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Aidan's blog: "ice word"

created on 09/10/2013  |  http://fubar.com/ice-word/b355627

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis are living large these days, given their rapid rise to music stardom, but this new Cracker Jack'd campaign, created out of Rally, Seattle shows how their "epic" lives translate to everyday scenarios. A series of decidedly lo-fi videos captures the stars in situations inspired by classic duo-themed TV shows, like "The Odd Couple" or "Starsky & Hutch," yet they're doing extremely mundane things, from petting a cat and picking lint (below) to ironing a shirt or calling Mom.


As for the connection to the brand, PepsiCo/Frito-Lay's youth-targeted spinoff of the classic popcorn treat, Rally partner and Creative Director Keith Goldberg said: "The essence of Cracker Jack'D, in all of its nine flavor combinations, is it's a snack that fuels you -- and is a catalyst that helps you 'seize your day' no matter what life throws at you." Which includes, of course, boring, everyday chores.

The videos will roll out on the, YouTube, XXLmag.com and CollegeHumor.com. Fans will also be able to win some of the goods featured in the films--including an ironing board and lint roller -- signed by the artists.


"The idea came out of conversations with the guys, who mentioned that before stardom, no one ever recognized them," said Mr. Goldberg, who co-directed the videos with Vince Werner of . "Whereas now, they can barely cross a street without it being recorded, commented upon and made to seem epic. So, as befits the down-to-earth, keeping-it-real personality of the two -- who still fly coach and are the opposite of artists who spend their time trying for a mention on TMZ -- we decided to poke fun at their sudden god-like status by showing the 'epic' ways they seize the elements of their day."


Mr. Goldberg also notes that the tongue-in-cheek storytelling aims to stay authentic to the artists' voice and plays to the tastes of the brand's target audience. Macklemore and Lewis are "grateful for the fame and fortune that has come their way but think some of the trappings of the 'star lifestyle' can be a bit silly," said Mr. Goldberg. "The POV of the videos also relates to the ironic sensibility of millennial consumers who Macklmeore & Ryan Lewis have been so successful in reaching."

Personally I don't believe in banning words – but I do believe in intellectual and moral consistency. You'd never hear an organisation as eggshell-treadingly right-on as the BBC use pejorative terms for Jews or black people or homosexuals or sufferers of cerebral palsy. So why, pray, does it feel it can persist in using the deliberately offensive term "denier" to write off anyone who is sceptical about Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming?


It was at it again this morning on one of its regular Scientists: Aren't They Marvellous?!!! programmes, this one presented by a particularly fulsome and slobbering Jim Al Khallili. [The  but for God's sake keep a towel handy to wipe off all the drool. Oh, and a sick bag too.] Khallili was giving the O Mighty Genius, How Shall We Praise Thee? treatment to a dreary-sounding woman named Joanna Haigh who is apparently head of physics at Imperial College London. Presumably Freeman Dyson and Richard Lindzen weren't available.

Anyway, when she's not swanning around her department radiating goodness, light, truth and beauty (so various recorded tributes told us), Haigh is a fervent believer in the IPCC, in man-made global warming, sections on "climate change" in Geography GCSEs and so on. She also has no time for climate sceptics who, she said, she prefers to call "deniers".

Once might have been forgivable. But Al Khallili used in his intro too, for all the world as if the very nature of climate scepticism is so outre and unacceptable that it is perfectly acceptable to dismiss such miscreants with whatever insults one will.

Complaining that the BBC is biased in its coverage of climate change, I admit, is about as pointless as grumbling that Hamas are a touch anti-semitic. Even so, maybe one or two readers might care to let the BBC's complaints department, what that term "denier" is designed to signify.


Here : "Almost everywhere, climate change denial now looks as stupid and unacceptable as Holocaust denial."

Did you see what George did there? If you're sceptical about an unproven scientific hypothesis you're in the same league as people who don't accept that the Nazis murdered six million Jews.


The BBC is not the only member of the alarmist establishment which makes too handy with the "d" word. Even once-respectable scientific journals like Nature have started using it, prompting


The use of the term “denier” does your journal a disservice, both for its vagueness and for its insulting overtone.

What does a “denier” deny? Certainly not Climate Change: nor global warming since records began in the late 19th century: nor the likelihood of human influence on temperatures. What, then?

