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I don’t believe this.  I never thought this could happen again, or at least till I was in my fifties.  Some of  you may be wondering why I am even bringing this up in the first place, I don’t know, bored, get it off my chest.  I don’t really expect sympathy or pity over this, so bear with me.  The reason I am talking is that in the next month or so, I will have completed my second time since becoming sexually active that I have went without sex for two years.  Now, I will have to say it was more by choice than of something that was forced upon.  For one, my situation for the past year or so was not very good and a relationship was the last thing on my mind to have, because I tend to want to have money first before having a relationship, mainly to me that is the whole idea.  Of course, I do know some of my friends that do tend to jump first into whatever they get their hands on and worry about money second, if they do worry about money.  Obviously, the relationship tends to not last very long and they just repeat the process over again.  I can never understand that with some of my friends, just not really care about their current situation but yet care about getting into some girl’s pants.  I don’t know, I guess I always try to be more responsible than that, but the sad thing is that these girls they do end up going out with do end letting them get into their pants.  Now, why could someone be such idiots about it, and then turn around and get dumped or break up with the guy because he’s a loser and complain why they did it in the first place?  I swear, some people can be just stupid when it comes to this subject.  At least, however, for my friends that do tend to have a lot, their quality is not as great as their quantity of sexual partners.  Which is something I do pride myself, a little bit at least, that with the exception of one girl, which I will not name names but it doesn’t matter because I don’t talk to her anymore, that every girl I have had sex a lot of guys thought or even said they were hot as hell.  As oppose to some of my friends that sleep around a lot, yes once in a while they do tend to get with a girl that’s very good looking, but most of time their choosing of women are very, I don’t know how to say it, lenient or if they’re breathing and walking on two feet sort of way.  I don’t know, I could never do that, I mean, if there isn’t any kind of attraction with me or the girl, nothing is going to happen.  Which is something I do have to say is another reason for my abstinence, I am very picky with who I sleep with.  Now, physical attraction for me is not very important, I usually like to be with someone that can actually think for themselves than anything else or have actual good taste in some categories, like music, books, art, culture, the important stuff.  For me, as far as physical attraction goes, there can be a girl that is super hot, I mean have a perfect curved body, beautiful brown hair, I mean literally perfect looking, but if they have a hard time counting to ten or don’t know who Lou Reed is, I’m going to just slowly walk away and not look back.  I’m serious, I would, if you don’t believe me, try me!  Now, being picky can have it’s good side, but then have it’s bad side towards things.  Another thing I am picky of is sexual past, which does tend to get me into trouble quite a bit from time to time.  Now, let me mind you, I’m not someone that expects to have a virgin when I am going out with someone.  To be honest, I feel I don’t deserve one, being that I didn’t wait to have sex till marriage.  That’s fine, but I don’t want to be with someone that has been around the block more times than my car has, if you want to know what my car is it’s a 1993 Mercury Cougar, but besides the point.  I would like to be with someone that believes the same how I feel about sexual relations: keep it towards long term relationships, no one night stands, and pretty much not whore yourself out.  I know that this may sound ignorant about how I feel about sex, but this is how I feel about it.  I mean, I know I am not perfect about it, because if I was I would still be a virgin waiting till I get married to have sex.  Of course, some of you may be thinking, well people can change their ways or typical guy thinking about that.  Well, I do believe that people can change, that’s all well and good, but let remind you, not just guys think about their partner’s sexual past.  Oh no, in fact I knew a couple that got married and after they tied the knot, they decided to admit to each other how people they had with before they got with each other.  The wife said she had sex with four other people before getting married, and the husband said fifteen people beforehand.  The wife got so furious towards the husband that she didn’t talk to him for almost two weeks.  So, just remember, it’s not just guys that think about that.  I mean, like I said nobody is perfect, in fact, I would give the woman I would marry a three person leeway, which she can have three more sexual partners than I have, and I will not care.  However, anymore than that, well, as I said before in a blog long long time ago, sometimes it’s just best to lie.  Of course, as you can see, this is why I tend to not have sex very often.  But, to me, it’s not being jealous of the person of having more sexual partners than I do, it’s just the thought of STD’s.  That’s my issue on that, I am literally a phobic to STD’s, and I believe and always will believe that the more people you have sex with, the greater chance you have to get an STD, point blank.  Now, some of you may think, well that’s why they have condoms.  Yes, but condoms are not one hundred percent effective, and even if you wear a condom while having sex, there is an exchange of fluids.  It may not be as much as without a condom, but there is a little bit.  And if you sleep around with enough people, as use a condom, that little bit starts building up and after about, say, thirty partners, it will be a lot.  In fact, once someone gets to only six sexual partners, their chance of getting an STD increases to eighty percent.  No joke.  However, some of you would say, well that’s why you get checked up every year.  True, it’s good to get checked up, but a lot of people don’t do that.  It’s either their irresponsible or just don’t have the money to do it.  Either way, I would just like to be with someone that has, and always has been responsible when it came to sex, and treat it more than just for pleasure.  Blah, much better, I guess.  I feel better getting it off my chest, and I hope I didn’t anger too many people doing so.  However, thinking about if this period will ever end.  I sort of don’t like going through one of these, because I remember the last time I went without sex for two years, I ended that period on a pretty bad note.   I don’t want that to happen again.  But this may even be longer than before, I’ll be going into the military in the next few months and I’ll be even more busier than before, so I may not have the time.   

