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Newbie: A person on Fubar who has recently joined

Lately, I've picked up on a disturbing trend amongst newbies on this site. Particularly amongst the males, but women do it too. That trend is to post a picture which would normally be classed as an NSFW photo, to try to use as a profile picture. Fubar, of course, flags these as NSFW (as they should), and the result is that the default image remains a blank person with a Fubar logo. Usually the photos posted by the newbie are pictures of their (or others') genitalia. What happens then is, someone like me is scrolling through on our phones, looking to find people to talk to. We click on the picture, open up the default album...and are immediately greeted with the aforementioned photo of someone's genitalia.

That newbie, unbeknownst to them, is setting him/herself up for failure. Because I know very few people who made a good first impression by posting their junk online. 

Want to make a good impression on me? Show me that you're confident about how your FACE looks. Better yet, fill in your profile with good information. Tell me who you are, what your interests are. Maybe post an album full of photos SHOWING me what you are interested in. For example, I love weather. If you're a fellow weather nerd, a beautiful picture of some distant cumulus or of the snow outside your back window will be a hell of a lot more interesting than what you're packing down below. Maybe you like cars. Maybe you're a total nerd and like things like computer games. I wanna know THAT. 

Newbies, you can do better than this. I know you can. Prove it. 

Been a LONG time

It has been a few years since I wrote a blog on this site. So, I'll catch you up on a few things.

1) First off, I was briefly engaged in the winter of 2012/13. It didn't last. I am convinced she was running around on me. It is what it is. I've been single since then pretty much, with no desire to rush into another relationship.

2) In the fall of 2014, I had neck surgery, a double fusion. The disc between C4-5 in my neck was herniated(picture a jelly donut being squeezed until the jelly comes out -- that was what it looked like in my neck). I had several bulging discs as well...and all of that caused a narrowing of my spinal canal in addition to actually pinching my spinal cord and nerves. So, I was pretty messed up for half of 2014 until I had that fusion. I still have some pain, but I'm doing much better than one year ago. However, I have the chance of needing additional fusion down the line if I start having additional issues with other discs in my neck.

3) I actually got to live one of my dreams in the spring of 2013, when I intercepted a small tornado with my friend Corey. I've always wanted to be involved in the warning process when it came to severe weather. I am a spotter with my local NWS office, which is a huge step in that direction. 

Those are just a few of the developments since 2010. Otherwise, it's been the basic stuff we all deal with in our lives. 

Alright folks, it's time for the feelings to be put out there and my issues need to be addressed tonight.

For those who knew me, or who I told about this, my aunt Kathy took her own life via overdose on August 14, 2007. This Friday marks 2 years.

Since August 21, 2007, I've held a bit of a grudge against my aunt Mary over Kathy's suicide. Why? 

The fact is that my aunt Kathy maybe wouldn't have killed herself, in my opinion, if my aunt Mary hadn't been stealing from Kathy. Sure, there were other factors...but it's been my belief that Mary was the main factor. 

As such, I've basically for two years labeled Mary a murderer. Her involvement may not have actually BEEN direct, but to me it may as well have been. 

I don't know what the final straw was. Maybe it was the man she liked, rejecting her yet again. Maybe it WAS aunt Mary. 

Regardless, all I know is that for two years I've held on to these feelings of hurt and betrayal...of disgust...and of hate.

But no more. That ends here and now. 

Not because I'm not still upset with aunt Mary. I am.

But because it's just time to let go. Sometimes, you have to know when to hold your cards and know when to fold them...and for me, it's time to fold.

It's been a bit since I've done a rant, and last night's experiences having to go to TWO hospitals to be treated for what is, right now, thought to be a muscle pull has inspired one. I hope you packed a breakfast AND a lunch, because it's gonna be a wild ride!


First, some background. As you may or may not know, I was diagnosed with Spina Bifida within hours of my birth on August 19, 1985. This is a congenital birth defect where the back fails to completely close around the spinal cord. Ever since then, all of my medical needs, both related and unrelated to Spina Bifida, have been taken care of in one place, the Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati. 


Until yesterday. 


I have been dealing with back pain off and on for a few months. I did my best to survive. After all, I'm tough, right? (Or at least other people say I am.) So, I toughed it out for 2 or three months. Finally, however, Friday morning I had so much pain, I couldn't move. So I called my doctor, which, like all medical care, is at Cincinnati Children's, and I was told by them to go to the ER there.


