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Oh, and while we are at it, what about this 'starvation' myth???

There are many myths about why there is hunger in the world, many of which are false. A few of these myths include: There’s not enough food to go around, the occurrence of natural disasters, and there are too many people in the world to feed.

These myths are indeed false. Thomas Malthus (wrote which is now known as the “Malthusian Theory” or the “Demographic Model”) developed an explanation for hunger in the world. According to Thomas Malthus, there are too many mouths to feed and not enough resources to go around. Malthus believed hunger occurred in cycles. When there is a lack of resources, the result is famine, disease, poverty and war which result in many people dying and in turn there is less of a population and the hunger epidemic levels off until there is another “population explosion” and the cycle repeats itself.

This explanation of hunger in the world is too simple. As a matter of fact, the world produces enough grain alone to provide every human being with 3,500 calories per day and this does not include vegetables, beans, nuts, root crops, fruits, fish or grass-fed meats.

In reality, people are starving because of the horrid distribution process and the fact that corporate-owned farms (aka. Agri-business), in countries are growing crops for export to make profits rather than to feed their people, and small farmers or “peasants” as well as “subsistence farmers” are losing their land to big business take-overs. Most countries where hunger is rampant are major exporters of agricultural goods.

In Bangladesh, their official annual output of rice alone could provide each person with about one pound of grain per day. Yet the poorest third in Bangladesh eat at most 1,500 calories per day.

In Sub-Saharan Africa exports grew more rapidly than imports. In some of these countries known for famine like: Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and Mali, the area of unused good farmland is many times greater than the area actually farmed.

As far as natural disasters are concerned, these only effect the peasant farmers who cannot afford or don’t have the ability to build levies, dams, pipes etc. that bigger corporate owned farmers have.

The “great potato famine” in Ireland between 1845 and 1849 killed over 1 million people. It was blamed on potato blight but Ireland during those years was a net exporter of food and exported their choicest crops to England until their own food gradually deteriorated. Peasants were pushed onto drought-prone lands, areas with bad soil or deprived of land completely until they had nothing to fall back on. Natural events are not the cause...they are the final blow.

The Bangladesh famine was similar. It was not caused by natural disasters. Rich farmers were hoarding rice and not letting any of the poor people see it. When people are denied the resources to grow or retain enough of their own harvests to meet the needs of their family or community and only money gets them the food they need, they go hungry. Peasants or just the common people’s income falls and/or food prices rise.

In Africa’s Sahel, they said famine resulted from droughts, but during those famine years, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the United Nations reported all but one Sahalian country produced enough food for its population. Poor farmers suffered because they were in debt to rich farmers and were forced to sell their crops for next to nothing. Which resulted in not having enough food to get through the “hunger season”.

In Ethiopia, drought was blamed for their famine, but studies showed the ’82-’85 drought effected at most 30% of their farmland. Acres of prime farmland were producing cotton and sugarcane, but for export. It was finally said that feudalistic landlordism, hoarding, and governmental indifferences caused the famine and not the drought.

“Give me your tired, your poor, I’ll piss on ‘em…that’s what the statue of bigotry says. Your poor huddled masses. Let’s club ‘em to death and get it over with and just dump ‘em on the boulevard.”

Lou Reed, New York

Global Free Trade is not the best way to insure food production is maximized. The markets respond to profits, not feeding the hungry. The WTO (World Trade Organization) was created by the GATT treaty (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs). Any country that signed the GATT treaty and/or is a member of the WTO can dispute laws in other countries.

Brazil and Venezuela went to the WTO with a complaint because the United States wouldn’t buy their oil because it didn’t meet the US environmental standards. In turn, the WTO had the United States lower the Clean Air Act by not enforcing it so Brazil and Venezuela could sell their oil over the market to the United States.


Global Free Trade has had its toll on a number of issues. It is responsible for hundreds of thousands of people in the United States and Canada losing their jobs because giant corporations are moving their businesses to places like Mexico and South America where labor is cheap. Even Mexico is starting to feel the effects because corporations are realizing its labor and costs are even cheaper in places like China.

Global Free Trade and the Free Market are also taking their toll on agriculture. It’s the “Agri-business”, the corporate capitalists who are benefiting from free trade. Poor peasant and subsistence farmers cannot afford the machinery, pesticides etc. that are being traded on the market. Forcing small farmers out of work, putting them in debt to rich farmers or just plain being taken over by corporations or governments.

Small farmers cannot afford to buy these chemicals and pesticides in bulk and they don’t need the big machinery that “Agri-businesses” use because their acreage is so small it doesn’t justify buying these things.

Free Trade is making the bigger farms more profitable because they can afford and have the acreage to use this machinery and buy these pesticides etc. in bulk, which, in turn, make them a bigger profit and push the smaller farmers out of business.

