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The Answer to How To Become A Porn Star?

OK after getting 1000’s of people asking me this over the years I hope this will

How To Become A Porn Star?

How It Really Works & How To Get Involved

Many people write to ask how they can become a porn star or to produce porn. The following is an article on the topic so that this information can be shared with anyone interested. The first thing I want to say is that we do not hire MALE porn actors so please do not contact us asking for a job.

Is It Right For You?

The core issue that must first be addressed is if it is “right” for someone to do. This is certainly a choice that one should come to on their own terms. What I do recommend is that if you are considering it, you of course need to be over 18 in the USA to even contemplate it.

Timing For Making The Decision

However, beyond chronological age it is important to think about the choices that you have made in the past to make sure you are using the best judgment for this huge, often life altering decision. If you feel good about the choices you have made in the past and feel confident in your decision making skills and maturity level then perhaps you are in a “good place” to make the best choice now. However, if you look back on your life with mountains of regret and feel that many of your choices ended-issues and then revisit this decision. The porn industry is a business and the actors or “talent” in it are often not provided with much consideration. Unless one becomes an “A-list” actor then most often the money is not much and you are asked to perform much more intense sexual acts like double anal penetration and group sex. It may be a better choice to try and volunteer as an assistant or “Fluffer” before you dive in the deep end. For those of you who don’t know, a “Fluffer” is someone who stimulates the actors (mainly males) to aid them in maintaining their erection for scenes. You should also know that most likely you will be asked to perform with both sexes so those who are homophobic may want to think this through more carefully. Also remember that most likely your family and friends will find out about it and it may impact your ability to get a job in the future. We all know about Vanessa Williams and her Playboy fiasco… just think what a potential boss for an public relations or grade school teacher will think if they find out about your porn history. If you have or plan on having kids you need to take into consideration that while you may be able to explain to them what you do as a good choice for you, the other parents, teachers and kids may not and
your child may have to face the stigma of their parent being a porn actor.
These are just a few of the things you need to think about before jumping into the porn industry as it is important to make a well thought out decision about something that can be potential controversial for you in various aspects of your life.

How Hard Is It To Be A Porn Actor?

It is very challenging to become a professional porn actor so if you are serious about making a career out of this be ready to really work for your shot at it. You should also note that is much more difficult for men than it is for women. However, women too are often shocked at how hard it is for them to get involved with
a legitimate company and get paid well. For men, you have a very small chance at becoming a successful porn star and if you are only willing to do heterosexual scenes your chances are reduced even more. Amateur Porn Vs. Professional Porn-
It is obviously much easier to become an amateur porn actor than it is to be a highly paid professional porn actor. If you want to sell content to people, make sure to only send a small sample and have a contract and asking price ready. The best way to know what the industry is like is to spend a lot of time researching
content buyers, distributors and don’t forget the legal aspects of all of this.
These days it seems that many people take their home movies to the web. Of course selling them on their own site takes some eCommerce business savvy.

Men Who Want To Be Porn Stars

Although living in California helps, it is not the old real estate adage of Location, Location, Location that will make it possible for you to become a porn star… rather it is Endurance, Endurance, Endurance. You will not just be judged by how good looking or well hung you are, in order to be successful as a leading man you must be able to get hard, stay hard, and have orgasms on command. It takes practice, stamina and you should know that once you audition, you pretty much have one shot so get ready for performance anxiety.

Of course most of the people who seem to want to become a porn star tend to be men and they tend to want to be a highly paid professional. Again, there really is not a lot of openings for men who want to do professional porn and even less for all heterosexual porn. Perhaps you may have noticed if you are an avid porn watcher but there are only a few “A-list” guys and they get used over and over in features because they are reliable and porn makers don’t like having to audition too often.

Insider Tip-

Find an extraordinarily beautiful girl who will let you (exclusively) ride her coat tails into the Adult Film Industry. However, note that unless you have a strong agreement, she needs to break into the industry herself and may have to drop you to attain her own success. Remember, this is a highly competitive field and hundreds of drop dead gorgeous women attempt to break into the industry every year.

