy of a "normal" cockatiel by many years, there was nothing normal about him. I will miss you my friend! There are many others who will too. See you in Heaven. It is a much finer place today! Charley lilGarfy.jpg May 1981, hand feeding my new boy. He thought I was his momma all the way to the end. You should have seen him before the feathers! UG-LY!!! 1221071619.jpg January 2009, got him to look away from the mirror for an instant. The house seems a lot emptier today.

OMG! It's mid-March!

Greetings & salutations FU-friends. Sorry I have been absent lately, I have missed you all. I have had some difficulties the past few weeks, starting with the flu. The main thing I have been struggling with is my eyesight. I have an advanced case of eyestrain. This is something I get off & on, since I was a teenager. It comes more often the more I am using a computer. I totally believe that someday I will be a cyclops, with one big eye in my forehead. Spooky thought eh? Since I am on the computer most all day at work, I have had to cut back at home. Since they have FUBAR blocked at work, I have been absent. I have been a very good boy the past 2-3 weeks, and the problem is subsiding. If I pace myself, I may be able to get through it without another restriction. Thanks for all the messages, gifts, and love on my page while I have been gone. I am sure I will get back to everyone as I can. Meanwhile all my love, hugs and take care! XOXOX Charley

I had a lovely Christmas day, here is a slideshow of some of the stuff that went on...

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Thanks for stopping by! XOXOX
Today is the first day of winter. The shortest day of the year. This means two things, constants every year. First off, it means that from now until next June, the days will get a little longer everyday. By now, we can all use a bit more sunshine, or just daylight. The medical profession calls it "SAD" - seasonal affective disorder - but I always just called it the winter blues. Going to work in the dark and then going home in the dark sucks monkey butt, I think we would all agree. Secondly, it means Christmas is in 3 days. The reason for the season, as is said. It means down time for a lot of us, time with family & friends. School is out. Businesses close. Families gather for the customary exchange of gifts and to share a special meal. We all have fond memories of Christmas & Santa Claus. It is a day of joy and fellowship. It also means that the new year begins very soon. The calendar turns over to a different year and many take it as a fresh start, time to take a new approach in some fashion. I tend to buck these customary things. I take it as a time to recharge the batteries and buckle down for the long stretch between New Year's day and Memorial Day. My family lives far away, I can't always get there to visit. Of course, the travel opportunities go both ways, but it seems that they seldom come my way, and never for this time of year. Maybe a good thing! However, I do miss my grandsons. Due to domestic problems for my son, they will not be available for a visit from Gampaw. Or to come visit me either. This is a major bummer, but it cannot be changed, so it is what it is. This year I will celebrate quietly as usual. I will lift my glass of sparkling beverage on Christmas Eve and toast my blessings. I will smile and laugh as is my nature, and enjoy my annual tradition. I will sleep late and when I awake on Christmas day, begin preparing my special meal. It will be a great day! I hope all of you will also have a special day, and Merry Christmas to all! As I embark on my 3rd year as a FU-barian, thanks to all of my fine friends & family here in the virtual world for so much joy & pleasure. You all absolutely ROCK! Hugs Charley
Saturday, October 25 is the day for this national event, a fund raiser for the American Cancer Society specifically for breast cancer research. My sister is midway through chemotherapy for breast cancer, and I am participating in her honor. I have blogged here before mentioning her condition. More info on my ACS site (below). I have decided at the last minute to participate, even though I plan to "roll" the five miles! I have established a website in order to allow people to sponsor me, it is a secure site on the ACS web page. You can click on the pink "thermometer" to participate, or just to view my site. Be sure to leave a message I can send to my sister! I also have it posted on my FU home page... Thanks for taking time to read this, and I hope you will consider sponsoring me. XOXOX T~Bear
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - 2008-2009
2008 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Nashville, TN

Pirate's Rule!

