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If you are looking for a natural way to burn calories without drugs or synthetic stimulants, Wu Long Tea may provide the slimming effect you are looking for. Asians have known about the powerful effects of this tea for hundreds of years and it is becoming increasingly popular with people all over the world. It is reported to work brilliantly well in boosting metabolism, which in turn burns calories without the harmful side effects of synthetic diet aids

What is Wu Long Tea?

Wu-Long is a partially fermented tea, which is processed between the black and green tea families. The tea leaves are dried in sunlight and allowed to partially oxidize (20-80%) until leaf edges redden. This gives oolong a bit more body than Green Tea but slightly less body than Black Tea.

Wu Long Tea is a Natural Calorie Burner

Fundamentally Wu Long tea will help you burn fat after a meal. A substance called "Polyphenol" in Wu Long Tea is known to effectively control obesity.

Specifically, "Polyphenol" is reported to activate the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving triglyceride. It's been confirmed that the continuous intake of oolong tea contributes to enhancing the function of fat metabolism and to controlling obesity.

Other Benefits of Wu Long Tea

There's also lots of other health benefits reported which are currently being studied in the UK & abroad regarding Wu Long Tea. Some of the other health benefits reported are: Blocks crabs, promotes great skin, reverse the signs of aging, promotes healthy teeth, powerful antioxidant and strengthens the immune technique.


You may need to look in to Wu Long Tea as a way to lose weight and slim down. If you are interested in taking a look at specific research that backs these claims up visit the links below.

About Company: Grey’s Teas, the top online vendor of teas in UK provides Wu Long Tea for less from others. We have tea bags and loose leaf tea in a variety of flavors. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK Call us on 01564 792295.

For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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You won't be able to lose weight this way. You need to take your tea pure - whatever sort you prefer. The Japanese Monks were responsible for introducing tea plants, brewing techniques and utensils to their homeland whilst in Europe the Dutch were responsible for the introduction of these 'leaves from the east'.

A new study shows that pregnant females who drink caffeine are more likely to get the recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day by going for brisk walks. It is also believed to dissolve gallstones and suppress gallstone-induced pains. It helps in keeping the arteries clog free from cholesterol. You can have Loose Herbal Teas anywhere nowadays and you can drink it both hot and chilled. You don't must drink only a single kind. These soothing capabilities of Loose Herbal Teas also help them to relieve headaches and migraines. There are some compounds in herbal teas that also work on the nervous method and reduce anxiety.

Sometime later, he returned to Mt Wuyi to express his gratitude to the elderly monk. Tea – Loose Tea Leaf or in bags - is necessary for a higher-quality cup, but is hot water always needed? It is the health benefits most people are looking for in a glass of tea and it is no secret that teas can provide antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and improve the general function of body systems like circulation.

Thanks to its high levels of antioxidants, Loose Herbal Teas that has been grown and manufactured organically provides more and better health benefits than non-organic loose tea or tea bags. With regard to fighting against the harmful effects of free radicals; Loose Herbal Teas gets it from its active, natural ingredients such as flavanoids and polyphenols. First off, what are free radicals? Caffeine is noted for increasing alertness and is a proven performance enhancer that makes walking feel much simpler. This green leaf product is produced on huge tea plantations that are heavily sprayed with lots of pesticides.  

The benefits of incorporating Green Tea into your weight loss programme/schedule are immense and worthy of consideration. If you visit any sports supplement retailer, you will find that in lots of the weight loss/fat burning supplements, Loose Green Tea is included in the list of ingredients.

About Company: Grey's Teas supplier of black, green, oolong, white, flavoured, tisanes or classic tea blends throughout the UK. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.

For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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Big number of herbal diet teas and mixtures have now flooded the market and many claim that their teas aid in cleansing the body and melt away undesirable pounds. A number of these claims may not always be true and a number of these herbal weight loss medications may not help the person lose weight, they may be harmful to a person's health.

Health Benefits of Herbal Weight Loss Teas

Loose Green Teas and other Loose Herbal Tea mixes should be elements that need to be incorporated in your diet, if you are thinking about attaining significant weight loss. Loose Green Teas is the common name for the Camellia sinensis herb.

There are also other herbs that form part of herbal teas. These are packaged and marketed as standalone solutions or as combinations with Loose Green Teas. Some of these herbs, such as Garcinia Combogi, Cinnamomum Tamala, Guggul, Senna Leaves, Fennel and Aniseed have been analyzed and noted in burning additional fat and calories by increasing the body's metabolic rate.

