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ShadowPixie's blog: "Beginning..."

created on 03/15/2011  |  http://fubar.com/beginning/b340127

His Desire...Her Memory

He slips through with a wicked laugh, feeling the shadows swirling. Feeling the anguish and betrayal. Though he is a cad, he caresses just the edge of the wall with the barest touch to the shadows for bringing him here. His breath catches, his body tenses, as eyes quickly flash darting to the bed. The smile, a mixture of lust and venom twists those lips. Easily moving behind a curtain as her screams fills the room, and him, like the sweetest music.

He watches himself bring her body to another shaking orgasm that rips more screams from her. A mix of sweet pain, and horrible pleasure. The him of that time slapping at her exposed flesh as she writhers on the bed trying to close herself to protect as such as relish the pain, pleasure, everything filling her, going through her, making her...

The bed of metal with a cruel lovely design moves slightly. Where the shackles bounce now grabbed as she is opened roughly. They are closed to bite along her wrists, her ankles, and her head yanked back by the long black strands. The collar around her throat biting in as a few chains force it under her chin more. Forcing head back more, along with his strong grasp.
Snarling in her face, forcing her eyes up, "Look at her, cunt...look up at her and see where you belong?" The mirror over the bed showing all she would have been able to ignore. To shut out just closing her eyes, but it would still show it all. The trembling, sobbing black haired girl spread on the bed. The strong brutal loving man over her holding her there. As much for his pleasure as for her own good.
His other hand once more mauls at her full breasts. Bringing her back to her body to feel. Letting her catch her breath before the hand slips down slapping at her mound. Digging his fingers in hard, in an almost cruel manner if anyone were to see. But the feel of that hard hand grabbing her, pushing in holding just brings her back to him. Once more he pumps a little before it becomes harder and faster in that hole, so wet it squishes more and more.
Driving her down a path so familiar, to the very edge once more. Holding her there, letting her see the fall into that abyss. One hand cruelly pumping to keep her there. Tethered by the other hand caressing the wet, sweat drenched locks. The soft kisses on her face, reminding her of what lies under all the, almost brutal, passionate pumping. Until those lips devour hers, the hands grips her hair to force her to let herself go. To trust he'll catch her, protect her from everything, even his own caustic tongue.
Arching hard, after months, hours, of battling, she finally opens herself completely. The drop is a heavenly decent into hell as the fire from the abyss laps at her trying to consume her completely just to stop from her welcoming embrace of what she thinks is the outcome. She is stoped before burning herself up by his body covering hers. Mounting his bitch finally to claim her not as before. Not just for the pain and pleasure of it, but to finally completely have what belongs to HIM!
Slamming into her for all he's worth, as he wraps himself around her to catch her. Rolling them both in that fire that would burn and consume any other. But together it wraps them both in its heated embrace causing their passion to explode one last time, yet for the first time as one!
She feels so heavy, yet so empty, and fueled with a lightness. His body pins her, the chains hold her open, but with all that originally making her so vulnerable. He is there protecting her, holding her as her champion should.
He nuzzles her flesh, tasting her surrender to him, so intoxicating. Cooing at her as if she were a baby. "Look at her baby. Look at her now. She is that much stronger than she ever was before." Petting her sweaty hair, touching over the collar that goes from a cruel metal to a hugging darkness that hugs her throat. Hands moving caressing where the shackles hold her, the chains fall away leaving what is now adorned cuffs holding her wrists and ankles, hands moving still over what he has finally conquered.
Her body shivers, as her heart begins to slow from it's pounding against her ribs. Dark eyes shimmering watching her champion able to claim her, to adorn her as he sees fit to keep her safe. Licking dry lips that still tremble listening to him intently. "That's it baby, just relax, and realize your new place, where you belong. Have always belonged." He smiles as he slowly slides off her body, as his duties weigh on his back no longer able to push off. He kiss her face, caresses her body once more whispering "Rest now, I will return to you."
Before she can say anything he is gone. She looks up at herself for a bit longer before she slowly turns onto her stomach sliding herself over the bed with a shudder feeling to empty yet so full at the same time.
He watches, a glimmer in his eyes at the memory, just to have it turn cold, his lips twisting as he breaths a growl, "So short a time. It was stolen, that time was stolen, but not here....here you're still mine!" He pushes the curtain aside and begins to step to the bed very quietly not letting her know he is there yet. His eyes raping her flesh, licking his lips as he thinks of what he is going to do to her since the real her has escaped him...for now.