It’s Saturday Night, and you’re with your friends playing Dungeons & Dragons, a role playing game worthy of geek proportions, or could you be playing World of Warcraft, a very addictive online computer game with some of your buddies hundreds of miles away in the dark!  Or even playing Call of Duty just because you like war! Whatever your taste is, go for it.  However, since thinking about my last blog on Role Playing games, I began thinking I may have left some things out, but I cannot remember what.  But since breaking my writer’s block, it was able to give me new ideas of creative expression.  I was thinking since some of my friends have been playing role playing games for almost two years now,  I wanted to do an experiment: make a role playing television show.  Now, this won’t be some stupid reality TV bullshit that has been polluting the airwaves for the last six to seven years.  I want to create a show for gamers, like something to show a group of people playing, and then afterward have like a debate on certain moves or questions on certain traits of a character.  Also, this would be interesting, have a tournament like what they have with poker.  I would think that can be a good show to do, have someone do play by play as the game goes on and so forth.  However, the only problem is having the right equipment for doing such a project.  I only have a web cam, which is only good if everyone is like three feet within the sight of the cam to get good clarity.  Also, the sound only goes the same distance, unless the people scream the entire time of the session.  But, I always wanted to try out directing, and it would be good practice, although I wouldn’t let other people see it because it would be of such poor quality.  Which brings to another project I know that can be done well, a short story on role playing games.  Viewing my friends playing D&D gave me inspiration on doing a short story, it will be something of a prequel to another story I started but haven’t finished yet titled Strays.  I want to create a story, sort of rekindle the spirit of one of my older short stories, for some of you that do not know the title of that story is The Chicken Nugget Incident.  However, this time the story will be longer and much more dramatic.  I thought of this because of thinking that role playing games were sort of a waste creativity, why not try something worth while?  I have already made an outline of the story, and made the character’s names, but the story has no title yet.  It doesn’t matter though, a title will come as the work progresses.  I would like to try to finish this work by the time I go into Basic Training, but I think it can be done.  Plus, I can just use the filming of the game for notes on my story.  This will be good, to rekindle my writing touch and feel less useless as I felt for the past year or so.  I see this being a good story, very good one.

Ah, I just had to do that.  It almost has a good ring to it, if you think closely enough.  Anyways, I wanted to share more about my recent signing up into the Armed Forces, which for me I’m going into the Army.  You won’t believe how I’ve felt going into the military, I have this renewed, refreshing  taste in life again, which is something I haven’t felt in quite some time.  Especially now, ever since getting laid off  last year and since trying to look for a crappy job which has been more like pulling teeth  than anything else, I need some light to shed on me.  I have this sense of pride in me now, being that I am going to have a chance to serve my country.  Now, for some of you that don’t really know the extent of my background, I’ll give you a briefing of it:  I have always supported the military and our troops since I was a little kid.  In fact, I have been into military history since as far as I can remember.  I have always wanted to join the military when I was younger, but thanks to a dad that kept telling me that I may not like it, I never did.  I was about to join the military twice before, first time when I got out of high school, and the second time when I was twenty-two after a terrible breakup with an ex-girlfriend.  It seemed that every time came up, a better opportunity arose from it before I even got a chance to fill out my papers.  Also, I was told before by a recruiter I may not be able to go in due to being an only child, which I even thought they would’ve kept enforcing even to this day.  However, I told them I have no siblings, and they said it wasn’t a problem, so I joined.  It’s funny how there were some people I talked to thinking that I almost went off the deep end when I signed up.  Well, for one, other opportunities were not around, and I am the type that hates being out of work for long periods of time.  Second, just simply my living situation I want to change because as I said before if I lose the place where I am living now, I would be homeless.  As a result, I saw the military something as security for a roof over my head.  Now, for some of you may be thinking, well what about family or friends, why the military?  This is pretty much a broken record that I’ve said plenty before, it’s just simply I will not live back with either of my parents, and other family I don’t talk to anymore.  As for friends, well, I don’t want to burden them as much as I have already, they have done more than enough.  Plus, I like to be self-sufficient as possible.  But this is a wonderful opportunity for me to go into the military, and I am looking forward to getting into the best shape I’ve been in yet.  For a long time, I always said if I did join the military, I would go into the Army because there’s a lot of things you can do in that branch.  Whereas the other three branches; Navy, Air Force, and the Marines, when you pick the job you want when signing up, you’re pretty much stuck doing that you’re entire tenure of service.  But with the Army, you can do different jobs, as long as you meet the requirements.  Also, in the Army, you can move up in rank a little quicker than the other branches, which means better pay in the long run.  And finally, I always saw myself as a soldier, as oppose to a sailor, or to a certain extent an airman.  The Marines was something I wanted to go into back when I was younger, but I am glad it was merely a phase.  I have heard too many horror stories of people in the Marine Corp. that it scared me out of it.  Also, I remember my ex-girlfriend’s dad giving me an ass chewing about joining the Marines.  Being he served in the Navy, he knew a lot about the objectives of the Marine Corp., and he kept telling me it doesn’t take a lot of brains to get shot and killed.  I know, the Marines are usually the first group of soldiers to deploy in a combat situation,  their purpose is the secure positions for the other branches to move into the battle.  