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PerfectPointPleasure's blog: "Life's A Bitch"

created on 05/04/2008  |  http://fubar.com/life-s-a-bitch/b212974  |  3 followers

I have trouble ,Sleeping

A story I have thought about previously....every guy I guess has a nurse fantasy. Ok, I have one, or two, but here is one I hope might capture your imagination, plausible or not, I don't know. Ever envisioned yourself as a nurse?
 I trust you will let me know... I was considering participating in a sleep study when I lived in the UK back in the mid 90's. The local university was conducting a couple years' study, and was paying people who suffered from apnea (waking during the night when breathing stopped) to be monitored. I signed up, and received a date, address, and description of the study, and my part in it. I packed the things the list said I would need in a little bag, and set off just before dinner that evening.


The building was non-descript, tucked into a campus of medical clinics and buildings, with probably only a little more security and cameras around than I had seen anywhere else. I buzzed the appropriate office, identified myself, and was let in. I found my way through the sterile halls to the appropriate offices.

It was the end of the day for most people still milling about, but most were obviously headed home. I signed in, filled out some more forms, and read a magazine. A young orderly called me, and I was taken into the back of the clinic. I was shown my room, where I left my bag, and was taken to another room down the hall for a dinner. The orderly sat with me, chatting about his studies. I heard a voice call to him from behind me, and he left and came back a few minutes later. He related to me that he was given the night off, as the other scheduled patient/sleeper had called in and was not going to make it tonite.


We finished our dinner, passable, but no reason for the prepares to hang out a shingle and open a restaurant. There was a TV in this "break" room, some videos, an easy chair, some board games, cards, and table-top hand puzzles made of wood and wires. I looked at my watch, and noting that it was only a little past 7 p.m., I decided to try to find something to pass the time. The orderly came back with a young lady, and introduced her, you. You were going to be the technician conducting my test tonight, observing, and staying through the night. The orderly told me normally he would be staying, but as there was only one "sleeper" tonight, that he had been told he could go to the library to work on his term papers....He explained he would be on beeper, but doubted anything should come up that would be of consequence. The technician introduced herself then, and sat down to chat a little bit. I joked with you about just getting up (you had) and trying to stay awake when others are sleeping. You said you found it all very interesting, and had no problem staying awake, having always been a night owl, and there was plenty to do.


We had a couple of hours to kill, so we got involved in a pretty good game of Hearts. I could tell that you and the orderly, Dave, were at ease with one another, and the teasing was pretty direct and warm, with many smiles shared between you two. It was contagious, and following my own spirit of give and take, all three of us were exchanging barbs and jabs about our play, cards and other things. All in good fun. About 9pm Dave said he needed to get going, and he went through some things with you that he had covered, and then left. I picked up my book, and turned on the news, while you left for a few minutes.


Over the next hour you would come in and ask how I was doing, if I was sleepy, or needed anything, assuring me you were trying to make me comfortable - for the good of the test. Around 1030 you asked if I would like a snack, offering microwave popcorn, an array of beverages, some ice cream or anything else. I opted for a small bowl of ice cream, plain vanilla.

"Great," you said, "I will use that excuse to serve two and join you then."


I was enjoying your company, with obviously a professional, you have personality and verve too.

You look all-around healthy, vivacious and intelligent and ambitious, and a great conversationalist. Once or twice I alluded to the schedule and your social life, and you admitted there were inconveniences, but that you were soon moving on to greater things, like analyzing the data as more became available, and working with the study leaders in assessing the tests and data.


After we had each cleaned our bowls, you took mine, your fingers crossing mine as we passed the bowls, and took them into the next room. As you sashayed away, you said I could go ahead to my room, if I could find it, and go ahead and change into whatever night clothes I might have brought.


Well, this is where the embarrassing part came in. I wear little to nothing at home, but knew that the technician(s) would be in and out during the night, and that I needed to be wearing something. So, I had brought a t-shirt and old jogging shorts. I changed into them, taking in the room again. Yes, a TV, music system, easy chair and a side table. It was made to look as homey as possible, but the hospital style bed with bars on either side was a little hard to disguise.


