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Amanda Peter's blog: "Our Fantasys!"

created on 10/03/2006  |  http://fubar.com/our-fantasys/b9850


It was the 31st. Two weeks ago an envelope had arrived in the mail; it was quite plain on the outside. Addressed only to Peter and Amanda, one had to begin to wonder how it had found its way to their mailbox. Upon opening they had found an ornately decorated card. With a texture like parchment it had a black mask embossed on the top corner and streamers of metallic red, gold, and silver rounded their way around the card encompassing the writing. It simply said, “Your attendance is required, October 31st 2006 Park Place Manor.” On the back of the card a single line read a web address masquerade.com. Of course as to be expected their curiosity had been rousted and they had at the soonest opportunity logged on to the website. The website echoed everything about the invitation. The background was parchment like and the familiar back mask topped the site with its metallic streamers making an eye-catching boarder. Surprisingly the website welcomed them by name: “Amanda & Peter we’re so glad you’ve taken the time to explore what wonders await you. We are holding a very special party for our closest friends. Please continue to explore the site to find out more.” The website went on to give directions to Park Place Manor, details about the accommodations and finally details about the event. It was a Masquerade ball; instructions were given as to dress code- a black tie affair- and finally a link that took them to a page with a selection of masks. The masks were leather, each a piece of art. There were 6 different styles in total, each of them hiding the majority of the face of the wearer. Instructions were given to select two and they would be delivered in the same way the invitation had arrived. After much thought Amanda selected one of the smaller masks, it covered from the forehead to the nose, leaving the mouth exposed. It was cat-like in features, sporting rolled leather fringes and bead work that hung from the strap. Peter opted for a devil like mask, covering the hairline; leather had been rolled into horns that sat pertly on top. The mask had been dyed a deep red and its full face featured a pointed chin. It still left the mouth and eyes exposed giving only a hint as to who the wearer was. The masks had arrived this very morning. Whoever was hosting this Halloween bash left things to the last minute; however the mystery really played into the Halloween fantasy. 5:30pm and work was over for Peter, he arrived home to find the bed covered in clothes. It was obvious Amanda been searching for just the right thing to wear. Pushed to one side was a red dress and with it a wine colored set of underwear. Peter remembered buying it from Victoria’s a few Christmases ago. He could hear Amanda singing to herself from the bathroom. Poking his head around the corner he saw her lush naked body sitting astride the edge of the bathtub, her left leg outstretched as she carefully pulled the razor across it. “Hi honey, I’m home!” He chirped with excitement. Amanda turned around to greet him with her loving smile. “I see you’ve been searching for something to wear. I really like the dress, it will look great!” For the next hour they primped and pruned, by the end of it all Peter was wearing a black tux he’d dug out the back of the closet and Amanda, the red dress she’d selected earlier. Standing a little taller than 5’4 the red dress stopped short of covering her knees. It frilled out into large pleats at the bottom, tapering to her firm waist. It was very low cut in the back, the red satin like material just pooling around her lower back. Peter looked at his wife, he always thought she looked wonderful, but tonight there was something magical. His eyes were drawn down the straps to her firm beautiful breasts. The dress really accented her figure. “Ready? Time to go…” The drive out to Park Place Manor was pleasant; it was about 45 miles from their house and took a little over half an hour to get there. The sun was setting early now the fall had come and long shadows crossed the land. The sky a blazing red as the light played upon the clouds. Living in the south definitely had its advantages, not least the temperate nights all the way through the fall. A valet ushered them out of the car, directing them to the front door before whisking their vehicle away to some unseen parking lot. The door was surrounded by balloons, it was a grand entrance to the large house under normal circumstances but for tonight’s festivities it had been dressed up in myriad of colors. An unmasked gentleman stood at the door, neither Peter nor Amanda recognized him. He beckoned them closer… “Good evening,” the doorman spoke in a deep friendly voice. “Can I have your invitation please?” Peter reached into his jacket pocket and handed him the invitation card. “Very good sir, now please; you have your masks?” Amanda and Peter nodded, their masks in their hands. “Let’s go in…” with that the doorman turned to the doors opening them wide. The darkness inside seemed to swallow dusks light from outside. The doorman indicated for them to put on their masks and not for any reason to take them off. Holding hands, Peter