Also, the Marines are like the Navy’s soldiers,  which technically they’re part of the Navy; they guard the ships and docks, and when a ship is out to sea it usually keeps group of one hundred Marines on board just in case if there is fighting on land and the Navy guns can’t silence it, the Marines go on land and stop it cold.  There are some technical jobs in the Marines, even some jet fighters and tank crewmen, but primarily the Marines are an infantry unit, and as their famous motto goes, First to Go, Last to Know.  Although the Army does have an infantry unit, I always felt they teach more tactical maneuvers than the Marines do, so that was a big plus.  Also, one thing not a lot don’t know is the Marines used to be a Department for the Army before switching to the Navy.   Now for the Navy, it’s a good branch to be in, because there are so many opportunities of technical work you can get into, and stuff you can do outside the military after switching back into the civilian world.  The only thing is if you can handle being out in the ocean for fifteen months at a time.  That was my reason for not joining the Navy, because I couldn’t handle being out in the middle of the ocean, thousands of miles away from the nearest dry land.  Also, there was a time when I went out fishing in the Gulf of Mexico when I was little, and I got very, very seasick.  Since then, being on a boat for long periods of time was a bit of a challenge.  However, if you are someone that likes being on a boat or a ship, the Navy is for you.  Being a sailor is not really being a fighting soldier, you’re more of a mechanic, radar man, or even a post man or tailor.  Basically all ships, battleships, aircraft carriers, destroyers and so on are like floating cities.  All the crew members have two jobs to perform, the first being everyday work to keep the ship going during peacetime, and the second if there’s a war going on and if it goes on red alert, the crew goes to their assigned battle station.  The sailor usually only fights to defend the ship, man the guns on it to repel the enemy, and even the Navy has jet pilots as well.  As far as land fighting is concerned, they let the Marines handle that.   As for the Air Force, that was my second choice of branch to join, but it was ago that kept me out.  Their cutoff age is twenty-seven, and being twenty-nine, they said no.  However, the only problem I would have if I went into the Air Force was that I couldn’t learn to fly a jet, for that being you got to have 20/20 vision to even be considered to, which is something I don‘t have.  Also, I found out you have to be an officer to be able to fly an aircraft, I don’t know if that is true, but I can understand why, because one F-16 jet is worth a one hundred million dollars.  An F-22 Raptor is even more, I think the price tag is in the billions.  So, I would assume they would want responsible people handling such valuable equipment, and officers earned their right of passage.  Now, I don’t know if the prices are accurate on the jet planes, but they are very expensive pieces of equipment.  So, if I was able to go into the Air Force, I would have just gotten a desk job at a base, probably go into working on computers or radar.  But my heart has always been in the Army, being some of the people I liked to read about were in that branch, like George S. Patton and William T. Sherman.  Both of these were generals in the Army, Patton in World War Two and Sherman in the American Civil War.  Both of these men I always felt epitomized what generals are suppose to be: hard, fair, and wanting to fight to end the war.  I don’t think I would ever go that far into rank to being a general, considering now there are too many politics in the military today for men that high in rank got to deal with, but they are a good example to stand by when serving in the military.  I cannot wait till I get into Basic Training and start losing all weight I have gained over the years.  Going into the Army for me is almost like living a childhood dream coming true, and I want to make the most of it.  After Basic gets done,  which for some of you that don’t know where I’ll be going is at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, I get to go to Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL to train for Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist, the whole proper term of the job.  After Basic, I become a PFC, or in civilian terms is Private First Class, being that I have college background, and I may even raise up to that rank before Basic if I study the Military Alphabet, General Orders, or anything else they need me to remember.  I just started to learn marching techniques at my future soldiers’ class at the recruiting office in town.   Plus, I started to do some physical training and was able to lose ten pounds in one week.  At that rate, I’ll be well in shape when comes to November, the time I get to ship out.  But the training I am doing though, is not only training for Basic, I’m training for Airborne School, which is what I want to go into after my job training is done.  I always wanted to be a paratrooper in the Army, and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity.  Also, if I can pull some strings being I’m not going into Infantry in my first term, I want to try Ranger School.  Like I said, I want to make the most of my military experience.  I signed up for four years, just to see how things go and if I like it enough, I may re-enlist.  I mean, I don’t anyone to go to, I haven’t had a girlfriend in about two years now and I don’t have children.  There’s nothing for me in the town I am living in now, and it’ll be good to get out of Illinois for a while.  I even talked to my CO or Commanding Officer about how Redstone Arsenal is and what I can do if I go back to school and finish my Bachelor’s in Accounting.  He told me Redstone Arsenal is a very laid back base, fairly small, and when I looked up online to find coffeehouses in the Huntsville area, I saw there’s one right down the street of the base.  I was quite thrilled about finding that out, being that’ll be my place to go if I can get off base for a little bit.  Also, if I finish up my Major in Accounting, I can apply to work in the payroll for the US Army, which means very good money, and a very good retirement plan.  But I see going into the Army to help kick start my business once more, and perhaps getting that to full swing.  Shoot, I may even continue doing the Army after my business gets successful, just because I like the military.  I am the kind of person that wanted to join to get something with civilian credibility and also learn how to fight, which is why I wanted to do Airborne and Ranger School.  I’ll just have to see what happens from there.

