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Dreams come like a welcome friend when I lay to sleep at night. You are there, so I long to sleep and to dream...of things both past and future. My mind takes me to places that are comforting and wonderful, all because you are there. Our Bench....and the conversations there. Drives in the car....anywhere....just to feel your hand in mine. Your head on my shoulder as we curl up together on the couch, or the feel of your body against mine as we hold eachother close. Then my dreams take us to far away destinations....Rome, Athens, Germany, anywhere our hearts desire to see. I dream of traveling anywhere, EVERYWHERE with you....sharing experiences and feelings and memories with you. I dream of a time in the future when neither of us are young in body, but mind and spirit are still as a teenagers....wide open, quick, sharp, and always yearning to learn and grow. I dream of sharing not just moments with you....but everything that life can offer....both good and bad. I yearn to dream....because you are there......

You know, I had a conversation with a fellow sailor yesterday and we were discussion the fact that the military will only see a 1.3% payraise next year.  My fellow sailor was very upset, stating that he felt he deserved more.  Actually, as I walked away....I felt a bit disturbed....on may fronts.


First, maybe I see military service as my patriotic duty....while others see it as a means to an end, just as any other job ends up being.  Ok...I can live with that.  The other thing that I found disturbing is that my sailor is right!  He deserves more.  E4 with a family.....and living in San Diego is NOT cheap!  I DO feel for him.....and all of my junior sailors how have to scratch just to get by.


Now, let me be frank for a moment.  I'm a Chief in the Navy.  I personally feel that I get paid a fair amount of money to do what I do.  But, I am content in what I do, and quite honestly, i would do this for free if I could.  i love my job and I still have problems sometimes believing that I actually get paid for the privilage to serve.  Of course, I'm a small minority or service members, though.  Most are feeling the pinch. 


So....on to the subject of this blog post.  How can I help reduce the National debt?  I would consider NOT accepting my 1.3% payraise next year.  Now, that doesn;t sound like much....and honestly, based on my paygrade, it's about $100 a month.  BUT.....if ALL senior Enlisted and Officers over the rank of 04 did not get the payraise (Demographically, the groups that can still get by without an extra 1.3%), we would save potentially BILLIONS in personnel pay, while still ensuring our most junior troops still get a deserved and much needed pay raise.


I'm pretty sure most of my piers would see this differently.  but, I would be willing to defer my proposed pay raise to help the situation.  Put it towards the budget!  Put it to better use somewhere else in the DoD.  I'm more than happy to make that sacrifice to help OUR nation.


Just my thoughts today....

America in Crisis

You know, if our elected leaders in Washington spent just HALF as much time actually working towards a solution to our current debt crisis as they do in pointing the finger at someone else whiel playign the "Blame Game", we might just not be in such a horrible financial spot.


However, it's not just our political leaders.  Is's the average American citizen.  We seem to live in an "entitlement" based society these days, and there are SO many people standing around with their hands out, expecting the Government.....meaning the American Tax Payer, to pay their way when times get tough.  We, as a Nation, just can;t afford it any more.


If we're going to dig ourselves out of this mess, we're ALL going to have to buckle down and face this thing head on.  This means HIGHER TAXES, CUTS IN SOCIAL SERVICES, Higher Interest rates, and a whole slew of other changes that we don't want to actually deal with.  Too bad!!  We no longer have time to play the blame game in Washington....or in our own homes or around the table at the local diner.  We need to pull together as a Nation and actually do more than just TALK.  We need to DO!!  We need to make the TOUGH choices to save our way of life.  This means we're going to have to actually live within our means.  This means we're going to have to STOP the craziness of Government Handouts.  This means that we're going to have to focus on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA instead of international opinion.


I mean, lets look at this from a "Global Economy" standpoint.  If the US defaults on it's debts, who will this effect?  The American citizen, most certainly.  But....if WE default on our debt, we're going to take a great deal of the world economy with us when we fall.  That could be devistating.  You think things are bad now?  If we default......it's going to get a LOT worse.


