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Ok so for most of my friends u know that i work in the medical field .. and i just read a mumm that has some of the most ignorant , retarded fucking statements regarding MRSA .. believe me the people who left these comments are the reason why MRSA is such a problem now ! ... i'm going to set the record as straight as i can ! Here is the original Mumm posting that i responded to ....

There has been a recent Staph out break in this area and 50% of people that have open wounds or lung problems that attend the ER are being diagnosed with Staph infection it is a new strain that is harder to treat. They are warning people about going to the ER. This new staph infection has so far killed 10 people! OMG does that scare me!I'm going to a regular Doctor now and his nurse just called me and told me all this. Its a good thing that I'm on antibiotics again this is the 12th day 10 with the antibiotic that gave me a kidney infection and 2 on the new on to treat both infections! I deff have staph. The local Hospital has 15 law suits.....lmao thats what they get for not being clean! I chalk it up to stupid people not being clean what do you think?

Now here are the retarded responses !
cleanliness is key! and it may not be staph...may be MRSA...it is something to be taken VERY seriously...us at the school system have taken it VERY SERIOUSLY and have handed out literature to the kids to take to their parents and such for education and to have them checked if any signs occur...IT IS UNCUREABLE...you will have it for life and yes it can kill you.

Ok Here were my responses to this goddamn mumm LoL MRSA is a staph infection M - methicillin R - resistant S - Staphylococcus A - aureus staph can be found on everyones skin . and while it can be deadly if left untreated , it is curable MRSA can be treated. The resistance of the MRSA bacteria to certain types of antibiotics makes treatment more difficult, but not impossible. Most strains of MRSA can be treated with the antibiotics vancomycin and teicoplanin, which are given by injection or through an intravenous drip. Oh and just for the record its not stupid people or an accident , Its ignorance on the part of everyone from the morons who apparently like to practice medicine w/o a license and/or no medical training what-so-ever they just say what the disease is or isn't and how it is or isn't treated , to the moms who don't bother washing thier childrens toys , to the schools who misinform parents , to doctors who yes do make mistakes when diagnosing the problem .. because MRSA mimics so many other things that they have to play a guessing game with it since the antibiotics used to treat it can cause so many other health problems they don't want to use it if its not necessary thats why they start with the more common antibiotics .

I'd much rather go thru a course of treatment to find out that it is mrsa than to go thru a mrsa treatment and have my kindney function shot to hell as well as my liver and other organs , to find out it was a common staph infection that could have been treated with keflex .. U'd be amazed at how many people come and bitch at the doctor because they're friend told them it was just a spider bite or other (masked) symptom only to find out a month later they're infected with MRSA .. Here are a few of the infections that MRSA can cause , which i'm sure if ur smart enough to have passed the 10th grade u'll recognize as pretty common infections * wound infections * abscesses * pneumonia (lung infection) * septicaemia (blood poisoning) * osteomyelitis (bone infection) * septic arthritis (joint infection) * heart valve infections * urinary tract infections and heres some pretty simple ways to avoid or atleast lessen your chances greatly of contracting MRSA , which by the way is carried on EVERYONES skin!!!! * keeping your hands clean by washing them thoroughly * keeping cuts and scrapes clean and covered with a bandaid or dressing * avoiding touching other people's wounds or dressings * avoiding sharing personal items such as towels or razors * use a paper towel or your foot to flush a public commode and definately wash your hands immediately afterwards ! .. see simple things taht everyone should do anyway to keep from catching al the other germs , but yet you think that MRSA and Staph in general is like something new , its not .. you're just stupid :)
Ok to all the people who decide that they want to downrate me , or pretty much any of the people that i know .. U should follow a few simple rules :) 1) Please if ur going to rate my photo a 1 .. atleast have a few real pic's of yourself ! 2) Do NOT look like a constipated toddler in your own picture because well then ur just retarded and downrating me or anyone else for that matter won't make you look any better ! 3) Do NOT come in my shoutbox and bitch at me when i return ur rating back to ya 10 fold .. that just makes ya a poor sport and a crybaby .. U made the first most , so i chose to end it .. no harm no foul .. 4) If U think i'm a 1 .. why visit my profile umpteen times huh?? ohhhhhh i guess u mistook the rating system .. 1 is bad .. 10 is amazing and i must be pretty amazing in your lil world to get stalked by you ... Thanks send me drinks to atleast keep my interest .. would be even better if u had a crush on me to :)go ahead its annonymous !! noone will know its you , well except me seeing that you've viewed me ever 10 minutes Loser !. 5) If u take all this internet shit seriously .. U really need to get out more often :) cuz when i close the lil box at the top of my screen Guess what ,. U go away , u don't exist in my world :) so i shouldn't be that important to you ! but if i am .. again please send drinks, or better yet Jewelry ! 6 ...this one is the best one , i still get the same amount of fubucks and points so go ahead keep helpin me level ya hatin bitches :)