and Amanda stepped through the door and into the darkness… Slowly moving forward one step at a time their eyes started to adjust to the black. The doors had been closed behind them and there were certainly the sounds of festivities in front of them, somewhere. Finally whether it was their eyes adjusting or a subtle increase in light they were able to make out a grand hallway, smoke filled the floor. Manor wasn’t just a title, Amanda was sure she could make out large masterpieces hanging on the wall; she had to wonder if the portraits were watching them. They closed on the other end of the hall, two grand interior wooden doors stood before them. Peter could feel the excitement pulse through Amanda’s hand; she gripped him firmly as they stood. Listening for a while they could hear music and voices… Holding the door open Peter let his masked wife enter the room. It was a grand ballroom. A vaulted ceiling decorated with streamers made the place look cavernous. About 25 people stood in the center of the room, all masked in the variations of the masks they had seen on the website. Looking quickly for a familiar face, they couldn’t find one. Everyone looked like everyone else. A lady in a long evening gown approached from the side, she was wearing a distinctly different mask. It was plain, black and resembled the one depicted on both the invitation and website. She was holding a tray. “Champagne?” She asked. Two tall flutes of a bubbly liquid sat center on her tray. It wasn’t like any champagne Amanda had ever seen. It looked thick and red but still maintained its ‘fizzy’ quality. Each accepted a glass and tentatively sipped the liquid. It certainly didn’t look like champagne but it was. The taste was exquisite. More comfortable in their surroundings Peter looked at Amanda, their eyes met and he bend forward and gently kissed her lips. “You look beautiful,” he whispered. True enough the masked obscured most of her face, but she oozed a quality that made him feel good. It was her magic; an unmistakable vibe that told him she was his. Turning back to the grand ballroom, they started to notice more about it. The music was coming from a band; they all wore the plain black masks as did several people holding trays that stood at the edge of the highly polished marble dance floor. There was definitely a difference between the guests and those attending to their needs. The grand ballroom had five doors in addition to those they had already come through. Two sets of double doors flanked each side of the room and behind the band a single door was at the top end of the room. It was that door that now opened. A tall man walked in. The band lowered the volume, but still continued to play some instrumentals from the 50’s. The man was muscular and it showed, he wore very little; a black bowtie, white collar and dress pants. He was deeply tanned and had that ‘stripper’ quality about him. Every woman in the room swooned; he definitely had the attention of everyone. His mask was also quite different. It didn’t resemble the leather masks of the guests or the plain black ones worn by the band members. It was leather and resembled without a shadow of a doubt a jester. Leather had been rolled into a jester’s crown and attached to the mask. It covered his eyes and tapered down into the nose but left the bottom of his face totally exposed. His jaw was square and eyes deep brown; a very handsome man. “Now our final guests have arrived…” His voice betrayed first impressions- it was rich and accented. “… Welcome one and all to this Masquerade Ball. Your hosts have taken the liberty of joining you all.” At once the room eyed each other seeing nothing more than another mask. “We all hope you have a pleasant evening, please help yourselves to the food and drink and let one of our severs know if you need to find your room.” With that the lights went out. The ‘ssshhhishhh’ of smoke machines filled the room. Amanda quickly felt the cool moisture of the smoke on her legs. The band picked up with a rendition of ‘Someone’s Watching You.’ How appropriate! Fairy lights start to glow up by the ceiling, enough to light the room and the smoke. Amanda dared not let go of Peter’s hand for fear of losing him in the crowd. The party was in full swing, everyone was enjoying themselves- dancing and drinking. It was difficult to measure time, but the band had played a full set and taken a break while something previously recorded filled in the gap. Peter and Amanda had mingled with a few of the other guests, Peter had been asked to dance by another woman wearing the same mask as his wife. She wore a long purple dress with a low back; as they danced Peter’s hand rested against her naked flesh. The excitement tingled in his fingers, he wondered if he knew this woman, if she knew him. While he was dancing Amanda had engaged in conversation with two gentlemen, one wore the same devil mask as Peter, the other had selected something that resembled an owl, the leather accented with feathers to produce a stunning look. Peter could overhear a little of their conversation, they were trying to establish who everyone was, but it seemed no one knew each other. The musical selection was outstanding; every tune seemed to direct the mood for the crowd. Maybe it was the