A “denier” denies certainty on a complex and still young scientific subject. A “denier” questions assumptions about the near irrelevance of solar, oceanic and other non-anthropogenic influences on temperature. A “denier” prefers evidence to model projections. A “denier” tests alarming predictions against actual observations. In short, a “denier” exhibits the symptoms of a genuine seeker after scientific truth.

I wish the same could be said of “consensus” writers – or that they showed the same restraint and courtesy towards different opinions shown by sceptics such as Watts Up With That.

Want to know what an Olympus camera looks like when the Japanese giant goes all out? Look no further than the OM-D E-M1, the latest interchangeable lens model that represents not only a push in the OM-D line, but also the death of the company's commitment to DSLR. It's the embodiment of the would-be E-7 wrapped up into a compact system camera body, if you will.

A new design brings with it all manner of new and exciting things too: a new sensor and autofocus system being the E-M1's primaries; no optical low-pass filter, a 2.36m-dot electronic viewfinder, 5-axis image stabilisation, weather-sealing and operation to -10C adding a handful of secondary top-spec features.

Pocket-lint had a play around with the new champion model ahead of its official unveiling where we dug in deep to to see what OM-D E-M1 is capable of. Is it truly "OMG", OM-D?

Dual Fast AF

Since 2008 Olympus has been pushing Micro Four Thirds - the same lens mount that the E-M1 adopts. The exception to this push was the 2010 appearance of the E-5, the Four Thirds model that utilises the older, 2002-born lens mount. It's almost like a conflict of interests, so job number one for the E-M1 was to find a way of coping with both Micro Four Thirds and Four Thirds lenses.


Dual Fast AF is the company's answer. It's achieved by placing dedicated pixels on the sensor that are utilised for phase-detection autofocus when Four Thirds lenses are attached. You will need to have the necessary adaptor to attach such lenses, however.

Pop a newer Micro Four Thirds lens on the front and the phase-detection system is ignored. This isn't a "hybrid" autofocus system as with many recent DSLR systems - think Canon EOS 700D, for example - as it instead adjusts its response based on the attached lens type.

If you love pixel-level geekery like we do then you'll be interested to know that the E-M1's sensor is also designed differently from that of many competitors. Whereas some other manufacturers use entire horizontal lines of dedicated phase-detection pixels, Olympus instead utilises single grey pixels - arranged in left and right halves - positioned in a rigid fashion around the sensor. This means the left and right opposites are spaced far enough apart for the necessary comparison basis required for phase-detection, but also there's little compromise to the surrounding red, green and blue-filtered pixels and that ensures enough colour data is available for accuracy. This more spaced-out arrangement is preferable, given that the phase-detection system won't be used at all if you only ever use Micro Four Thirds lenses.


But it's all about how it functions in the real world, isn't it? In a limited-light restaurant setting we had no issues with lenses locking on to subjects of all types. Even the continuous autofocus system did a pretty good job of chopping and changing between focal depths. In short, and just like the Olympus Pen E-P5, the E-M1 is super-fast. Indeed it's the best Olympus autofocus system we've used to date.

READ: Olympus Pen E-P5 review

New sensor power

But it's not just on-sensor AF pixels that make the sensor different. With no low-pass filter to diffuse the light coming in to the sensor, shots ought to be sharper. Bully for moire issues - and there was no mention of a model with a filter being made available - but such are the current trends.

We pressed Olympus for more sensor information as to how much better the E-M1's sensor is compared to that in the E-M5 - but there was no such information. They both have a 16-megapixel resolution, that much was clear, but that was all we had to go on based on the information put to us.


Good job, then, that we had an E-M5 in tow to take some side-by-side snaps to have a look for ourselves. We weren't allowed to take away image samples with us, so you'll just have to take our observational words instead.

READ: Olympus OM-D E-M5 review

First impressions? The E-M1 is visibly better at the higher ISO settings. We snapped an ISO 25,600 shot on both cameras, zoomed in to 100 per cent on the rear screens of both cameras and the image was sharper, had far more discernible detail in the fine-detail areas and, to us, the colour was better too. It's no scientific test, however, as despite swapping out the new 12-40mm f/2.8 lens between bodies it's the screens on both cameras that differ in quality. Still, when it's possible to easily see a notable improvement it's happy days if you ask us, so kudos to the E-M1: it looks to be a cracker in the image quality department.