I'm a proud thick chic!

I’m HAPPY the way i am thanks ! Current mood: content In todays society we see women portrayed as teeny tiny lil' things , If i was a guy i'd be scared shitless that i'd break one Sheesh...News flash girls .. if you starve your poor lil bodies the next time you do decide to eat more than a saltine and some premium bottled water , you're going to blow up bigger than a sumo-wrestler when they're not training ! Today after my shower while i was getting dressed i noticed that i'm a lil curvier than i was a few months ago , and get this I didn't whine about it . So what !! Ummmmm I like to eat , not in excess mind you , but I like my meat and taters , i like pasta , lots of it if u don't mind ! I do have a very bad habit .. I drink soda Ugh , not that diet shit either but real weightwatcher law breaking COCA COLA !! Guess what , I don't care if it has umteen calories per serving ... Its hella' better than drinking this contaminated shit that comes out of the tap .. Oh yea NEWSFLASH for all you bottled water drinkers Ummmmmmmmmm 98% of bottled water is actually just boiled down tap water =o)~ Save your money and boil your own ...... Well now that we have my fat girl eating/drinking habits out of the way lets see ... I can run w/o the aid of an inhaler or a helious oxygen tank , I work out daily (well okay i look at the bowflex everyday , i use it 3-5 times a week) I hike , i jog , i'm active and yet i'm still a thick-chic , i have curves where i should , a few where maybe i shouldn't but Eh so what !.. How many of you guys have a lil gut started Hmmmmmm !?!? A lil to much of the lightbeer = just as big of a gut as not so much of the full calorie shit ! I really find it amusing when you have a guy who's *i'll try to be nice i promise* a FAT ASS SLOB *whoops promises are made to be broken right?* saying how he hates fat chics and will only date skinny broads ?Hmmmmm lil hypocritical dontcha think ?!? .. Or you'll have skinny girls wondering why in the hell a buff ass guy will pick a big girl over them *Hint* could it be because when they're fucking us , our pelvis and hip bones aren't digging into their internal organs ? Could it be that we can take a nice hard lay and scream harder harder , as opposed to going *Ouch omg not so hard .. Omg my hip just popped out , oh shit u broke my rib when u hugged me , Oh shit did u brush b4 u kissed me because i know you had pizza and that will sooooo mess up my zone diet like omg ! !!?!??! Think about it ! HAH! So to sum up this rant .. i'll leave you like this , i'm thick , i'm happy .. i can take a lickin and keep on tickin ! If u don't like fat , thick , voluptous women Ummmm then fuck off , don't look at us and if by chance u have to .. Then deal with it cuz we're just twice as fabulous as the skinny ones !
To Whom It May Concern: It has come to my attention that my daughter Cherish Wwho is a 6th grade student in the Rochester School District has been given lunch detention because of an incident with another student. Well I'm informing you as of this moment my daughter will not be serving this detention because of the fact that she is terrorized on a daily basis before school , during school and after school by D'Andre , Tynecia , Tiffany ,and also a girl by the name of Aneesia in the 6th grade. Its getting to the point where Cherish is almost afraid to go to school. D'Andre actually spit in Cherishs face at a football game , he has walked past my home threatening her , and her younger siblings , telling her he's going to beat her ass in school or have someone do it , he has also stolen her property on a number of occasions . So until this problem is addressed you can forget about her taking the detention . Deal with the problem students who are bullying all the other children in school , because I can tell you right now my child and myself will not stand for it another day longer ! . Cherish was chased after school yesterday October 31st 2007 by Tiffany , and Tynecia I have told Cherish if they touch her whether it is in school or out , if theres no adult around shes to defend herself as best as possible and she will not be punished for self-defense. This school supposedly has a Zero Tolerance Policy , but I've yet to see it put into action , all I've seen is the children who are finally fed up with all of the problems getting into trouble because the administration is to lazy or afraid to punish the real trouble makers . The teachers don't pay attention when a child tells them that something has happened , but when an incident occurs that could have been avoided had the teacher paid attention, both students get into trouble , tell me where the justice is in that? Now I understand why enrollment has dropped and more parents are choosing to take their children out of mainstream schooling and put them into cyber schools or charter schools , at least the children are getting a real education without fearing for their safety. Maybe I'll be one of those parents.

