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Beamer's blog: "Beamers Nightmare"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/beamers-nightmare/b646


Erotic massage is the use of massage techniques for erotic ends that is widely practiced by couples as part of lovemaking. For example, instead of draping the subject's body with towels, an erotic massage is usually conducted with the subject naked and undraped. Areas of the body such as the areas around the groin and intimate parts of the body, which are normally not touched in therapeutic massage, will be touched in ways that increase sexual arousal. Erotic massage may be utilized as a means of stimulating the libido, or increasing the ability of a person to respond positively to sensual stimulus. In some cases, erotic massage can be a form of foreplay without sexual gratification, intended to heighten the sensitivity of an individual prior to another engagement where sexual arousal and fulfillment is intended. In other cases, erotic massage may be used professionally to help men address issues of premature ejaculation. Methods employed may teach the recipient to circulate erotic energy and relax the musculature of his pelvis and thus prolong arousal and increase pleasure. It is also offered as a service by some massage parlors (not to be confused with establishments that offer only therapeutic massage). In this case, erotic massage may be considered to be a form of sex work, or a form of sex therapy. Sensual Meditation is the set of exercises made public by Claude Vorilhon in his book La méditation sensuelle.It is practiced by members of International Raelian Movement (IRM). The first of these exercises is usually taught in Raëlian Seminars. Although the IRM disagrees with consumerism, the sensual meditation they advocate is a practice in metaphysical materialism. First Activity: Harmonization with Infinity..The first step is to arrange a setting in which to meditate. Harmonious settings are preferred such as laying beneath a star-lit night sky, under good weather conditions. Or, prepare a room, decorated with pleasurable sights, textures, and smells. During the program of sensual meditation, being undressed or wearing soft silky material is preferable. Work clothes which are subject to pollutants and material which constrict blood flow and compress the sexual organs are not recommended. The goal of a breathing exercise is to improve the oxygenation of the cells within one's organism in order to balance the chemical secretions within the body. This involves a few to several minutes of deep regulated breathing and increasing of one's mental and physical awareness of the introduction of oxygen inside the many kinds of organs within the human body. Conscious awareness of these effects is important for a process of bodily feedback. The next step is to feel, from within oneself, all the cells and tissues one is made of, and to consciously link them through our central and peripheral nervous systems. After this feeling is felt throughout the body, one begins feeling the vibrations and pulses of musical sounds not only by the ears but through the pores and within the body itself.[1] In the following step, one feels the animate external environment through the many penetrating vibrations animating ones body from all angles and radial distances. This attentive awareness develops the sense of feeling harmony that surround one's organism. Lastly, one uses this feeling to become aware of the humanity he or she is a part of. Second Activity: Becoming Aware of Our Life Breathing begins again in a more physically arousing way by feeling the exchange of air inside the whole respiratory apparatus including the bronchial tubes inside the lungs, nasal cavity, and mouth. As the oxygenation is increasingly felt within, one then begins to feel the heart pulsating and pumping blood within one's chest. While being highly oxygenated and having the tactile sensuality developed in the previous exercise, the calming pulse of this blood is felt spreading from the heart and into the rest of the body. Third Activity: Body Awareness After having sensually connected the many cells and tissues in the body by developed the tactile sense of touch from within the body itself and feeling the pulsing phenomena within the body itself, the sensuality of external senses is developed. As one closes his or her eyes one begins to develop the sense of touch and does so intensely by feeling the parts of oneself by enjoying being the touched and toucher while feeling more intensely with the fingertips. The taste of one's own skin is then explored. The feeling of oneself talking is then guided by a hand touching the parts of the head which vibrate during speech. Then the eyes are opened to discover oneself by appreciating the moving of one's hands, a bit like a baby, however, now one can be fully conscious of his or her