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Beautiful Morning

Beautiful Morning Daylight flows in as morning does break You find yourself waking with a deep seeded ache And there your Master sleeps by your side Your need for him is something you cant hide Slowly your hand slides down his chest No wanting to disturb him from his rest But deep within there burns such a fire Not knowing if you can curb your desire Gently you wrap your hand around his cock Enjoying the feel, so warm and so soft Slowly you start stroking up and down The burning ache inside grows in leaps and bounds Slowly under the sheet, your Master starts to grow You slid down the sheets just above his toes Lower your crawling down on the bed Softly and gently your tongue teases the now throbbing head Taking him in deep, as far as he will go The passion now growing as he continues to grow Back to the head, with no time to waist Catching the first drops, savoring the taste Quickly now, your throat takes it in deep Feeling the wetness beginning to seep Your body freezes as you feel him move Hoping and praying he wont wake too soon As you look up and stair in to his eyes Caught in the act with no where to hide Slowly a smile crosses his face Licking your lips you pick up the pace Faster and deeper its so thick and so tall As he moans deep with pleasure, you now take it all Swirling you tongue, savoring the taste He stops you now, making you wait With one swift movement he pulls you on top Holding you there, not letting you drop Then slowly he lowers you, letting it slid in Inch by inch, you feel it within As he fills you, your starting to moan Softly at first, then soon starts to grow The deeper he enters, the louder you get He slides in so easy, your dripping wet Holding you there, not letting you move Wanting the moment to last, not be over too soon You feel him throbbing with in, filling your ache And soon the first orgasm has you starting to shake He is lifting your hips, then slamming you down Increasing the pleasure, that you have now found Slowly at first, enjoying the feel As you cum once again, your mind starts to reel Pulling you forward, your nipple he takes Biting is softly as you continue to shake As he sucks it in deeply you let out a gasp And tighter on his cock your pussy does grasp Now faster and harder on him you do ride Cumming over and over as he stretches you wide In the throws of your passion, you call out to him “Master, Please master come in me, I want to feel you within” “ Master oh Master I crave your touch” “ Oh my sweet master I love you so much” Harder and faster he’s slamming deep home Gasping in pleasure you hear him moan The time draws near, of that you can tell As deep inside you, his cock starts to swell Slamming in hard, holding you there Deep into his eyes you lovingly stare Moaning now, you feel him explode inside Smiling with pleasure, you let out a sigh Collapsing now, your head on his chest He holds you tight, letting you rest Gently now you feel him kissing your head Now there is only one thing left to be said “ Good morning to you my Beautiful girl” “ What a wonderful way to wake up to the World “

Have you ever ?

 Have you  ever  Felt  like the one that you Love  Has  put you aside ? Or  ever have the  Feeling  that your  not the  same person that you  used to be?  Have you ever  loved some one so Much  it  hurt  just to think  that   they  might not ever know it ? We all  have those feelings.  As much  as  I  like people to think,  that Im  the  hard  Bitch  that I am,  I  still Feel  just Like  every one else.  While its  hard  to  know who to trust  most of the time  I keep  My   feelings  to my self  its just easier  to  be alone  most of the time. With that  said,  the  edge of  darkness is  inching  ever  closer  as I draw  with in to  the  Safey  of my  little  world.  There is a  Great  fear  that I might lose  who i am  and  the way I feel   for  those  that I love.  In the  end  Im  finding  it harder  and  harder  not to  just  walk away  from  those  that I know   can   hurt me.  I know that  Im loved  by  the  few that   know who i really am,  but  that  dont  change any thing, if  that one  person   dont even  know Im alive any  more.  I know  it  sounds  EMO  and  thats   some thing  that Im  not.  But it  makes  you wonder   is it all worth it?  Is  it better  to   Love  in the  Dark  and  hide in the light or  to  just  Keep it in and  Pray it dont  destroy you?