Time for a Change

Hello again, fellow readers.  Wow, I think this is the longest I have went without typing a blog!  Well, there were some reasons behind the situation.  First off, I have been sort of busy on other things to where I didn’t have time to type up any new topics and so on.  Also, there was an extreme lack of topics to talk about.  However, I have been gathering up a good amount of topics over the past couple months, so I will try to go and do some typing to kill some time.  And finally, I got bored of the internet.  I know some of you may think how could that be or I saw you online a few times.  Well, there just were some things that I just got burned out on that’s on the internet, and the only times I would be online were to check email, and if someone I knew was online, I would talk to them.  All in all, I was trying to limit my time on the internet.  One thing I felt for this was my impatience for not finding work and trying to end my current situation.  But that is about to change in the next few months, being I joined, the military that is.  Yes, for some of you that don’t know now, I have just joined the Army.  Wait now, don’t get uptight, or get flabbergasted, it was something that I needed to do.  For the past few months, I’ve been getting turned down from every single meaningless job in my area, and I just got fed up with living one step away from being a bum.  I mean, when you literally beg to someone for a part time food job, and still get turned down, it’s time to get the hell out of dodge.  So, for those couple months of looking for work, I was also thinking about the military.  Over the years, I have been contemplating about joining, but never knew when.  I was going to join right after graduating high school, but thanks to stupid parents talking me out of it, I didn’t do so.  Another time when I was about to join was after going through a very terrible breakup with an ex-girlfriend, which thinking now I should have joined right then, being that I would not have had to deal with my parents again.  I still don’t know why I didn’t join then, but oh well.  Perhaps though if I did join the military then, I would not have gained knowledge of accounting as I would later on.  However, now being in the pickle that I am, this is the time to go in. Ever since getting laid off from my last job a little over a year ago, things just seemed to turn from bad to worse.  Nothing seemed like it was going right, and the setbacks just kept coming and coming and coming.  But now, there needs to be a change.  My living situation is not at all at best, but it’s the only thing keeping a roof over my head, and if it somehow goes away,  I will be left on the street.   Now, some of you may think, “Well, what about your parents or family?”  There is no option with them, and I made that decision when I moved out of my dad’s place a year and a half ago.  I have already moved out and moved back in too many times as it is, and I am not doing it again, and I will not go back to living with an alcoholic that thinks he knows the entire world.  As for my mother, well, I don’t care if I ever see her again.  She has done so many bad things to me and my father, and still to this day does not think she is at fault.  So, as for that, she can think whatever she wants, but I will not be in the picture to tolerate it.  Plus, I need to move on and get myself out of this rut.  I am so sick of the area I live in for it’s extreme lack of opportunities of employment.  I still to this day, don’t know how the area survives.   If my car was in working condition, I would try to get something near Chicago, but that means driving almost an hour one way to work, and the pay would not be all too good.  And that’s if I can get a job!  So, as a result, it’s time to get up, get dusted off, and start from scratch, before it gets too late for me.  I felt the military would do just that for me, I got into working in Ammunition Stock Control, which is the closest thing to accounting in the Army.  I thought I was going to be Active Duty, but I’ll be only in Reserves, as what the counselor told me.  I decided on the Army because  there’s so many different things you can do in that branch, being it’s the largest one of the four.  I was too old for the Air Force, because the cutoff age was twenty-seven.  And besides, if I did go into the Air Force, I wouldn’t be able to fly a jet due to my eyesight.  You have to have perfect vision in order to get into flying a jet.  The Navy wouldn’t be bad, but I have this thing of being on a ship in the ocean for fifteen months at a time, or I should say being in the middle of the ocean miles away from the nearest land.  And for the Marines, well, at a time when I was young and stupid watching the movie Full Metal Jacket I wanted to join the Corp., but I am glad it was only a phase.  There are numerous stories of  what happens to people when they become a Marine, and none are not very good.  Also, it is the branch with the highest divorce rate, and being part of the Navy meant being on a ship so it was a no for the Corp.  The Army, as I said before, you can do many things.   For instance, even though I’ll be in Ammunition Stock Control, I can still do something I always wanted to do if I ever went into the service: be a Paratrooper.  After I get done with Basic and Job training, I am going to try out for Airborne, which means more money a month, having a pair of wings on my uniform, and just another thing to make look like a badass.  It will be vigorous, but the school being only three weeks should not be too bad.   After that, if I can do so, I want to try Ranger School.  I’m sorry, but I want to get as much Army experience as I can while in my time of duty.  Ranger School is the toughest of training in the Regular Army; two months of training in extreme temperatures, fighting, and combat styles.  They have three phases in the Ranger School, and if you pass all three, you become a Ranger.  But the only thing that may not let be go into Ranger School is that I’m not going to be in Infantry after Basic Training, but if I can go into Airborne School and pass it, then why not Ranger School?  Oh well, I’ll worry about it when Basic is over with.  But I am happy for doing this, I was amazed how hard and complicated it was to even join the military.  Not only having to get all the paperwork together for my recruiter, even though he said I was the quickest recruit he put together and head out to MEPS, which is the place where they have people get checked out if they’re capable of being in the military.  I got all my paperwork ready, which was high school and college transcripts, work history, references, places where I lived, and background check.  