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Aeremus's blog: "my blog eh"

created on 11/12/2006  |  http://fubar.com/my-blog-eh/b23818

US fights ecoterrorism

NOTE:I AM NOT IN ANYWAY, NOR ARE ANY SUPPORTERS OR CREATORS OF THE SOURCES I USE, AGAINST THE FAIR TREATMENT OF ANIMALS ------------------------------------------------- ASHLAND, ORE. – The arrest of six animal rights activists and environmental radicals last week is the clearest sign in years that law-enforcement authorities now are able to infiltrate the shadowy world of "ecoterrorism." But the apprehension of four men and two women in five states around the country - all charged with firebombings and other criminal acts committed years ago in the Pacific Northwest - also indicates how hard it is to do that. While the arrests are significant, many more crimes carried out in the name of protecting animals and the environment remain unsolved. The FBI reports 1,200 such incidents in recent years, ranging from vandalism and the freeing of lab rats to the torching of housing developments and auto dealerships that sell sport utility vehicles. Property damage has totaled more than $200 million, according to members of Congress sponsoring legislation intended to hamper the trend. Groups such as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) usually claim credit for such acts. But as far as law-enforcement officials can tell, there is little organization or structure to the groups. Attackers act alone or in small numbers, adhere to strict security measures in communications and operations, and make use of accessible, unsophisticated equipment like cheap timers. "Preventing such criminal activity has become increasingly difficult, in large part because extremists in these movements are very knowledgeable about the letter of the law and the limits of law enforcement," said John Lewis, a counterterrorism FBI official, at a congressional hearing. "Moreover, they are highly autonomous." Among other things, the activists arrested last week are charged with attacks on a lumber company, a meat plant, an electrical transmission tower, and a US Department of Agriculture animal research facility, all taking place between 1998 and 2001. Over the years, none of the attacks has caused fatalities or major injuries. Environmental and animal rights activists typically say their "direct actions" are meant to avoid harming people and animals. But threats and other forms of aggressive intimidation directed at researchers, company officials, their families, and others have been escalating. Jerry Vlasak, a California physician opposed to the use of animals in medical research, is a spokesman for the North American Animal Liberation Press Office. At a recent congressional hearing, Dr. Vlasak insisted that "using any means necessary" to stop people from hurting animals "would be a morally justifiable solution to the problem." When asked if that included killing people, he didn't deny it. US lawmakers recently proposed legislation targeted at what Sen. James Inhofe (R) of Oklahoma calls "ecoterror groups." It increases penalties for anyone convicted of causing economic disruption or damage, or for placing a person "in reasonable fear of death or bodily harm ... because of their relationship with an animal enterprise." Meanwhile, courts have not hesitated to impose stiff sentences in such cases. One environmental activist was sentenced to 22 years in prison for burning three SUVs at a car dealership in Eugene, Ore. Two of those arrested last week could face life in prison if convicted of arson and using an incendiary device. Though attacks by some radical activists continue, officials believe they are better able to prevent or prosecute them. "We are making progress," the FBI's Lewis told a Senate committee in October. source: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/1212/p02s01-ussc.html editor note: its only a matter of time before the FBI finds ALF and ELF members I suggest quitting. It brings me joy knowing our senators are pushing for tougher laws against you and hopefully you all will recieve life in prison -- terrorist scum.
NOTE:I AM NOT IN ANYWAY, NOR ARE ANY SUPPORTERS OR CREATORS OF THE SOURCES I USE, AGAINST THE FAIR TREATMENT OF ANIMALS ------------------------------------------------- PETA is a known supporter of the ELF (Earth Liberation Front) And the ALF (Animal Liberation Front). They both are categorized as terrorist orginizations by our own goverment. YET they still exist, while we are overseas fighting foreign terrorist that pose no immediate threat to us. These groups burn down brand new homes, firebomb labs, vandalize civilians suv's and other acts or terrorism. The sad part is, is our own tax money is filtered off to these groups to help support their radical movements. If those aint considered acts of terrorism then what would you consider this. "ALF said it has targeted these people because they are associated with Manhattan-based pharmaceutical company Forest Laboratories Inc., which has facilities in Commack, Farmingdale and Hauppauge. Forest Labs does business with Huntingdon Life Sciences, Britain's largest animal research laboratory, which tests drugs, food products and industrial chemicals on animals for other companies before they are brought to market. Huntingdon, which has a facility in East Millstone, N.J., has been the focus of an ongoing campaign by radical animal rights groups, which charge that Huntingdon is abusing the animals -- which the company has continually denied. Those who closely monitor groups like ALF say such targeting is on the increase -- and has gotten very personal. "They identify somebody's children; they follow the children home," said Frankie Trull, president of the Foundation for Biomedical Research, a group sponsored by institutions that depend on animals for research. "They're going after the customers, like Forest Labs. They go after the support services -- the plumbing company, the electrical