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angel of the night

Angels of the night, you can not see. Angels of the night, you can not hear. Angels of the night, are there when there is no light. Angels of the night, will keep you safe. Angels of the night, are always in your life. Althought you can not see them, they are always there. Angels of the night, is who I ture to for hlep.

A Pome By Me

GOODBYE The unhappiest inside, no one saw. No one knew about the sadness, deep inside of me. The tears I cried, when no one eals could see. The emptiest inside, no one wanted to know. The darkness inside, that no one could find. The voices in my head, that no one eals could hear. The choice I made, no one thought I would. Sorry for the choice I made, but the voices told me to. Am sorry you could nto hold me, to say goodbye. Am sorry the unhappiest, put me in my grave.

Life Chages That Fast

April 1896 As light turns to night everything changed. I walk the cold street alone to a dear friend's house. On my way I felt as though something bad was about to happen. As I reached James' doorstep I felt the feelings worsen. I knew this night would be like no other I went to James; he still lies so sick with no change from the night before. I sat next to his bed As the doctor left the room. I held him as we talked about what we would do when he was better. As he grabbed my hand and held it tight, I felt him slipping away from me. As I looked at the door waiting for the doctor to come back, he looked in to my eyes and said he was sorry for the plans were not going to happen. At that time he passed away and I did not know what to do. But I remember that he wanted me to pray for him. T he doctor came back in, as I was praying over James' body. He announced the time of death was 9p.rn to the nurse. Chapter two I have to plan my lifetime friend's wake. It's so hard I knew forever we were going to grow old together. Now he has gone away, before his time. I remember when I first met him. Him and his mom moved next door to me. He was really shy but my mom and sisters thought he was so cute. All my brother wanted to do is fight with him. I personally thought he was a good, kind person and would be a nice guy to get to know, my mom asked if their family would like to join our family for dinner. That was the first day I met my best friend. We talked for most of the night and found to be a lot alike. Time past so fast when we were around each other. I was so happy to be around him. I really did not have time for my other friends. But I did not even care, they never mad eme this happy. As years past by we went together for a few years. I wish he was still that boy I met so many years ago. But as he became sick he changed so much. This is what made his love fade from his eyes. Now that he was gone, he will never know my love remains for him. Chapter three The day is dark and cold for the sun did not rise. The rain is falling from the sky above. Today is James wake. It finally hits me as I see him lying there. It's so hard for I have to talk about him and his life in front of three hundred people. Most of them knew him. I don't know what to say, but I know I will speak from the heart. "/ knew James for eight years now. He was a warm-hearted person, which showed love to everyone that he knew. With his lifetime he never showed hate to anyone. He went before his time was up, but I know he is watching us wherever he may be. I hope he meets us at the gates when it's our time to go. We say good-bye to this friend, son and brother, we see how great he really was." Chapter Four My days are dark and lonely now; I miss James now more then ever before. His mom is staying with me for a few days. She talks about his bother a lot but I never met him because he lives with his father. She seems to be dealing with James death better then me. I bought his house with my dear friend Sara's help. I don't want his house to be messed with for he is still in my heart. I hope that he is watching over me and understands what I am doing. I don't get why his mom wanted to tell me about his bother William. She wants to bring him here, but not sure if it is a good ideal. Chapter Five James' mom finally talked me to in letting William to come and stay with us, for a few days. It is really time for me to meet the rest of his family. I don't know if I will be able to deal with it very well. I know this is something James would want. His mom did not tell me much about William; I hope we will get along. I mean with him being in my home I would like to get to know him better. Somewhere deep inside of me, I feel like I really do. I do not understand the feeling for I never met him. He is due here anytime and the feelings are getting stronger as the time gets closer. I remember when I first felt this feeling James just came back from the army and I knew he was home and safe. Everything I do seems to remind me of him. Tomorrow I go get William. Chapter Six The time has come and I am on the way to the airport with "Mom", as I now call her. William just landed at the airport. I am looking forward to meeting him. As we neared the Airport Mom told me she had something she really needed to tell me. She said to park for this. She told me that William and James were twins. As we got to the airport I saw how much they were really alike. William and I spent a lot of time talking to each other. As time past. I felt as if he knew me like James did. As dawn came he turned to me and said that he is James, and that it was William who died. I can't believe that James is alive! So how do I know this is the James I fell in love with or if it is just an act??? How do I find out the different I know I was having that feeling for a reason, I can see it in his Eyes. This really is my James. This is mine and only mine do not take Thanks i spent time on thing for me not you


