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A Biker's Love

I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But you didn't see me playing Santa at the local Mall. I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant when you saw my bike parked out front. But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I rode by. But you didn't see me riding behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children. But you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you stare at my long hair. But you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you roll your eyes at our leather jackets and gloves. But you didn't see me and my brothers donate our old ones to those that had none. I saw you look in fright at my tattoos. But you didn't see me cry as my children where born or have their name written over and in my heart. I saw you change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere. But you didn't see me going home to be with my family. I saw you, complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be. But you didn't see me when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane. I saw you yelling at your kids in the car. But you didn't see me pat my child's hands knowing she was safe behind me. I saw you reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But you didn't see me squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn. I saw you race down the road in the rain. But you didn't see me get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date. I saw you run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time. But you didn't see me trying to turn right. I saw you cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in. But you didn't see me leave the road. I saw you, waiting i mpatiently for my friends to pass. But you didn't see me. I wasn't there. I saw you go home to your family. But you didn't see me. Because I died that day you cut me off. I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family. But you didn't see me. Repost this around in hopes that people will understand the biker community. If you don't repost this, I feel sorry for you. I hope you never lose someone that rides. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE US, RESPECT OUR RIGHTS TO RIDE WHAT WE CHOOSE AND TAKE A FEW EXTRA SECONDS TO BE SURE WE ARE NOT IN "YOUR WAY".