The Cold Harsh Truth For Men-

If you do make it, don’t expect to make a lot of money unless you do gay porn and/or become an “A list” actor. Guys get paid “peanuts” to perform (yes, the girls can make good money, but keep in mind that most viewers look at the girl and could care less about the guy. Guys in the industry of straight porn of often
seen as a prop by film makers. Producers and Directors usually will not accept new guys, no matter who recommends them or what their “credentials.“ If you are fortunate enough to be chosen for an audition if you desire one, you really only get
one chance and your critics will be harsh. Remember that there’s a lot of pressure on a man in this industry as he can’t fake an erection or a cum shot, nor can he hide climaxing before the Director tells him to cum; likewise, he has to have a solid
erection whenever the camera is rolling, and for as long as it takes to film his portion of the scene (normally one-two hours) and despite constant starting and stopping for such things as changing camera batteries and/or film, relocating the lighting and/or camera angle, shifting back and forth to foreplay and long shots,
potty, make-up, cigarette, water, etc. breaks, and on and on!

How Men Are Judged & Can Prepare-

Penis size, looks, muscles, and acting ability are important but again, it will ultimately boil down to your ability to get an almost-instant erection, maintain it, control it, and orgasm only when told to (and then do it quickly without wasting the time of the production employees). Be prepared to have perfect personal hygiene, get HIV tests every month, and be prepared to sit around on sets, sometimes for hours, waiting for your scene to be filmed.

How Women Are Judged & Can Prepare-

Facial appeal, breast size (shape and overall appearance), vaginal appearance, body (tone, body fat, skin tone), hygiene (pubically groomed, long hair on head is preferable, nicely done nails, good natural beauty with or without make-up) and finally your acting ability. You have it easy compared to men because with a little lubricant you can fake your way through the whole production. Be prepared to get HIV Tests every month, and like men be prepared to sit around on sets, sometimes for hours, waiting for your scene to be filmed.

Top Ten Rules When Working In Porn-

1. Understand Images Are Forever
Once you are captured on film your work is there for all the world to see and will remain available should the distributor choose. Even if your video is discontinued it will still be out there and may even become pirated and viewable illegally. Not only that but the pictures promoting the film may not only be used by the distributors but may be easily copied by anyone who visits the web sites selling them.
You will always run the risk of someday having a friend or family member and/or employer seeing your photo or video. Will you be able to handle their reaction?

2. Be Current In Testing For STDs
When you show up on a set you will be asked for your HIV test and (possibly) for more STD test paperwork. Don’t show up without them and keep them current. Thirty days is the current requirement.
Don’t work with anyone who has old paperwork or who "forgot their papers.” It’s your health at stake.

3. Have Your Proper Identification
When you show up on a set you will be asked for at least TWO forms of photo identification. Don’t leave
home without them. The industry is required by Federal law to have a photo copy of your ID on file. You will be required to “slate” for the camera holding your ID. You will most likely be sent home, unpaid, for not
having your ID with you.

4. Have Good Personal Hygiene
Bathe, douche, keep your hair clean and trim. Keep your nails manicured and above all, see your dentist regularly. Your smile has to be captured. Close-ups during oral sex scenes will pick up improper tooth care. Don’t let decay, chips and yellowing keep you from getting work. When you are on a set, freshen up between sex scenes. You’ll also want the performer you’re working with to do the same. Take the first step and be as fresh as you want him (or her) to be.

5. Be Punctual & Quick To Perform The Way You Are Asked To
Once you commit to a time, place and project, get there early. Remember, you are not the only person scheduled to be there. In a video you have your co-stars, the gaffers, the camera crew, the makeup crew, the wardrobe people, the director. If they can make it to the set on schedule, so can you.
If you blow off a shoot, or arrive very late, you will develop a deserved reputation for being unreliable. An agent you use will not want to risk recommending you as they too have a reputation to protect.
That will lead to less work, because time is money and the producer will still have to pay everybody for waiting for you. One of the best ways to be on time is to have your own reliable form of transportation. That
is especially true in Los Angeles where over 80% of adult videos are made and where public transportation is more of a nuisance than a blessing.your energy level up. Sleeping through an alarm clock is also considered unacceptable.

6. You Are Being Paid To Be Cooperative
 Remember that the screenwriter, producer and director have hired you to do a project that they envision. Most of them have spent hours developing a project that you could ruin in minutes by being uncooperative. Although most film-makers will listen to constructive criticism, or ask for some creative input, be very tactful
and never forget that they are paying you to be in their project, not the opposite. Also be courteous, friendly and respectful of your co-workers. Prima donna attitudes are not tolerated easily.