animation. One looks at oneself with new eyes, looking in places where one would not normally look, as if discovering our physique for the first time and with attraction rather than aversion. Fourth Activity: Meditation with Symbol of Infinity Decorations are placed around the room as well as posters to contemplate for their harmonious expression the various patterns and colors of lights they reflect. Among them is the symbol of infinity which in Raëlian cosmology represents the infinitely large particles and infinitely small particles that dance and intermingle among themselves as an animation which endures without beginning or end. Fifth Activity: Another Universe - Our Partner This exercise involves a massage by a partner, not necessarily sexual, (and vice versa) the purpose of which is to become conscious of one another's shape and constitution through the sensuous touching. This exercise need not be erotic when involving gentle kneading of the individual one feels in order to become aware of their contour of flesh and bones (and vice versa). The expectation of being touched in certain places turns into pleasure improves one's unity. This meditation is the last exercise for those without sexual partners. Sixth Activity: Eroticism and Mutual Excitement After the intense vaporous breathing exercise, which is performed at the beginning of each meditation, one lays down with their eyes closed while becoming aware and feeling another's gaze as it caresses their body which they present to the gazer. The person laying down anticipates the gaze of the other as though it were are source of a soft diffuse beam of light. Erogenous zones are later excited though a very light and delicate massage by the partner of the one lying down. Sensual feedback is expected between the massager and the massaged so that individual preferences and sensitivity are accounted for which allows both partners to receive maximum pleasure from the exchange. After seeing, touching, and hearing, the senses of taste and of smell are introduced. Breathing in with the nose enhances smell whereas breathing out through the mouth allows for exhalation on the skin of the one lying down to occur more sensually. This, as well as kissing, encourages the exchange of hormones between the caresser and the caressed. At the end of this exercise, it is repeated, where the massager now becomes the massaged and the massaged becomes the massager. Sensual play is a generic term which refers to a variety of forms of sensual play. It must be understood that sensual, as referred here, does not mean (or relate to) only sexual appeal. This comprehension can be extracted of etymological and semantic issues. For what, lato sensu, "sensual" is all that reports to a sense — all and everyone existing in human life. So that "sensual play", also sensual touch, means all forms of sense-playing or sense-touching one that can recognize, say, "sense" it. This most extensive comprehension, furthermore, includes all living things, not only or exclusively human being.Despite of this, however, the most frequent or usual, current comprehension claims to "sexual play" or "sexual touch", more when referring to or related to human experiences, say senses.The term may include forms of pain play for those who like pain but more often the term is used to refer to more subtle sensations. Sensual play can include feathers, tickling, temperature play including wax play and ice play, food play, light caresses, very light flogging or spanking, sensual massage, drumming fingers, sensory deprivation, soft music, candle light, and a variety of other things which stimulate our tactile, heat, cold, auditory, olfactory, and visual neuroreceptors. A cuddle party is an event designed with the intention of allowing people to experience non-sexual group physical intimacy through cuddling. Cuddle parties are described by organizers as "workshop/social-events" that gives adults an opportunity to "give and receive welcomed affectionate touch in a no-expectation, friendly setting, according to your needs, desires, interests, and boundaries." Cuddle parties are described as non-sexual events but kissing may occur at some parties.A cuddle party is a group experience, while the one-on-one analog is a cuddlebuddy relationship. A cuddle party is described by organizers as having the following format: A "Welcome Circle" led by the event's facilitators, the purpose of which is to establish the structure of the event, and in which participants are given an opportunity to introduce themselves, be led through several communication/ice-breaker exercises, and learn the Cuddle Party rules. A two-hour socializing/cuddling portion of the event, in which participants socialize and cuddle, in accordance with the event's rules. A "Closing Circle," in which the facilitators sum up the evening's activities. Rules...According to the Cuddle Party website, the rules of Cuddle Party are as follows: Pajamas stay on the whole time. You must ask permission and receive a verbal "yes" before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.) You don't have to cuddle anyone at a Cuddle Party, ever. If you're a yes, say yes. If you're a no, say no. If you're a maybe, say no. You are encouraged to change your mind from a yes to a no or a no to a yes anytime you want. Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner. Get your Cuddle Lifeguard On Duty or Cuddle Caddy if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the Cuddle Party. Tears and laughter are both welcome. Respect people's privacy when sharing about Cuddle Party and do not gossip. Arrive on time. Be hygienically savvy. Water Lovers Beware...lmao Hydro massage is a type of massage based on the therapeutic use of warm water. The essence of hydro massage is applying massage techniques to the human body (thermally, mechanically, or chemically) through the water (which can be mineral, acerous or any other). Hydro massage helps to relax muscles, increase blood circulation, and relieve muscular pain and tension.Hydro massage therapy can help alleviate muscle and soft tissue injuries caused by low back pain, arthritis, chronic and acute pain, neck injuries, TMJ, sports injuries, pregnancy discomforts, Crohn’s Disease, insomnia, spondolylosis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, fibromyalgia, tendinitis and stress management and many more diseases and ailments.Hydro massage therapy is excellent especially with stress management techniques. History of Hydro massage....Hydro massage as a proven natural remedy has been known and used for years. The history of hydro therapy goes centuries back, as far as ancient Greece, but it was truly made popular by Romans, who introduced the benefits of bathing and massage to the countries they conquered. Roman public baths were always recognized as a great source of relaxation where members of high society and all free people alike could enjoy the benefits of hot and cold water as well as massage.The modern history on hydro-massage begins with a man named Tobias Smollet. He wrote an essay on the water cure, which remarked that the pumped water was good for "hysterical disorders, obstruction of the menses and all cases which it was necessary to make a revulsion from the head and to invite the juices downward". Since the sixties of the twentieth century, hydro massage has been gaining popularity. Every year more advanced hydro massage tools and equipment appear, making it easily available to many people, as these tools and equipment can be easily used at people's homes. Today the hydro-massage is still widely popular and used for the ailments and conditions listed and much, much more. It is one of the most requested and popular forms of massage. Hydro massage methods..There are many hydro massage methods, for instance, underwater manual massage, jet massage in the air, high-pressure water massage and many other. Hydro massage effect Hydro massage creates awareness of the body, reduces anxiety levels, gives a sense of well-being, improves the ability to monitor stress signals, gives a feeling of peace of mind, it also helps to alleviate discomfort caused by pregnancy, provides with a relaxed state of mental alertness, helps treat athletic or job related injuries, tension related headaches and post-operative rehabilitation. I KNOW YOU LADIES KNOW THE EFFECTS OF VISITING THE WATER PLANT BOARD DONT YA? SCOOT YOUR ASS UP UNDER YOUR TUB FAUCET AND LAY BACK AND EXPERIENCE THE MULTIPLE ORGASMIC RELIEF THAT OCCURS WHEN YOU ALLOW THE WATER TO RUN OVER YOUR CLIT...THIS WILL TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY...I PROMISE... NOW FOR YOU MEN... Prostate massage and prostate milking are terms used to describe the massage or stimulation of the prostate gland (also referred to colloquially as the "P-spot", or the "male G-spot") in males, either for medical or sexual purposes. The prostate is a part of the sexual response cycle in males, and is a key contributor to male orgasm. Located adjacent to the rectum, it can be stimulated manually. Seminal fluids collected in the prostate are released during orgasm. SEXUAL PROSTRATE MASSAGE Done internally either by lubricated finger(s), a prostate massager or other medical instrument, prostate massage may result in ejaculation without any genital stimulation. The prostate can also be indirectly massaged externally through the perineum, although this may not be effective in the removal of fluid. No more pressure should be used than for rubbing an eyeball. The procedure is initially undertaken gently using the index finger and a latex glove by massaging the lobes on either side of the prostate, taking care not to rub vigorously on the nerves in the middle. If the prostate is full and stimulated sexually in some cases it may consciously and voluntarily be