"Rede" is derived from an Old English word "roedan" which means to guide or direct. 1 One common version of the Rede is: "An it harm none, do what thou wilt." "An" and "wilt" are Old English words for "if" and "want to." Alternative renderings of the Wiccan Rede are: An it harm none, do as ye will Ãn it harm none, do as ye will An ye harm none, do what ye will. A'in it harm none, do what thou wilt. An' it harm none, do what thou wilt. If it harms none, do what you will. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An' it harm none, do what ye will. Do what you will as long as it harms none The Rede states that a Wiccan is free to do what ever they want to, as long as it does not harm themselves or anyone else. Harm is normally considered to include manipulation, domination, attempts to control, physically injure, emotionally harm, or hurt another person or group in any way. The Threefold Law (a.k.a. the Law of Return) adds a reward for those who follow the Wiccan Rede, and a punishment for those who violate it. The law states that: "All good that a person does to another returns three fold in this life; harm is also returned three fold." The Rede and Law obviously prevent a Witch/Wiccan from doing harm to themselves or to others, taking harmful drugs, etc. "This belief constantly reminds us that there are many consequences to our actions and we must consider all possible outcomes before acting. The Wiccan Rede thereby binds Wiccans to do the right thing." 2 Some followers of other religions have attributed many evil activities to Wiccans -- from the laying of curses to conducting love spells; from conducting human sacrifices to performing black magic. These actions are strictly forbidden to all followers of Wicca. In most cases, beliefs in evil magic by Wiccans can be traced back to European religious propaganda during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance in Western Europe which was used to justify witch hunting and burning. Comparing the Wiccan Rede with behavioral rules of other religions: The Wiccan Rede is one of many Ethics of Reciprocity which are found in essentially all of the world's religious texts. In Christianity, the Ethic of Reciprocity is sometimes called the Golden Rule. It urges believers to treat other people decently. For example, in Christianity, three of the 50 or so Gospels which circulated in the 1st century CE state: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12, King James Version. "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31, King James Version. "...and don't do what you hate...", Thomas 6. Those Ethics of Reciprocity which are found in non-Wiccan religions concentrate on one's duties to other people. The Wiccan Rede goes further by also prohibiting a Wiccan from engaging in an action that hurts themselves. The Pentateuch -- the first five books in the Hebrew Scriptures -- lists 613 behaviors that the ancient Hebrews were expected to either adopt because they are not sinful, or avoid because they are wicked. These laws are referred to as the Mosaic Law. About two dozen of these behaviors are grouped into the Ten Commandments. In contrast to the 613 specific injunctions, the Wiccan Rede consists of only one general rule which is intended to govern all behaviors. Most religions teach very specific rules of behavior. The Roman Catholic church, for example, sorts them into two categories: mortal and venial sins. In contrast, the Wiccan is not given a list of prohibited and compulsory actions. They forced to consider all of the likely ramifications of each action before deciding whether it meets the standard of the Wiccan Rede. It can only be performed if it is free from harm. Judy Harrow writes: "The Craft, assuming ethical adulthood, offers us no rote rules. We will always be working on incomplete knowledge. We will sometimes just plain make mistakes. Life itself, and life-affirming religion, still demands that we learn, decide, act, and accept the results." 3 Robin Woodsong writes: " 'Do as you will and harm none' is not an easy way to structure morality. We have difficult personal choices to make and hard decisions to follow. It would be much simpler if all aspects of our lives were regulated, and the rules and regulations written down and posted. No more thinking, no hard choices, no more struggling over ethical conflicts." 4 Being a Wiccan can be a difficult religious choice. History of the Wiccan Rede within Wicca: John Coughlin researched the writings of Gerald Gardner (1884-1964) and Doreen Valiente (1922-1999). These are the two individuals who are generally regarded as the founders of modern Wicca. He found the first reference to a ethical criteria similar to the Wiccan Rede in Gardner's third book: "The Meaning of Witchcraft." 5 He wrote that Wiccans: "...are inclined to the morality of the legendary Good King Pausol [sic], 'Do what you like so long as you harm no one.' But they believe a certain law to be important, 'You must not use magic for anything which will cause harm to anyone, and if, to prevent a greater wrong being done, you must discommode someone, you must do it only in a way which will abate the harm'." 6 It appears that King Pausole was a character in a novel by a French writer, Pierre Louys, called "The Adventures of King Pausole," published in 1901. Coughlin writes that: "The first recorded mention of the Wiccan Rede in the eight-word form popular today, at least that I have been able to discover thus far, was in a speech by Doreen Valiente on October 3, 1964 at what may have been the first witches' dinner organized in modern history. The event was sponsored by 'Pentagram,' a quarterly newsletter and 'witchcraft review' started and published by Gerard Noel in 1964:" "Demanding tolerance between covens as well as toward the outside world, Doreen spoke the Anglo-Saxon witch formula called the Wiccan Rede or wise teaching: 'Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil, An' it harm none, do what ye will'." 7