That took a total of three days to obtain, and after that had to do a drug test at the recruiter office before heading out to MEPS.  I was sort of surprised I passed it, but we won’t go into that till another time.  Lets just say drinking lots of coffee, water, and tea can do many wonders for you.  Anyways, as I was at MEPS, they did a lot of tests, took my blood, checked my ass for hemorrhoids, and I had to piss in front of a soldier, just to see I am using my own pee.  It took me three times to go to the bathroom in the cup provided for my drug test.  I’m sorry, but I’m just not used to having an audience when I go to the bathroom!  However, I get to do it again when I go to Basic Training, only now it’s with the Drill Sergeant and if I can’t do it right then and there, I do pushups till I can go to the bathroom.  That’ll be fun!  Anyhow, I’ll be showering with many other naked guys, but at least I can look up at the ceiling and do my business without worry.  Other than that, once it’s all over, it’ll be worth it in the long run.  I’m looking forward to losing a lot of weight, to getting back to the weight I was back in high school, which was 160lbs.  But it would be even more better if I become 160lbs of muscle, which I was never in high school.  The nine weeks of Basic shouldn’t be too bad, just train hard and not worry about the time and it should go through quickly.  I get shipped out on Nov. 4, from the place where I went to MEPS, and I go to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, just outside of Columbia.  The nickname for the place is called Relaxin’ Jackson, which is because it’s the more lenient of all the Basic Training camps.  I’ll be there during Thanksgiving and Christmas, which is not a big deal for me because I don’t celebrate those holidays anymore.  I would just be sad that I’ll be there for New Years, but sacrifices will have to be made.  After going thru Basic, I get shipped to Fort Redstone in Huntsville, Alabama where I get trained to do Ammunition Stock Control and be stationed there till further notice.  Luckily, I do know someone in Alabama but they live down in Auburn, but the drive won’t be too bad.   Plus, after my training to do Ammunition Stock Control is done and I do sign up for Airborne School, all I have to do is go down to Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, which is only a few hour drive from Fort Redstone.  Also, it’s the place where Ranger School is as well.  It will be a wonderful experience for me, and a good opportunity to get back on my feet.  Also, it’s a way for me to get out of this retched town I live in for a little bit, and out of Illinois for now.  It’s going to be weird because I never lived outside of Illinois before, I mean, I traveled all over the place, even went to Mexico, but never lived outside the state.  It’ll be a good change for me, I do need it.  Although I do thank my friend for letting me stay at his place for as long as I have, and was able to put up with me for the time, but I need to move on and continue to accomplish my goals.  Plus, I assume my friend would like his place back to himself.

Well, I wanted to type a blog just after Obama’s inauguration, but as always life took over and I got a bit stalled. So, I’ll just go on and do an update on his first few weeks in the office. So far, it seems like it has been a hectic time for him, considering he has to deal with an economy that is getting close to a depression. The inauguration went very well, even though the judge that swore him in messed up his words while process was being done. Obama’s speech was good for a new president, he was respectable to George W. Bush by saying he did a good job during his two terms, which was able ease some of the crowd that was present for it. His speech was nothing spectacular, just really repeating himself when he got elected back in November. However, once the inauguration was over, it time for work to be done. He was able get the Stimulus Bill passed , which is suppose to help save jobs and revive the economy for a bit. However, there are many speculations with it considering it does not control the spending of tax dollars that the government already has a problem of. I hope it helps in the long term instead of the short term for the country. But one thing that I do not understand is putting a cap on Business Executive’s salary, I mean, they can’t make no more than $500,000? I don’t know what that is going to solve, really. Why should the government control what how much a person can make a year? This is what angers me sometimes about Democrats. Even though I did vote for Barack Obama, I do have views from both sides of the parties. I feel that putting a salary cap like that on workers is a short step of encouraging communism into our government. It’s as though the government does not people to grow prosperously, only to put keep them in the poorhouse. If Obama wants the economy to improve, he needs to bring in new jobs to the United States and give people more opportunity to grow and prosper like our forefathers have. Giving money to poor people is only a short term problem solver, not long term. Now, giving poor people an opportunity to prosper, like job education, creating employment for them is a good long term problem solver. To do that, taxes on business owners should be respectively low and cuts should be encouraged for them considering they are creating jobs for a community. To me, a good government, regardless of which party is in control, encourages growth amongst it’s people; mentally, physically, and financially. That is greatest challenge Barack Obama has to do for the citizens of the United States. I would like to see all the states in the union to prosper. Being raised in Illinois, seeing the state go from a proud industrial powerhouse to a depressed junction in the union is hard to take for me. I would like to see this state stand back up on it’s two feet and be tall once more like it was forty or fifty years ago. I know there are other states that have been strong industrially in the past, maybe they can relate to how I feel about Illinois. It pains me to see such great towns like Peoria, Decatur, Danville, Kankakee, and all the other Illinois cities be in ruins with their abandoned warehouses and plants wither away. Even Chicago has it’s hard times as well, but now it’s becoming the only place where someone can find work. Why not bring the work back to the smaller cities and let them grow back into the places they once were? People in Chicago can work in their city, let people from Kankakee work in their town, let people in Danville work in their town, let people in Decatur work in their town, and so on. Illinois can prosper once more.