contracted, thereby emptying itself in the same way as during ejaculation but with none of the surrounding organs stimulated, without actually squeezing it digitally. Electroejaculation is a procedure in which nerves are stimulated via an electric probe, which is inserted into the rectum adjacent to the prostate. It is most commonly encountered in animal husbandry for the purpose of collecting samples for testing or breeding. Prostate milking is also encountered as part of sexual activities, particularly involving the use of sexual denial. Prostate massage, in the sexual context, can refer firstly to the stimulation of the prostate as part of conventional sexual activity - for example, as part of autoeroticism/masturbation, or as performed by a sexual partner on a male as part of normal, non-fetishistic sexual intercourse, in which case the purpose is predominantly the enhancement of sexual pleasure in the male - stimulation of the prostate and anus in itself, tends to increase the intensity of male ejaculation and orgasm; additionally, massaging the prostate tends to increase the volume of fluid that is accumulated in the prostate prior to ejaculation, thus increasing the volume of ejaculation and the pleasure that is associated with ejaculation. A second, alternative type of prostate massage, also referred to as "prostate milking", predominantly refers to the sexual practice, common within the BDSM community, of relieving the buildup of seminal fluids within the prostate, by discharging the fluid through massage, without the male experiencing orgasm. Prostate milking is commonly practised by/upon participants of a sexual fetish known as erotic sexual denial that involves abstention from orgasm and ejaculation for considerable periods of time (often many weeks or months). In such cases, the purpose of the massage is to temporarily reduce the level of sexual arousal in the male recipient by prompting the release of the prostatic fluid that was accumulated during the period of time in which the male had not ejaculated. The term "prostate milking" appears to carry a more specialized erotic meaning as compared to the general term of "prostate massage", since it specifically invokes a fetishism of the male seminal fluids (i.e. to "milk"); and as such, the term "prostate milking" is seldom used, if at all, outside of the communities which are involved in the sexual fetishes in question. When referring to stimulation of the prostate under more conventional circumstances (i.e. enhancement of the immediate orgasm as part of normal sex), the more general term "prostate massage" would probably be more appropriate. In the BDSM realm, the term "sissy milking" also refers specifically to prostate milking, as part of feminization, where 'feminized' males are popularly called "sissies" by others who share the fetish. THUS WE ENTER INTO..(NO PUN INTENDED) LMAO Anal sex is a form of human sexual behavior which encompasses many sexual acts involving the anus, anal cavity, sphincter valve and/or rectum. The term anal sex, however, is often restricted to anal intercourse: the insertion of the erect penis into the rectum. It is a form of sexual behavior considered to be comparatively high in risk, due to the vulnerability of the tissues and the septic nature of the anus. As the rectal mucosa provides little natural lubrication, a lubricant (such as a personal lubricant, for example) is most often required or preferred when penetrating the anus. Male-female In modern Western countries anal sex is reported as being a widely practiced, if still minoritarian, form of intercourse between men and women. In some cultures, receptive anal intercourse by heterosexual partners is widely accepted.One reason is that there is very low risk of unwanted pregnancy via unprotected anal intercourse (though this is not an absolute guarantee, because semen can leak from the anus, cross the perineum, and enter the vagina). Also, anal sex is sometimes seen as preserving female virginity because it leaves the hymen intact. Another reason is that the anus is considered to yield more tactile pleasure for the penis, being tighter than the vagina. The Renaissance poet Pietro Aretino advocated the practice in his Sonetti Lussuriosi (Lust Sonnets).Alternatively, the male may take the receptive role in heterosexual anal sex, usually aided by sex toys. The practice of pegging, in which a woman wearing a strap-on dildo penetrates her male partner, is gaining acceptance. Moreover, due to the proximity of the prostate gland to the rectum, it has been suggested that males may derive greater satisfaction in this manner than females. Anal sex and female virginity Though more often applied to first penetration,the concept of "technical virginity" is sometimes conceived as resting solely on vaginal penetration.In Norman Mailer's novel Harlot's Ghost, a character states that in Italy, an unmarried woman had