This will be no easy fix, to be sure.  but we have to be willing to make the sacrifices required to get this under control or we will find ourselves in ruin.


This is NOT a Navy Chief talking.....this is a concerned citizen.



  • There are more White girls from thet PI than there are natives....just look.
  • Women who show their cleavage in default pics get "liked" a lot!!
  • A 25 credit bling pack in exchange for 5 naked pics of someone who shoud REALLY keep their clothes on is just a rip off!
  • BLING will NOT get you laid....no matter how much money you spend!  lol
  • Baby Jesus is VERY subjective when it comes to enforcing the NSFW rule.  If you're a hot chick with a nice rack and a cute ass....anything goes.  Otherwise, you're just shit outta luck.  Not faulting you, B/J....just sayin....
  • Speaking of hot chicks....ALL HOT CHICKS on FUBAR are fucking slobs!!  Ever see those bedroom mirror pics?  Dirty mirror and clothes EVERYWHERE!  Geesh!  Stop taking pics and pick up your room, for Christ's sake!
  • Ther are a LOT of 40-ish women on here who think they can hold on to their youth by looking "goth".  Seriously???
  • ANY Fubar user that posts a GIF for their default pic is most likely uglier than a mud fence.
  • Rotund women on FUBAR think they are hot because they have huge boobs.  We're just supposed to ignore the fat rolls and the "wide load" sign on their ass.....right?
  • Photo Shop is a beautiful thing.......
  • Selling "Family" spots on your profile is just whoring yourself out.....
  • Any female profile on FUBAR that lists her full name is FAKE.
  • There are a LOT of crazy assed people on FUBAR.....


What’s Hot MAR 7, 2011 SNAPSHOT






CPO Scorecard


CPO Standards and Conduct

  • The incidents in 2010 were committed by less than one percent of our Mess and we have some outstanding CPOs doing a great job, but several mistakes made by a very few impact the effectiveness of every Chief across our Navy and I'm relying heavily on the Chiefs who are living up to our standards to take charge, move out with strong, proactive leadership and reverse the negative trends that we are seeing.

Brilliant on the Basics


Enlisted Warfare Qualification Programs

  • Quals mandatory - 30 month maximum, platform specific, community driven.

PTS – Fleet RIDE Integration


  • Submit a PTS application as early at 15 prior but NLT 13 months prior to EAOS or PRD (whichever is earlier); Quotas will have an expiration date. 
  • All E-3 to E-6 Sailors with less than 14 years of service and who are recommended for retention, regardless of intentions, are required to submit PTS applications.

Revised E-5 Promotion Recommendation Rules

  • Effective with the March 15, 2011, periodic evaluations, E-5 force distribution rules will change to:
  • EP recommendation limit 20%; combined EP and MP recommendations must not exceed 60%; MP recommendation may be increased by one for each EP quota not used.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Implementation

  • Our great Navy is leading the way on education and training which will be provided in a three tiered approach. 
  • Tier one is for all experts who may deal with repeal issues; Tier two is for senior leaders and command leadership; and Tier three is for all hands, civilian and military. 
  • The primary delivery method is face to face with mobile training teams; secondary is defense connect online; and tertiary is computer based training for those who cannot attend the first two.
  • It remains the policy of the DoD not to ask service members or applicants about their sexual orientation, to treat all members with dignity and respect, and to ensure maintenance of good order and discipline.

Drug Abuse

  • Navy’s policy on substance abuse is simple and clear - zero tolerance. 
  • Prohibits wrongful possession of controlled substance analogues (designer drugs), natural substances, chemicals, propellants and/or prescribed or over-the-counter drugs or pharmaceutical compounds with the intent to induce intoxication, excitement, or stupefaction of the central nervous system.


  • Navy’s policy on substance abuse is simple and clear - zero tolerance. 
  • Sailors cannot possess or use “Spice” or herbal products.  Sailors found guilty of using designer drugs or products containing synthetic compounds will be separated from the Navy.
  • Navy personnel who wrongfully possess designer drugs or products containing synthetic compounds may be subject to punitive action under Article 92 of the UCMJ, adverse administrative action, or both.