This is some more extended views I have from this past election. Now, just to remind some of you, I did not vote for Obama just because he was a White Sox fan, nor being he was African-American even though I have always wanted to see an African-American president in the office since I was little. I have voted Obama for being that I would think he would be much more fair to the people in this country, help unify the United States more than just being separated as Red and Blue states, and to help pull troops out of an area of the world where are presence is not needed and just stop wasting soldiers’ lives in the process. Also, with getting out of a war that has literally turned into another Vietnam will help out our economy, considering that the last administration drained all the country’s resources into while leaving the citizens with nothing. Too, being Obama is African-American, or technically only half but in other case just having someone with that ethnicity can finally put an end to bigotry that plagued this nation for many years. Even after forty years of the Civil Right movement, there still needed to be some work done to gain better relations with all races in this nation, and I think Obama is the glue to put it all together. Now, that me mind you, I am a person with both views that can be seen as Republican and Democrat. I used to be someone that completely despised Republicans, mainly just siding with Democrats no matter what they said or their policies were. However, as I have gotten older, I began to respect some Republican views, considering I had the same view as well. For instance, Republicans do support many rich and wealthy people. Now, some people may see that as a problem, but if you look into it more, you’ll understand why. Most wealthy people in this nation are employers, people that own businesses and do help create jobs for people. I do support tax breaks for people that are employers because that means those companies they own will not be leaving our country to go somewhere else to have they’re labor being much cheaper. This is something that does need to be changed, there needs to be someone in the office to help keep industries and other companies coming into this country and also staying here for our citizens to have work, because if they’re isn’t employment within the people in a country, then goods are not being bought, and therefore businesses start closing down and no money is coming into government through taxes. That I do support for, also there are some Democrats that get so Liberal, they want to try to edit the Constitution. I mean, trying to get rid of the second amendment, which is the right to bear arms, is something sort of blasphemy for citizens in this country. That is a God given right for all Americans to do this, how many other countries in the world allows this right? No too many, so why get rid of it, because there are some irresponsible people in the nation that take advantage of this right or use it in a negative way? I have a solution, shoot them. Use the amendment in a good way by solving the problem with it. Also, who in their right minds would ever want to change the word God in the Pledge of Allegiance? There is a reason for that word being in there, this country was founded under a vision of God, not anything else. I’m not saying here that you should be a Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, which are the known religions that do have one God, but there is no need to change the Pledge of Allegiance. This nation was founded under religious standpoints, it would be wrong for it to be changed. I mean, if it offends people, then those people don’t need to be American. It’s time for this nation to stop getting offended so easily, because it’s starting to get to the point there are pointless laws being passed to where someone has to keep an eye on what they say to someone without offending them. Now, that is my Republican side, but what really makes me a little more Democrat is that I am for gay marriage. Now, that may seem hypocritical for me because I am Christian, but the reason why I do support this is to me, seeing a law to ban gay marriage being passed is like repeating the old Jim Crow laws that took a lot of African-American rights away in the south. It looks like a stepping stone to more gay bashing laws which this country does not need to have nor repeat the same kind of oppression that dawned this nation over a century ago. I support help for needy families, especially single mothers trying to take care for their children, but in my opinion I think the welfare system in this country is too laid back with it policies and it should tighten up the rules a little more with it. I mean, there are too many people that take advantage of the system and I would like to see a change to where those people are not milking the government anymore. However, there are going to be a lot of tasks coming for Mr. Obama, like he said in his victory speech, it may take longer than one term to repair the damage the previous administration has done to our nation.

Ah, the election is upon us again here in the United States, and what a day it does. I was literally glued to the news show that hosted the election numbers coming in from all over the country. At first, it started to look like 2004 all over again, McCain having a pretty fair lead over Obama. But then, in a course of a half hour, Obama took the lead from McCain and literally did not look back for the rest of the night. Then, at 10PM the news came in, Barack Obama has become the next president of the United States. Wow, that was amassing to see it, finally after years of struggle from the civil rights movement and eight years of disillusioned leadership, this country has it’s first African-American president. I was thinking, was that the reason for the change, for this country had to deal with such an incompetent leader that represented this nation as a band hicks and bone headed numbness. Is that what made people change their views so dramatically? Oh well, this was truly an historic election. But I am proud to say that I was able to vote for every election since turning eighteen, which being the age you have to be to vote. It is something I do not take for granted, and I know it is one of the many freedoms that many people died for the citizens to have. Now, I do have to say about the people here that do complain about our government and how poorly run the system is, but yet they don not vote. It is something that has always bothered me for many years. I mean, how can you complain about the president, senator, or governor when you don’t even vote and try to make a change? Of course, there are people who will always say, “But my vote isn’t going to count for anything” or “I don’t think I could make any difference” come on now. Every vote does count, as long as you’re an American citizen you have that right to vote for your leader. Would you like to have someone decide to be leader, or vote for someone to be a leader? I’m sorry, but when someone decides they want to be a leader is a dictator, and I don’t want to live in a fascist society, which is what this sort of endured when the Bush Regime was going on. At least this country has a chance to choose it’s leaders, because not many countries do have that kind of luxury. So, if you don’t vote, then don’t complain because you decide not to make an effort to help change a leader by voting. Other than that, this election will go down in history. There was record turnouts for people coming out to vote, many former Republican or Red states have changed to Blue states, eight of them to be exact have changed their party, and not only Obama is the first African-American president of the United States, but also the first White Sox fan to be in the oval office! Yes, I know, I had to say that. Along with a mayor in Chicago a Sox fan, now there will be a US president that is a Sox fan. I bet Cub fans all over the nation are freaking out about that notion.