to be "a maiden before and a martyr behind", implying that such women were obliged to submit to anal sex and that anal sex was painful. In other cases, first anal intercourse is conceived of as ending a separate virginity from first vaginal intercourse,with varying degrees of seriousness. In a Rolling Stone interview, comedian Sarah Silverman joked: "I didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty-six. Nineteen vaginally, but twenty-six what my boyfriend calls 'the real way.'" Frequency Determining the proportion of people that engage in anal sex, and the frequency with which they do so, is rather difficult. Sexual surveys tend to reflect whether those surveyed have ever had anal sex, or whether they have had anal sex in the last year, instead of distinguishing between those who have tried it one or a few times and those who regularly have anal sex. It is also thought that a reason for the difficulty is the difficulty of collecting data on a practice that remains highly stigmatized in many countries. According to a 2004 report, "Some research suggests that one in four heterosexuals in the US has tried anal sex and for one in 12, it is an occasional or episodic practice. Other surveys suggest that seven times as many women as gay men engage in anal intercourse, a figure reflecting the greater overall heterosexual population." Other anal sexual behavior A butt plug is one of many sex toys specifically designed for anal usage. Anal sex need not involve penile insertion. The active partner (male or female) may use appendages other than a penis, such as the fingers and a fist. The use of the mouth and tongue on the anus, called rimming or anilingus is also common, often in conjunction with other sexual acts. He or she might also use an artificial device, often a phallic reproduction (dildo) or one that is generally engineered specifically for anal penetration (butt plug). A female using a strap-on dildo to anally penetrate a male is often referred to as pegging.Due to the proximity of the prostate gland to the rectum, it has been suggested that males may achieve greater satisfaction in this manner than females. Prostate stimulation The prostate gland, also known as a "male G-spot", "P-spot", or "A-spot" can be stimulated during anal intercourse. Stimulation of the prostate gland can result in pleasurable sensations and can lead to a distinct type of orgasm in some cases. The prostate is located next to the rectum and is the larger, more developed male homologue to the Skene's glands, also known as the "G-spot"or "female prostate", which are located around the urethra and can be felt through the wall of the vagina. Risks Anal sex exposes participants to two principal dangers: infections, due to the high number of infectious microorganisms not found elsewhere on the body, and physical damage to the anus and the rectum due to their vulnerability. Recent reports have documented that risky behavior is on the rise among men who have sex with men. Likewise, among men who have sex with women, a 1992 study of socially and sexually active Puerto Rican men indicated that of the more than 40% who reported having anal sex with women, very few had used condoms. Cultural issues Historically, a number of cultures have recorded the practice of male-male anal intercourse. The males who participated in such relationships often did not do so exclusively, as participation in these male-male relationships did not preclude sex with women. Such relations have also been documented as taking place in houses of prostitution, which provided youths or young men. IM CUMMING ARE YOU? An orgasm (sexual climax) is the conclusion of the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle, and may be experienced by both males and females. Orgasm is characterized by intense physical pleasure, controlled by the involuntary, or autonomic, nervous system. It is accompanied by quick cycles of muscle contraction in the lower pelvic muscles, which surround the primary sexual organs and the anus. Orgasms are often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in other areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation, and, frequently, vocalizations. After orgasm, humans often feel tired and a need to rest. This is attributed to the release of prolactin. Prolactin is a typical neuroendocrine response in depressed mood and irritation. Ongoing research at the University Medical Center of Groningen, the Netherlands, studies brain events that accompany orgasm in men and women. Techniques used involve Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and fMRI. Male and female brains act almost the same during orgasm. Brain scans showed that large parts of the cerebral cortex temporarily reduced their activity. Achieving orgasm One of the main ways of achieving orgasm is by direct or indirect stimulation of the penis or clitoris. Such stimulation can come from a