Loose Herbal Teas have a host of health benefits and great taste too. Chamomile teas help in soothing an upset digestive technique as well as help in relaxing an individual. Rooibos tea also serves as an amazing antioxidant. Mint teas are aromatic and flavourful mixtures. There's as well as a huge selection of herbal teas that are obtainable in most food, convenient stores, tea and coffee shops, and natural foods stores. Most Loose Herbal Teas don't have caffeine; however Loose Green Teas do have some content, but are healthy as well.

How to Mix Refreshing Herbal Weight-Loss Tea

When preparing tea, keep in mind to make use of fresh cold water always and avoid using aluminium cookware, since this has a soft metal and may tend to come off in the food. The best utensils for teas are glass, forged iron or stainless steel.

A tea strainer lets you mix your own blends of Loose Herbal Teas, that come in a variety of flavors and helps in stopping you from having to drink floating leaves and flowers. Boil water, then remove from the heat and add about heaping teaspoon of dried herbs per cup of water. Cover the kettle and allow too steep for about 10 minutes. Finally, strain the herbs in to a cup before serving.

Attaining Considerable Weight Loss Involves Many Factors

The aim of reducing weight naturally requires burning more calories and fat through exercise and necessitates living an active lifestyle. Living an active lifestyle, coupled with a low fat diet, helps make sure that the method of losing weight can be accelerated.

Researchers have also indicated that if the metabolic rate of a person can be increased, the method of burning fat can be faster. The body's metabolic rate actually explains why positive people eat a lot, yet still do not put on weight, while others appear to gain weight every time they eat.

Loose Herbal Teas are helpful in nourishing and strengthening our nervous and immune systems. In traditional Chinese medicine, every aroma and flavor is associated with organ systems of the body, like the sweet flavor present in anise seed has a special soothing effect for the stomach and spleen and the bitter flavor in dandelion root affects the heart and small intestines, helping improve digestion and aid in faster fat metabolism.

About Company: Grey's Teas supplier of black, green, oolong, white, flavoured, tisanes or classic tea blends throughout the UK. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.

For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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It is important to take a minute to speak about the difference between Loose Leaf Tea and Bagged Tea. Loose Leaf Teas UK definitely provides more flavors. Oil in the tea leaves is what provides the flavor. When the leaves are crushed or broken for bagging, the oil is evaporated along with the flavor. The larger leaf surface area of loose leaf tea allows for more flavors to be retained in the leaf.

What Makes White Tea So Healthy?

Loose White Tea contains high Catechins levels which are polyphenolic antioxidant plant metabolites. We have all heard about the benefits of antioxidants. They have been proven to prevent heart disease, boost immunity, prevent some forms of cancer, and prevent us from fast aging. Free radicals can destroy the body and these powerful nutrients protect us from their damage. Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals.

Theanine is an amino acid present in tea that is believed to relax the mood. This has been of the greatest benefits that you will experience.

Loose White Tea is known for it are anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties aiding us in fighting disease and boosting our immunity. It can help to protect us from the common chilled and flu.

Lots of the health benefits are still being discovered. Without a doubt it is beneficial to our health.

There are some wonderful tea merchants out there in UK who will let you sample a variety of Loose White Tea before purchasing.

About Company: Grey's Teas supplier of black, green, oolong, white, flavoured, tisanes or classic tea blends throughout the UK. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.

For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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Loose Tea makes the best tea. That’s a bold statement you say. Why? Well, I’ll tell you why. Loose tea is larger leaf. And if you choose large leaf teas they are even better than standard loose leaf teas. The reason is this: large leaf teas have a larger volume compared to the surface area of the leaf. So, when infusing they take longer to brew, giving time for the full balanced complexity to the tea to infuse. If you did this with a small leaf tea or the dust used in teabags the tea would become unbearably tannic and too bitter to drink.

Larger leaf teas also have the benefit of generally being made by the orthodox method, being carefully picked – two leaves and a bud, withered, rolled (not torn) and then fired. This gives an excellent flavour unlikely to be found in mass-market CTC teas (cut, tear curl).


My Personal View about Loose Leaf – Audrey


Many people believe that tea bags are more practical, especially when you are hurry in the morning. However, having tea with loose leaf need not be messy, just tap the used leaves into the bin! Actually, you can’t make a really good cup of tea with tea bags. The tea leaves need enough space and time to brew and reveal all their flavour components. In most cases, when you buy tea bags you only get dust. Thus, you can’t brew your tea for a long time because it becomes really bitter. Even the new style infusion bags, some of which are bio-degradable, do not make as good tea as using loose leaf.


So, the best way to make a good cup of tea is to use Loose Tea Leaf! You will get a wider choice of teas, better quality and value. You could also brew loose green leaf twice or more often. Then you will discover all the complexity of the tea flavour cup after cup.