Next Step

She watches as she always does, dark eyes looking out of the shadows. So close if they all ever really knew... regardless, this moment is different. A smile twitches the corner of her lips as he takes the first few steps beginning the journey. Seeing he has chosen to brave it, at least, start it. So easily she could end it, walk through, com closer, make it all moat. But that is not how it works to make it last. They both have to go through this journey, as much as she hates the rules. To have him go through it, for her to have to watch it. The agony along with the joys... Her thoughts go unchecked for a split second to long as she hears that tormenting deep voice caress along her back. Making her close her eyes as hand clutches at her chest as her breathing catches almost cursing at the effect he still has on her. Quickly she closes her thoughts to all, her breath slow to return as that cruel laugh accompany those words.
"Another champion trying his hand for you, girl?" The laugh flowing over his lips like acid, when he all but spats out the word champion. Sweet venom as he calls her girl once more, but still how the words do sting coming from a wronged previous champion. That has yet to release the gift she gave him, using it against her to his wicked benefit.
He doesn't make a move as he watches her as he has since laying eyes on her. Marking the image and vowing to make her his. He will not settle for anything less, ever. He will always go for, conquer, and get what he wants. Make it his even if he discards it later, still he will be able to say he possessed it. She will learn he always gets what he wants... granted she was his... for the briefest of moments. The few moments were just... NOT ... enough. After all that time, finally she had landed in his hands. Those fingers so close to wrapping around her, taking his prize... she was gone. It was not enough...
She opens her eyes once more looking out from the shadows. The images changing, flickering along with her thoughts trying not to concentrate on the current, or the past, champion. Feeling his eyes burrowing into her back making her have to swallow her pulse. Fighting every desire to squirm, to move as she knows any twitch will just make him laugh that much more as his eyes miss nothing when it comes to her. Her resolve fighting her instinct, her instinct attacking her sensibility. How one man with just a laugh, a presence that just his eyes on her causes her so much turmoil. The quick changing images makes her stagger, a hand rising to the side to keep her from falling through the shadow. Head lowers as she draws a breath through clenched teeth, fighting for control.
The smile on that strong face looking so sinister to make anyone spying it shiver. But the look in those eyes, ever watchful of her every move, that look could make any doubt or fear just melt away. Knowing her like his own hand that he would spite himself rather than cut completely off. The bittersweet taste of her own torment! Not having to do to much to make her pay for wronging him, for leaving him so soon, TO soon before he had his fill of her. Such a mix watching it all, but in the end, his eyes show that soft glimmer of worry almost as much agony as she continues to cause herself pain for what she did to him. Though even with that he can't stop himself from pushing her more.
"You know he'll fail like the rest before, and after me. No other will be able to complete this journey," watching her body sage more he moves with one quick step before catching himself. Reminding himself of needing to break her before giving her more. She must crumble, he take another step, must be humbled, another step closer, and if needed SHATTER completely for him.

"how do you know? He may not... someone... someday... might." Her hand remains almost clutching at the wall still solid not consumed in shadow clutching to this reality at all cost... no matter how sweet the escape, even momentarily, would be...