It’s the companies that make the pesticides, herbicides and farm machinery that are making the profits and those profits don’t “trickle down” to the small farmers, the poor or the hungry. They stay in the claws of these corporate capitalists.

So, in conclusion, Global Free Trade and the Free Market has had an effect on poverty and hunger…it’s made it worse.


No red or blue here. They are one in the same. Please read.


We were brought up to believe the United States was a “Democracy.” That we were supposedly a “pluralistic society” or (a belief in power). We were taught the “working class” had a say-so in elections and that power was widely distributed. This, however, is a myth. The fact is, power is held by only a few (an oligarchy). The elite in this oligarchy hold the power in big business and government offices and are not for the interest of the common people or “working class”; whether it be health care, a good education, enough to eat, affordable housing etc…these elite or “owning class” are out for profit and will use the “working class” by paying low wages, outsourcing, cutting benefits, anything to make profits soar.

These elite are not necessarily the rich alone. They are made up of what C.W. Mills coined the “Military-Industrial Complex” where there are three different groups of cooperating elite:

The Corporate or Business Elite – Which comprise of rich people with connections to corporations, CEOs, stockholders, people with big salaries. People like Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Nike founder Phil Knight.

Next are the Political Elite – President, Congress, Senators, Speaker of the House and Governors (who decide what government does on a more local basis).

Then there are the Military Elite – Joint Chiefs of Staff, Generals, and Heads of Services, basically, the “Brass of the Military”.

All of these elite are connected to one another. The corporate elite lobby for the political elites to gain clout, change or make forced government decisions through lobbying and giving large amounts of money to political parties. And the military elite co-operate with corporate and political elite to gain prestige and hopefully be gainfully employed or somehow very well compensated once their term in the military is up. They sometimes act as spokesmen for corporate elite and/or gain seats in government administrations.

These elite have control over the “working class”. The government can make the decisions that effect the working class’ lives and corporations can make the calls that effect the lives of the working class such as set wages, outsource, pink slips etc…And the common person which is what I will refer to as the “working class” from here on, are in no position to take on these corporate capitalists. Sure, in a pluralistic society it is possible to start an organization, but the common person doesn’t have the means to start these organizations (the money or the time) and most of them are kept so uninformed throughout their lives, they wouldn’t believe the truth about our politico-economic system if you told them.

Corporations on the other hand, are able to take and keep control of the common person because they have the means of doing so. They have the money and control over the common persons’ lives. If threatened they can fire or outsource and if they want big changes in tax breaks etc…they can always lobby and threaten the government with outsourcing or whatever it takes to get the changes they want.

Individuals don’t count for much in the political sense and don’t try to organize interest groups to defeat the elite or are just to naïve to the fact that our government is basically an oligarchy on the side of big business. Thus, most of the common people cannot distinguish between those who own the wealth and those who must work for a living. As long as they get their three meals a day, a roof over their heads and a six-pack to drink while watching the corporate evening news, they don’t realize they’re being kept ignorant of what’s really going on in the world.

In the meantime, these corporate capitalist elite say they are “putting their money to work” when in all reality, they are pushing more production out of these uninformed couch potatoes and paying less wages while they kick back and watch their profits soar.

At the same time, between housing costs, medical costs, the cost of food and less wages, the common person is almost worse off than they had been since the great depression.

In the Communist-Manifesto, Karl Marx says that the state appears to be nothing but an “executive committee (excomm) of the bourgeoisie.” The government is nothing but an executive committee; it may look like a government but it’s just a committee that manages the country for the bourgeoisie (the middle class, a social group opposed to the proletariat in the class struggle; the capitalist class). The capitalists are elites or they work for them. In 19th & 20th century, Western Europe’s working conditions were horrible. In the Sadler reports on working conditions, ‘they must form unions, strike and/or use violence if they had to in order to keep conditions tolerable’. But the government tried to crush these unions. The government was their enemy. In every case, the enemy of the worker was the government. The state creates an “appearance” that makes it seem to be open and democratic, but in “essence”, the state is class dominated by the elites. There is a definite contradiction between “appearance” and “essence”.

What do you do about it? Under excomm, or Classical Marxism, the executive committee leads to smash state, which leads to bureaucracy; which leads to hierarchy; which leads to oligarchy, which ultimately makes up fascism. Under excomm, the only way to do away with the power elites was through a bloody revolution to overthrow the government. Classical Marxists believe the state is a tool of class under which the capitalists use to control the people.