This is very touching.. I think of myself as a very strong person, well this brought me to my knees and sobbing.. CLICK here to take ya to the link
1.) how many times a day would you kiss me? answer: 2.) Would you hold me? answer: 3.) Would you hug me? answer: 4.) Would you take me places? answer: 5.) Would you love me? answer: 6.) Would you lie to me?? answer: 7.) If I was sick what would you do? answer: 8.) Would you leave me for one of my friends? answer: 9.) Want to have a future with me? answer: 10.) Would you listen to all my problems and help me solve them? Answer: 11.) Would you introduce me to your mom/dad? answer: 12.) Would you care about what I wore when we go out? answer: 13.) Would you hang out with me AND my friends? answer: 14.) If your friend tried to get with me what would you do? answer: 15.) If me and one of your friends argued, whose side would you be on? answer: 16.) Would you give me your myspace password? answer: 17.) If I gave you mine would you read all my mail? answer: 18.) If I said I loved you would you say it back? answer: 19.) How good do i look from 1-10? answer: 20.) How do you feel about me? answer: 21.) Have i ever made you smile? answer: 22.) Want to spend the night with me? answer: 23.) Would we just chill together? answer: 24.) If you had an empty house would you call me to come over? answer: 25.) Are you gonna repost this so i can reply? answer: 26.) Would you ever even consider going out with me? answer: 27.) Have you ever thought about asking me out? answer: 28.) Do you think we will ever go out? answer: MESSAGE THIS BACK TO ME!!!!
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Symptoms Part of the problem when it comes to diagnosing PCOS is that many of the most common symptoms of the disorder do not seem to be related to one another, at least initially. In addition to menstrual problems, women with PCOS may suffer from acne, excessive hair growth, loss of hair, infertility, and weight gain. Of course, every woman is different; while one woman with PCOS may experience all of these symptoms, another may experience just acne and irregular periods. Getting a better understanding of just what the symptoms of PCOS may be will help you recognize whether you yourself suffer from it. Menstrual Issues PCOS often comes to light during puberty due to period problems, which affects around 75% of those with the disease. Infrequent, irregular or absent periods are all common variations, many finding their periods particularly heavy when they do arrive. The period disturbance is a sign that there is a problem with regular monthly ovulation. So just why do your periods go out of whack when you suffer from PCOS? The main culprit is hormonal imbalance. In women without polycystic ovarian syndrome, the ovaries begin to develop 20 eggs every month. These eggs mature in little sacs known as cysts. Over the course of the month, one egg will become dominant and draw most of the hormones being produced, eventually being released by the ovary to be fertilized or shed with your period. Women with PCOS, though, fail to produce the correct balance of estrogen necessary to help one egg become dominant. As a result, the 20 eggs develop but remain as cysts, which in turn results in the production of androgens, or male hormones, and little to no production of progesterone. Because of the build up of androgens and lack of progesterone, women with PCOS may have irregular periods, fail to ovulate (anovulation), or fail to have a period (amenorrhea) entirely. When a period does occur, many women with PCOS note that their bleeding can be quite heavy. Those women dealing with irregular or heavy periods due to PCOS can use the birth control pill to help regulate their menstrual cycle. Many teenagers use the contraceptive pill to control their periods as irregularity or heaviness is a common complaint at this time, even in the absence of PCOS. This often leads to a delay in the diagnosis of PCOS, many not presenting until the birth control pill is stopped and finding periods cease or become irregular. Infertility Given that period disruption with PCOS is due to irregular or absent ovulation, it is not surprising that it is a common cause of infertility. It is not usually 100% absolute, and some women with PCOS will ovulate normally, some will ovulate less frequently (leading to a delay to pregnancy) and some will not ovulate at all, meaning that for some infertility treatment, likely fertility drugs such as Clomid, will definitely be necessary. Women who have already been diagnosed with PCOS may not be too surprised by their fertility problems. However, a number of women may not even realize that they have PCOS until they start trying to conceive. While 75% of women with PCOS do have menstrual problems, 25% do not. In these women, perhaps they have always had regular periods but never realized that they were not ovulating. Others may have had the occasional irregular period, but felt that it was nothing to be too concerned about, assuming a skipped period was due to stress or some other factor. Regardless of the reason, some women will only learn of their PCOS condition when they are investigated for infertility problems. Changes in Hair Growth It is not unusual for women with polycystic ovary syndrome to complain of excess hair growth on their face and body or to experience the exact opposite problem: a loss of hair. In either instance, the reason for the change in hair growth is, yet again, too much androgen hormones. Androgens are a group of hormones, such as testosterone, found at high levels in men but present in women at much lower levels. PCOS sufferers, though, often have higher than normal levels of androgens. These excess hormones can cause a disorder known as hirsutism. Women with hirsutism typically have thicker and darker hair growing on their face and body. The areas most commonly affected are the mustache and beard, though the extra hair growth may also be noticed on the chest, back, stomach, arms, legs, and pubic region. While not all women with PCOS will have hirsutism, a whopping 95% of those women with hirsutism will have PCOS. Thinning of the hair can also occur in women with PCOS and some may experience male-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is known as "androgenic alopecia." Although alopecia is a disorder that results in complete hair loss, the type of alopecia that affects PCOS sufferers is caused by an increase in androgen levels and may be controlled through the use medications to even out hormone levels. Skin Issues High androgen levels are also the reason why various skin conditions can develop in women with PCOS. Perhaps the most common are acne, which usually develops on the face, particularly along the jaw line, and on the chest and back, and oily skin. The hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is thought to be responsible, as it tends to stimulate the oil glands, resulting in a greater production of oil, which can clog the pores and cause acne. Other skin problems noted by PCOS sufferers are skin tags and darkening of the skin. Skin tags are often located around the armpit area, along the bra line or on the neck. These thick lumps of skin can be removed quite easily, though, by a dermatologist. If you notice the skin around your neck, underarms, groin or skin folds getting darker and thicker, you may have Acanthosis Nigricans. This darkening is a symptom of insulin resistance, which is thought to be one of the main causes of PCOS nowadays. Obesity This is a double-edged sword for women with PCOS, around 40% of sufferers being overweight. Obesity itself will initiate the symptoms described above in some women who would not have otherwise suffered had they remained of normal weight. It will worsen the symptoms for those who do have PCOS and, unfortunately, the hormone changes associated with PCOS make weight loss more difficult. But is this excess weight gain due to androgens or insulin resistance? It is somewhat difficult to say just what causes the obesity. High androgen levels can make it difficult to lose weight as can insulin resistance. And while insulin resistance contributes to obesity by promoting fat storage, obesity itself contributes to insulin resistance, which in turn exacerbates PCOS symptoms. Getting Help If you recognize two or more of these symptoms in yourself, make an appointment with your health care provider to investigate whether you may have PCOS. While a cure for PCOS has yet to be found, effective treatment for these symptoms is available.

Brain Tests..