drink, or the atmosphere created in this great house as the night drew on, people danced closer, held each other tighter and mingled closer. Not knowing with whom they were dancing. Amanda had been taken by the hand by the man wearing the owl mask and was dancing close to him. As the song ended she excused herself and looked around to find her husband. It sounded easy enough; looking around and around she saw a lot of devils in black tuxes. She approached a man the approximate size of Peter; he was 6ft tall and well built. She leaned into him and he gladly accepted her advances. Amanda smiled to herself as his strong arms held her and she swayed with the music. Looking up at him, he looked down into her eyes. Their masked faces getting closer and closer before the lips pressed lightly together. Amanda closed her eyes and let her tongue run the length of his lips, pressing gently for entrance. Before long their kiss became a passionate battle, their tongues entwined in a magical dance. The kiss was affecting every part of her body, she could feel the tingling run from her toes to her scalp. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed something. The eyes of the man she was kissing were brown. Meanwhile, Peter was engaged in conversation with a couple. They both had selected different masks from the website. They laughed; the conversation was light and small talk. The lady, a tall slim woman with petite breasts had a firm grip on her partner. He was a larger man and a little shorter than his companion. It didn’t look like they had let go of each other all night. Brown eyes peered down into her deep blue ones. The kiss didn’t stop, but the realization that it wasn’t Peter had changed the kiss. It was still passionate and gentle but now it was filled with lust. Amanda could feel the moisture between her legs. At some point the doors that flanked the sides of the grand ballroom had been opened. Inside each room was carpeted and the floors covered in pillows. Long strips of material hung from the ceilings giving the rooms an Arabian harem quality. This was eventually noticed by Peter and the couple he was chatting with, some people had retired to one of the rooms and lay a strewn the floor- each engaged in their own personal activity, some were talking with people, others deep in passionate embraces with their partner and, in some cases, partners. The couple invited Peter into one of the rooms to talk more. It was one of the emptier rooms only occupied by another couple who were involved in a passionate embrace. One of them moaned slightly as they kissed, their hands roamed over each other’s bodies. There was definitely sexual energy in the room. Amanda was also entering one of the side rooms. She was being led by the hand of the man she had just been kissing. The room she entered seemed to be filled with people; the majority of them wearing the devil mask that her husband was wearing. She wondered if one of them was him. She was aware that there were other females in the room, but somehow all the devil masked men were looking at her. Her brown eyed partner escorted her to a pile of velvet pillows. She lowered herself down and he joined her. Again they engaged in a passionate kiss. This time knowing she wasn’t with her husband she approached his lips more gingerly. The kiss was as passionate as before, their tongues danced and entwined and they tasted each other’s flavors. Amanda could feel his hands roaming over her body. They were caressing her sides and stroking the naked flesh that the low back of her dress exposed. She could see and feel the eyes of everyone on the room on her, but it had gone too far; she was consumed with lust. Her fingers pulled at the buttons of her partner’s shirt, popping each one to slide her hand onto his flesh beneath. His chest was ripped with muscle, a light spattering of hair had caught the gentle moistness of his sweat. Slowly kissing down the fake chin the devil mask had given him she started to lick and caress his neck. He threw his head back and enjoyed the subtle kisses being planted on his jugular. With his shirt spread wide Amanda inhaled his manly aroma. Resting her head there for a while she listened to his heart beat. Conversation had died down for Peter and his two companions; the three of them were watching the other couple that had retired to the room. They were slowly peeling each other’s clothes off. Leaving only the masks it was quite a sight. Peter wondered if they knew each other, if they recognized each other’s bodies. They must have been familiar because no sooner were they naked than the woman had lowered her masked face and slowly started to lick at his now hardening cock. It was almost as if she was making a show of it, more than once Peter saw her eyes looking directly at him. She slowly curved her tongue around the erect penis, her masked face between the guy’s abdomen and his throbbing member. Licking it in such a fashion to show anyone who was watching what she was doing. The gentleman she was pleasing was rubbing her back with his hands and moaning slightly. It was hard to see the expression on his face, but it was still obvious he loved every thing about the situation. Peter could feel his own cock hardening as he watched. When she lowered