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My dear friends, on line and in person...

I know I have not been around much for some time now and I thought it best to do what I have to do since life is so full of twists and turns and as fate may have it - another round of battling the beast called Cancer.

I went for my usual check-up and lo and behold, it's back. I had undergone another surgery to take out another piece of my incomplete body and undergoing radiation therapy again.

I did not want to bother anyone with any bad news or be a downer on my friends parade so I have been keeping busy fighting for my life and helping others to the best of my ability.

It is easier for me to keep in touch on the phone and anyone who wants to touch base can ask for my phone number and I will be happy to call you back since I do have unlimited phone service (provided you are in the U.S., Canada or P.R.).

Please know that you are in my thoughts and well wishes and I have not forgotten about you. I hope you understand my withdrawal from the computer is nothing against anyone, but a personal choice for the time being considering the circumstances.

Much Love and Light to my friends and family, sisters and brothers, and anyone who cares.

Wishing you peace, joy, love, happiness and most of all, good health with the brightest of blessings to you and yours each and every day.


Long Time No See

I know, I know... it's been a while since I have popped into Fubar and said hello to my friends near and dear to my heart and I just wanted to let everyone know just how much I have missed you all!

As the days, weeks, months passed, I have thought of many often, spoken to many on the phone and even had the chance to visit with a few close by and must say I am grateful for your friendship, encouragement and support while I spread my wings and do what I must.

This past winter has been full of new and exciting things as well as many challenges. I had to make some hard core decisions as to how to best utilize my limited time in this existence and have been extremely occupied with life outside the box.

The Humanity Healing Network and the Daily OM have become a focus along with learning and teaching, becoming more active in my community and working hard with the powers that be (political, corporate and community alike) to make a change in the way we as human beings think and do business.

Helping Hands and Second Harvest Food Banks in my vicinity has been a worthy cause of which I donate much of my time these days since the economic crisis has hit hard on the Space Coast. Many who had wonderful jobs have been laid off, downsized and are in serious peril of losing their homes... not because they fell into any housing scam or bought more than they could afford since many have been paying their mortgages til they became unemployed and jobs are non existent. Unemployment only goes so far and after 10, 15 or 20 years goes by of steady work, no one wants to pay the salaries or hire older individuals to do what experience has trained them to do. Sad but true, Florida is a "Right to Work" state that has employees at the mercy of employers. I know of two engineers that are lucky to be waiting tables and another that has taken a position as a "Maintenance Engineer" for a local hotel. Such wasted talent...

Another area of concentration has been trying to get Camp Sister Spirit off the grid and entirely self sufficient however, the Director of CSSFS has been battling severe depression and I gave her a choice of being taken for professional help or just do as she wants and just up and leave or do herself in. Thankfully she saw my determination and is getting professional assistance and taking a break in a place that can provide for her needs.

Helping another friend who is paying her debt to society for past transgressions has encountered other challenges with regard to her children and family relationships and I have taken up providing counsel to them on a daily basis and dealing with legal mumbo jumbo has enlightened me as to how unjust many laws truly are. Fighting a legal system that is corrupt and money hungry is no small task so it's one day at a time.

Another of my pet projects has been working with the West Virginia and Kentucky area to stop mountaintop removal for coal mining. The atrocities that have been allowed under the former administration has poisioned many fresh water supplies, endangered the well being of children and adults alike and had transformed the majestic mountains along the Appalachian Trail into pits of despair and streams of sludge. iLoveMountains.org has been instrumental in getting to the Obama administration and since March, we have has several favorable rulings to end this insanity.

I am also in the midst of collaborating on a new book of inspiration and assisting my husband with his book - a tale based on historical and archeological data of which is time consuming but well worth the effort as we work together strengthening the bond between us (as well as testing it from time to time).

The passing winter has gone and with Spring, new seeds are planted and growing nicely in the gardens as well as within my own self. I just hope that each and every one of us reaps what we sow and our "seeds" are spread for the greater good of every and all.

Missing you and keeping you in my thoughts, words and deeds my friends. Brightest Blessings to All and may the powers that be shine brightly in your hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.


Your friend, Lady Victoria

Can I Borrow $25?