variety of activities, including but not limited to sexual intercourse, manual masturbation, anal sex, oral sex, non-penetrative sex, a sensual vibrator, or an erotic electrostimulation. Orgasm may also be achieved by stimulation of the nipples or other erogenous zones. In the absence of physical stimulation, orgasm can be from psychological arousal alone, or during dreaming (a nocturnal emission or "wet dream" in males). Important in sexual stimulation are internal glands, called the Skene's glands in women and the prostate in men, two homologous structures. In common use, the term G-spot refers to these areas. The stimulation can come from receptive intercourse, fingering, fisting, or penetration with a dildo. With sufficient stimulation, the prostatic structure can also be "milked." Providing that there is no simultaneous stimulation of the penis, prostate milking can cause ejaculation without orgasm. When combined with penile stimulation, some men report that prostate stimulation increases the volume of their ejaculation. Vaginal orgasm The female body can achieve orgasm from stimulation of the clitoris and from stimulation of the G-spot. The Gräfenberg spot, or G-spot, is a small area behind the female pubic bone surrounding the urethra and accessible through the anterior wall of the vagina. Many scientists believe that only certain women possess a G-spot. The G-spot orgasm is sometimes referred to as "vaginal," because it results from stimulation inside the vagina, including during sexual intercourse. However, only stimulation of the G-spot, and not other intravaginal stimulation, results in a "vaginal orgasm." The "two-orgasm theory" (the belief that in women there is a vaginal orgasm and a clitoral orgasm), has been criticized by feminists such as Ellen Ross and Rayna Rapp as a "transparently male perception of the female body".The concept of purely vaginal orgasm was first postulated by Sigmund Freud. In 1905, Freud argued that clitoral orgasm was an adolescent phenomenon, and upon reaching puberty the proper response of mature women changes to vaginal orgasms. While Freud provided no evidence for this basic assumption, the consequences of the theory were greatly elaborated, partly because many women felt inadequate when they could not achieve orgasm via vaginal intercourse that involved little or no clitoral stimulation.Recent discoveries about the size of the clitoris - it extends inside the body, around the vagina complicate or may invalidate attempts to distinguish clitoral vs. vaginal orgasms. Recent anatomical research shows that there are nerves connecting intravaginal tissues and the clitoris.This, with the anatomical evidence that the internal part of the clitoris is a much larger organ than previously thought, could explain credible reports of orgasms in women who have undergone clitorectomy as part of female circumcision. The link between the clitoris and the vagina is evidence that the clitoris is the 'seat' of the female orgasm and is far more wide-spread than the visible part most people associate with it. But it is possible that some women have more extensive clitoral tissues and nerves than others, and so that some women can achieve orgasm only by direct stimulation of the external part of the clitoris. Anal stimulation Anal orgasm is an orgasm brought on by anal stimulation, such as from anal sex, an inserted finger, or a sex toy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some women experience anal orgasm as qualitatively different from clitoral or "vaginal" orgasm, though for many others the distinction is less clear. In both sexes pleasure can be derived from the nerve endings around the anus and the anus itself. Hence, anal-oral contact can still be pleasurable without stimulation of the clitoris. Jack Morin has claimed that anal orgasm has nothing to do with the prostate orgasm, although the two are often confused. Breast and nipple stimulation A breast orgasm is a female orgasm that is triggered from the stimulation of a woman's breast.Not all women experience this effect when the breasts are stimulated; however, some women claim that the stimulation of the breast area during sexual intercourse and foreplay, or just the simple act of having their breasts fondled, has created mild to intense orgasms. According to one study that questioned 213 women, 29% of them had experienced a breast orgasm at one time or another, This shows that it is not common, but it is possible. An orgasm is believed to occur in part because of the hormone oxytocin, which is produced in the body during sexual excitement and arousal. It has also been shown that oxytocin is produced when an individual's nipples are stimulated and become erect. Spontaneous orgasms Orgasms can be spontaneous, seeming to occur with no direct stimulation. Occasionally, orgasms can occur during sexual dreams. The first orgasm of this type was reported among