company. They go down to the deepest depths -- to the landscaper and to the caterer." The ALF Web site clearly outlines its goals and strategy: ALF members act "directly to stop animal suffering. ... Direct action refers to illegal actions performed to bring about animal liberation. These are usually one of two things: rescuing animals from laboratories or other places of abuse, or inflicting economic damage on animal abusers. Due to the illegal nature of ALF activities, activists work anonymously... " The group had posted on its Web site that its members went into the wife's unlocked car, stole a credit card from it and used it to buy $20,000 in traveler's checks that were sent to charities. The group also boasts that it spray-painted other executives' houses and cars and threatened to contaminate the food at the company's holiday party last December. Even the catering hall where the party was held came under fire: ALF called on activists to blitz the owner with phone calls to demand that it "not host Forest puppy killers." Trull and others said it's hard to know just how many actions ALF and other related groups such as Earth Liberation Front -- which similarly targets those the group feels are hurting the ecosystem -- have waged against businesses and universities because many are reluctant to report them. Tim Horner, managing director of international security firm Kroll Inc., said, "We have quite a bit of business associated with these groups."" That was taken from http://www.animalliberationfront.com/ALFront/ALF_Attacks.htm Do these faces look like innocent people or like common terrorist??? pic1 pic2 pic3 These were fresh after robbing marshall farms from some of their animals. Committing a crime that most people can go to jail for, and able to post pictures of the crime evidence and still get away with it?!?!?!?! Only in america folks...... AGAIN more suburban terrorism " Last evening the Animal Liberation Front, paid a visit to the home of Frank Tasco honorary director to Marsh Insurance. We have been monitoring his protection and home for quite some time now, Frank we were well aware of the security patrols at your home, the guards and their shift changes, and the fact last week they cut down security from 24hrs a day, every day to fri/sat/sunday, and then decided to go back to the full time security. Did you think that armed guards or the installation of motion sensors, cameras, lights, and steel grating around your basement windows would somehow make the animal liberation movement go away? Of course not! Last evening we waited for your security guards to fall asleep, then went right in under their noses and got to painting, leaving your house a red bloody mess, just like your hands! Frank Tasco's home was donned with anti-HLS and ALF slogans, the words "killer" and "murderer leave town" can be seen all the way across the harbor. Frank please do not be mistaken this is only the beginning, you have a great deal of power within Marsh as their former CEO and currently as a director to the company. If you choose to neglect the fact that 500 animals are being slaughtered every day due to the support of your company, then you too are just as responsible as the vivisections themselves, and will be treated no different. We assure you that the blood of 180,000 animals yearly would be enough to cover your home hundreds of times over. " This IS TERRORISM not to mention other crimes. IS this legal because someone else thinks, just because the other is doing wrong, they can also do wrong????? Here is some things about the elf as well. "SAMMAMISH WA- Two homes still under construction appear to have been targeted in a possible case of domestic terrorism. Early Wednesday morning there was a fire in the garage of a house on Inglewood at 211th Ave. The fire broke out at about 5:00 a.m. Firefighters were able to put the flames out before they spread to the new house. Investigators were calling the fire suspicious. A short time later police found an explosive device in a new house on Inglewood and West Lake Sammamish. Someone draped a cloth sheet over the front yard of the house with a cryptic message that read in part: "trees, burning, rapist." The message was signed ELF, also known as the Earth Liberation " " A young Newcastle man accused of planting dangerous devices at three foothills construction sites appeared in federal court in Sacramento for a bail hearing Friday. During the hearing, a request was made that arson suspect Ryan Lewis, 21, be assigned a GPS ankle device and be released to his parents. The answer by the judge was an emphatic "no." In his scathing remarks about Lewis' ties to the Earth Liberation Front, Magistrate Peter Nowinski said: "He's part of a group of ignorant, coward terrorists who represent a distinct threat." And in denying Lewis' bail, he added: "There is no doubt in my mind, he's a risk, a continuing threat to the community." But to Lewis' parents, he's just a passionate kid, with a misguided sense of right and wrong. "He had deep-held beliefs, and he acted on them, not realizing the huge repercussions," said Sherry Lewis, Ryan's mother. The Lewises also believe their son had outside influences that led him to commit the acts of domestic terrorism. " Now i ask you are these actions of peacefull protesting? Or even peacefull actions in general? They even proudly tout the figures on their website even "The ELF are considered the #1 domestic terrorist threat by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and have caused over $45 million in damages in the US since their appearance in 1997. Their record includes the $12 million arson at Vail Resorts in October, 1998, the $1 million arson at Boise Cascade's NW Regional Headquarters in December, 1999, the $1 million arson at the United States Forest Service Northeast Research Station in Irvine, Pennsylvania, on August 11, 2002, and over 3 dozen other serious actions." When will it end? Only time will tell..... www.anti-peta.org

How bout this?