You knocked politely on the door, and asked if you could come in. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, a book in my lap, a little nervous now. You told me you were glad I was dressed, and hoped that I was comfortable. You told me that many clients had brand new store-bought pajamas, as they admitted to sleeping in nothing, or next to it, and some even swore they would never give a good result from the night's data if they had to wear anything at all. We laughed, and you admitted you yourself didn't wear much. An ice-breaker, I guess. You fussed with the diodes and wires I would have to wear, and said you looked onward to infrared technology, that would do away with any wiring. You also asked about my book, and continued the small talk. Then, you started the little briefing on the lay-out of the room, light switches, bathrooms, wondering if I had to get up during the night at all, and telling me how you would be assisting, hanging around, in another room, etc.,.

My nervousness took a little step, which you already noticed on the machine in front of you. I was just thinking about what might happen if I start stroking myself in my sleep....and my morning erection sometimes, well.....


You had me lift my shirt, commenting nicely on what good shape I am in, and your fingers left searing glows wherever you lightly touched me.... I am around women most of the time, but not this close, and I am surprised by my own reaction....


You tell me you are going to the office, behind the one way glass mirror, and to relax, read, whatever, while you watch the data and set some parameters on the biometrics....


I have a hard time concentrating, between knowing you are there, the glow still from your touch, and my nervousness about the things that might come up during the night. I am conscious not to bite a nail, scratch the inside of my nose, or to scratch or dig anywhere else, though the clothing has shifted a bit on me, and

I wrestle with it while trying to not mess with the electro-leads.


You check on me once after about 15 minutes, then again after another 45. It is getting late, but I am unable to totally unwind. You come back in, and this time you sit in the chair, crossing your legs. After a few minutes of light chat, your experience leads you to turn the conversation about my sleep habits, and the things which I worry about, you try to cover in a clinical way. We talk a little about sex, and you ask if I have had a release lately, and I am embarrassed, but your professional demeanor and ease in talking with me allow me to answer without hedging, and I tell you it has been awhile, at least longer than I would like. And, I finally admit, my attraction to you has me worried the most.


You laugh, blushing, and I know that this is area a little less charted for you too. You reply, "I guess

I should not offer my back rubbing skills then!" We laugh, trying to steer the conversation away, and after a few minutes, you tell me that you are going to turn the lights down, and see if I can't drift off.


Amazingly, I do. But it is still restless. There are no windows to the outside, and the air is a little too dry and institutional....will have to mention that on my evaluation, though I don't know what can be done. I toss and punch my pillow, and kind of drift in and out.


Your hands. I do not startle when they touch me, but my nerves are suddenly jangling in alarm when I feel you sit on the edge of the bed, and your small hands start to rub my back, circling, pressing. I turn my head when I hear you whisper, "Awake?" "Mmmmm, yes, I am." "I thought perhaps the backrub might help then....no one else around, and nothing else to do....helps relax me somewhat too."


You compliment me on the mass of muscle on my upper back, and shoulders. But you go further. "Nice to see a man who takes care of himself. I like that." I smile, murmuring that I enjoy working out, and enjoy being able to still show up a kid now and again.


Your hands leave me for a moment, and then I feel warmth pressing to my back, and your hands, omigosh, moving inside my t-shirt, up my back, the shirt riding your forearms up as you go, hands flat, splayed, pressing, moving up towards my neck....Then, I feel your body, warm, NAKED, against my back. "Bet you can show the boys I know up in lots of ways," I hear you

whisper. I freeze. Well, except for part of me.

Sproing! Omigosh, filling, hard, underneath me, and it has no room....I squirm a bit to allow it to move up, towards my belly....I feel your hand slide under my stomach, right TOWARDS my arming missile! Before you get close, you ask if I am enjoying my backrub.

"Very relaxing, very stimulating, but....." is all I can gasp out. "But not sleep inducing? Is that what you mean?"


"Uh, very, er, no, of course not," my mind whirling, wondering where this might be headed. A tease? A hand job? A blowjob? Surely she doesn't offer these services....I am not carrying any protection, for either of us. No way I ever dreamed.....


"I don't want you to think," you whisper, your hands rubbing my tummy and ribs, warm and smooth, soft and small, "that I might have planned this, or done this before.....I just felt something, something nice (you lay kisses on my upper back), and you are so nice.....and, well, as you said (another kiss) my social life stinks (kiss) working here.....and you smell soooo good....."