Shiver me timbers! It is just what I get for posting my "Talk Like a Pirate Day" cameo where people can see it! Today I was appointed as floor coordinator for our annual "Dress up Day" for Halloween. It is my favorite day of the year, but I shirk responsibility like the plague! I just want to wander around and get pictures I can use later;)! I am not sure it was a joke since it was announced in front of 20+ people at our monthly meeting. I am not taking any chances, I must go and find out what the budget is! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Budget? HAHAHA! That's a joke! I will have to do it on the cheap. Or pay for it myself! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I crack myself up. Right! Me pay? Anyway, if anybody has any pirate decoration ideas please leave a comment or send me a message. SOON! Thanks!
This essay was published by the Nashville "Tennessean" Sunday paper on 9/08/02. It was my attempt to honor the front line of emergency workers. I have chosen a style that represents the confusion and the various thoughts that came back to mind. "I don't know anybody there," I thought to myself, watching the events of the day unfolding with incredulity. It was the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, in Mt. Juliet, Tenn. Still fresh were painful memories of the devastation of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City a few short years ago. I did know people there. On that fateful day in 1995, I watched tearfully as the media coverage detailed the aftermath until I could watch no more. The most memorable image from OKC was a firefighter with the remains of a small child from the day-care center. A muscular, tough looking man, obviously a veteran of many fires and disasters, but he was broken by this grisly find, moved to the basic emotion of raw grief, uncontrollably sobbing as he handled the remains with tender loving care. The world will never forget his plight, at least, those of us who saw this kind act, or saw the images recorded for posterity. I know I won't forget. And I will always be thankful. Fresh in my mind were the firefighters that came to my house on August 31, 2001. I remember falling to the floor that afternoon, and the unbearable pain that followed. I knew something was terribly wrong. I crawled to the telephone and called my wife. She called 911. As I lay on the floor, I could hear the sirens from Wilson County Fire and Rescue as they left the station nearby in route to my house. Within minutes, two firefighters and two EMTs doing their best to tend to me, make me comfortable, then get me to the nearest hospital. There are no words I can muster that would truly communicate my thanks and gratitude to these gentlemen. A simple, heartfelt "Thank you!" was all I could manage under the circumstances, but I believe it was all they expected. I will never forget, and I will always be thankful. So it was, freshly broken right hip, I was homebound on that morning, 9/11/01. Reading The Tennessean and vaguely listening to Good Morning America on the tube. I heard a news bulletin that a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers, and they were working to get live pictures. It was sometime a little before 8 a.m. Although obviously disastrous, from the footage on TV, it was not extraordinary to me that a plane had crashed into a tall building. I knew it had happened before at the Empire State building years ago. However, as the live feed progressed on TV, I witnessed another plane being deliberately steered into the other tower. I mistakenly thought it was a Boeing 737 model, but was certain it was a passenger airliner. I telephoned my wife and told her that we were under attack. I know an act of war when I see it, even if, at the time, I knew not who had perpetrated it. The remainder of the day was spent trying to sort through the information and misinformation pouring from my TV and radio. That night, I finally turned off the TV and reflected on the days' events. Then it hit me, the WTC towers were gone. They were full of those who could not escape, and, of course, those who went in to rescue them. I wept for their families and loved ones who would not see them again. I wept for those of us who witnessed, knowing our lives had lost a certain innocence. Still, I will never forget, and I will always be thankful. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, like a tornado blowing through a cornfield. I remembered many times in my life, the times when heroes emerged. As I was a child growing up, an F5 tornado devastated a nearby small town. Firemen from throughout the region were there to help, to rescue the living and retrieve the dead. The next year, flooding threatened a neighborhood several blocks from home. It was a poor neighborhood, it would possibly be an improvement to wash away these ramshackle houses. But the firemen were there, stacking sandbags and pumping water away from these homes, first in the rain, wind, and lightning, then in the oppressive heat and mosquitoes of the aftermath. Again, they were there in force, trying to help. I will never forget, and I will always be thankful. As a young man in south Texas, I experienced my first hurricane, Camille. Those who remember know she was a frightening lady. Category 5. But the emergency workers were there, rescuing, retrieving, and helping the victims. Years later in North Carolina, another angry lady named Fran came through. We had no power for a week and no potable water for several days. Lo and behold, there were the emergency workers and volunteers, manning water trucks and gathering portable generators for those with medical appliances. They were clearing downed trees and fallen power lines, covering smashed roofs with plastic tarps, and helping mend many folks' shattered lives. I will never forget, and I will always be thankful. There were many other experiences, both first person and reported, of this phenomena. Not just firemen, but many other types of emergency personnel: police, ambulance, National Guard, armed forces. And just plain folks helping their other folks. I have seen it many, many times. And what was a common thread between them all? After the dust had settled and danger had passed, when asked, "What were you thinking?" they nearly all answer, "I just saw what needed to be done, and I did it." Then when asked, "What about the obvious danger to your self?" again the answer, "It never entered my mind, I just did what had to be done." Of course, these are survivors of heroic deeds. There are many spots in our cemeteries filled with those who never came back from the danger. I expect they would all say the same thing. After all, their motivation was to help someone else in spite of any risk to themselves. Although they paid the ultimate price, I believe that none of them would have taken their actions back. As I gathered myself after that long, emotional day in September 2001, I realized I had been wrong about the folks in the WTC. They were not strangers. In fact I knew them well. They were folks just like me trying to live their lives and take care of their families working in those buildings. Then there were emergency workers just like all the others I have known trying to help them escape - and survive. They were all trapped, and paid the ultimate price. I will never forget. I knew them all well, and I am forever thankful for what they did. May God bless them all.