I saw this in a bulletin and I just had to save it and share with all my Friends.. Pretty Cool

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Stretch your brain

This is not a test - just a phenomenon. All readings are explained.

Let's play with some words.
What do you see?

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In black you can read the word GOOD, in white the word EVIL (inside each black letter is a white letter). It's all very physiological too, beca use it visualize the concept that good can't exist without evil (or the absence of good is evil). Now, what do you see?

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You may not see it at first, but the white spaces read the word optical, the blue landscape reads the word illusion. Look again! Can you see why this painting is called an optical illusion?

What do you see here?

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This one is quite tricky!
The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.

Last one.
What do you see?

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You probably read the word ME in brown, but.......
when you look through ME you will see YOU!

Do you need to look again? Test Your Brain
This is really cool. The second one is amazing so please read all the way though.

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Count every " F " in the following text:


WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.
Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.

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The reasoning behind is further down.
The brain cannot process "OF".
& nbsp;
Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!
Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius.

Three is normal, four is quite rare.

Send this to your friends.
It will drive them crazy.!
And keep them occupied
For several minutes..!

More Brain Stuff . . From Cambridge University .

Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!

Gift me BABY!!

I just love getting gifts.. I don't care if it's socks to diamonds! heheheh Click below and give me something fun!

My Christmas List..

What I want for Christmas... 1. I want World Peace.. I know wishful thinking. 2. More Crushes. 3. A Blast. 4. More Great Friends besides the ones I already have. 5. To reach the next fubar level before Christmas.. On that day I will have been on here for One Year. 6. I would love to have a Happy Hour but not really that important to me just would be nice. 7. WHAT I REALLY WANT IS MY KIDS TO NOT FIGHT! 8. I would like to become a legend! 9. More Fubucks! That would be really nice too! These are just a few things I would like to have.. But I know I am just dreaming..lol

The New Levels On Fubar..

fubar Levels: Levels, Points, and Unlocks: Levels Points Unlock... 0 Freshmeat 0 Up to 50 photos 1 Newfu 250 Being known as Meat =) 2 Fu-ling 500 Set your own online status 3 Grasshopper 1,000 Vote on a MUMM 4 Chill Fu 2,000 Post HTML comments 5 Fu-Fighter 4,000 Create your own MUMMs 6 Twisted Fu 6,500 Rip a photo 7 Wasted Fu 9,000 Up to 70 photos 8 Psycho 14,000 Up to 750 profile ratings 9 Freak 25,000 Up to 6000 friends 10 Friend of fubar 35,000 Create your own lounge 11 Barfly 50,000 Up to 110 photos 12 Regular 75,000 Up to 10,000 friends 13 Bad Fu 100,000 Up to 140 photos 14 Minion 135,000 Up to 25 family members 15 Idol 170,000 Up to 5 MUMMs a day 16 Fu-gee 210,000 Up to 175 photos 17 Pimp 250,000 Up to 1000 photo ratings 18 Assassin 300,000 Up to 1000 profile ratings 19 Ninja 350,000 Up to 225 photos 20 Rock Star 425,000 Bolded nickname 21 Fuberlord 750,000 Up to 1500 profile ratings 22 Henchman 1,500,000 Up to 500 bulletins 23 Insider 2,250,000 Up to 280 photos 24 Fu-king 3,000,000 Up to 290 photos 25 Godfather 6,000,000 Up to 25 Top Friends. 26 Disciple 12,000,000 Up to 310 photos. 27 Prophet 24,000,000 Up to 35 Family members. 28 Oracle 48,000,000 Your own custom gift in the Gift Shop (25 million fuBucks) 29 ??? ??? ??? Purgatory 30 ??? ??? ??? Afterlife 50 Sponsored User - Someone who has shown consistent support for fubar throughout its lifetime 55 Rising Star - Designated by a Celebrity Ambassador 56 Verified Celebrity - Designated by a Celebrity Ambassador 57 Verified Celebrity (Ambassador) - An ambassador for Verified Celebrities that uses various methods to verify a celebrity as "real" or "fake" 100 fubar Supporter - Someone who has helped out fubar along the way 150 fubar Bouncer - A community volunteer who helps keep fubar a safe and clean place to hangout! 200 fubar Family - The folks who spend every breathing moment working fubar
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