Neo-Marxists, however, found the excomm concept flawed. They found that the capitalist class is not inevitable. They believe in a revolution through the ballot box. That you can organize and have working class parties: pass laws and policies to change society towards socialism. The Neo-Marxists believe the state isn’t capitalist, but is dominated by the capitalist class because they have the money and resources to do so. They believe the capitalists win because they are more organized and have more money to spend than the working class. They believe the state is not the executive committee, that it isn’t necessarily a tool of class. They also believe that not everything people do in society is determined by the economy. An example would be the rich as well as the poor can listen to and enjoy opera and classical music. Therefore, they believe there is “Relative Autonomy” of class and culture. That there are correlations between class positions but not necessarily determinations.

Neo-Marxists believe in “False Consciousness”, to be aware of one’s self, and in order to get there, a person must not let the capitalists control the way we see the world.

We cannot allow the ruling class to manipulate the way we see the world. Now, through control with consent, the elites can control you through education, the media etc…without our even knowing it. They purposely keep specific information about the government and history out of our lives just so they can control us…that the barrier to class is lack of consciousness. Which, in today’s day and age, is very true. But this can be changed by the working class by being more aware of what’s going on in the world, and not through news outlets like FOX News….total deception. Do the homework involved; read many different sources, preferably outside the United States or if you must, at least get your news from public radio…self supported and not corporately owned and operated. It’s a good start.


The things I believed in no longer exist. It's foolish to think they do.
Western civilization finally went up in smoke in the chimneys of dachau, and I was too infatuated to see it.
I see it now.

I gather it to be all of your beliefs that culture tends to contribute to human misery. That the more one knows, the more unhappier one is likely to be. Take the bible, it's right in there. The Garden of Eden. Knowledge is destructive to the spirit, destructive to goodness. From God's point of view, all knowledge is vanity.

Or maybe it just gives people the unhealthy illusion they can 'outwit' the devil.

The darker picture is always the correct one. When you read the history of the world, you're reading the saga of bloodshed and greed and folly the importive which is impossible to ignore. And yet, we imagine that the future will somehow be different.

I have no idea why we are even still here, and in all probability we won't be here much longer.

I'm not special. You are not special. We are all just fellow occupants of the same abyssal pit in which I find myself in.

Does misery love company? You think I am full of shit?  They tell me the light is all around me but I see nothing but shadow, and I am the one causing it.

Just because I don't, and never had the faith most of you have; maybe having no faith is a matter of not having anything else. I don't know…and I DO know.

I don't have the chance, like most of you, to start over again or even starting over completely…just walk away.

If everything you are, and everything you have and everything you've done has brought you to the bottom of a whiskey bottle, I can't give you one good reason of salvaging any of it, because there isn't anything.

I have brought myself to close the door on all of that. And it is cold; it is very lonely; and there is a fierce wind blowing, and it is an obscure place to be…almost interesting and worth investigating.

Over the decades, all of the aforementioned has just centered around a gradual loss of 'make believe' of gradual enlightenment as to the nature of reality of the world.

But I don't live in a world of 'make believe'. I have been enlightened to the truth. The fact that this world is basically a forced labor camp in which the workers, who are totally innocent, are led forth by lottery…a few each day, to be executed. I don't think that is the way I see it, I think that is just the way it is.

I am sure there are alternative views, but I don't think any of them will stand with close scrutiny.

A quote: 'The one thing I have that I won't give up, is giving up. I am depending on it. The things I believed in were very frail. As I have said, they won't be around very long and neither will I. But it goes deeper than that. You can acclimate to laws, you have to…

Just because something is valuable or good doesn't mean it's going to be around forever, but that doesn't mean it is worthless.' 'You give up the world line by line and you become an accomplice  to your own annihilation.
There's nothing you can do about it. Everything you do closes a door somewhere ahead of you. Finally, there is only one door left.
I pray for the darkness…I pray for death. A real death. If I knew I would have eternal life after death, that would be the ultimate horror, the ultimate nightmare.
If I knew I was going to start all over and see my relatives…my mother, and live life over and over again for eternity without death to look forward to, that would be the ultimate nightmare…kafka ["Miss FB. When I arrived at Brod's on 13 August, she was sitting at the table. I was not at all curious about who she was, but rather took her for granted at once. Bony, empty face that wore its emptiness openly. Bare throat. A blouse thrown on. Looked very domestic in her dress although, as it turned out, she by no means was. (I alienate myself from her a little by inspecting her so closely ...) Almost broken nose. Blonde, somewhat straight, unattractive hair, strong chin. As I was taking my seat I looked at her closely for the first time, by the time I was seated I already had an unshakeable opinion".] on wheels.

But you can't be one of the dead because those without existence have no community…no community; my heart warms just thinking about it. [Blackness; Aloneness; Silence; Peace; and all of it only a heartbeat away]. I don't regard my state of mind as some pessimistic view of the world; I regard it as the world itself. Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing and one thing above all else, and that one thing is…futility. Basically, everyone who is eaten up by the dumb ass should be suicidal.

