Over 16,547,792 people are on fubar.
What are you waiting for?

What is the single largest item in your house?
my bed

How well can you write your name with your non dominant hand?
like a 5 yr old

What color is your bedroom?

What type of computer mouse do you use?
the lil touch pad on my lap top

What is your earliest memory?
its notta good one... but my dad being hauled off by the cops

Have you ever jumped off of a high dive?
fuck that
Do you take vitamins?
my flinstones

When did you first become interested in sex?
hs probably??

Do you like to color inside the lines?
hell no bitches

What do you have set as your home page?
Do you have your own radio?
a few of them

Where would you hate to have to work?
in a cubical

Who is on your speed dial?
whats speed dial lol

Do you prefer lightbulbs or candles?
depends on what the occasions is

How much money did you spend today?
nothing yet... ive been in bed sleeping

What are you sitting on right now?
my bed

Do you look at yourself when you pass by reflective surfaces?
from time to time

Would you ever get plastic surgery?
if i was in a horrific accident that disfigured me or was for medical purposes like my boobs grew too big and i had back problems

Did you play with shaving cream when you were a kid?

How big is your bed?

Do you like the smell of axe?
yes... i use the clix stuff all the time

What is your favorite flavor of lifesavers?

Have you ever seen a volcano?
the one i made in like 4th grade lol

What is the best halloween costume you have ever worn?
last yrs or the year before it.... army hooker nurse vs the sexy correcional officer... hard to choose lol

What kind of soap do you use?
in the shower... either axe or bath n body works... other wise i have a bunch of bath n body works stuff

Can you snowboard?
on my ass lol

How many icons do you have on your dekstop?
too many

What is the biggest amount of money you have ever had at one time?
ummm like $5k.... damn school

Do you understand how telephones work?
can you hear me now?
Do you write notes on your body?
What is the prominent color in your closet?
good variety

What is sitting next to you right now?
my phone

Do you believe in lots of conspiracies?

Do you own any really old video game systems?
we had atari... dunno if my mom still has it or not

Are you good at baking?

Have you ever made your own clothing?
a few purses

How many doors does your house have?
3... my bedroom the bathroom and front door

Do you prefer tootsie pops or blow pops?

Do you sneak into movie theatres?

Are you a really fast text messager?
at times

Do you have anything you keep on you 24/7?

Do you usually write in print or in cursive?

What was your first job?

Do you prefer crushed ice or cubed ice?

What print is on your plates or cups in your kitchen?

Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone?
yeah... acutally in the process of doin it right now... and have mad mixed tapes... yah im old school

What do you want to buy from an infomercial?
havent seen an infomercial in ages

Do you believe that animals have souls?

What word/phrase do you find really annoying?
depends whos saying it

Do you have a lava lamp or a black light?

Do you find yourself not having enough electrical outlets?
just not in the right spots

What is the longest you can wait patiently? 
waited for the ex to get home from iraq... wasnt very patient but had to be

Have you ever been under anesthesia?

Are your fingernails long or short?

Are you afraid of bright colors?
hah no

Has anyone ever accused you of being gay?

Can you tell people honest things to their face?

Would you rather eat grits or oatmeal?

Do you own a kite?
right now, no

Have you ever run down and up escalator or vice versa?

What do you think of clothing for pets?

Do you tend to want things you cannot have?
just for him to be home

Is it true that you can be anything you want to be?
no... i wanted to be the tooth fairy when i was lil but i dont look good in a toto

Were your parents honest to you about serious things when you were little? yes

Would you ever dye your hair purple?
done it before

Who do you think should play you in a movie?
dont know

Would you ever kill someone?
some days id like to

Do you prefer stripes or polka dots?

Do you dot your is and cross your ts?
try to

Are you double jointed in any way?
its possible

What kind of super power do you wish you had?

Are you easily offended?
haha no

How often do you watch the news?
not that much

Do you have nightmares very much?
try not to

Which power ranger was your favorite?
never watched

Did the movie Jaws ever scare you?
thats a negative

Have you ever cried to get away with something?
hell ya

What do you think of feminists?