Olympus did provide us with some details of what's going on behind the scenes too. The latest TruePic VII engine can auto-detect any Olympus lens - both Four Thirds and Micro Four Thirds - and apply lens-specific processing to counteract for distortion and chromatic aberration issues. Panasonic and other lenses aren't catered for to the same degree, however. The TruePic engine also said to produce optimal resolution dependent on aperture used during shooting, for greater levels of detail at even closed-down aperture values.

Add the usual array of art filters - including a new vertical diorama addition - and there's a whole heap of in-camera tweakage that you can rely on.

Design details

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves with all the top features, let's pause to reflect on what a stunning machine the E-M1 is. Visually Olympus has found its forte. Alongside the E-P5 and E-M5, the E-M1 looks grand. It's modern, yet it's timeless, and a little retro - particularly when the additional HLD-7 battery grip accessory is connected, plumping out the camera to near-DSLR proportions.

But it's not quite as big or as heavy as a DSLR. It's got the build quality right - weather-sealed magnesium chassis with not only dust- and splash-proofing, but the ability to operate down to conditions as cold as -10C (something we couldn't test!) - and feels top-notch in the hand. The grip protrudes to a necessary degree to cater for those who want to lump on a longer Four Thirds lens too, yet there's enough space between grip and lens to remain comfortable.


Dials and buttons are delivered in abundance, so newbies might struggle to find their way around this complex machine. But then it's not aimed at such an audience - one glance at the £1,299 body-only price asserts that.

We're big fans of what Olympus calls the "2x2 dial control" that gives the thumbwheels a dual lease of life via the flick of a switch. Everything is customisable and there's a litter of function (Fn) buttons to provide access to, well, pretty much anything, any how. It's all in the details.

Custom colour

In addition to the rear 3-inch, 1.04m-dot, tilt-angle touchscreen LCD panel, one of the E-M1's hero specs is its new electronic viewfinder (EVF). It's the same panel as found in the VF-4 accessory finder for the E-P5, but that's not made it into a finished product before now.

The 2.36m-dot EVF has a 1.48x magnification (0.74x, converted) that makes it large to the eye - about the same as you would find in even many full-frame DSLR cameras. It's got some special tricks up its sleeve too: there's an auto brightness adjustment available by default that dims or brightens the viewfinder according to the surrounding of natural light to give a more natural and comfortable view to work with. If you find that off-putting - although we didn't find it to be jarring - then it can be switched off.


You can even manually adjust the colour with a hue/saturation and colour dial, dubbed "Color Creator" - controlled using the two thumbwheels - to get not only a preview visualisation on either LCD or in EVF, but also save the preset to apply to JPEG shots. Up to four different presets can be saved and the function is also available in conjunction with raw & JPEG shooting.

Other cool things, too, such as HDR (high dynamic range) preview can be seen in real-time in the viewfinder, thanks to some funky real-time processing. Clever stuff.

It's all pro

The viewfinder is one example that represents the level of detail that the E-M1 packs in. But there's plenty more besides: A 1/8000th sec mechanical shutter speed, focus peaking for precision manual focus, updated 5-axis image stabilisation that can now better cater for the slowest shutter speeds, up to 10 frames per second (10fps) shooting for up to 41 raw consecutive raw files, and enhanced Wi-Fi functionality. That's us almost out of breath.

But there's still only the one SD slot. At this level - and considering there's enough physical space - we'd liked to have seen the introduction of a dual slot at the very least. It seems we can't quite have it all.


If the Olympus OM-D E-M5 has caught your attention then, and just like with recent Olympus releases, getting in the pre-order queue will have potential benefits: the Four Thirds to Micro Four Thirds lens adaptor will be thrown in free of charge for any current registered E-series customers placing an order up until November 2013, while all customers pre-ordering before launch day will receive the vertical battery grip (HLD-7 - which differs from the HLD-5 designed for the E-M5) at no extra cost.

It's a veritable feast of goodies, but then it doesn't come cheap. As we've mentioned the £1,299 body-only price asserts the E-M1's market position, while the 12-40mm f/2.8 lens kit's £1,949 asking price is about as far removed from budget as can be. Top gear comes with top-level prices - there's no avoiding it. And the E-M1 is a lovely thing to behold - just look at it - that doesn't scrimp on the image quality front from what we've seen. It may not shift in giant numbers like the E-P5, but the E-M1 has us enamoured already.