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door. SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?' DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man. SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?' DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily. SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?' DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.' SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down. SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?' The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.' The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door. 'Are you asleep, son?' He asked. 'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy. 'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $25 you asked for.' The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you daddy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father. 'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled. 'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied. 'Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.' The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness. It's just a short reminder to all of us working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $50 worth of your time with someone you love. If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours. But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. Please pay it forward and share with all you care. Thanks

A Brand New Start

My dearest and long missed friends, I am finally back from my travels, trials and working through certain tribulations back home (for now) touching base with new technology. Yes, I finally gave in to Vista and a new laptop after more power surges in the lightning capital fried my tower and the storms of Fay, Gustav and Ike wreak more havoc on humanity and the coast. So much has transpired, and I don't want to bore anyone with too many details of my endeavors but I wanted to thank all who have stopped by to show love and will catch up as soon as I can. I am limiting my computer time so please bear with me while I continue to live outside the box and update all I need in order to get my new toy working the way I want to and attempt to recover material from the old and transfer to the new. For all those who's Birthday's have transpired in my absence, A Very Happy Belated and celebrate each and every day in love and light... I have missed many terribly and hope is well. Sending out warm wishes with lots of hugs. Will have some more news/updates and pics as soon as I can. Peace, Love & Light!
WOW! It's already July 29th and I'm wondering what happened to the month. I went on a "road trip" to Mississippi that began on the 2nd of July and I'm still here doing what I can to help get Camp Sister Spirit Folk School into some sembalance of order for future festivals and helping my friends and the poverty stricken area with time feeding the hungry and helping the helpless. It has been a lot of hard labor but done with love and kindness, even if it's had it's moments of insanity. So much to do on 128 acres of land that is still suffering from the ravages of Katrina. I went down to the coast to the worst stricken areas and am still stunned at the devastation. So many homes just wiped off their foundations still, and more trailers and "cottages" popping up as temporary homes for those who refuse to give in and call the gulf coast "home". It's quite surreal when you see things in person and puts faces and places in perspective, making one humble and thankful for what I do have, and that is friends. I just wanted to drop a line to my dear friends and let them know I apologize for not being able to keep in touch as I'd like to. Being out in the boonies, and using the Camp's wifi comp when it is available is not the easiest thing to deal with, but am grateful for the little things we take for granted. No TV, little news (I feel so out of touch, but am sooooo much happier not being inundated with bad news). I do have some of my music, but am finding that the songs of birds are quite soothing with the whispers of the wind, the crash of thunder, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, insects buzzing and flowers swaying, gardens growing and grapes almost ready to harvest a welcome change from the humdrum of busy "city" life. I guess I am a country bumpkin after all. Feeding the critters is a hoot and the goats have all found new homes. We still have the camp mascot Circe here and always will. She is a 400 pound pig that was supposed to be a miniature pot-belly. Miniature is definitely not her forte to say the least. So much more to come but just checking in to let ya'll know I am still alive, albeit a bit out of the loop for a tad more time. Lammas is the 1st and will most likely be heading back home after this coming weekend's celebration. Hugs all around and keeping each and every one in my positive thoughts. Brightest Blessings and In love and light, be safe and be well.


I am heading out to a retreat for a few weeks. Need to recharge my spirit and be closer to where my husband is working in Mississippi. I have been in a funk without him being around and it's almost a month now we have not seen each other. I am planning to take all the dogs and cats with me so may stay there for some time, as it is also an animal rescue and food pantry for the poor in the area. We are looking to build a new sweat lodge and have several events planned with a number of special guests to participate in circles to help heal and spread positive energies globally. Camp Sister Spirit is also a Folk School and this retreat is just what I need to recharge as well as do what I love, commune in nature in a safe environment and find some peace from all that is negative and wrong in society and the planet. I have a few presentations I have prepared to also help teach and educate others of some traditions as well as harvesting the grapes and crops that are growing nicely. It's similar to a commune without the politics of one but we gather to help out the owner and am being considered to be elected to the Board of Directors and help raise funds to keep the animal rescue program going as well as the food pantry for the poor in the area. I may not be able to touch base often so please forgive me if I am out of touch for a while. Need to get away from the computer and take an active role outside the box. Be safe, and be well. In love and light, Victoria

Kinda out of it...