I am at full alert, all systems processing information, and note with some glee that you have purposefully detached a couple of the electrodes from my back and side....and I want to turn over, see you, return the touches, have to touch you....


You feel me twisting, seeking leverage, and so you rise, rolling off of me, hands leaving my stomach, and

I feel suddenly so cold! I turn over, and untwist my legs from the sheet. You are standing, your blouse wide open, your bra pulled down, your breasts 90% visible, round, high, proud and so very sexy.....you hair is a bit mussed, and you have a wry, expectant smile on your face.


You put out a hand, touching my knee. My eyes are

taking you all in, and I want you close, right now!

You say my first name, "Chase, will you have me? Will you make love to me, here, tonight?"


Are heaven's angels calling me? Am I hearing music, am I awake, or dreaming?!


"If you want," is what I stammer. "Yes, more than anything, yes, I want to, yes, yes." And I hold my hands out to you, moving to slide off the bed.


"I want it to be different, special, so, will you wait one minute....will you allow me something, a moment?"


Figuring you want to secure a door, check something, I shrug and say, "Sure, anything. Can I get out of these things?"


(What would you say here? Prefer to watch me, find me already stripped, or to assist in both of us stripping the other? I hope you will tell me what you find sexy....)


Pulling your blouse closed, you slip out of the room, and return moments later, pushing a cart, with more equipment. You are smiling, but looking down. I have slipped off the shorts, removed the shirt, and am just in my bulging briefs, but the heel of my hand is rubbing the long engorged underside of my shaft as I stand next to the bed. The cart is silent, on the carpet, and your round breasts are somewhat exposed as you lean and move the cart towards me.


I look quizzically at it, but you shrug my unasked question off, instead going, "Mmmm, is that for me?" as your hand moves to where mine is, rubbing my swelling cock. I slide my hands around your waist, and pull you to me, searching and hoping you will lift your mouth to mine for a searching, introductory kiss.....we do meet, and it is heaven, soft, sweet, responsive, hungry. My hands slide up under your shirt, releasing your bra quickly as I have ever done...I feel one of your hands drop to your side to undo the clasp on your white medical skirt. I felt it fall in a silent pool at our feet, and one hand left the inside of your loosely-fitting blouse to run down over your waist, flaring hip, and nicely turned derriere, noting with extreme pleasure the French cut to your white cotton panties. Our kiss continued, your lips parting, your breath sweet and warm, intoxicating and alluring, my tongue responding, running the perimeter of your open, sliding along your lips, and flicking at the corners of your mouth, sliding inside, feeling your soft pink warm tongue there to greet me, to welcome me, and to mingle with mine. Your hand has moved inside my elasticized brief, teasing me with the way your fingers delve along my hard hip, and around to my white ass. You squeeze it, thank heavens I play enough tennis to keep it toned! Then, as your hand moves south, reaching underneath me, the brief is forced tight, and then gives, sliding up the back of your wrist, and off of my hips.


One of my hands, not the one working over your panty, likewise sliding fingertips under the edges of the panty, running along all the soft skin I can enjoy, the other hand moves up along your torso, and slides between us, mmmm, soft flesh, warm, round, jutting proudly and suddenly from your abdomen, your breast warms, excites, then fills my hand.


Shall I continue with the details? I am working your panty over your hips, and you have worked enough of mine off my slender hips that it starts to fall, except you have to slide a hand between us to get it over my erect member, and then it falls free, joining your skirt in the pile. You panty soon joins the pile, and all we are left with is a couple electrodes on me, and your open blouse on you. It looks sexy, and I ask you to leave it on.