How To Become A Wiccan

First ask yourself whether you really want to become a Wiccan. Some Cowans (non-Wiccans) are keen to convert to Wicca in order to cast spells and gain power over other people. They have seen Witches wiggling their noses or waving a wand on TV or in the movies and are enthused about gaining that degree of control over nature and other individuals. Wicca doesn't really work that way. The Wiccan Rede severely restrict Wiccans' spells and rituals. It prohibits any manipulation, coercion or harm. Spells must be for the good of all; they must harm none. A Witch cannot, for example, cast a love spell on another person in order to make them feel fall in love. That would manipulate them. A Wiccan is are permitted to perform a ritual to make themselves more open to love generally, but that is about it. There are other considerations: Being a Wiccan is not easy. Wicca requires a great deal of personal discipline and effort before one becomes proficient in the craft. In fact, the learning never stops. Unlike many other religions, Wicca has few ready-made rules of behavior. In order to determine whether a particular action is moral or not, a Wiccan must analyze all of the possible consequences of the action (or lack of action) and make certain that "it harms none." In some areas of North America, it is not particularly safe for a Wiccan to be open about her or his religion. There are still many sincere, devout but misinformed people who incorrectly associate Wicca and other Neopagan religions with Satanism, devil worship, or criminal behavior. Verbal abuse, physical attacks, shooting and even lynching have occurred in recent decades in the U.S. However, there are also many positive aspects to the religion. Wiccans feel very close to the environment and the cycles of nature. Many have reported an intense feeling comfort when they found Wicca -- a perfect fit; something that they have been searching for all their life. Members of covens often become emotionally and spiritually close -- much like a family. Wicca is more than a religion. It is an all encompassing way of life that permeates all aspects of your being. If you decide to proceed, then you might spend some time learning about Wicca: You might find many of the essays linked to our Wicca menu to be helpful. You might surf the Internet for information. This will give you an appreciation of the range of Wiccan beliefs and practices. Wicca is not a single monolithic religion; it is rather a grouping of many different traditions. See our list of links to Wiccan sites. See also the references below. There is a list of books on Wicca on this site. You may be able to borrow some of these from your local library. Otherwise you might try to purchase some. Your telephone directory might advertise a bookstore specializing in "New Age," "metaphysical," or "magickal" books. Large book stores like Barnes & Noble, Borders and Chapters generally have a Wiccan or New Age section. We have links in our book list to Amazon.com, an online bookstore, which stocks many hundreds of books on Wicca. After you have gained a little knowledge about Wicca, you might want to try to contact a local Wiccan coven. A coven is a group of Wiccans, typically three or more in number. Some are informally structured. Others require potential members to pass a training class before being initiated as a Wiccan; it often lasts the traditional "year and a day." There are also individual Wiccans who are not affiliated with a coven. They are often called solitary practitioners. See our essay on how to contact other Wiccans. If you wish to remain a solitary practitioner yourself, you might find the Seax-Wica tradition founded by Raymond Buckland to be of interest. 1 This tradition has a self-initiation ritual by which a sincere individual can initiate themselves into the craft as a Priestess or Priest. Alternatively, you might wish to write your own ritual.

I've been Tagged!!!

Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. Falling asleep watching movies 2. Spending to much time on my PC when things need done 3. Spending too much time worrying about stupid things. 4. Being on LC to much.. 5. Falling asleep at work siiting at my desk 6. Sometimes get confused with phone numbers 1. MaMas 2.SpaceCowboy 3.SkOtto 4. LostCherry Man 5.OttO 6.Tom
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