If people could see the world for what it truly is; see their lives for what they truly are without dreams or illusions, I can't think of one reason why they wouldn't want to die as soon as possible."

I DON'T believe in God! Look around you! Can't you see the clamor and den of those in torment has to be the sound most pleasing to his ear.

I loathe these discussions and debates…the argument of the village atheist whose single passion is to revile endlessly, that which he denies the existence of in the first place. Your fellowship…the 'love your brother', organized religion etc.

My younger brother died 5 years ago this year. He was a major Dead Head. Him and Jerry Garcia both were the kindest, caring, unconditional people to ever exist.

However minor it might have been, they both tried their best to spread peace and prosperity during their lives. I miss them both and hope to see them again soon.

I'm going to see his daughter next week for her 18th birthday...haven't seen her in a couple of years.

My brother, Kevin, nick-named his daughter after the Grateful Dead song, 'Crazy Fingers'. Here are the lyrics.

Love you both!! Miss you!!

Who can stop what must arrive now?
Something new is waiting to be born.


Your rain falls like crazy fingers
Peals of fragile thunder keeping time

Recall the days that still are to come
Some sing blue

Hang your heart on laughing willow
Stray down to the water
Deep Sea of Love

Beneath the sweet calm face of the sea
Swift undertow

Life may be sweeter for this, I don't know
See how it feels in the end
May Lady Lullaby sing plainly for you
Soft, strong, sweet and true

Cloud hands reaching from a rainbow
Tapping at the window touch your hair

So swift and bright
Strange figures of light
Float in air

Who can stop what must arrive now?
Something new is waiting to be born

Dark as the night
You're still by my side
Shining side

Gone are the days we stopped to decide
Where we should go
We just ride

Gone are the broken eyes we saw through in dreams
Gone - both dream and lie

Life may be sweeter for this I don't know
Feels like it might be alright
While Lady Lullaby sings plainly for you
Love still rings true

Midnight on a carousel ride
Reaching for the gold ring down inside

Never could reach
It just slips away but I try

And another thing
I've been wondering lately
Oh, baby,
Tell me where have you been?
Now the stage is set
Where's my Juliet, baby?
Is it maybe
My Midsummer Night's Dream?
What's my scene?
Like a talent scout
I'm always checking out new blood
Oh, I'd do good
If you tell me your game.
Playing Solitaire
Doesn't get me where you would
And, honey, you could
Play by any rules that you care to name.
What's my scene? (I gotta know)
They say, yeah, they say
Making love, you can make it pay.
They say, yeah, they say,
But we know there's a better way
Any day.
And another thing
I've been wondering lately
Am I crazy
To believe in ideals?
I'm a betting man
But it's getting damn lonely.
Oh, honey, it only
I could be sure what I feel.
What's my scene? (I'm dying to know)
I'll never know.
Well, I concede
I've been caught in someone else's scene (but that's not me).
Where, oh where, oh where can my scene be?
Please answer - me



You gonna look fine
Be primed for dancing
You're gonna trip and glide
All on the trembling plane
Your diamond hands
Will be stacked with roses
And wind and cars
And people of the past
I'll call you thing
Just when the moon sings
And place your face in stone
Upon the hills of stars
And gripped in the arms
Of the changeless madman
We'll dance our lives away
In the ballrooms of mars
You talk about day
I'm talking 'bout night time
When the monsters call out
The names of men
Bob dylan knows
And i bet alan freed did
There are things in night
That better not to behold
You dance
With your lizard leather boots on
And pull the strings
That change the faces of men
You diamond browed hag
You're a gutter-gaunt gangster
John lennon knows your name
And i've seen his


Allow me to be frank at the commencement.
You will not like me.
The gentlemen will be envious and the ladies will be repelled.
You will not like me now and you will like me a good deal less as we go on.
Ladies, an announcement: I am up for it, all the time. That is not a boast or an opinion, it is bone hard medical fact. I put it round you know. And you will watch me putting it round and sigh for it. Don't." It is a deal of trouble for you and you are better off watching and drawing your conclusions from a distance than you would be if I got my tarse up your petticoats.
Gentlemen. Do not despair, I am up for that as well. And the same warning applies. Still your cheesy erections till I have had my say.
But later when you shag -AND YOU WILL SHAG, I shall expect it of you and I will know if you have let me down - I wish you to shag with my homuncular image rattling in your gonads.
Feel how it was for me, how it is for me and ponder. 'Was that shudder the same shudder he sensed? Did he know something more profound? Or is there some wall of wretchedness that we all batter with our heads at that shining , livelong moment.' That is it. That is my prologue, nothing in rhyme, no protestations of modesty, you were not expecting that I hope.
I do not want you to like me.

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