Continuing Resolution Effects on PCS Orders

  • Navy does not have sufficient manpower funding to allow normal lead times for Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders.
  • Average PCS lead times have been reduced from 4-6 months to approximately 2 months or less.
  • Approximately 6,000 Sailors slated to move in April and May have not yet received orders.  Those going to priority assignments will have less than two months lead time to move.

Actions Taken Result of Continuing Resolution

  • ·The current uncertainty over funding has resulted in program and operational limitations and negative effects. While risk mitigation efforts to date have deferred making irreversible decisions, the Navy is being forced to implement increasingly unproductive decisions to live within funding shortfalls of the current CR. 

Enlisted Advancement Phasing Plan & FAQ

  • The Navy will now advance selected Sailors at a rate of three percent per month for the first five months to E-4, E-5 and E-6. The remaining Sailors will be advanced in the sixth month of the advancement cycle.
  • In addition, the Navy will also advance selected Sailors at a rate of three percent per month for the first eleven months to E-7, E-8 and E-9. The remaining Sailors will be advanced in the twelfth month of the advancement cycle.

FY11 Revised Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Award Levels

  • In order to ensure we have the right number of Sailors with the right skills, Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) award levels are adjusted as reenlistment requirements for specific ratings and skill sets are met.
  • Of the 135 skill/zone combinations listed in the original FY11 plan, this update includes 19 skill reductions and 12 eliminations

Overseas Contingency Operations Support Assignments (OSA)

  • Active duty Sailors will apply for an OSA assignment through Career Management System/ Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID) by selecting "OSA PREFERENCE" in the Special Programs Section of their Duty Preference Page at their 12-to-9 month window prior to their PRD and prior to negotiating PCS orders
  • NAVADMIN 332/10 announced business rules for Individual Augmentation Manpower Management (IAMM).
  • NAVADMIN 334/10 announced business rules for Overseas Contingency Operation Support Assignments (OSA).

Tuition Assistance

  • Effective 01 Oct 2010, quarterly monetary caps are being applied to the funds distributed by Navy’s Tuition Assistance (TA) Program in order to ensure TA funds are available throughout the year.

9/11 GI Bill Update

  • Most changes take effect Aug. 1, others Oct. 1.
  • Reserves will have their time count toward benefits, and time mobilized for homeland security missions.
  • The $1,000-per-year book allowance becomes available to active-duty service members and spouses using transferred benefits.
  • Nationwide cap of $17,500 a year for tuition and fee reimbursement.
  • Living stipends will be pro-rated based on the number of credits taken, although anyone taking less than a 50 percent course load will remain ineligible for the payment.
  • GI Bill benefits will be cut off between school terms, unless classes are interrupted by a national disaster or other emergency.

Navy Working Uniform Update

  • Reviewing options to ensure no out-of-pocket expenses for Sailors to meet NWU requirements.
  • Sailors who started recruit training Oct. 1, 2007 - April 26, 2009 not issued NWU components, or full allowance will have until June 30, 2013, to reach NWU compliance. 
  • The NWU will now be worn as the working uniform ashore by Dec. 31, 2010.

NWU Type II/III Conformance Testing

  • The conformance testing, which began the week of July 26, will last for six weeks.
  • Transparent to forward-deployed Sailors wearing the NWU Type II and Type III uniform will be increased personal safety while still meeting the Navy’s intent of a professional looking Sailor.
  • The rollout scheduled to begin late spring 2011.


Navy Uniform Board Update

  • The Navy Uniform Board has approved the wear of the Chief Petty Officer cutlass, updated uniform regulations regarding the use of portable communication devices, authorized the khaki overblouse for female officers and chiefs and, standardized rules for those wearing flight suits.

Navy E-Leave

  • E-leave request, approval, and automated transaction process will reside inside the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) Electronic Service Record (ESR) Application. Sailors must have access to their ESR to use e-leave.  Additional up-to-date information can be found on NKO.