her mouth completely down over his manhood and he let out a moan Peter thought he was going to have to release the pressure building against the front of his tux pants. Amanda equally wanted to shed her clothes. Still held in the embrace of this stranger he had been joined by two other devil masked men. Two of them were massaging her feet. That was something she could certainly get used to. The lighting in the room was very dim and she strained to see if one of them might be Peter; it really didn’t matter, she was having fun and knew he’d turn up eventually. The music had softened and was no longer played by a band. In fact the band seemed to have left the room totally just leaving the pre-recorded mix playing in the background. The music set the mood and moans of pleasure could be heard from all the rooms. Peter continued to watch the masked lady please her partner. It was quiet a show! The couple he’d originally gone into the room with had left a few minutes ago. Apparently making their excuses they had needed to find there accommodations. It was the Master of Ceremonies in the jester mask that interrupted the show. At least for Peter, the couple engaged in their oral activities paid no attention as he walked into the room and beckoned Peter to follow him. His rich accented voice spoke softly to him, directing to a room seemingly full of people. Peter stood at the entrance and peered in. He could see there were several couples lying around the outside, their masked faces watching the activity in the center. Although the mask hid her face he instantly recognized her red dress. Right now that red dress was hitched up above her knees and a devil masked man had his head between her legs. Peter stood and watched… Amanda moaned loudly. Her ear was being nibbled and both breasts lightly caressed by two unknown strangers. A third stranger was breathing gently on the inside of her thigh as his tongue traced the outline of her underwear and indeed her moist wet lips that pressed against it. The feeling was amazing, his tongue tracing every bump of her flesh though the material; she longed for him to slip them off and place his warm mouth in direct contact. Amanda opened her eyes and looked up. She could see the masked men who were gently caressing her and the devil horns of the stranger who was sending tingles from her very core to various parts of her body, but looking further on she could now see the ‘Jester’ masked master of ceremonies from earlier standing with another devil masked man. The sudden truth of the situation dawned on her and she realized none of the men around her was her husband. The music played softly back in the grand ballroom, and a few people still milled around the dance floor. Some people had retired to their own accommodations, others taking advantage of the 4 side rooms. A number of people had gathered in the side room that Peter now found himself in. They, like him, were all watching the masked lady in the red dress, as three devil masked men slowly started to undress and caress her. The onlookers themselves lay in various states of undress with their partners, some involved in their own levels of caressing as they watch. The atmosphere was sexually charged and its charge was focused… The master of Ceremonies spoke, his voice as rich and as commanding as before, he instructed the masked men to remove the red dress. As Amanda heard his voice die off she got instant scared, worried and strangely aroused. She felt the hands of the masked men by her grab hold of the material. They slowly slipped the material up over her body. The feel of it excited every inch of her flesh. She’d never been so turned on by being undressed before. As the material was lifted away it was swiftly replaced with the weight of eyes as everyone admired her pale white flesh. She felt the fingers of the man that was so sensually licking at the fabric of her panties earlier slip into the sides of the waistband. In one swift move, her shaven pussy was exposed and the gentleman gently lifted the panties off her ankles. Equally swiftly her bra was removed and added to the pile of her clothing forming beside her. It seemed to Peter that the Jester masked man was guiding the acts of the evening. He continued to give instructions. Peter watched as the men made a show of licking every inch of Amanda’s body. One man started with the toes, placing her feet together he ran his tongue over and over her toes. Peter knew this was sending shocks of excitement through Amanda’s body. The other two men continued to work each side of her body. Starting at her ears, they traced the outline of her sweet features with their mouths. Working their way slowly down till each man covered and sucked on a nipple. Peter was rock hard watching the show. Amanda was squirming with pleasure and everyone could tell she loved every lick, suck and nibble that the Master of Ceremonies instructed to be placed upon her. Steering the pace and direction of the show like adhering to some pre designed script, the master of Ceremonies instructed the men to remove their clothes, only this time he gave direct instructions to Peter to do the same. The gathered audience now looked upon the 5 naked bodies, each still masked. Four devils, three surrounding Amanda, all