Scene Kids ?!?!

Just some random thoughts ..... Current mood: awake Okay so i'm talking to a friend of mine in washington state and he tells me he wrote this chic and commented on her gothic or emo type style , well she freaks out on him and says shes part of the new glam scene!! .. Okay lets get a few things straight ..first Glam is from back in the late 60s , 70's and early 80's think of .... David Bowie as an example ! .. Okay second does it really matter ? What i find completely mind boggeling is that i have children who are being exposed to this and they hear people call me everything from a punk chic to a rocker chic to gothic and so on AND none of them identify with a certain group or subculture , i do have a teenager and she says , mom i'm just me ! one day shes dressed in all black , the next shes all bubbly and chipper blah blah , anyway enough of that rant ! So my thing is this , why do these "scene kids/and not so much kids" have to label themselves ? Why do they have to be considered gothic/emo/glam/punk/gangsta? Does it really define you as a person ? Does everyone who dress in all black that "defines" themselve as gothic walk around all depressed and whiney? NO! .. Do the people who consider themselves emotional punk cry every 5 minutes ? Do they all listen to H.I.M ? Do the Glam's dress in thier glam attire 24/7? I doubt it.. My point to this is , why should it matter if someone is mistaken by commenting on your choice of attire .. I don't know anyone of sound mind that gets offended if someone calls them a different :scene: than what they portray themselves to be.The only ones who i really get annoyed at are these 13 and 14 yr old wet behind the ears kids who call themselves punk .. because they say they're against conformity and all that jazz , but by labeling themselves arent' they conforming to a certain standard among that group? its late and this probably makes no sense but who the fuck cares !