Friday afternoon, I left the house around 3:15 and went up there. I get there, go through registration and sit in the waiting room. Okay so far. 


But then they take me back to the triage station...where they proceed to tell me that due to the fact I haven't seen my primary doctor (THE SAME PEOPLE I CALLED THIS MORNING) in six months, and I am 23 about to be 24, AND in spite of the fact that I had pretty much been told I was set to go as far as medical care for life because I WILL be wheelchair bound for life due to the Spina Bifida...I can no longer be seen at Children's Hospital Medical Center, AND I need to find an adult physician. 




It's Children's policy that they do not serve patients over 21 in their Emergency Room. 


Again, what???


Now, the rant. This policy is frickin' STUPID. I had NEVER had this issue before! I've been going to that hospital for 24 years! If their policy was not to serve patients over 21, should that not have been enforced, let's see...AT THE TIME I TURNED 21???? And FURTHERMORE, don't even get me started on this "you haven't seen your primary physician in over 6 months" crap. How many of you only see your doctors once a year because you're pretty darn healthy? Exactly. If I go a year without seeing my primary physician, it's because I have not had any major issues. The last time I saw this doctor was December 22 or so. Because of that, I cannot see that doctor anymore. And you're going to tell me that THEIR policy is also not to take patients over 21??? I've seen that doctor for about 2 years! I was 22 at the time! 


What a load of crap. By the way, I was seen at St. Elizabeth, and I have to give props to them for quickly diagnosing the pulled muscle in my back.




RULE 1: You opened this; you GOTTA take it

RULE 2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!


[1] Who was the last person you texted? Mikey

[2] You were in the car with?  My sister and her fiancee, along with my niece

[3] Went to the mall with?  Me, myself and I

[4] Person you talked on the phone with? Mikey

[5] You messaged/​commented on Fubar? Don't recall

T/F Only answer with True or False

Q:Kissed some one on your top friends? False

Q: Been searched By Cops?  False

Q: Been suspended from school?  False

Q: Sat on a roof top?  True

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?  False

Q: Broken a bone? True

Q: Have shaved your head?  False

Q: Played a prank on someone?  True

Q: Had/have a gym membership?  False

Q: Shot a gun?  False

Q: Donated Blood?  True


[1] Eat or drink?  Eat

[2] Be serious or be funny?  be funny

[3] Go to the beach or mountains?  beach

[4] Die in a fire or die getting shot?  Shot


[1] Sun or moon?  Sun

[2] Winter or fall?  fall

[3] Left or right? right

[4] Black and white or colored? colored

[5] Do you wanna get married?  Yes


[1] Kissed someone?  Yes

[2] Been hugged by someone?  yes

[3] Been poked by someone?  yes

[4] Cried?  No

[5] Gotten in a fight?  No

[6] Told someone you loved them?  Yes


A survey just cause.

1. How many people have you had sex with in 2007?? Didn't really go all the way with even the one person I was WITH. 2. Weed, coke, speed, crack, heroin, oxy, acid, x, k, peyote, mushrooms, of these, how many have you done? No interest in drugs 3. Ever been cheated on? yes SEVERAL times. 4. Ever paid for sex? No 5. Ever been married? No, but I would have been if my ex-fiance had never cheated on me! 6. Ever been divorced? Doesn't apply. 7. If you had to pick one whats your fave sexual position? idk, never actually got that far. 8. Do you own any guns? No, but then, with my mental state it's probably best for me not to. 9. Ever done more than 30 days in jail? Not even one day in jail 10. Ever been in rehab? No. A mental/psych ward, yes. 11. Have you ever had any sexual experiences with the same sex? No 12. Ever have sex with anyone that you met on myspace? Never went all the way, but I've done some things with one 13. Last time you masturbated? i plead the fifth 14. Do you think Arnold could beat up Chuck Norris? No, Chuck Norris would DESTROY Ah-nold! 15. What celebrity would you want to have sex with if you had the chance? Not sure 16. Ever been unemployed for over a year since becoming an adult? Currently am and have been since 2006. 17. How many states have you lived in? Two. Ohio and Kentucky. Not sure if I'll move 18. How many countries have you lived in? 1 19. Do you keep a weapon under or next to your bed at night? No because I am dangerous if I do. 20. What celebrity would you want to beat up if you had the chance?? I'd love to kick Chris Brown's @$$ right now! 21. Ever rolled into the harsh ghetto to buy drugs? No, no desire to do drugs 22. Ever cheated on someone? No 23. Ever been paid for sex? No 24. Ever hired a SPY to follow someone? My dad was a PI does that count? 25. Ever bang your friends man/woman? Hell no. 26. What is your IQ? sore subject but, my main number was measured at 77, while another part of my IQ was measured at 114. 27. Do you think Mr. Rogers really was a pervert or do you think he just really liked kids? No 28. O.J. Simpson......did he do it? Yes 29. Fake tits or real tits? It's not the tits, it's the personality I like. But if I have to choose, real 30. Ever watch someone die? yes Grandpa Mitch 6/8/2007 31. How long has it been since you had sex? Never got all the way, but as far as doing ANYTHING at all, it's been about 5 months. 32. Name your favorite beer? I do not drink 33. If you could have free plastic surgery what would you get? I'm not sure. 34. Truthfully… size matter?? I don't think it should.