erect from the intimacy of their previous actions and Peter standing at the doorway, naked. His manhood stretched out before him, his swollen head throbbing in time with his beating heart. Peter was instructed to step forward and kneel between his wife’s legs. His masked face looking deep into her eyes as hers looked back full of wanton and lust. Peter winked and poked his oversized tongue out between the lips of his devil mask. The effect was eerie but in the glint of his eye Amanda knew she was about to enjoy everything that happened. He always had that look, that way of telling her to relax and enjoy. Peter lowered his face and pressed his tongue against Amanda’s warm moist core. Sliding his tongue up and down through his mask he slowly parted her soft lips and pushed his tongue deep inside her, instantly tasting the build up of her hot juices as he continued to probe her pussy with his tongue. Every so often he would take a breath and blow cool air on her hot womanhood before again returning his tongue to lash at her swollen clit or penetrate her wet vagina. Amanda arched her back. She could feel the pleasure building in her body. The three naked men that undressed her now caressed and kissed her torso. She arched and thrust her chest to their lips, beckoning them to bite and suck her nipples. She reached out with her hands and quickly found her goal. She gently grasped the two cocks of the men beside her, slowly stoking them up and down, from base to head. Her motions timed with the thrusts of the tongue in her pussy. Her mind raced, she longed to feel a hard cock deep inside her, she reveled in the idea of the four men taking her, of laying back and being soaked in their seed. One of her wanton needs was quickly fulfilled when the jester instructed the third man to place his cock on her lips. Her tongue instantly went to work, licking and caressing his hard phallus. She quickly devoured his hard cock, sucking it deep into her mouth. Undulating her tongue along its underside she increased the intensity in response to the masked man’s moans. The atmosphere in the room had heated up. Many of the onlookers were now engaged in their own sexual activities. A couple in the corner moaned and gasped as the masked man penetrated the woman. In another area two women shared a goat masked man’s hard cock as his eyes wandered all over the show in the center of the room. Amanda had never felt such intense pleasure. She couldn’t cum, she could just feel the build up and it just kept building. She’d heard more instructions and the three men around her had changed positions. She sucked passionately on the other two cocks. Treating them all to the same warm wet mouth and tongue as the first, she’d felt fingers start to rub at her pussy and penetrate her core. She wasn’t sure whose, but did it matter? It felt fantastic! She was holding, rubbing and caressing two cocks, one of which was smooth with moisture from her mouth. This cock she knew wouldn’t last much longer; the man was squirming, moaning and the extra lube along his shaft allowed Amanda to get a good rhythm. As if on cue, she felt the rushing of semen and with a final moan one of the hard cocks she was caressing released a gush of hot cum across her chest. She felt it land on her nipples and instantly felt her orgasm attain its peak. Letting the slowly softening cock from her grasp she slowly started to rub the fresh cum into her chest, bring the other cock in her hand down to her nipples and covering its swollen head with the other man’s cream. Watching this the man to whom Amanda was giving oral also moaned. Amanda felt his balls tighten against her face before her mouth was coated with his cum. It tasted sweet, she let some travel down the back of her throat enjoying its unique flavor, the rest she let flow from her mouth over her face and chin. She wanted it to mix with the cum that already covered her chest. Peter’s work was rewarded with wave after wave of Amanda’s womanly love juice; he loved her taste and pushed his masked face as close as he dared. Amanda’s climax was small, her body quivered in shock. From his vantage point between her legs Peter could see her cum covered chest heave as she let out her breath. She saw her chin dripping with cum and was rewarded with watching the final man explode as she rubbed his cock against her breast. The cum acting as lubricant, he shot his load across her torso. The three spent men fell back on the pillows beside Amanda. Each glowing in the aftermath of their sexual feats; their cocks no longer erect although each twitched with continued excitement. Peter rested his masked face against Amanda’s inner thigh. He was happy that Amanda had enjoyed the attention, although knew he needed some attention and knew Amanda could attain higher heights in her climaxes. He watched as did their attentive audience- Amanda lay back, her chest rising and falling as her heartbeat slowed. “Peter, Amanda!” the voice was the familiar voice of the jester. They were both shocked he called them and indeed knew their names. “Trick or treat?” Looking directly at the jester mask, they both saw the hidden smile as the man beckoned them out of the room for another Halloween adventure.
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