A game maker is seeking funding for a new board game titled UFO Hunter.

The game’s creator, Mark Hanny, launched a fundraising campaign on Tuesday, September 10 utilizing the crowdfunding website Kickstarter. According to the game’s description:

The 'UFO Hunter' board game. (Credit: Joe Magic Games)

The ‘UFO Hunter’ board game. (Credit: Joe Magic Games)


In the board game UFO Hunter, each player travels across the globe looking for tangible, extra-terrestrial evidence. In order to beat the competition to this acclaim, players must carefully choose the best time to travel, buy just the right equipment, conduct the proper research, and publish rumors of new sightings. Rumors may turn out to be nothing, or even a trap set by governments or private individuals. Even exposing hoaxes can be beneficial to leading you to the truth and ultimately to victory.


Hanny is a veteran board game designer who has designed games for more than twenty years. He describes, “I make games that I would want to play and that I myself find entertaining and challenging. I’m really in it for fun–because games should be fun. And the social aspect of board games makes each one an event. There’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing that spark of enjoyment and to have another gamer say, ‘Wow! This is really cool!’”

UFO Hunter has already been developed and designed, and is ready for production. Supporters who pledge more than a certain dollar amount will receive a copy of the game when it is produced. And according to the Kickstarter page, the game’s estimated delivery is December 2013.


At the time of this article’s publication, the UFO Hunter Kickstarter campaign has already received more than $1,500 of the game’s $2,000 goal. If you would like to support this project, pledges can be made on the UFO Hunter Kickstarter page – http://kck.st/1aooM1d. The project’s funding period runs through October 25

Line, the mobile messaging company from Japan that was birthed by Korean Internet firm Naver, continues to grow at a fast pace after announcing that apps on its Line Game platform have now passed 200 million cumulative downloads.


That’s particularly impressive considering that the Line messenger app, which the Game platform ‘plugs’ into, has 230 million registered users, having passed 200 million downloads in July. The 30-plus games in its collection include: Line Pop (iOS - Android), Line Bubble (iOS – Android) and Line Play (iOS – Android).


Line’s gaming prowess is yet another sign that the service has blossomed into a content platform, from being merely a messaging service. To that end, the company booked $132 million in revenue for Q2 2013, of which $53.7 million was in-game purchases.

 LINE GAME Achieves 200 Million Downloads, Celebrates With 7-day GAME Fest! [Line Official Blog]


Game of Light

Game of Light


Hyperrealistic graphics may be the standard for gaming, but Game of Light (Warning: Loud video volume) is a welcomed detour into vivid, low-res delight. Built for a course at the University of Oslo by [Abdimaalik], [Martin], [Andre], [Eivind], and [Stian], Game of Light has a handful game options, some of which allow up to four players. The build uses eight DE-DP14211 LED dot matrix boards, each with 32×16 bi-color LEDs and a built-in HT1632C display controller to handle the multiplexing. They are mounted together to form the 64×64 resolution display.


The box was custom-made out of what we suspect is acrylic, and uses some 3D printed pieces to offset the top from the bottom and to hold components in place. SNES controllers send data to the Arduino, which also runs the games and feeds the display controllers. Buried in the mix are two fans to keep the components cool. Everything is open source, so race to Github for source code and the games.


For another LED matrix project with a lot of gaming potential, check out [Brad's] PS2 mouse interface that lets him interactively draw in real-time.

If you somehow managed to magically avoid all hints at what happens during Game of Thrones' now-infamous Red Wedding scene, stop reading now. Because one man hooked himself up to an Arduino and PulseSensor to track his heart rate during the episode, and spoilers abound (kind of maybe if you have really good eyesight).


For the majority of the episode our friend over at Virostatiq seemed fine with a solid, steady flat line. Then towards the end, things start going awry. As far as we can tell, each major spike you see seems to correspond with (*spoilers*spoilers*SPOILERS*) the respective deaths of Rob, his wife, and mommy dearest in that final huge jump.

I offer no apology to those of you who disobeyed the spoiler warning—you had your chance.