I remember about two years ago when I went to the Learning Annex in Chicago, when I met Robert Kiyosaki and then reading his books. When reading his book; Rich Dad, Poor Dad, he talked about how education that is provided from schools, while it is not bad, but it does not touch on the aspect of money. Institutions that teach our children and the people that want to become successful in their lives are not teaching them how to use their money, which is sad because being that the United States has the most successful economic system, no school is teaching people about how it works. I mean, all colleges really teach people one thing and one thing only; to help them get a job. When I first heard this, I got really upset about it because it felt like I was lied to my entire life. My parents, relatives, and even acquaintances of mine always told me this in order to be successful; go to school, get good grades, don’t get into debt, and keep your nose clean from the law. If you do all of that, you will become successful in life. Now after hearing what Mr. Kiyosaki said, and then after cooling off, I began to think about the education I got. After reading more, and them more, it started to click in me, yes, education that is provided in all our institutions really do not teach you how to become financially successful, which is a vital aspect in life, regardless of what people say. If you think about it, the teachers that taught you do not make a lot of money. For instance, a high school teacher makes an average of between $20,000 to $25,000 a year, and a college professor makes an average of $35,000 to $50,000 a year. Now look at the averages for high school educated people and college educated people, there almost identical with each other. The teachers that taught you are only able to teach you how to make what they make, not make more than them. Now, some of you may say, “Well, I make almost $100,000 a year and I was college educated”, that maybe so, but I did say I was going by the averages. If you make more than average, then it means you are either very lucky, you worked your tail off, or you had what I want to discuss about; a mentor. Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad” was actually his mentor, one of his friend’s father. He was a man that did not graduate Junior High, dropping out of school at an eight grade level, but became one of the wealthiest men in the history of Hawaii. Now, I am not saying you should just shun college, or high school, because that education is important, all I am saying that it is not the education that will make financially independent. If you want an education that will provide such information, you must find it with a someone that is financially independent. First off, though, there are books, many, many books on that subject. Acquire those books, read them, and read them again, apply the knowledge you get from them. Then, start associating yourself with people that are in that position of being financially independent, and start learning from them if they let you. Only the most truthfully successful people in that realm will share with you that information. I have a mentor, actually I have many mentors, which I have learned more about being financially well than what any college professor that taught me, and I was a Accounting major! In truth, there are two kinds of education; the first is education to get a job, which you can get at any college, and then there is education to be financially free, which you can acquire from a mentor. When I say financially free, I mean financially free without a job, because I am going to be serious with you, even if you make $100,000 a year, if you don’t sign the paychecks, you do not have control of your finances. You may think you do, but you don’t, because that job can let you go at any time, either by lay off or by termination from some petty cause. If not those, what about getting ill, say, like finding out you have cancer, or having heart problems, whatever that can keep you from working. A job will not pay you while you’re away because you’re sick, if they do, it’s only going to be a limited amount of time, say, if your job lets you build up sick days if not taking them. Anyway, the best education you can get however is experience. Over a college professor and even a mentor, experience will always be the best teacher in your life, but a mentor can guide you through the rough waters while you’re gaining the experience. If you want to know some books to read on the subject of becoming financially successful, just let me know, and I’ll give you a list of them. But even after I become financially successful, I will be going back to school, but going to pursue what I really want to do; study literature and Irish History. I may go for a Bachelor’s in Accounting and get my CPA just for kicks as well. However, when I do go back to school, I will know one thing; that the education I am getting is only good to get me a job.