Her body turns as it falls through, with a lift of her hands she makes the images shudder then fall away. Swallowing her as they do. Her face the last thing he sees as he rushes to grab her was a contorted, yet serene mask. Eyes shut...but maybe just maybe he too was her last vision before the abyss she goes through claims her.
"Curse you girl" He closes his eyes trying to see the image she just fell into! To open, to follow, to watch...something, anything but to just sit and wait. Thinking, dreaming, remembering! he bangs on the wall of hard shadows. Having reclaimed what is theirs, they close up to any others. A mock of his dark, solid emotions.
BANG, he hits again against them before he touches them and the wall. Much like he would the girl they hold deep within. He caresses them coaxing a memory out as much from want, as much as need to see it, relive it. Trailing the fingers along the smoothness, cheek close tot he edge as he watches the hardened shadows whispering,"Yes, give her to me. If not her body then this day will do for now, this moment from the past that will be once again. Do what she refuses to do? Give in to me!"
The shadows swim under the hardness the more he talks. Until with a tap of a nail he is able to slip fingers through as the shadows soften to the cooing. As he speaks the last while watching more of the memories. Violently they swirl as they realize they allowed him to call upon them through her emotions. But he is already through holding them open, feeding himself into them as he has so many times into her. His eyes closed as he thinks of all those times he took her, by force, by will, or just held her. Fingers curling as his mind settles on the moment he wishes to re-live not just see!