The rant letter

I've been on this site since it was lostcherry , and i've throughly enjoyed my time here well that is untill recently . There have been some things are making the site not worth coming to , and definately not worth the money to be a VIP or to buy a blast or happy hour ...I have considered doing the later, but figured why should I it will only benefit the people on the site who are trying very hard to drive into the dirt. My questions are , Why do you even have an NSFW rating ? This is supposed to a site for adults , 18+ yes i know there are a few youngins who have slipped through the cracks and they aren't dealt with as quickly as they're found , But when you're working should you really be screwing off on the net rating photos ? LoL not at any job i've worked at !!! .. Granted i surf on here from work , but i work in a relaxed atmosphere where i can view pics at my luxury . I can see rating photos that are explicitly pornographic as NSFW , but comeon i've had photos that were safe for a daycare center to hang on the wall marked as NSFW. Do you even have live people check them? Do you have very strict guidelines for those people to follow ? Because if you don't , then maybe you should. I'm a moderator on another site and was employed by a site a few years ago that when something was report it was put into a pool to be voted on , 3 votes either way got the photo /content either approved or rejected . If you only have one person doing it and that person happens to be a PRUDE or some Backwoods Hick , then you're letting that one persons opinion rule your site which will start to drive folks away. The same holds true for rating them as NSFW , have any of the powers that be considered that the people who are doing it are doing such with malicious intent ? Because they get a kick out of people not being able to post a mumm or worse getting their acct deleted , i've noticed since i leveled up to 18 more of my pics started getting rated NSFW , and such. Now i know this is the internet , and it really shouldn't matter much , and to me .. i really couldn't give a flying pig , But there are some people on the net who this place is the only contact they have with the outside world , a place where they feel accepted , and for you to allow them to be victimized because of very vague unclear definitions of what is or isn't safe for work is really a disservice to the very people who put money into your bank account ! In closing i would just like to offer a suggestion , Redefine NSFW , Set some groundrules for the people who look into the reports *you know if its not showing genitalia , and its not being sexually explicit or suggestive , like simulated oral sex and the like , or not extremely gorey * then unmark it . Or have a group of Volunteer moderators for either leaving them marked or unmarking the photos or content in question. Thank You for Listening =) Megan

Just a thought...

U know i'm sittin here bored at work.. and well as i'm waitin on drunken bastards to order more drinks ... i'm noticing more and more that people are tryin to look all super cute in their pics but yet their rooms /cars/whatever are just cluttered pig stys LOL comeeeeeee onnnnnnnnnnnnnn people crop that shit out , or at least cover it with a sheet or something LoL mean0009.gif
Cool Graphics at iLLpic.com


Well to the lil shit that keeps markin my stuff as NSFW .. Thankyou !!!.. Youre just reinforcing the theory that i'm super duper important .. The mere fact that you're taking so much time out of your day to go thru my 265 photos makes my day!! YOU ROCK!! .. I feel soooooo LOVED .. ..................................................Oh and just incase you didn't catch the subtle sarcasm , you're a retard :) Myspace Graphics - Entitlement

!!!!garbage ????

So today i had a custody hearing with my ex husband , because ever since september of 2006 when the original ordered was put in effect the kids have all come home complaining that hes abusing them . Well they didn't have marks so there wasn't anything i could legally do except sit and wait for him to screw up .. well he finally did !! .. So i went to modify the existing order , and get full emergency custody , which ofcourse was granted due to the severity of the allegations ..
So this morning while i'm sittin there telling the hearing officer everything , all i can hear is my ex talkin smack under his breath .. so everything he was saying i was bringing up , which was basically the assanine accustations he wanted to make against me LoL like i get my kids high *i dont do drugs thanks* and that i have sexually abused my kids *Ummmmm i'm not the one who's been screwing 13 yr olds for years!*.. anyway after i explained everything to the court . I was asked what i'd like the outcome to be , i replied as calmly as possible that While its not my intent or right to sever the ties of a father child relationship , I do think that their safety is the most important thing !! .. So i requested that i be given full legal custody *meaning that all decisions regarding ; school , church , and medical issues be made solely by me. The hearing officer agreed , when it came to visitation , i said i wanted it to be decreased to 1 day a week , for the first 3-6 months they should also be supervised by either someone from the court or cps , or hell even a member of his family , Just someone that would insure that nothing was goin down that shouldn't be .. Finally i requested that he be drug tested before each visit due to the fact my daughter tested positive for THC from being in a car with him while he was blazin up ! .. When the officer looked at him , he said and i quote " fuck her , fuck this shit , i'm done , sign em away bobbie .. i want nothing to do with the little bastards ..
So in effect he actually chose drugs over his own kids ... He said he was throwin them away like he does all his garbage :( ... So anyway for the next few weeks/ months i probably won't be on as much , seeing as how i now have to be both mom and dad to all of my kids , Oh wait .. i've done that for years anyway .. But i still need to damage control , So if u want to talk to me , look me up on messenger , Or something and don't be suprised if you don't hear from me right away because frankly i wouldn't choose anything over my kids :) Laters
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