Alas another  qustion   that I  dont have an answer to

such is  life 

Till next time 

Keep the  Ideas  comming and  I will  keep Writing

and  please  Leave comments 

*Smooches*  C-Ya 

today is a day for thoughts, of love, 0f hate, and the darkness thats in us all Im not talking about the Emo cut myself darknss Im talking aboiut the place we all Hide from every one, but thoses close to us. We all have that place where we put the things hurt us. Where the Lies People have told us are stored. The Place where our fears seem so close and so real. The place that we dont share. To Most of us that place is small and easly delt with,but for others is a Hollow and frighting Place that could at any moment consume Our Lives. I have lived with in my Darkness, nd Have come out on the other side a better person, But now Im being Hunted with the feart that I might fall back in to it any moment. I belive that we are Ment to have great Loves and great pains. the Great Loves are the ones we never forget and the ones that hurt us the most. Thoses ae the Loves that cause the festering wounds that we never show to the World I have had a Few Great Loves in my Life and they have Mortaly wounded me in one way or another and I stil feel their pain to this day. And I know that i have wounded a few in my time as well. I dont regret any of My Great Loves For with out them I wouldnt be as strong as I am today. I have found that if I keep every thing in that Darkness will devour me with out event thinking. I dont Like talking about the way I feel Because It makes me feel weak that I Cant fight this on my own. Well we cant always do it by ourselves no matter how bad we might want to, some times we need that one speical person, weather it be a friend or a lover to just Listen to us get it sll out I have my speical some one he Listens to me and I listne to him.I dont even have to mention his name he knows who he is. I thank the goddess that he was brought in to my Life. he is a True God send. over ten years he has been at my side listing when I bitch and beining the shoulder when I needed Him. He is and Always will be one Of My Great Loves. And I will always be his. I kmow most that read my blogs have no clue what Im talking about, if they do they can understand where Im comming from Some times you just need to get it all out to feel better. Im a writer so this is the best way I know how to express what I need to say and how I feel. In the past few weeks I have felt that Great Pain. I thought I had found some thing in some one I cared about Boy was I ever wrong. I Fell in love with the idea of some on I thought I knew,Little did iknow at the time I was a fool I dont give out trust easly and it takes even more to revile myself to some one and when I do, my passion shows and i love deep and hard. In that I have learned that to Trust another with your secreates can be a wonderful thig if they fell the same way. If not than in the end you find yourself standing on the edge of that great darkness, wondering if you will ever trust again. As much as I hurt I know that I wil trust again, It may take a long time but, I will heal and take that Leap again.When you ask? I dont Know, I know that this Last Great pain is going to take a long time to heal. Im not one to Preach or tell others what to do, but some simple advice is never close your self to love, for the fear of pain you Might miss that one great love that may change your Life. Again I want to thank My great Love, babe you know who you are With out you the Darkness would have taken me yeas ago THANK YOU. NEW topic As im sitting her writing this *Im outside enjoying the day and the sights and sounds of summer, I find my self thinking about the things we all wear in the summer. Me personly Im a Tank top and Jeans Kinda check, and My fave cammo shorts, but others around me seem to think its ok to Like Like they are working the street corrner or just fell out of bed. Dont get me Wrong I knoe the fads and all that but some tims I want to grab some of these People and slap the shit out of them and telling them, " put some clothes on this is a Park where childtren Play " or " For the Love of god Please Brush youe Damn hair and put your Fucking pants up no one wants to see your underwear". How on earth can peopole Leave their Houses Looking Like that. Now Im not the prettyest bitch in the world but Come on. Im get dressed (put on my Bra) brush my hair before I leave my House. I was raised to looke desicent when I Leave my house, weather it be to take My little one to the Park Or out to the Club with my firends( hehehe yeah right like I go clubing ) NEW TOPIC While this is A bitch blog I do Love it when People Comment, I love the feed back on what People think of My Out look on the world Im not saying that Im Right and my words are Law, they are just my Opinion and my feelings on thses topics. If there si some thing you all would Like to se me blog about Please feel free to leave me a message and I will tell it Like I see it. I just use this forum to vent and to write out what Im feeling at any given time. Its not ment to Be followed or to be taken as Law with that all said and done with I will end this Rant and let you all soak it in Peace Kisses C-Ya
Have you ever been hurt so bad that you didnt think that the pain would ever end? I have. Im only writing this out so I can get all my thoughts out in one Place. Im one of the few people in the world that takes a long time to love some one. But I love hard and that Love runs deep when it happens. The problem with that is that loveing that hard your bound to get hurt, and wounds that deep dont heal. Giveing some one that much of yourself is a Risk, always is. and the pain is greater. when you Love like that you never expect them to leave you. To fall out of love with you or just simply just forget about you. When some thing like that happens your world crashes down right on top of you. I know pain and I have felt the hurt of some one just leaveing, and forgeting about me. In time the wounds will heal but the Pain never seems to go away. The Biggest Problem with all that is the next person pays for the last ones mistakes. You judge the next one by compering them the last. I know its not fair but thats how it works. I dont preach and I dont tell people how to think or feel. Just keep in mind, that last person you hurt, and think will they judge the next by what I did? And think about the Last person that hurt you, and think Am I jugdeing some one because of them ? I know how it sounds, but I have hurt others and i have been hurt and it brings a new understanding each time it happens. I wouldnt change it for any thing, Because it all has made me the person that I am and I dont know about any one else but When I look in the mirror I can face myself