I am going to set the record straight, once and for all, on the differences between the Sox fan and the Cub fan. I know there are some of you that keep saying, “Oh, they’re both Chicago teams, we should root for Chicago, not one or the other.” Ah, sure, ok so now we’re going to be like New York, where they only root for the winning team? I think not. If the White Sox are losing, and the Cubs are winning, I will not start rooting for the Cubs. I would rather jump into Lake Michigan in the winter and swim naked before I ever start rooting for the Cubs. The only time that would actually happen is if the Cubs are playing against the Yankees, the only other team I hate more than the Cubs. Anyway, lets start going over the differences, shall we. First off, when Sox fans are at a baseball game, they watch the baseball game. They may take a time out to get a beer or peanuts or whatever, but Sox fans are focused on watching the game. They do not talk to the person sitting next to them, or the people in front of them, or in back of them. Their priority is the game. Now, when Cub fans are at a ballgame, it’s like social hour! Almost everyone in the stands are talking to their neighbors, drunken college guys are hitting on all the women there, and no one knows what the score is. Also, Cub fans have a tendency to lighten up the stands by tossing a beach ball around. Now, if that happens at a Sox game, that beach ball will either get stolen on purpose so the stupidity will stop, or it will get destroyed on purpose for the same reason. Either way, the person that would have brought it will get his ass beat down. It is a baseball game, not a rock concert or the beach. Also, Sox fans will not throw the opposing team’s home run ball back to the field. Those Cub fans in the bleachers literally made it into a tradition by throwing back the opposing team’s home run ball, like as though that will actually help them win. Sox fans will not ever do that, if someone does, they’re not a true Sox fan. At least if someone is going to throw the ball back, dowse some gasoline on it and light it up and throw it back onto the field for true South Side fashion, or even cut the ball in half and throw the pieces onto the field. Another thing, Sox fans appreciate good baseball, and if the White Sox are not playing good, the fans will yell and cuss at them while throwing things at the manager. If the Cubs are losing, Cub fans don’t seem to care much because they’re not paying attention enough to the game! Like I said, it’s like social hour there. I mean, a little league team can be playing and no one would even notice. Also, Sox fans know their team. They know the starting lineup, they know who the coaches are, and they know the bullpen very well. A Sox fan will tell you the stars on the team, and even most of the stats of all the players. Now, if you even ask a Cub fan about any of the players on the team, most likely they’ll look at you like a deer staring at oncoming headlights. If you ask them about any of the stars on the team, their answer will most likely be, “Umm…Sammy Sosa?” Well, that would be correct, if it was, say, 2003! Nowadays, there are not too many knowledgeable Cub fans anymore, considering that it’s almost kind of being in vogue to be a Cub fan. Honestly, you’ll be lucky to find anyone at a Cubs game that actually likes baseball! “Cubs game, oh, I’m only here for the beer.” Over the last fifteen to twenty years, Wrigley Field has been transformed from an abandoned ballpark to a beer garden to the nearby colleges and the Lakeview area becoming more of a tourist hangout. Most people that go to Cub games usually hit every bar in the area surrounding Wrigley Field and then go to the game as though they are hitting the biggest bar. Along with the stadium becoming an historical landmark being it is almost one hundred years old, Wrigley Field now greets many foreigners from all over the world. Now, most Cub fans seem to say in defense that Wrigley Field has more and better looking women at the games. I don’t think that is true, I would say both have the same number of beautiful women at the games, but at least at a Sox game, those beautiful know their team from top to bottom! If you happen to ask any of the beautiful women at a Cubs game about the Cubs, again, they will stare at you like a deer staring at headlights. Only at a Sox game you will actually see a bleach blonde girl knowing her team from the inside out. However, try hitting on her after the game, because during the game she’s going to say, “Shut up, I’m trying to watch the game.”

As any of you know, I have recently got onto yet another networking site. Well, actually I got onto two sites, but I am only going to talk about just one of them right now. If you really want to know about the other one, it is Linked In, which is a professional networking site that gives me a bunch of business connections. But I want to talk about Fubar, which is also known as the online bar. Yes, this is a networking site where you can give people drinks, gifts, and sex toys! Also, you can socialize and mingle like you do a bar. The only difference is you cannot go home with the person, or unless you find out the person you are talking to online is in your area, then maybe. However, like the old saying goes, “You will never find anyone good at a bar,” which is very true talking from experience. Anyway, this is a site where you get to rate people’s pictures, blogs, profile and so on for what they call FuBucks, which is online money that will help you pay for the online gifts you give to people. Also, this site exposes all the people that have viewed your profile, so if you do not like them, you can simply block them very easily. Other than that, most of the other features are basically the same like a MySpace, or Facebook, or even a MyYearbook. I would have to say it acts more like MyYearbook intended for adults. You have to be eighteen to join Fubar, but being it was an “online” bar, I assumed that it would be for twenty-one and over people. Either way, they do have a strict policy on the age limit, so you’ll not see any teenyboppers with web cams. However, there are web cams on this site, but they are of adult women, which most of them are married and have kids! Oh yes, there are a many women wanting to show off their stuff on Fubar, maybe a little too much for my taste. In fact, they have features on this site where you have to pay actual money to unlock, which to me is stupid because it’s all online. For instance, the big thing they have on Fubar is called the VIP, which is I believe twenty dollars or many even more a month to be part of and all you get is extra online gifts you can give to people, you can rate people’s photos eleven instead of ten, and you have extra space to put more naked pictures of yourself. One thing you will notice on Fubar is that there are a lot of women with bold, pink lettering on their screen names that will try to get guys to pay for their VIP subscription to Fubar, and in return they will let those guys see their pictures in the nude. I am sorry, but I am not into porn as it is, let alone wanting to see some married lady showing her boobs to me. I mean, if I was the husband of one of those women putting their naked pictures up on the site, I would not be a happy camper at all. That is something for my eyes only, not for some sleazy, horny ass men that have not gotten any for months, or even years, to masturbate to. Although I am saying all this negativity about Fubar, I sort of even got hooked onto it. Before I knew it, I was posting all my pictures onto the site so people can rate them, and giving out online pints of Guinness to people that looked interesting! But the main objective I was doing was getting more exposure with my blogs. So I decided that I am going to post some of my old blogs there to see the response, and continue to post new blogs as I type them. At least the site lets me group blogs together in groups, for instance, the old blogs I am posting are under “The Classics”, and the new blogs will be under “Most Recent.” However, I will have to keep myself off of Fubar so I don’t get too caught up in it, being I have more important objectives at hand.
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fubar news by babyjesus  
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fubar.com ideas! by babyjesus  
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fubar'd Official Wishli... by SCRAPPER  
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Word of Esix by esixfiddy  

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