people who had spinal cord injury (SCI). Although SCI very often leads to loss of certain sensations and altered self-perception, a person with this disturbance is not deprived of sexual feelings such as sexual arousal and erotic desires. Thus some individuals are able to initiate orgasm by mere mental stimulation. Some non-sexual activity may result in a spontaneous orgasm. The best example of such activity is a release of tension that unintentionally involves slight genital stimulation, like rubbing of the seat of the bicycle against genitals during riding, exercising, when pelvic muscles are tightened or when yawning or sneezing. It was also discovered that some anti-depressant drugs may provoke spontaneous climax as a side effect.There is no accurate data for how many patients who were on treatment with antidepressant drugs experienced spontaneous orgasm, as most were unwilling to acknowledge the fact. Multiple orgasms In some cases, women either do not have a refractory period or have a very short one and thus can experience a second orgasm, and perhaps further ones, soon after the first. After the first, subsequent climaxes may be stronger or more pleasurable as the stimulation accumulates. For some women, their clitoris and nipples are very sensitive after climax, making additional stimulation initially painful. There are sensational reports of women having too many orgasms, including an unauthenticated claim that a young British woman has them constantly throughout the day, whenever she experiences the slightest vibration. It is possible for a man to have an orgasm without ejaculation (dry orgasm) or to ejaculate without reaching orgasm. Some men have reported having multiple consecutive orgasms, particularly without ejaculation. Males who experience dry orgasms can often produce multiple orgasms, as the refractory period, is reduced.Some males are able to masturbate for hours at a time, achieving orgasm many times.In recent years, a number of books have described various techniques to achieve multiple orgasms. Most multi-orgasmic men (and their partners) report that refraining from ejaculation results in a far more energetic post-orgasm state.Additionally, some men have also reported that this can produce more powerful ejaculatory orgasms when they choose to have them. One dangerous technique is to put pressure on the perineum, about halfway between the scrotum and the anus, just before ejaculating to prevent ejaculation. This can, however, lead to retrograde ejaculation, i.e. redirecting semen into the urinary bladder rather than through the urethra to the outside. It may also cause long term damage due to the pressure put on the nerves and blood vessels in the perineum. Men who have had prostate or bladder surgery, for whatever reason, may also experience dry orgasms because of retrograde ejaculation. Other techniques are analogous to reports by multi-orgasmic women indicating that they must relax and "let go" to experience multiple orgasms. These techniques involve mental and physical controls over pre-ejaculatory vasocongestion and emissions, rather than ejaculatory contractions or forced retention as above. Anecdotally, successful implementation of these techniques can result in continuous or multiple "full-body" orgasms.Gentle digital stimulation of the prostate, seminal vesicles, and vas deferens provides erogenous pleasure that sustains intense emissions orgasms for some men. A dildo device (the Aneros) claims to stimulate the prostate and help men reach these kinds of orgasms. Many men who began masturbation or other sexual activity prior to puberty report having been able to achieve multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms. Young male children are capable of having multiple orgasms due to the lack of refractory period until they reach their first ejaculation. In female children it is always possible, even after the onset of puberty. This capacity generally disappears in males with the subject's first ejaculation. Some evidence indicates that orgasms of men before puberty are qualitatively similar to the "normal" female experience of orgasm, suggesting that hormonal changes during puberty have a strong influence on the character of male orgasm. A number of studies have pointed to the hormone prolactin as the likely cause of male refractory period. Because of this, there is currently an experimental interest in drugs which inhibit prolactin, such as cabergoline (also known as Cabeser, or Dostinex). Anecdotal reports on cabergoline suggest it may be able to eliminate the refractory period altogether, allowing men to experience multiple ejaculatory orgasms in rapid succession. At least one scientific study supports these claims.Cabergoline is a hormone-altering drug and has many potential side effects. It has not been approved for treating sexual dysfunction. Another possible reason may be an increased infusion