Mmmm, where to go from here. Wondering what you like....I know I would like anything. Love to turn you around, have you sit back on my bed, watch you grabbing the rails as I acquaint myself with the taste of your skin, and the feel of your hands on my back or head as I kiss and caress, massage and manipulate your legs, smooth, warm, silky, my hands sliding up and down as I touch you and you are getting comfortable....ready for me to move between your legs, to swivel my head left and right as my lips and tongue glance over, skimming, alighting here and there, kissing, licking? Would your own hands be on my shoulders, on my hands, pressing, guiding, or teasing me with the draw of your expertly applied nails? Or would they be holding onto the rails at the head of the bed, your body arching and writhing, or on your tummy, or already gliding and pressing over your vulva, feeling so swollen and full, needing attention now, rubbing it, the scant trimmed thatch there looking so sexy as your hands move impatiently back and forth.....I would love to extend my tongue, as I smile, with my blue eyes upwards to yours, and drag my tongue, straight or in a zigzag pattern, up to your nexus, your waiting, tingling slit and opening...it is winking at me, ever so slightly, the petals and movement of your body offering me the smallest of sneak previews of your pink bud and wet and ready hole...like it if I run my tongue around it, rimming it out, finally wriggling a bit in the opening,probing, sliding in and out? Or is your clit screaming for my lips, my lips to brush over it, to feel my hot breath, and feel my slick and wriggling tongue over it, my lips pursing and sucking it in, making an "o" for you to lift and thrust into, the reward being my tongue flicking at the bud as it slides into my mouth, and your passion rises, and your need to feel more, do more mounts and rises...


Perhaps you would like to present to me more of your own body, have me touch and take in an appreciation or all the warm and smooth skin, standing next to the bed, allowing us to stand close, my cock pressed up between us, even already wet-tipped and warm against your abdomen, perhaps our height differential meaning the head up my tumescence would be nearly to the cleavage left so tantalizing by the round fullness of your breasts, free and unfettered, sexily moving behind the thin blouse that still clings loose and open to your smooth and sweet shoulders....my hands lifting your ass to me, the press of your warmth so good to me, your pelvis perhaps pressing upwards to squeeze my ball sac deliciously....smelling your hair, stroking it, my hands under your blouse, feeling the curves and hollows of your back, from your sexy derriere, over your flared hips, and back in again at all sides to your tummy, sides and the hollow in your lower back, a virtual bowl for my flat hand to slide in and out of.....your up tilted head, the kisses the we share, knowing that they are but a tease of the togetherness, the slick warmth and welcome our bodies have in store for each other.....


Or, perhaps you like the other. First, you like to do the other. To kneel, or lay on the bed, your head hanging over it, or laying sweetly on your side, as you fondle and caress, pulling lightly on my turgid weight, perpendicular, your thumb around one side, fingers lightly grasping over the top and around the other side, stroking, caressing, feeling the velvety length, the spongy head, all warm and pulsing, twitching, jerking upwards with each surge of mental or physical pleasure that becomes one inferno for me....your moans or mewling as you touch and feel me harden, lengthen, increase in weight and size, so beautiful in their spontaneousness, and the way they show to me your true interest in being so close, holding me, having some power over me, and it over you.....


You squeeze it, a bead of excitement appearing, which you can either coat your lips, breast or fingertip with, lapping at it, with a pointed tongue, right into the hole, willing more to issue forth....holding it out straight, breathing on it, and teasing me by rubbing it along your cheeks, or letting it swing and bob free, teasing me with your closed lips or chin, touching lightly....more pre-cum is there, and you paint your body or face in it, showing me your desire and wildness, your understanding of the erotic effect, all delaying the moment, the moment when you open your lips, wetting them with your wet tongue, and moving closer, so close, your breath playing over me, perhaps licking or applying wet kisses, and then more breathing, making me so hot, so weak-kneed, but so strong, I am ready to force you, to take your mouth....


No matter what, you do have a plan....no cumming for me, no, not yet. After the fun and tantalizing preliminaries, or after your first cum, to take the edge off, to learn how it can be for both of us, you disengage, and ask me to lie back on the bed....your hands and mine continue to reach, to try to maintain contact....you climb over me, straddling me, the railing on the far side convenient for you to grasp and steady yourself on, your hand on my chest, torso, lightly trailing amidst the light red/blonde hair there, and that trails down to... to where it thickens again, soft, very tightly curled, again reddish....to my purple-headed prince, my male sinew, standing tall, bulbously tipped, still gleaming from the treatment and touching so recently enjoyed....your hand encircles it, and you use me, oh baby, yes, use me, let me be your joy toy, rub it all along your underside, press down against it, flatten it against my tummy as you glide and ride across the underside...your moans and mine mixing, totally oblivious to them, automatic and involuntary, but adding so sensually to the whole scene....music for the background...