Inside Funny Or Die’s Celeb-Filled Video Production House

Ryan Lawler

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Funny Or Die has spent the last six years making some of the funniest content on the web, and unlike a lot of the new media companies that have popped up lately, it’s done so without leaning on YouTube for distribution. Instead, Funny Or Die has relied on hilarious, celeb-filled videos to drive content to its own website.

The concept behind Funny Or Die was spawned kind of from Hot Or Not, according to CEO Dick Glover. At the time it was formed, there weren’t all the social media outlets that we have today, and there was no real place on the web to find all the best comedy content. So they set out to build it.

The Funny Or Die headquarters is surprisingly small, but within a constrained space, the writing and production team are able to churn out upwards of 20 to 25 videos a month. That’s because the team has kept scrappy and small, with a kind of startup mentality you might not expect from a media company that has celebrities dropping in all the time. http://coach.esthergirl.com/%E8%85%95%E6%99%82%E8%A8%88/%E3%83%87%E3%82%B8%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB%E8%85%95%E6%99%82%E8%A8%88

“The nice thing about Funny Or Die is that everything is produced in-house, so all of the writers, directors, producers, and editors — they’re all under one roof literally,” Mike Farah, the company’s head of production, told me.

So how does Funny Or Die get so many stars to participate? Glover says it’s able to do so by giving them the freedom to create content that they can’t do anywhere else. That sort of creative freedom is appealing to celebs who might want to work on something different than what they usually are known for.


“The incentive for them is they can do whatever they want and that’s a powerful incentive,” Glover said. “This is a community where by and large, that’s not the case with them. Yes, they can pick and choose their projects, but once you’re into a project you’re getting notes from six different people and you have demands from other people.”

That’s attracting big-name talent to work with Funny Or Die, which in turn is attracting viewers and outside investment. Last year, it got some strategic funding from Turner. http://coach.esthergirl.com/%E8%B2%A1%E5%B8%83%C2%B7%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89%E3%82%B1%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9/%E3%82%B3%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B1%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9

Check out the video above, which is the last in our series on the new digital media companies in Los Angeles. And be sure to watch all the others that we’ve published previously to learn more about how a whole new video ecosystem is forming in the city:

3-D Theatriclas presents Funny Girl Sept 6 - Sept 22, 2013 at the Plummer Auditorium, and Sept 27 - Sept 29, 2013 at Redondo Beach. Funny Girl is a musical with a book by  music by, and lyrics by. The semi-biographical plot is based on the life and career of Broadway, film star and comedienne and her stormy relationship with entrepreneur and gambler Nick Arnstein. Its original title was My Man.


Fanny's career spanned from comedienne to Vaudeville star. In The Ziegfeld Follies, in Hollywood films, and on the radio, was one of the most celebrated entertainers of her time. This show is her story. Musical numbers include I'm the Greatest Star, I Want to Be Seen with You Tonight, Don't Rain On My Parade, People, The Music That Makes Me Dance, Who Are You Now? and You Are Woman, I Am Man. As talented as she was, she deserved to be loved by everyone; audience and husband alike.


The original Broadway Production was produced by , who was Brice's son- in-law via his marriage to her daughter Frances. It starred  and The production was nominated for eight Tony Awards and played for 1,348 performances at the Winter Garden, Majestic, and Broadway Theaters.