quick post

I just want to a) wish everybody else a happy V-Day and b) let everyone know, I am going to be somewhat distant through Monday. Valentine's Day weekend for me is a double whammy because I lost my aunt 18 months ago, and then last year on the 15th of January, I lost the relationship with the only woman I'd ever stayed with for more than 3 months, because she cheated on me... So Valentine's Day is a very bitter time for me. Thanks for understanding... Courage + Belief = Life Jeremy

one word blog survey

You Can Only Type ONE Word. Not as easy as you might think. Now copy and paste into your blog and tag 5 ppl to do the same. Leave a comment to let us know you have done it, AND LEAVE THEM A COMMENT TO LET THEM KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN TAGGED. It's really hard to only use one-word answers! 1. Where is your cell phone? Nightstand 2. Your significant other? None 3. Your hair? Blah 4. Your mother? Okay 5. Your father? Older 6. Your favorite thing? Computer 7. Your dream last night? None 8. Your favorite drink? Dew 9. Your dream/goal? Success 10. The room you're in? Mine 11. Music? Rehab 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Alive 14. Where were you last night? Home 15. What you're not? Mean 16. Muffins? Yum! 17. One of your wish list items? Love 18. Where you grew up? Ohio 19. The last thing you did? drink 20. What are you wearing? undies 21. TV? Fox 22. Your pets? None 23. Your computer? Great 24. Your life? OK 25. Your mood? Good 26. Missing someone? Yes 27. Favorite Store? Walmart 30. Your summer? Hot 31. Like someone? Maybe 32. Your favorite color? Red 33. When is the last time you laughed? Earlier 34. Last time you cried? saturday I Tagged: 1-Southern Stunna 2-Sexy Mel 3-Aligirls3 4-DJ K-I-D 5-DJ Sizzle

Random Thoughts.

Here we go... I hate it when it's freezing freakin cold! Right now, temperatures are so cold, we didnt even come close to 25 today. It was 3 this morning. Brrrr. I just wonder sometimes, why is it that we know what we should be doing, but yet we don't? That makes no sense to me. Seriously, we know we should take care of the people close to us, but yet we do the total opposite. Never understood that. I love you Tiff and Ariel. Just sayin'... I guess, no white Christmas here this year. :( Well, can't have it all I guess. But it would still be nice to see at least a bit of snow, instead of 50 degree weather. For pete's sake, it was 65 DEGREES on Friday! A Friday...IN DECEMBER! My family is coming from all over on Thursday for Christmas. And I mean all over. Hope Terry stays sober. I am looking forward to next Monday. I'm doing a co-hosting stint with my bro DJ K-I-D, during his Babydolls shift. My pipes will hold up, I know...It's my body I sometimes worry about ;) That's it. I'm empty, so I gotta go. Courage + Belief = Life

The jumble in my head...

There is a lot on my mind right now so I'm just gonna grab something, run with it a bit, then grab another thought and do the same thing. -- I really wonder sometimes where people started gag gifts. My brothers got me some gags last year and again this year for Christmas, so I'm going to return the favor but, I don't know what to think. -- My year 2008 has been...well, just meh. I have been through a few breakups (fewer significant ones than last year though, one that lasted six weeks and the other carried over from 2K7). Nothing this year that threatened my life medically, but a major surgery in May. Nobody in my family died this year (so far, with 11 days left in the year, let's hope I ain't jinxed it). -- There is nothing better in life than to feel appreciated for everything you do. I'm just sayin'. -- People who can't respect others really need to learn not to push things. Again, just sayin'.
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