Learning and Development Roadmap (LaDR)

  • There are LaDRs for every enlisted rating on NKO under the Enlisted Learning and Development section. These roadmaps provide our Sailors with the tools and resources necessary to meet Navy requirements, as well as their professional and personal goals.
  • LaDRs should be used at CDBs.

Reducing the Stigma Associated with Enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program

  • Bottom line, EFMP does not limit Sailors.  It ensures they have the resources to ensure a career that is productive and rewarding to Sailors, families and the Navy.

Operational Stress Control

  • Need to be as actively engaged and invested in our Sailors' mental well-being as we are with their physical well-being; help through the Navy's Operational Stress Control Program. 
  • New enlisted OSC courses are now available to the Fleet via NKO for PO3/2/1 and CPO.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

  • Sexual Assault: Not in my Navy; 'zero' tolerance

Bystander intervention: Ship, Shipmate, Self.


  • One suicide is one too many. While it may be impossible to prevent all suicides & stress casualties, we are making concerted efforts to reduce our suicide rates; Focused communications by senior leadership to reduce the stigma of seeking help.
  • ACT – Act, Care, Treat.

Family Readiness

  • Family readiness = mission readiness
  • Sailors must engage their command and their family in order to take full advantage of the family readiness programs and benefits Navy offers.

Personal Financial Management Program

  • The Navy’s Personal Financial Management Program provides individualized assistance for Sailors and family members – through various classes by FFSCs – that fosters financial responsibility and accountability with primary emphasis of financial independence, sound money management, debt avoidance, and long-term financial stability to increase personal, family and operational readiness throughout career intervals.

Women on Submarines:

  • April 29, policy changed; Female officers assigned to guided-missile attack (SSGNs) and ballistic-missile (SSBNs) submarines.
  • The initial four submarines selected to integrate female officers into their crews are USS Wyoming (SSBN 742) and USS Georgia (SSGN 729) homeported in Kings Bay, Ga., and USS Maine (SSBN 741) and USS Ohio (SSGN 726) homeported in Bangor, Wash.
  • The first  10 female junior officers to be assigned to submarines graduated the Navy’s Nuclear Power School Feb. 25 and are expected to report to their subs in December.

Submarine Smoking Ban

  • Smoking below decks aboard all subs will cease NLT Dec. 31, 2010; A large scale smoking cessation program will be implemented to assist sub Sailors in their efforts to quit.

Enlisted AC to RC Transition

  • The Career Transition Office (CTO) facilitates

Top 50 Initiative

  • Navy recognized for excellence in workforce planning, training, education, diversity, and life-work integration, earning 24 awards.
  • Ranked #17 out of more than 1,000 companies on Training Magazine’s Top 125 list.

Personal Firearms

  • Mishaps in FY08, at least 28 acts of Sailor misconduct or suicide occurred onboard Navy installations; 111 incidents occurred off-base, 26 resulted in death. 
  • Sailors may now store personal weapons in certain locations onboard Navy installations with written approval from installation CO.
  • Personal firearms are prohibited in bachelor quarters, automobiles, and work centers.  

Naval Operations Concept 2010 (NOC 10)

  • Naval forces are ideally suited to address the challenges of an uncertain future and is capable of overcoming the geographic impediments to projecting power.
  • Persistent presence without permanence enables naval forces to conduct an expanding array of activities that prevent, deter or resolve conflict.
  • NOC 10 guides implementation of and is organized around and expounds upon the six core capabilities identified in the Maritime Strategy: forward presence, power projection, sea control, deterrence, maritime security, and HA/DR.


  • There are no plans to re-open MYCAA to spouses of service members above E-5.

CNO’s Guidance for 2011

CNO’s three focus areas:

  • Build the future force.
  • Maintain our warfighting readiness.
  • Develop and support our Sailors, Navy civilians, and their families.