Greetings friends! I just wanted to post a little update and apologize for not being around lately. A wonderful doctor's visit has me on antibiotics for an infection and I made the mistake of going out and mow the back yard in the heat of the day. Well, stubborn me forgot that sun, heat and antibiotics are a no mixer for me especially on an empty stomach. I took a tumble with the lawnmower torquing my knee falling over backwards tripping over a post landing on the concrete slab and bouncing my head off the bricks. All the while I forgot to let go of the darn thing and the blades were still going full speed. Thankfully I did not hack off any body parts but did bounce back up to finish what I was doing. Eugene came back from where he went off to to find me in a state of confusion, exhaustion, complete and utter disarray dripping and dirty while attempting to refill the mower with gas and got me fluids and finished mowing while I cooled off and cleansed in the shower. That's when it all hit me. The sting from the scrape of the post and splinters in my thigh brought me down in a heap and I just sat at the bottom of the tub letting the cool water splash about trying not to toss my cookies and pass out. Apparently I gave myself a concussion and am still a bit foggy today. As I sit here with my leg elevated and ice on my knee and thigh I realize I learned a valuable lesson... I'm not as young as I use to be and not indestructible. I'm no longer the wonder woman I like to think I am and have physical limits. So no more strenuous activities in the heat of the day and when doing such, make sure someone is around in case something happens. Lesson # some billion or something... Thanks to all that left some love and I'll try to touch base as soon as I get rid of this darn fuzziness in my head. Much love and light to all! {{{HUGS}}

Back from FPG Beltane

Greetings all! WOW!!! What a great Beltane it has been this year! Thanks to an unexpected turn of events, my hubby and I were able to attend the Florida Pagan Gathering's Beltane Celebration held at Ocala's National Forest this year. I have to say, it was the most wonderful and much needed excursion I have had ever! We originally were going for just the day to see some friends who were performing there with the group Spiral Dance. They made the trip to the states from their home down under in Australia and it has been over 5 years since we saw them. As it turned out, we extended our stay and just got home this afternoon thoroughly refreshed, yet exhausted from a most exhilarating and enjoyable experience celebrating the festivities of Beltane. We wound up camping with the Drum Circle amongst several friends of ours that are semi local and danced around the bonfires till the cranes called in the morning light. There is nothing in this world like being primal and feeling the energy surging throughout one's body in such a fevered pitch with an amazingly large group of like minded individuals, enjoying kinship, friendship, spirituality and the beating of drums felt in every pore. We are still getting body paint off and scrubbing our feet from dancing round the circle for days on end... The workshops, music and celebration of the God and Goddess uniting for the Great Rite, dancing round the maypole and so many people in one place without any hang ups and sharing the universal oneness of nature and being connected to the every and all was exactly what my spirit needed. Aside from all the physical activities, the place was beautiful and the wildlife was utterly amazing. Watching the sun rise from over the lake as the cranes, loons, and plethora of birds and critters scattered about, I felt at peace and heart grew with joy and appreciation for every moment I live and breathe. I hope everyone had an iota of what ran through me as I hope to have shared some of the energy and power coursing through me as you were all in my thoughts at any given time while I took a much needed break and re-charged my spirit. I will attempt to catch up as best I can but know you are with me always. In Love and Light, May you be blessed each and every day!
Hey all! Wow... things really get nutty when you have no electricity, but thankfully I have a generator and was able to use it when the power went out here in Florida. I'm thankful I wasn't snarled up in traffic though and at home during the daylight hours to get things in place. You know, it's not so bad not having lights and tv, but I did miss my computer and the 20th democratic presidential debate. Oh well, thanks to technology I was able to catch the gist of it and am starting to get tired of all the media circus commentary anyway. What I did miss were my friends here and drumming last night. Oh well, being a witch does have it's advantages as I had my candles burning nicely and did get to spend some quality time with my hubby. I think I'm going to start a new "tradition" and have my own little "blackout" at least one night a week. It definitely was an enjoyable time in the quiet dark and thankfully the generator worked and wasn't to noisy. At least I didn't have to chain the thing to the house worrying about it getting blown away from hurricane winds. I'm off to my workshop for the evening and will be learning a bit more about finding your totem from a druids point of view. I hope to share some new info with those interested and just wanted to thank all who left love that I'll get back to you as soon as I can! {{{Hugs}}} my friends and be safe, stay warm and have fun!

deusa deus
We cordially invite you to witness the joyous celebration of the love between
Lady Ravyn Wolff
Lord Spirit Wolf,
to support them in their decision to be joined as one in the company of friends and of the Gods and Goddesses.

Date: Saturday, February 16, 2008

Time: 6:00 PM West Coast Time
7:00 PM Mountain Time
8:00 PM Central Time
9:00 PM Eastern Time

Place: Way of the Wolf Pagan Study Group’s Lounge

Click on the logo to enter the lounge.

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