Then, when you need it, are ready for it, and I am probably babbling little words to the same effect, you reach to the side, your breasts swaying with your motion, captivating my attention, and drawing my hands again to touch and gently hold and caress them, and you grab and shake something, and, OMIGOSH, that is

COLD! You squirt something, a glob of pale pink gel all over my abdomen. Holy....! And you quickly drop the bottle, and spreading your legs, you lay forward, sliding our bodies together, spreading the quickly warming goop between us and our pelvic areas....I can't imagine....certainly we don't need that much lubricant, and as my mind whirls, flitting here and there, wondering, but still completely caught up in the passion, the desire, the arousal and then need for more driving sensations, to get me to my peak and a splendid, pent-up release, I leave myself in your hands, trusting you to take me there...


You smile, tell me you think everything is ready, and tell me how much you need this, and how good we are together, your raise up, grasping my slightly deflated and gel slicked cock, fisting it quickly, and then guide me to your entrance, ooooohhhhh, yeahhhhhh.

Mmmmmmm, the heat of your vagina and the heat of my cock tip, oh my, almost searing sensations....it is the gel? Or us? I start to lift my hips, but your respond, twisting lightly and then lowering yourself, your one hand constantly on the side rail, holding yourself steady, your other hand grasping the base of my re-hardening turgidness, and soon, like riding a rail yourself, you slide and glide down on me....all the way....mmm, love your weight on me, the warmth of your legs, your ass...you release the railing and lean forward, bobbing your tits in front of my mouth, moaning at how good it is to be together, as it was always meant to be in the end....


You start to move, and I can feel your inner muscles grasping and coaxing me, the tight walls closing on me, the tightness especially as you lift off of me, choking the head of my cock, squeezing it in the tightness, making me afraid to lose contact....


A few motions of your hips, and my hands grasp your hips, ready to give back, or join you in our supine dance, rubbing, sliding, squeezing, mmm, friction, pressure on the head and base of my cock....mmmmm ,getting hot, mmmmm, getting better, more yes, like that, my hips lifting and twisting, bucking a bit, I can feel the pressure building at the base of my balls, behind them...oh, this is going to be very good....


Without missing a twist or move, you reach beside yourself, and grab a wand, and leaning forward, you slide it between our stomachs, lower yet....turning the cart next to the bed towards us, I see a monitor, a black and white screen, 6" across, and there, I can't believe it, it is a sonogram, and there is my cock, moving, in and out, in and out, omigosh, we can enjoy the sensations, and watch as we move, oh baby.....


Your smile is huge, and you gasp, between movement, bucking up and down, your hips flailing back against me, that you, gasp, had never, ugh, oh nice, right there, yes, that this just occurred, oh lord, oh yes, oh yes, do it, fuck me Chase, mmmm, I want to feel it, see it....give it to me....


I myself am gasping, lifting, thrusting myself up back against and in you, my eyes flitting from your body, your hair, eyes, mouth, breasts playing peek-a-boo in the more loosely hanging blouse, and then looking beside us at the monitor, my cock filling the screen, hardly distinguishable from your flesh surrounding and grasping me....


When, baby, do it, can you do it, oh please, so close, give it to me, do it tooooooooo meeee, and I can't hold off, your body, your touch, your hot fucking, and your words, oh baby, yes, I groan, growling almost, heaving myself up while hauling down on your hips, seeking depth and heat and tightness.....mmmmm, ugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh, SPURT, more motion, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, SPURT, and the monitor is clouded, dissipated and cleared only as I thrust again, SPURT....and then,, groaning deep within your chest, eyes glued to the monitor, you groan with me,



Mmmm, this is very erotic, sexy, and as you quiver and shudder over me, my convulsions lasting a full half-minute or so, you go rigid on my pole, twisting slightly, as I reach to pull on your nipples, thumbs and forefinger stroking gently.....and you gasp, and relax, expended.... Giggling, laying close on me, the probe between us now tossed aside, breathing heavily, murmuring each other's names, gasping, aftershocks still making me twitch inside you, slipping away.....you tell me my test results are probably a mess, and between panting breaths, asking if I might want to book another night, so we can work, gasp, on the obviously anomalous data....


We lay, enjoy the moments of closeness, and as you slide away from me, you tell me there will be pictures, and wonder if I might want a copy. You bet, along with your phone number....home and work!

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