Are you friends with anyone famous?
not to my knowledge lol

Do you lack common sense sometimes?
book smarts yes... common sense no, its called sleep deprived

Are you afraid of snakes?
heck no techno

Do you use recycle bins at your house?
dont have one lol

How hot do you like the water in your shower?
scoilding hot

Do you ever walk around your house naked?
not completely naked no

What is your favorite art form?

Do you want to be bilingual?
ummm i can kinda speak french still and a lil spanish

Is energy wasted on little kids?
i love kids so no

Do you lie to make people feel better?
have from time to time

How many times a day do you look at the clock?
depends... if im working... all the damn time

Do you like to organize things?
yeah but it never holds up long

Are you going to have smile lines or frown lines when youre older?

Do you floss your teeth every day?

Do you like the game red rover?
i loved it... i kicked ass

Which is better, thick crust or thin?

How good are you at keeping secrets?
really good bc i can be forgetful

What stupid little thing really stresses you out?
work shit

Can you remember what you wore yesterday?
jeans and army hoodie

Which Disney parks have you been to?

What do you think the drinking age should be?
18... if youre old enough to fight for this country you should be old enough to sit back and relax with a cold beer

Do you like to wear socks?
yes when its cold or at work

What is the last cartoon you watched?
oh hell i dont remember

What does your bed comforter look like?
dark green on one side and tan on the other side

1) i probably wont come up with 100 things but ill try my hardest

2) i am a hopeless romantic

3) the notebook makes me cry everytime i watch it

4) i have blue eyes but the change with the colour of my shirt

5) i lived in the city for 5 yrs and hated every minute of it

6) i hate martha stewart but usually watch her show daily

7) i loath doing dishes but if you were to give me a dishwasher i would never use it

8) im too smart for my own good and tend not to show it

9) sometimes i think i was born in the wrong generation

10) im a loyal person. im the friend that everyone tends to run to when they have a problem bc they know ill listen and try to help and the gf that will never cheat on you and stay by your side thru it all

11) ive had my heart broken more times then i can count and usually by the same guys

12) i love playing sports but hate to watch most

13) i get bored easily

14) i hate the internet but would die with out it.

15) i love photogarphy and would much rather be taking pictures than be in them

16) i text message more than i talk on the phone

17) i loveeee halloween and playin dress up

18) someday id like to have a big family (id like 5 kids but will settle for less)

19) i come from a very close family and they mean the world to me... we all live within 10 minutes of each other on my moms side

20) im a HUGE support of the military!

21) if i were only allowed to 2 channels to watch for the rest of my life they would be the history channel and the military channel

22) i love to read especially history/war books

23) my dream car is a '71 challenger and drool every time i walk into my grandpas garage

24) i would rather be playin in the mud than shopping at the mall

25) i hunt

26) i love tattoos and piercings

27) some day ill be a nurse but HATE needles

28) the dentist scares me and so do clowns

29) i love to cuddle

30) if i get 5 hrs a sleep a its been a good day

31) some friends say im a workaholic

32) im suprised ive made it this far on the list

33) my biggest fear in life is failure

34) im a people pleasure

35) i hate cats, yet i have 2

36) i love to cook but dont get to cook often bc i work so much and its not fun to cook for myself

37) i hate drama and liars

38) im a lover notta fighter but ill fight for what i love

39) i have a tendency to read into things too much

40) i love to make people laugh even if it means i end up hurting myself

41) i dont understand the fun in video games, unless its mario kart or something from the atari era

42) my first car was a soccer mom van... '87 dodge caravan and yes i bought it it wasnt my moms

43) im an only child but was far from spoild

44) when i retire i want to own my own bar just so i can bartend

45) im 80% german and live up to it beers and brats should be its own food group

46) i love rainy days

47) im notta racist but why should i have to push 1 for english?! we're in america learn english people!