The sound of rustle catches his attention, that familiar scent fills his senses, as he slowly turns this way and that looking, anticipating. He slides his hands up and down along the his pant legs, almost licking his lips in that eager little boy fashion so many get when not thinking about their image. Eyes straining, looking in every dark corner, moving in his seat before the unmistakeable metal click of a zippo is heard, and the flames brighten where she sits.
The smile on his face is just as suddenly there as are the flames licking the candle wick, the red tip at the end of her cigarello, and coming from the open zippo, though it never seemed to have touched, the flames just there. Slender finger, slides up the top of the zippo clicking it closed as her eyes look to him, the flames burning in them...and still do as the zippos is extinguished. Sliding it on the table beside her chair, she crosses her legs not bothering to move the skirt covering them letting him see the exposed flesh now. she leans back, trailing fingers of free hand to push back a few strands of golden spun hair behind ear. Watching him, enjoying his twitching, his growing impatience, and her uncare of it all. Slowly lips wrap around the end of the cigerello, inhaling deeply of the potent flavored tobacco, before slipping it out. Her eyes closed as she seems to slowly now be further away than just the mere feet from that part them.
Finally unable to control himself, he clears his throat making her just slowly turn in his direction again. Just that movement as always makes him sit back, taking out one of his own cigarettes and lights it taking a deep drag to control his nerves. Before she opens her eyes, she finally utters very softly, "Hello." That is all he needed, that one word, just her voice to finally allow him to speak, to question, to wonder outloud.
His eyes on her, looking from that glowing golden spun hair, to her calm face still seeming to be years away. He flicks the ash carefully into an ashtray at his elbow, trying not to get tongue tied, dropping his eyes to legs before closing eyes. "Yes, hello...But why hello? Why so soon? I've done everything asked, told, expected...why hello again so soon?"
Lips curve in a smile, as the smoke still slowly emitting from them as her eyes open looking at him.Trailing lips with tip of tongue almost tasting his words. Her head tilts letting the shimmering strands slide from her throat, showing the line so clean and inviting along that flesh. Smiling more watching his mouth waters just seeing that flesh knowing all to well how it tastes, feels, smells, making him shift just a bit to stay where he is, not barrel to her.
Her light brows slowly draw up, her smile slowly looking as if faltering in a small pout at his words. "Oh lover not happy to see me? After all those moments stolen, such promise in those touches? I'm hurt, I think I shall weep." Fingers slowly roll the cigarello, firmly to crush it a bit to make the scent add with the scent filling the room.
Almost scowling as he crushes the cigarette in the ashtray, raking a big hand along his head, then face closing eyes. "Stop it! You bewitched me, that is all it was. You warped my senses, you made me do it." Tearing his hand away taking out another cigarette, lighting and drawing deeply on it almost as if it could prove his words as true. The next sound making his body tense, his spine feeling as if the bone was turned to ice. Her laugh, so normal in it's own right, flows effortlessly along with the smoke. Though the sound ends abruptly, where the smoke keeps curling upward along her face as it stares at him.
"Oh how you do so try to make it sound so quaint..." with a flick of ash as she speaks, "strip." Just one word, just a flick of fingers from the female so much smaller than he, yet up he stands, hands moving pulling the shirt off his large chest, kicking his shoes off to tug at his pants and boxers. Nude he stands looking at the clothes at the ground, his hands trembling as if they were controlled beyond his own body. "Aw is that me stripping you of that outer husk revealing you, or did you do it of your own accord?" Remaining seated, unmoved as cold eyes look to him with that glimmer of a smile on lips.
Bringing his hands up he covers his face as he groans a little, his body betraying his just enough as it twitches to every word. "You made me do it, you poisoned my mind...making my body do as you want..." He tries in vain to gain control of his own body, his words, to put a shred of control behind them that is not easily stripped by just a quip of her lips. Until finally she rises, and his voice is gone, his breath is caught. His 6'1" body almost seems to cringe as the smaller female comes closer even in heels standing 5'9".
"Poison now, am I? So easily you partaked of this poison...gave into feasting on it." She walks with a deliberate motion, letting a hand move slide through the spun gold, tilting chin to caress her neck. "And even now you remember, and you desire, and you weaken for it." She moves with a quickness closing the gap between them until she is all but hovering over him. Each word, making him curl into himself, lowering down a bit cowering as his indiscretion is spilled forth once more playing behind his burning eyes.
She watches with delight at his reaction moving to touch him, to lay claim to his flesh. Lips curling as she thinks she is the victor so soon. Pulling away from her, he tries to keep from giving in once more. Her scent so close, her promise of fulfilling his desires, his voids so close. Fogging his mind, trying to deceive him by wearing familiar, comforting guises of his One. Crossing his arms over his head as she reaches out with a seemingly lovely hand, he sees the glimpse of the decrepted flesh that does not hold the loving touch he yearns for, but the cruel abuse that has always been. Shaking his head more trying to push past her deception.
"OH it is to late. You have fallen from her grace, you have swallowed to much, accept to much, desired to much to be in her favor and now will suffer as all the others have. You are not lost..." He just holds still curled into himself hearing the taunting words as the cold gnarled hand moves closer, the spun gold dulling as she no longer needs to wear the guise to bring him closer. "Yes that's right, you are nothing once again. A toy to be tossed around once more thinking you are the one toying. How empty you must feel losing everything right when it was in your hands?" A tip touches his hip, slicing in without care of the icy stabbing slice it makes in his flesh. He holds back that scream, swallowing it to feel something as her words cut worse than she does at the thought.