Some might think that it’s a hard work making tea with loose leaf every day. In fact not! The only thing you need is a teapot or an infuser for a single cup of good loose leaf tea. Generally, you need to use one teaspoon per person and a spoon per teapot. Be careful with bulkier teas as you may need to add a little extra tea. A loose leaf tea usually needs to brew for 3 to 4 minutes. Then you can take the infuser out to stop brewing. Having said that, making loose leaf tea is not much mess don’t you think?


About Company: Grey's Teas supplier of black, green, oolong, white, flavoured, tisanes or classic tea blends throughout the UK. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.


For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/


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Our current poll simply asks what you most commonly do when drinking tea. Images come to mind such as reading, having something to eat, reading or spending some time with friends. So what are the results so far?

The most common activity (38% respondents) was browsing the internet. Perhaps this is not surprising as we are an online tea retailer but nevertheless this is a very significant figure. What can people be doing one asks? Looking at a blog, browsing the newspaper online, playing a game, watching a video, streaming catch-up television, shopping – Buying Loose Tea? These days the options are more or less limitless but it does suggest a topic for our next poll.

The next most popular activity was reading (31%). Again, these days this could be on a kindle but it is an inviting image to think that so many people are relaxing to a good book or catching up on the news commentary wrapped up in a large broadsheet newspaper or thumbing through some tacky tabloid. We do have minimum expectations of our customers drinking our great teas! What could be better than being captivated or even riveted by a brilliant book we have just bought or been given whilst enjoying an excellent cup of tea?

At 19% watching television ranked third most popular activity whilst drinking tea. It is interesting that it is not in second place. It invites the question ‘what time of day is most popular for drinking tea?’ Drinking tea at tea-time probably only applies to a minority of people when one considers the huge variety of teas available now. Many can be enjoyed at very different times, from Assam at breakfast to white teas after an evening meal to green teas in the evening. A more relevant query might be what types of tea suit different types of television programme? Now, there’s a question!

Talking with friends accounted for 13% of people’s most common activity when drinking tea. This does sound an inspiring thing to do. Indeed, tea can be thought to be inspirational. It depends on the demands of the conversation perhaps. What tea would best suit different topics or talking with different friends. Do you classify friends by the tea you choose to drink with them? Do you then let them know how they have been classified? A topic of conversation all by itself! What tea would you then choose – a spicy masala chai perhaps!

What was most interesting in our poll was that no one admitted to often eating when drinking tea. Can this possibly be correct? I know that scones with cream and jam are not too healthy but just occasionally with China keemun or Russian Caravan tea has to be experienced. Many teas, especially oolongs and green teas are perfect with savoury foods. Furthermore, think of jasmine tea with Chinese food or strong Assam with a fried breakfast. We can surely admit to having one of those occasionally?


About Company: Grey's Teas supplier of black, green, oolong, white, flavoured, tisanes or classic tea blends throughout the UK. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.


For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/


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There's no shortage of research documenting the health benefits of green tea. Green tea has been shown to help fight heart disease, burn fat and lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes. And with these recent studies, it looks like life's still made greener with a cup of Japanese Green Tea.

According to a study conducted by researchers, green tea high in the polyphenols epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is "believed to be the major biologically active compound present in [the drink]." Researchers of the study had already suspected that EGCG properties would help cease lung cancer growth but further inquiry was needed as the effects of EGCG were not defined. Their findings revealed that EGCG suppressed the independent growth of H1299 & CL13 lung cancer cells through its binding with the existing protein G3BP1.

Researchers also noted that when green tea and citrus fruits are combined every day in one's diet, an anti-cancer effect is produced. The nine year study calculated the citrus consumption of 42,470, where 3,398 people had developed cancer. A scale was used to analyze participants' consumption of citrus, ranging from never, occasionally, one to two times a week, three to four times a week, and every day. Results revealed that everyday citrus consumption reduced the cancer effect in men and ladies between 11 and 14 percent and those participants who consumed a combined cup of Japanese Green Tea experienced an effect of up to 17 percent.

While the effects of green tea have been limited to laboratory studies, the range of research and its results is reason to substitute your morning coffee and skip out on the soda.

About Company: Grey's Teas supplier of black, green, oolong, white, flavoured, tisanes or classic tea blends throughout the UK. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.

 For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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Loose White Tea came into being two centuries ago in China during the reign of Northern Song Dynasty (960 - 1127) from the Fujian and Zhejiangprovince. 'SilveryTip Pekoe' was the traditional name given to it as it is made from the unopened buds of the plant which have silvery white hairs over this often gives it whitish appearance, however the beverage made from it is yellowish in color.