48) i tend to be sarcastic

49) i argue for the sake of argueing sometimes

50) im addicted to mt dew

51) my favorite candy is laffy taffy bc of the jokes, even if they're dumb and childish

52) my favorite flower is a tiger lily

53) im easy to please

54) i dream of going to germany someday and finding family

55) ive been to france and have yet to see anything more georgous then the french country side

56) im far more mature than your average 23 yr old female

57) if im driving, the car willl not move until all seatbelts are on. (i lost my best friend when i was 16 in a car accident )

58) motorcyles and crotchrockets scare me but think a guy one them is hott

59) im an over achiever and was made when i passed one of my college classes with a 99.7%

60) ghetto white people annoy me

61) my favorite place to vacation is up to my moms cottage in the middle of no where

62) heights scare me

63) i currently work at a nursing home as an ass wiper to the old ppl but wouldnt be happy doing anything else

64) i love to meet new people

65) i can be a very gaurded person

66) some people might think of me as a "redneck woman" bc id rather be out hunting or something like that

67) i have an unhealthy obsession with john deere

68) my mom and i have planned a pertty close to perfect redneck wedding

69) i love to grill

70) i hate cleaning but if needed can clean my whole apartment in under an hr

71) i dont seperate colours from whites when i do laundry

72) i love sending care packages to troops even if i barely know them bc i know it brings a smile to their faces when they get something from hom

73) i own a severel dresses and only wore one of them once

74) my friends mean the world to me, fuck with them and you fuck with me

75) some day i think it would be fun to own fainting goats

76) i love watching jeff dunham... HELLO I AM LINDSAY LOHAN

77) I dont understand the youth of today

78) my great great great  uncle invented the 4 wheel drive and the idea of putting nuts in candy bars.... and yes some where in my apartment i do have the papers to prove it

79) i hate soap operas but watch them daily since i only have once channel that comes in clearly

80) i dont understand the point in plastic surgery unless you were in a horrible accidently that scared you sevrely or were born with some major birth defect

81) "At least my mom took me to NASCAR!" is my favorite come back and if you can tell me where i got that from i will love you forever

82) im deathly affraid of drugs

83) nightquyl and another "sleep aides" give me fucked up dreams

84) if and when i have a son i plan on naming him brock... and no not after the president... its german for badger and im a born and raise german wisconsin girl...

85) ive been told repeatedly (actually nightly)  ill make a wonderful mother but fear that ill never get married there for have kids

86)  i love helping people

87) i hate it when you make plans and then decided to change them last minute without asking me if im even okay with what we're doing

88) i tend to put ketchup or ranch on just about everything

89) i barely get to see one of my best friends bc she's my ex's sister and its just akward but i love her to death

90) i wouldnt be suprised if i repeated myself a few times on this

91) i have the mouth of a sailor but the smile of a saint

92) ive had my hair just about every colour you can think of

93) at one point i had my own lil petting zoo... a dog 2 cat a ferret a snake 2 guine pigs and fish

94) top 5 movies: boondock saints, american history x, full metal jacket, the notebook and a nightmare before chirstmas

95) i read the whole twilight saga in less than 2 weeks and yes i own the movie

96) i have indeed met a few ppl off of here

97) i tend to screw up spellin easy words wrong but hard ones right

98) i hate feet but love shoes... ive been told i have freakishly small feet

99) it annoys me when people use thier instead of they're or there and done instead of did but wont correct them on it

100) i love the smell of fresh cut grass and rain

This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it?

If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
well since its my exs sister, thats a lil f'd up

Were you happy when you woke up today?
no, 4 hrs wasnt enough sleep

When were you on the phone last? And with who?
few hrs ago  talkin to jo jo from work

Have you talked to a complete jerk today?

Listening to music?
commercial on le radio

What are you excited for?
right now... nothing really

What were you doing yesterday?
worked then slept then went to work meeting then slept then went to work

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you?


What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
haha wouldnt you like to kno?! nah just playin water

Have a best friend?

Are you scared to fall in love?

Do you think teenagers can be in love?

Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
shall remain nameless

What time is it right this second?


What do you want right now?
him holding me

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
oh hell idk

Are you single/taken/heartbroken/o

r confused?