Navy Personnel

Total Active Component                        327,682

Total Reserve Component                       64,677

DoN Civilians                                        200,886


Ships, Submarines & Aircraft

Total deployable ships/subs                  288

Ships underway                                      147 (51%)

Attack Subs underway                            32 (59%)

Ships on deployment                            118 (41%)

Subs on deployment                              23 (42%)

Expeditionary units deployed                  70 (39%)

Total Operational Aircraft                       3,700+


Navy Forces on the Ground in NAVCENT AOR

Countries ≥400

Total on ground, all countries approx. 14,956


Sailors at Sea by AOR

NAVCENT/C5F              14,937

PACFLT                                    24,071

NAVSOUTH/C4F                            826

C2F                                            2,956

NAVEUR/NAVAF/C6F                  2,576


Ships Underway 


USS Enterprise (CVN 65) - 5th Fleet 

USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) - 5th Fleet 

USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - 3rd Fleet 

USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) - port visit San Diego 

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) - Pacific Ocean

Amphibious Warfare Ships: 

USS Essex (LHD 2) - Gulf of Thailand 

USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) - 5th Fleet 

USS Boxer (LHD 4) - port visit Pearl Harbor 

USS Makin Island (LHD 8) - Pacific Ocean 




Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the promised Land!"

Nearly seventy-five years ago (when Welfare was introduced), Roosevelt said "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses and light up a Camel, THIS is the Promised Land!"

Today, Obama has stolen your shovel, Taxed your asses. raised the price of Camel's and mortgaged the Promised Land

I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care plans, the failing economy,the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Securityretirement funds, etc...I called a suicide hotline.  I had to press 1 for English.

I was connected to a call center in Pakistan.  I told them I was suicidal.  They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck.....

Just ramdom thoughts

I have little respect for people who betray their heritage or upbringing.  Black people who think they are white.  White people who think they are black.  Rich people who came from poverty and have forgotten.  These are just a few examples.  My suggestion is to STOP trying to impress the world, your peer group or your drinking buddies.  be true to your roots and be proud of who you are and where you came from.

Actions speak louder than words ever could.  if you tell me you're going to do something, then I have a reasonable expection that you will follow through.  There are always exceptions, of course, but when the exception becomes the "norm", then I will no longer believe a word you say and base my opinion of you solely on your actions (or inaction).  if you're the type of person who only pays lip service to any particular thing....then PLEASE.....move along.  My time and patience are to valuable to waste on people like you.

I don't normally discuss politics or religion.  I have my own beliefs....just like everyone else.  however, they are MY beliefs....and not necessarily yours.  I will never try to change your mind, position, or opinion regarding either.  I expect that you not do the same.  if you;re a bible thumper or a loud, obnoxious political junkie.....stay away.  You'll only piss me off.  And.....who needs that?

I am Proud and deeply Honored that I serve in the worlds greatest military establishment.  I have deep respect for all my brothers and sisters in arms, regardless of what branch of military they happen to be in.  I'm partial to the Navy because that is MY chosen branch.  However, we ALL wear the colors of our country and have ALL taken an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, this nation, and all who live here.  THANK YOU, my brothers and sisters....for giving to something that means EVERYTHING.....and is so much larger than yourself.

With the above being said, if you're in the military and you're on of those pissy whine bags who wants to tell the world how BAD it is in the Military, I have just 2 words for you.  "GO HOME".  Quite honestly, if you don't want to be in the military....I sure as hell don't want you here either!!  We need your head in the game and focused on the mission.....not crying about your petty (and yes, in the big scheme of things, your whiny, crying SHIT is just that....petty) issues.  You are a mamber of the US Military....and not every day is going to be roses and ice cream.  SUCK IT UP!

Why do people BEG on this site like a panhandler on the street corner?

Why do people take this website so seriously??  It's just a website....not a way of life.  Seriously???

I suppose that I can be a bit of a dick sometimes, and I don't pull punches.  I'll tell you EXACTLY what I think, if you ask my opinion.  You may not like what I have to say, so I'll say "I'm sorry" in advance if I hurt your sensitive feeings.

Ok....enough for now.  Thanks for reading a bit about me....



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