September Sundays

I always look forward to September Sundays. Usually the weather is mild. Get all my chores done on Friday afternoon and Saturday. Settle in for some football. This is my 50th season as a pro football fan. A golden anniversary, heh heh! This just proves that I can stick with it no matter what! My Golden Anniversary for Oklahoma U football was 2 years ago. My father took me to a game with no ticket and I sat on his shoulders in the hot sun all afternoon. That day is one of my earliest happy memories. Prior to that it is mostly hospitals and medieval looking medical apparatus. After that day I always listened to OU football on the radio. They went on to have a 49 game winning streak, a mark that still stands today. I began to watch pro football after the Sooner alumni began to play in the NFL. Especially Tommy McDonald got shafted out of the Heisman Trophy by Paul Hornung at a 3-7 Notre Dame. DOH! That was also the year of the Johnny Unitas and the Baltimore (yes Baltimore!) Colts miracle comeback against the NY Football Giants in the NFL championship game. What a game! Fast forward to now. I haven't watched religiously, nor will I if there is something to do outside. I go to a couple of Titans games a year. It seems after I moved here in 1997 my old home town Houston Oilers followed me to Tennessee. No tickets today, but i am watching them now. I can't get back to my old school Oklahoma U but thanks to the internet now I can keep up with them too. Fifty years is a long time. It has really passed rather quickly. I stay very, very busy, always doing something. But Sunday in September, I can relax and let go of all the clutter. See what's new this year. In football, things change from game to game and play to play. Life seems to be a constant. Work hassles & deadlines. Taking care of the house and vehicle. Wheelchair needs brakes? Out of milk? Burnt out lightbulb? Yard getting deep? Dealing with whatever life sends your way. On Sundays in September, you will find me with my cat and 2 birds yelling at the TV when things go great, and when things go wrong. Scares the pets, they usually stay out of my way. I feel like I am 4 years old again! It's a good thing! Thanks for stopping by...

Foggy Days

Happy Hump Day! Just a note to let everyone know that I disappeared this week for a reason. I had a sudden attack of gracefulness on Monday morning. Another reason Monday's should be abolished! Let's get that momentum going! Vote for whichever candidate will endorse this idea - it is WAY past time to right this wrong! Where did that come from? Whatever... I fell in the bathroom Monday morning, it was actually kind of funny in a way. Bottom line, by noon Monday I had to go get xrayed! OUCHIE! Anyhow, I sprained my wrist, popped my shoulder out (also a sprain), bruised my hip, and this all led to a monster back spasm Monday afternoon. OWIE! Thank goodness for powerful medication! I have not been at my computer since Monday morning, I have mostly been sleeping as a result of heavy drugs. I think I will survive the fall, but I may just stay on the drugs for the rest of time! Nothing really matters! And that's the way it is today - Wednesday August 20, 2008. I think! Thanks for stopping by, hugs your way! You know who you are! XOXOX
Hello FU friends and country-persons! Lend me your eyes. Or ears? Ah heck, I will take any body part pretty much. Hmm - already distracted! DOH! Anyhoo... After almost 9 days and 2,500 miles, I have landed safely back in good ole Mayberry. Er, um, I mean Mount Juliet! Slight slip LMAO! My own bed never felt quite so good. At least since last time I went out of town. I spent a lot of time in Texas & Oklahoma, got to see some new friends and old friends (I mean long-time friends, not old people of course!), family, and a lot of highway. I enjoy traveling off the interstates a lot, get to see places you never knew existed. Hear weird stuff on the radio, and catch up on the tunage in my music collection. Oh yeah, unplug for a while too. Need to keep in touch with the real world. My son is still struggling with his legal issues and the soon-to-be EX. Poor guy, never thought he would end up like me - divorced! Tried to tell him to always be prepared, but he is a lot smarter than me. Just ask him! ;-} My sister in OK starts her chemotherapy and radiation treatments next week. She went from no growth to a egg-sized tumor in stage 4 with spreading in about 10 months. Aggressive little devil. As she said, she is one of the estrogen generation, perhaps medical discoveries do have their payback at times. She has a great attitude, a husband that takes care of her, and more family around to help besides me. Sometimes it sucks to be 650 miles away. I just feel it inside that she will have a tough battle, but she has the spirit to prevail. If anyone feels like it, feel free to pray for her, and please also pray for my son to have an attack of common sense too! All help is appreciated. As for me, I need to do an army-size pile of laundry, go rent a bush hog and hay baler to do my yard (the yard guy forgot to come I guess), and back to work on Monday. All good things must come to an end, and work is a necessary evil. Especially since I still haven't won the lottery! Thanks to all who left love for me, missed you all, and see you around the bar! XOXOX Charley
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