NOTE:I AM NOT IN ANYWAY, NOR ARE ANY SUPPORTERS OR CREATORS OF THE SOURCES I USE, AGAINST THE FAIR TREATMENT OF ANIMALS ------------------------------------------------------------ Federal agents arrested a radical environmentalist yesterday who practically dared prosecutors to charge him over a speech he gave in Hillcrest as a University City housing complex smoldered from an arson 2½ years ago. Rodney Coronado, 39, of Tucson was indicted in San Diego on charges of demonstrating how to make a destructive device with the intent that the information be used to commit arson. Coronado is a national leader for the Earth Liberation Front, said Daniel Dzwilewski, special agent in charge of the FBI's San Diego office. The group, known as ELF, has claimed responsibility for more than 1,000 acts of sabotage and destruction – including the $50 million University City blaze – and is No. 1 on the FBI's list of domestic terrorism organizations, he said. Coronado, who is not charged with setting the fire, is scheduled to be arraigned today in Tucson. He has admitted demonstrating during the Hillcrest speech how he made an incendiary device to burn down an animal-testing lab at Michigan State University in 1992, a crime for which he served four years in prison. "You're damn right when you say I've shown people how to make a firebomb," Coronado said in an interview with The San Diego Union-Tribune in July. "I've done my time for my crimes, and I should be able to talk about them." He said he was explaining how easy it is to make an incendiary device from something as common as a plastic juice bottle. "We are simple people," he said. "We are an organization using simple tools." Coronado said he speaks for both ELF and a related organization, the Animal Liberation Front. "As a spokesperson, I consider it within my rights to explain not only their purpose but also their mode of operation," he said. In August, he said he was ready to fight possible charges in San Diego. "I definitely welcome the opportunity to defend myself against this investigation because it's so frivolous," he said. A 1997 law that has been used only four times makes it illegal to describe how to make a destructive device with the intent that an audience member commit a federal crime, said San Diego federal prosecutor Shane Harrigan. The Constitution protects Coronado's rights to voice his views, join organizations and propose changes in public policy, Dzwilewski said. "What he does not have the right to do is teach others how to destroy property," the FBI agent said. "America will not tolerate terrorists." It's still unclear who set the Aug. 1, 2003, University City fire, which burned a housing complex under construction next to a large shopping mall. ELF took credit in a banner left at the fire and in an e-mail message to the Union-Tribune. Coronado spoke that night in Hillcrest, but said he was in Tucson when the fire was set early that morning. He has denied knowing who set it. Coronado spoke that night in Hillcrest, but said he was in Tucson when the fire was set early that morning. He has denied knowing who set it. ELF also took credit for fires that destroyed four unfinished homes and damaged three others in a neighborhood under construction between Torrey Highlands and Carmel Valley. No one has collected a $100,000 reward the FBI posted for tips in both incidents. Callers can remain anonymous, a spokeswoman said. The investigation into the fires and Coronado's speech made news last year when three local activists were jailed for contempt of court for several months after refusing to testify before a grand jury. They were later released. In December, a federal jury in Tucson convicted Coronado of illegally entering the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area to interfere with efforts to trap and relocate mountain lions after public sightings. He faces up to 7½ years in prison when he's sentenced in March. That indictment called Coronado a member of a third radical environmental organization, Earth First!. www.exposepeta.com article "Eviromental extremist arrested"

anti-peta 1

NOTE:I AM NOT IN ANYWAY, NOR ARE ANY SUPPORTERS OR CREATORS OF THE SOURCES I USE, AGAINST THE FAIR TREATMENT OF ANIMALS ------------------------------------------------------------ These are just a few of the things that P.E.T.A. is out to stop. Things that most of the worlds population enjoy and take for granted as a part of life. Do you really want to support an organization that wants to take these things away from us? Why is P.E.T.A. out to put an end to these things that we as humans have a right to? Because they feel that animals deserve the same rights as humans. How do they arrive at that conclusion? Because in their minds it is not intelligence that matters, it is the ability to suffer. Now that seems a little odd. They argue that if intelligence matters then shouldn't a chimp have more rights than say a retarded infant? This is incredibly stupid, now instead of looking at a whole species we have to look at each individual. Mankind in general is a reasoning animal. This alone sets us head and shoulders above all other animals. We are charged with the care and maintenance of all other animals. We try our best to see that we do not intentionally harm or abuse animals. But we do not admit them to congress, nor let them sign up for library cards. This rights issue is what really gets me. And what makes P.E.T.A. a threat to everything that I and most people believe in and have been taught since birth. What can we do to halt the encroachment of animal rights activists? Reasoning with them has proven to be impossible to do. Your best bet is to stay informed and be vocal in your convictions. Write letters to your state legislature if they are entertaining thoughts of passing laws that you feel infringe upon your rights. Teach your children to love and respect nature and all its inhabitants and that it is O.K. to use animals for their well being and happiness. Source:www.anti-peta.com

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