Finally her scent becomes rank, filling him with what she will fill him if her words ring true. Despair, loneliness, emptiness once more to fill with whatever is at hand offering itself for use, and abuse to forget all that he lost with just one action of indiscretion. "WHY!" finally he stands, grabbing her wrists shaking her form as he looks down at the plain creature. "Why did you do it? I had it so close at hand! WHY would you do this?" Tossing her aside she falls unable to keep that control having thought she won, that she had what SHE wanted despite it all.
"Because you are weak, and easy to just use your desires to control you. You don't think beyond your cock, and easily forget." Turning looking up at him with a cold stare. "I've had you for this long, I'll still have you, because I KNOW how to make you ruin it all and lose it all to keep you. You're not strong enough to keep what you want, what makes your heart beat for, makes you ache for..." Moving to reach for him, smiling a smile that was made for a lover that never was hers. "You're not worthy of her, she will not come back for you. All you have, all you will ever be able to feel is me, and I will forever make sure of that."
With a cold rage, he yanks her up by her hair, no longer spun gold, but yellow straw, pulling her up to her feet. Using his strong hands he strips her down to nothing but her heels, slapping at her flesh marking it trying to make her words disappear, the feelings of nothingness he is feeling now thinking of that emptiness and that worry that she is right. "NO, I won't let you be right, you will not have me. I will hurt you, I will break you, I will make you pay for all of THIS!" Through the slaps mark her flesh, and his anger pierces her very being, she smiles because she has him. As he drives her foward, making her body scream in pain, her lips parting giving him what has always driven him to fill her. But it is not enough, the more he strikes her soft flesh and it colors under him. His body does not work as it once did.
Screaming like an animal he still tries, he strikes her down, makes her body hurt. Drives his fingers into her waiting holes trying to get himself into being able to perform to show he is still strong...still dominant...still whole...He watches as her face crumbles, her tears flow, her juices puddle in a messy along her flesh. But it is not the same. Anger fills him again. That same anger that drove him to hurt others to be able to fulfill his own desires is not tainted. She paws at him begging for more,wanting more just to keep him with her to hold him down to giving into what she wants for her own happiness. He roughly turns her and tries to drive into her to punish her for what might be true if he has lost...
He stops holding her down almost making her panic as she can no breath, or see, or hear her head in a pillow. He doesn't care, because he can see, a pair of dark eyes. His heart stops as a breeze brings a scent to caress his face, enveloping him suddenly his body lurches forward brutally filling her as she panics under him as his heart beats wildly in his chest. His focus not on what he is doing, but on her...she is here, she hasn't left, the thing under him was wrong he hasn't lost her..hard he thrusts into her, watching for any sign from her to stop.
Thrashing under him now in pure bliss, she tries to look up, tries to see him, and catches his a glimpse of him looking away from her. She tries to move her head to see why, he holds her down, growling at her in hot rage, driving down into her splitting her more making her scream like a pig stuck on a spit. Slapping down to make her burn, and throb as he doesn't slow down just drilling into her as his body suddenly arches seeing HER smile slowly. Curling over the body under him more, driving into her taking her, using her as much for his need to release again as for HER pleasure watching for any sign of what to do next, or not do. He yanks on the straw just enough to show that face red and blotched keeping her from seeing HER clearly. A tilt of head looking at the creature he uses, another smile before slowly the smile begins to fade, he moves faster to finish, driving deeper relentlessly until a soft purr tickles his ears and he can't contain himself needing not only to release but be with HER. Jabbing into the hole then pulling out he coats the beaten flesh with every drop before yanking her head back to look at him.
"You don't win, you don't get me only when she lets you have me for her pleasure. I'll do anything to make that reality, because I don't want you like that, I don't feel that with you, my heart beats for Her." Pushing her away like so many times before he quickly looks up to where She was, his face crumbles finding she is gone. Wondering if she was ever there. He slowly walks to where She was finding a small box with nothing on it but a black and red bow. He knows it's for him, he can feel it, and it still smells of her so he has to touch it, has to see what is in it. Slowly his hands pull the first object, a zippo, lighting it, the flame bursts brightly orange then blue showing the inscription, 'Mi fuego', a note in the box.
"Burning hot as a flame, bright as a star, if you burn to hot you'll burn yourself out. When you do, just find Me there to build you back up to burn once more bright, hot and long as your heart desires at My feet, at My side is where you should be. Begin your journey to becoming what you want to be, light the way to see where you need to go. Hurry your burning, come quickly see if you are what I need you to be to make you Mine." Signed with Her seal, kissed by Her scent, and closed with a kiss from Her lips.
He cradles it to him, reading her lines, holding Her gift, knowing he has not lost just yet. He has a chance to redeem himself, to continue with Her, to be what She needs him to be. Wanting nothing more than to make Her smile. He quickly rises, leaving the clothes he had shed. Putting on his attire to begin his journey, he smiles at his reflection, remembering Her words whenever he put them on for Her. He glances back at the mass of flesh still huddled on the ground, looking at him with adoration, yearning, and love. He looks back with a hunger she could never quench, and turns to find the One that can, that has in so many ways. Ready to fight to keep having that honour...

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