What was the reason you last received flowers?
5 yrs ago for sweetest day from a friend bc i just got dumped and he wanted me to feel better

When was the last time you cried?

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
ma yeps

Do you find it hard to trust others?

How fast does your mind change?
im german... yall know we're stubburn

I bet you miss somebody right now...

Can you honestly say you're okay right now?

Tell me what's on your mind?

What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
warm weather... vacation somewhere!?

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?

When is your next road trip?
not soon enough

Do you have someone of the oppostie sex you can tell anything to?

How's your heart?
weak and fraglie and missin a few pieces

Have you ever felt like you weren't important?
dont even get me started

Do you think somebody's in love with you?
he says he loves me...

What are you planning on doing after this?
finish work then sleep

Next time you will kiss someone?
 very unlikely anytime soon

Have you told anybody you loved them today?

Who do you not get along with?
drama whores

What does your third text on your phone say?

What are you wearing right now?
jeans tshirt shoes and zip up hoodie

You're locked in a room with the person you last kissed, how is it?

Last time you had grilled cheese?

Besides your mouth where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
depends... forehead or neck

How did you feel when you woke up?

Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
a certain someone yes

Do you crack your knuckles?

What were you doing yesterday at midnight?

What are your LEGAL initials?

Whos the first B in your contacts?

When was the last time you laughed really hard?
few nights ago probably

Your best friend walks out of your life, do you go after them?
ive tried...

Last awkward moment?

Are you afraid of the dark?
at times

Do you have good vision?

Have you ever tripped someone?

Have you ever slapped someone?

Are you irish?
a wee bit

Do you use chap stick?

Do you have any scars?

Is there someone you will never forget?
of course

Are you dating the person you last held hands with?
i dont even remeber who the last person i held hands with was!

Name the last person to text you?

Would you marry someone 8 years older than you?
love kno age

Can you go in public looking like you do right now?
yes and im am

Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a J?

What side of the bed do you sleep on?
the left

Ever kissed someone who smokes?

Do you fall for people easily?
i try not to

Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?

Do you miss the way things used to be?

Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?

Where is your phone?
right next to me

Want someone back in your life?

Will tomorrow be better than today?
ill get more sleep thats for sure

What’s the color of you’re shirt you are wearing?

Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?

Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
yes, especially when the lies break my heart

Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
whats there to understand about single?

Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?
naturally happy but not lately

If you took a drug test right now, would you pass?


i wish you knew how badly my heart is hurting right now
you ripped my heart out of me then you put it back
im pulling my hair
i let you just a million times

i love you even though it isnt fair


throw a dog a bone, ill take it if i have to. go real fast like theres someplace we can get to. whats the use of stand right there on the edge if there aint to place to fall whats the use of hanging on tight to the phone if nobody might call... desperation theres danger in frustration complicated words rolling off of your tongue and aint one of them the truth im still desperate for you tell it like a lie, live it like a movie...give a heart a way like it dont mean nothing to me whats the use of making all the plans that we made if you were gonna go, whats the use of slapping on a smile for a face if your eyes dont wanna show? well its too damn bad you didnt have a chance to make me your best friend you were too caught up in giving too much up and not doing what you should have been.....
Normally this time of night you wouldn't find me here I'd be reaching for a good night kiss instead of one more beer I'd never take a second look at the blonde across the bar Much less invite her over and let things go this far But anything goes when everything's gone You ain't around to give a damn whether I do right or wrong So bring it on, anything goes when everything's gone Another morning after a crazy night before I'm searchin' for my blue jeans on a stranger's bedroom floor Well, shouldn't I feel guilty well I don't feel a thing I'd wake her up and say goodbye, but I can't recall her name But anything goes when everything's gone You ain't around to give a damn whether I do right or wrong So bring it on, anything goes when everything's gone If you'd lifted a single thread for me to hold on too I'd have one good reason not to do the things I do But anything goes when everything's gone You ain't around to give a damn whether I do right or wrong So bring it on, anything goes when everything's gone Anything goes Anything goes when everything's gone
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14 years ago
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