(Director) Los Angeles: PETER PAN; THE BOY WHO HATED MOTHERS (LA Premiere), WOLVES (LA Premiere), JUSTIN LOVE (LADCC Award, Best Musical; World Premiere), ALL YOUR HARD WORK (World Premiere), VERY STILL AND HARD TO SEE (LA Weekly Nominations Best Director and Best Production, Play; World Premiere), THE COLOR PURPLE, THE MUSICAL (Ovation and LA Weekly Awards Best Director and Best Production, Musical), NERVE (LA Premiere), WHAT'S WRONG WITH ANGRY? (Ovation Nominations Best Director and Best Production,Play), Take Me Out! (Ovation Nomination Best Director, NAACP Award Best Director) THE WOMEN OF BREWSTER PLACE, THE MUSICAL (Ovation Nomination Best Director, NAACP Award Best Director, Ovation Award Best Production, Musical; West Coast Premiere), THE TEMPERAMENTALS (West Coast Premiere), HARAM! IRAN! (West Coast Premiere, GLAAD Nomination), THREE TALL WOMEN, THE SANTA LAND DIARIES (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), THE JAZZ AGE (West Coast Premiere), THE PRODIGAL FATHER (World Premiere), PORCELAIN, STUPID KIDS (LA Premiere), BEAUTIFUL THING (Ovation Nominations, Best Director and Best Production, Play), THE BACCHAE (Ovation Nominations, Best Director and Best Production, Play), FOUR (West Coast Premiere); DEAD END (Assistant Director) and THE CHERRY ORCHARD (Assistant Director). Broadway: BUTLEY (Assistant Director). Chicago: WHAT'S WRONG WITH ANGRY? (Jeff Nominations, Best Director and Best Production), IN THE BLOOD (Jeff Nominations, Best Director and Best Production), PORCELAIN (Jeff Nomination, Best Director), THE JUDAS KISS (Chicago Premiere), BEING 11(World Premiere), and...FOR COLORED GIRLS WHO HAVE CONSIDERED SUICIDE.... International: THE BACCHAE (Edinburgh Theatre Festival, 2010) Michaelis a graduate of Columbia College Chicago, National Shakespeare Conservatory, NY, and an alumnus of Director's Lab West 2008. Proud member SDC.

 (Musical Director) Returning to 3-D Theatricals after doing HELLO DOLLY! a couple of seasons ago...was the Resident musical director for REPRISE!, conducting over 18 shows for six seasons earning nine Ovation nominations (winning in 2006),six LA DRAMA CRITICS CIRCLE Nominations-(won the 2006 award for excellence in the musical theater, winning again in 2007 and 2011). Recently in Southern California--HAVING IT ALL, PLAID TIDINGS (both at the ; THE FIX AND THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM (both at I.C.T.) winning 3rd LA Drama Critics Award; NIGHTMARE ALLEY (directed by ) and  (world premiere-written and starring -both at the  rehearsal associate for five summer musicals at the Hollywood Bowl. LA Philharmonic debut at Bowl "'s 75th Birthday -The Concert" (2005). Associate Conductor for SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS, MERLIN, and THE TAP DANCE KID(all Broadway), LES MISERABLES (LA premiere company), Conductor for the national tour ofs SONG AND DANCE starring  He has worked with among many. As a songwriter/composer-songs performed in the '93 - '98 editions of the Ringling Brothers' Circus, Heartbeats

 has revealed that he thinks it's "funny" that some people think he's gay . http://coach.esthergirl.com/%E3%82%A2%E3%82%A6%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC/%E3%82%B3%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88

The diver and TV personality told The Mirror that he'd happily admit to being gay if he was - and doesn't mind the gossip.

"I think it's funny when people say I'm gay... I laugh it off," he insisted. http://celine.agamblingsite.com/%E5%8F%AF%E6%84%9B%E3%81%84-%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0-%E3%82%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%B3-%E5%8E%B3%E9%81%B8%E3%81%97%E5%88%B6%E4%BD%9C%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F/%E5%A4%A7%E4%BA%BA%E6%B0%97-%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0-%E3%82%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%B3%E3%81%9D%E3%81%AE%E4%BB%96-%E3%82%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%83%E3%83%97

"I'm not. But even if I was, I wouldn't be ashamed. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest what people thought."

And he said he was appreciative of his gay fans. http://gucci.esthergirl.com/%E5%93%81%E8%B3%AA%E3%81%AF%E9%9D%9E%E5%B8%B8%E3%81%AB%E8%89%AF%E3%81%84-%E8%85%95%E6%99%82%E8%A8%88-%E5%B9%85%E5%BA%83%E3%81%84%E3%82%B7%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%81%A7%E6%B4%BB%E7%94%A8%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB-%E3%83%87%E3%82%B8%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB%E8%85%95%E6%99%82%E8%A8%88-%E6%BF%80%E5%AE%89%E5%93%81

"But I can understand why I have a massive gay following - I spend most of my life half naked in trunks on a diving board showing off my bare chest.

"I often joke I wear more to bed than I do to work. But I'm cool with my gay following. It's great to have gay fans even though my friends gently take the mick."

Tom revealed that he's got brains as well as beauty when he  with excellent grades last month.

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