Manufacturing & Storage: The Loose Leaf White Tea undergoes less processing than the Green Leaf Tea. The unopened & immature buds of plants are handpicked. Only the young leaves with fine hairs are picked for this purpose. After this, the picked leaves are withered without rolling or shaking. It is then oxidized by drying in sunlight or steaming. This type of tea is kept in an airtight container & stored in a cold & dry place. It is also kept in refrigeration for better results.

Health Benefits: As such the Loose Leaf White Tea is among the least processed tea, it retains more nutrition & anti-oxidants. This type of tea consists of a nutrient called polyphenols which offers lots of health benefits such as prevention of cancer and cardiovascular issues and helps lower blood pressure. It also keeps the skin healthy and increases the immune process. Along with this, the antioxidants provide protection to the body against free radicals.

Varieties & Flavors: One of the popular varieties of Loose Leaf White Tea that comes from FU Ding, Fujian province is White peony (Bi Mu Dan). Only young leaves & buds are handpicked and then light withering is completed. It's a profound taste with natural sweetness.

The exotic appearance of Loose Leaf White Tea is the result of top quality raw material and simple processing. One can purchase Loose White Tea leaves by shopping for it online.

 About Company: Grey's Teas supplier extensive range of speciality White Loose Leaf Teas in stylish tea caddies or in larger amounts from the UK online store. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.

For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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If you are a tea addict, there are high chances of you using a Loose Tea Infuser to make a smoking cup of the beverage. It is fundamentally a tool in which you place dried, loose leaves for brewing or steeping in a teapot or mug containing hot water.

It is necessity for those who like their teas fresh. Though in today's time, majority of people use tea bags owing to the simple availability of the best Loose Leaf Tea Online, Loose Tea Infuser stay the freshest way of making this energizing beverage. It works in a simple manner. The loose leaves must be placed into the infuser which then must be lowered into the pot or cup used for brewing the beverage. Then, the steaming water would have to be poured over the Loose Tea Infuser allowing the beverage to brew.

If the device has comparatively larger holes, some small leaves might escape which then must be removed by hand from your cup. That is why it is important to pick the ideal infuser.

Different Types Loose Tea Infuser:

Loose Tea Infuser can be of different types. A number of them are large and meant for a whole pot of tea while some are small intended for a single cup. Now-a-days, they are available in a wide range of shapes. You can also discover a heart-shaped which makes them an ideal gift item. Since it is an important kitchen gizmo, the person you gift it to will certainly like it. In fact, it is a well-liked gift choice for certain occasions such as infant showers and weddings. Depending on the occasion, you can select its shape. They are also made of diverse materials that range from glass and metal to mesh.

Why Is Loose Tea Infuser Useful?

Loose Tea Infuser gives you the liberty to change your flavor often. In today's time when the best Loose Leaf Tea Online is available, it does not make sense to stick to a single flavor. With the help of a Loose Tea Infuser, you can mix different varieties of leaves in order to make a fascinating concoction that satiates your taste buds. And with so lots of fascinating choices available, you will be literally spoilt for choice. So what are you waiting for? Purchase now and have as lots of cups throughout the day as you need in varied flavors.

About Company: Grey's Teas supplies stainless steel tea infuser to make a perfect cup of tea for one, without waste or dripping teabags. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. Call us on 01564 792295.

For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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There is a health concern for drinking large amounts of green tea, because the drinks are caffeinated. It is a better option than coffee, because the caffeine-content is lower.

There have been studies to show that taken on a regular every day basis; it reduces the risk of thrombosis. Loose Green Tea Leaves can help prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol. Even after the heart assault, it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.

Loose Green Tea Leaves, currently the most common beverage in UK, has already been shown to have antioxidant and antithrombotic properties. People who drink a cup of green tea everyday may be defending against heart assault, according to a study by researchers in Japan.

Individuals who have suffered from heart assaults could live longer if they drink Loose Green Tea, according to new research. The antioxidants in tea are thought to be the key to prolonging life after the assault.

Drinking green tea quickly improves the health of the delicate cells lining the blood vessels and helps lower one's risk of heart disease.

 People who make green tea a regular part of their lifestyle may significantly reduce their risk of death from heart disease and cancer.

 The key to the secret of green tea's positive impact on heart disease and colorectal cancer may be the high levels of polyphenols (30 to 40%) present in Loose Green Tea, compared with only 3 to 10% present in other teas.

 About Company: Grey's Teas supplier of black, green, oolong, white, flavoured, tisanes or classic tea blends throughout the UK. Orders over £30 are delivered FREE within the UK. For further details about the products we offer please call 01564 792295.

 For More Details Visit: http://www.greysteas.co.uk/

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