Tonight my Thoughts Linger In the Past And in to that Relm I'm now Cast A Memory of that Night Long ago When I was yours Watching the Falling Snow Remembering that the Warmth of your Arms Held me tight Whispers of what you see when you watch me Sleep at night Then the Pain of the Day returns once again and I remember that your Only a Friend Not a Lover not Mine to have and Hold Not Mine To love or Watch grow Old I would Cry, But My Eyes No longer can I sit and wonder why you Ran My heart Was yours and it will never belong to another That Night Will hunt me Forever The Night My Love Was so close at Hand the Night My Heart Shattered to bits of sand I dont Blame you,In fact you will Never Know I will Always be there when you need me,my Pain will never show Always the Friend, Never the Lover Will I leave you ? Never My word is my vow, Never to Break My heart My love is always yours to Take Just Remember, On nights your Feeling alone, and Need a Friend I will Always be there till the End

Vampire Kiss

Cold hands  on my  skin 
I fight to  hold  the  Scream  with in 
The tighter he holds me the  Harder I fight 
I want  to be with  him, but  this is not  right 
I see love  when  I look at his  face
But  I don't want to be in  this Vampire's  embrace
as he  kisses my neck his  teeth  Break the  Skin
I try to fight  but I know i  cant  win 
He  Holds me   tighter  Now I cant  Breath 
I know I will Die if  he  chooses  to Leave
He  Lowers  My  body  on to the  Ground 
He  whispers my name  without  making a  sound 
I'm  starting to die, I can feel my  soul slip
One Last time  he  kisses my  lips 
He  Opens  his writs and  the  blood starts to  flow 
He holds  my  Lips  to it  and My  hunger  starts to grow
You are  mine now forever,he whispers to me 
Now  open  your eyes  behold  what you see 
Trapped  in  this  body  never to age 
The  world is my  oyster, I'm  star  of the  stage 
With you  forever, immortal  Like  this 
All because  of  one  Vampire's Kiss 


In  the  dark  Of   the   Night   I  want to  die
With   what Im  dealing  with  All I do is Cry

I hide My  thoughts  and  Feelings  Well
I choose  to  Suffer   My  peronal  Hell

Torn  By  feelings  I dont  Dare  Speak
They  are  My  secrets  to  Keep

Hurting  and  Suffering  I do it On my  own
Wondering if I will ever Find A true Place to call  home

Wondering Why I  live  this  way
Wondering  why  They  never  Stay

Loveing and  Leaving Im  just a  stop on the road
Leaving me alone to  bare  this  Load

I give all that  I am, till theres nothing Left to give
With all of thses wounds my Soul has become a  Sive
 The Anger the  hurt and the  Fear
 I cant  escape that  much is  clear
 How  Can  I love  you,  When  I  Know  your not  for me
Again   I  Hide it  well   You  will never  See

It  Kills me  to  Love  you  and not  Be with you
But  i  know its not  Possable  with all  we have  been   through

I will  Be in your  corrner The  bitch that has  your back
Waitig in the Shadows  for the Next  time to  attack

You  may  never  Know  How  I feel about  you and me
I will  be  nothing   more  then  the  firend  you need

There  is  no  Peace  For me  In  This  Game of  Life
More   wounds  are  open, no need   for a  knife

Helping  you  Drive  the  Balde  in  Deeper
Knowing  that  She is  your  Keeper

I  knew  Loveing  you was  doomed  from the  start
 you  have  enought  of me to Break my  heart
 But Friends  Now till the end  of  time
 Knowing  that you will  never  be mine

Only  Forsaken and  Tossed   aside
So in  the  Sunlight    I  stand  and  Hide

Hurting  Begging to Die
Eyes  so Dry  No  Longer  able  to Cry

I will always   Love  you  No Matter  how Far
you  Wil  always   be  My shinging  Star

Your  Voice  Kills me  every  time  you Speak
It still  Holds  the  Power  to make me Weak

  Seeing   you  without  me  by  your side
  Just another   Reason,  My  feelings  I  Hide
  So   Much For  I love  you,  and  I will Never Let you  go
Thoses   Words   Still  Hurt  me  More  then you will ever  KNow 

A Long Time ago

A Long  Time  ago  I  was  On  here  and   I was   pretty  Hot  Shit  But I Left  For  Reasons   that  are  My  Own   But  Now  I have  Returned   and  I  wont  Fall    for the  Same   shit  again.  Love is  Love  Lust is  Lust  and  Its all  good in my  book 


Cant  Rain all the  time

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