7. Do Only The Sex Acts You Want To
When you interview/audition for a part in a video, always ask what sex acts you need to perform in the project. If you have an aversion to a specific act, say so at the time and turn down the role. An example of this would be, if you are asked to be in a video called “Ass Attack,” and you dislike anal sex, don’t accept the job. Do your homework. If you are an actress who doesn’t like to perform with women, a
title such as “No Man’s Land” is definitely not for you. Do not wait until you are on a set to bow out of a scene. Time is money to the producer. Let him know before you are hired what or who you will not do. The only exception not to go through with a scene that you agreed in advance to do is the lack of proper HIV test papers by your partner.

8. Don’t Perform Free Samples On A Producer
You do not have to go the “casting couch” route to get a job. Most of the legit agents, casting agents, directors and producers are not required to get HIV tests done. You are hired on the basis of your talent, appearance, reputation and availability. Having free sex to get a part does not guarantee you the job.

9. Don’t Sign The Model Release Form Until You Have Payment
We shouldn’t have to explain this one, but you would be very surprised to learn how many actresses have fallen for such lines as “I forgot my checkbook, come back tomorrow.” The producer can’t sell the footage until after has the model release, don’t give him one until you’ve been paid.

10. Be Loyal To Your Original Agent
This is the person that helps your career with advice, contacts with companies, gets you the auditions,books your road trips and gives you a shoulder to cry on. Do not back stab them or treat them badly. Treat your agent as you want him to treat you.

Liz Vicious

I’ve been dealing with trolls, school shootings,  fans, and pedophiles and freaks of all kinds online for 6 years now. None of them piss me off as much as  all the grammar Nazis ..
I Make post after post on all kinds of things SOPA, Bullies, Child Abuse and things i conciser important in the world Like children that are being abused in this country in some of the most horrible ways imaginable and you’re concerned about a typo?
Everyone knows the difference between there, their and they’re. We know the difference between your and you’re. People make fucking mistakes. It seems like some of you just sit there like some kind vulture just waiting to swoop in.
HEY Look at that a mistake posted on the internet Imagine that will ya!
I want these people to understand that they are on the Internet and My posts are not trying out to be Award winning pearls of the internet I am not out to win any awards for my Writing skills. And neither are most people on the net as long as you can follow the meaning even if you have to say to your self (they should have used there and not their) the fact you knew that means you are not having any problem following along with what they MEAN or MEANT to say.

SO once again I say this
Sincerely go fuck yourselves,
~Liz Vicious~

To All Spelling Nazis

                                                 To All Spelling Nazis

 WOW thank you for coming along. If it hadn’t been for your observation that the word “satin” was supposed to be “Satan” something that may have had no effect whatsoever on our lives. But you, ah, you have found meaning.

This is the Internet, after all, and someone needs to police it. You, sir or madam, are a hero for your willingness to sacrifice valuable hours of your day and devote them to something nobody else cares about just so that we know you can spell better than The rest of us.

You spend countless hours combing posts and responses to posts just so you can point out when the rest of us make mistakes, Clearly this is because of course you never do. You don’t have anything more important to do with your life because this is the most important thing in the world. In fact, if someone makes a spelling error online, it’s a far more important representation of them than their ability to perform their duties as a human being than anything they actually say.

The only logical conclusion to make. is  God forbid we silly people don’t proofread our 18th post today on an internet about witch actress has the best rack, then clearly we probably don’t proofread our resumes either.

So I give you a standing ovation yes you ,Guy Who Points Out Typos, for making sure we all know you found our mistake. You’re right, it IS unprofessional to make spelling errors on an online forum about homosexual monkey sex photos.

Your life is truly validated each time you point that out to the rest of us. Stand tall even though the others fail to appreciate your solid work ethic, know that I see your heroic efforts and I am eternally grateful that you made sure I know I accidentally left the “u” out of “restaurant” in my post about where to eat fried “tranchulas” in  Los Angeles. Had you not pointed that out, nobody would have cared. But now we all know that you do.

Sincerely go fuck yourselves,
~Liz Vicious~

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