of the hormone oxytocin. Furthermore, it is believed that the amount by which oxytocin is increased may affect the length of each refractory period. A scientific study to successfully document natural, fully ejaculatory, multiple orgasms in an adult man was conducted at Rutgers University in 1995. During the study, six fully ejaculatory orgasms were experienced in 36 minutes, with no apparent refractory period.It can also be said that in some cases, the refractory period can be reduced or even eliminated through the course of puberty and on into adulthood. Later, P. Haake et al. observed a single male individual producing multiple orgasms without elevated prolactin response. Definitions of "orgasm" There is some debate whether certain types of sexual sensation should be accurately classified as 'orgasm', including female orgasms caused by G-spot stimulation alone, and the demonstration of extended or continuous orgasms lasting several minutes or even an hour. The question centers around clinical definition of orgasm. Orgasm is usually defined in a clinical context strictly by the muscular contractions involved. In these and similar cases, the sensations experienced are subjective and do not necessarily involve the involuntary contractions characteristic of orgasm. However, the sensations in both sexes are extremely pleasurable and are often felt throughout the body, causing a mental state that is often described as transcendental, and with vasocongestion and associated pleasure comparable to that of a full contractionary orgasm. For this reason, there are views on both sides as to whether these can be accurately defined as orgasms. Purpose of female orgasm The clitoris is homologous to the penis; that is, they both develop from the same embryonic structure. Stephen Jay Gould and other researchers have claimed that the clitoris is vestigial in females, and that female orgasm serves no particular evolutionary function. Proponents of this hypothesis, such as Dr. Elisabeth Lloyd, point to the relative difficulty of achieving female orgasm through vaginal sex, the limited evidence for increased fertility after orgasm and the lack of statistical correlation between the capacity of a woman to orgasm and the likelihood that she will engage in intercourse. Sensation As a man nears orgasm during stimulation of the penis, he feels an intense and highly pleasurable pulsating sensation of neuromuscular euphoria. These pulses begin with a throb of the anal sphincter and travel to the tip of the penis. They eventually increase in speed and intensity as the orgasm approaches, until a final "plateau" of pleasure sustained for several seconds, the orgasmDuring orgasm, semen is ejaculated and may continue to be ejaculated for a few seconds after the euphoric sensation gradually tapers off. It is believed that the exact feeling of "orgasm" varies from one man to another, but most agree that it is highly pleasurable. In women A typical woman's orgasm lasts much longer than that of a man. It is preceded by erection of the clitoris and moistening of the opening of the vagina. Some women exhibit a sex flush, a reddening of the skin over much of the body due to increased blood flow to the skin. As a woman nears orgasm, the clitoral glans moves inward under the clitoral hood, and the labia minora (inner lips) become darker. As orgasm becomes imminent, the outer third of the vagina tightens and narrows, while overall the vagina lengthens and dilates and also becomes congested from engorged soft tissue.The uterus then experiences muscular contractions. A woman experiences full orgasm when her uterus, vagina, anus, and pelvic muscles undergo a series of rhythmic contractions. Most women find these contractions very pleasurable. Recently, researchers from the University Medical Center of Groningen, the Netherlands, showed that it is possible to objectively recognize orgasms just by the specific frequencies of these contractions (abstract). After orgasm, the clitoris re-emerges from under the clitoral hood, and returns to its normal size, typically within ten minutes. In tantric sex Tantric sex is the ancient Indian spiritual tradition of sexual practices. It attributes a different value to orgasm than traditional cultural approaches to sexuality. Some practitioners of tantric sex aim to eliminate orgasm from sexual intercourse by remaining for a long time in the pre-orgasmic and non-emission state. Advocates of this, such as Rajneesh, claim that it eventually causes orgasmic feelings to spread out to all of one's conscious experience.Some advocates of tantric and neotantric sex claim that Western culture focuses too much on the goal of climactic orgasm, which reduces our ability to have intense pleasure during other moments of the sexual experience. Eliminating this enables a richer, fuller and more intense connection
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