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created on 05/03/2008  |  http://fubar.com/poems/b212659


Don’t ask the outlaw poet questions if there’s answers you don’t want to hear.
The truth is in words that rhyme and the flowing of a tear.
He will show you the demons in the dark that you fear.
He will bring you into the light and show you all that is dear.
The outlaw poet has a rebel inside.
He takes on life without missing a stride.
He says what’s on his mind, he says how he feels.
He says things people can relate to, he talks about what’s real.
The outlaw poet knows all your thoughts, it’s like he’s been in your head.
He knows how you’re feeling, what you’ve done, and the things you’ve said.
He makes you see all the passion that life has to give.
He makes you face the sorrow and still want to live.
The outlaw poet is a renegade with words that rhyme.
He speaks of life’s beginnings and the end of time.
With every word he writes there’s a message he sends.
He talks of roads traveled that take you all the way to the end.
The outlaw poet sees all that you see.
He knows the chains that bind you and how to set you free.
He hears the voices that you think only speak to you.
He knows the way when you don’t know what to do.
The outlaw poet can taste the blood from the battles of life.
He’s seen bad karma that will cut your soul like a knife.
He lives in reality or so it may seem.
His fantasies are his reality and his reality is a dream.
The outlaw poet knows your deep dark secrets.
You don’t have to worry, so have no regrets.
Just keep living your life and try to be brave,
Because what the outlaw poet knows he will take to the grave.
The outlaw poet knows everywhere you’ve been.
He knows about your dark side, he knows about your sin.
He knows these things because they’re just a part of life, you see.
I know all this because . . . the outlaw poet is me.




There is one day a year when evil makes all the rules
in the middle of the night there will be lots of ghost, goblins, and ghouls
On the last day of October the souls of the dead will rise, is what we believe
the souls of the dead will walk with the living on this All Hallows Eve

Beware on this night of the dead souls, the spirits can deceive
they are looking for souls to take back with them and it could be your soul they retrieve
With everyone dressed in disguise, the dead souls could be right in front of your eyes
keep an eye out because to let one of these creatures touch your soul really would be unwise

On this night there are witches that are cooking up a special brew
to cast their spells and make them work they may need a body part or two
They chant the words that make it real and sprinkle their secret ingredients into the stew
watch out if you see something out of the corner of your eye, it might be a witch coming for you

There will be creatures roaming about lost and alone looking for a home
beware if you see someone walking stiff and erect and you hear a strange moan
Watch out if you see someone in ragged clothes and skin that looks like stone
it could be a hungry Zombie looking for a meal of flesh, blood, and bone

There are Demons from the pits of hell that likes to eat brains, which are in a lost dimension
they were cast away with a spell by a wizard of his day and put in a worldly suspension
These demons that are pure evil and likes to do nothing but kill, were put in an unholy detention
on this day they can come back and prey on humans while looking for redemption

If there is a full moon out there will be fright, because werewolves stalk the night
be careful because they look like you and me until the full moon is in sight
The werewolf is roaming, searching for his prey to bite
all it takes is a scratch from his jagged teeth and you will join him in his blight

In the dark there are humans that have been around for ages that are cursed
they search all night long for blood to satisfy their eternal thirst
You cannot run if he smells your blood, he can change into a bat and come down from higher
he will gaze into your eyes, then bite you on the neck, this creature called a Vampire

So on this night if you're out in the street
beware of everything around you and keep an eye on those that you meet
If you're at home where you think it's safe and then you choose to leave
I hope you make it back all in one piece on this ALL HALLOWS EVE









There’s a game in life that everybody plays

it is played all over the world in many different ways

This is a game that has many different rules

it’s played by those that think they are smart, and it’s played by fools


As every rule has it’s conception

every rule has it’s exception

As you use these rules as your tools

you’ll find that every exception has it’s rules


There’s a game you have to play to the end

but it’s a game no one can ever win

The game can be played for your whole life

sometimes we even take along a husband or wife


To play the game can really be cool

some play nice and some play cruel

The game can make your nerves run thin

the rules of the game can sometimes make you sin


There is a game that can keep you on the run

some people play for keeps and some play for fun

In the game all thing are fair

and some that play the game just don’t care


There’s a game that shouldn’t be played with a friend

that is one of the rules, but rules are made to bend

When playing with a friend, and you take a roll in the clover

when the game is done, your friendship could be over


There is a game where there is no wrong or right

and sometimes to reach your goal, you may have to fight

There is a game where there is no blame

but we still point our fingers just the same


There’s a game that if you want to make it through

you should find someone that likes to play with you

If you can find someone that seems like they were sent from above

If you can find the right person, you’ll do well in this game of Love





(Fantasy number 623)

I woke up this morning it was just another day

tried to separate fantasy from what's real and move on my way

Had my first cup of coffee just to help me through

it seemed like it was going to be one of those days, so I had two

It's off to work, got to get into the daily grind

hopefully I can make it though this one without losing my mind

I'm just going through the motions, not much to say

trying to make it through another one and earn my pay

Sometimes things just happen and we don't know why

but suddenly without warning, I knew I could fly

I don't know what happened and I'm not sure what to do

but as I tried to clear my head, all I could think of is you

Things got really fuzzy and my head was spinning around

it felt so right, I felt so light as my feet left the ground

I needed to find you, wherever you might be

I needed to find you, so you could fly away with me

Up in the clouds, looking down from space

through all the interference, I can see your smiling face

you're looking up at me and your lips seem to say

I'm coming up to meet you, so we can fly away

when you are close, I will hold you tight

I will caress you all over in this sensual flight

When we come together, we will merge as one

then we will fly away into the sun

This wild adventure was too good to be true

that I could actually fly away with you

I began spinning and turning, back to earth I was bound

suddenly I opened my eyes and I was standing on the ground

There was no you that I had thought I had seen

I had just been standing there in some kind of dream

I realized this was just a fantasy, number 623

so I just said what the hell and got another cup of coffee





I want to hold you in my arms while you sleep
I want to hold you while you creep into your dreams so deep
with you next to me everything feels so right
I want to hold you all through the night

I want to hold you 'till the moon stops shining through
I want to hold you 'till there is no morning dew
I want to hold you 'till the sun turns blue
I want to hold you 'till one and one is no longer two

I want to hold you 'till the mountains turn to hills
I want to hold you 'till time stands still
I want to hold you 'till hell gets cold
I want to hold you 'till the truth be told

I want to hold you whether you're wrong or right
I want to hold you whenever we fight
I want to hold you 'till the anger is gone
I want to hold you 'till you sing your song

I want to hold you when you're blue and sad
I want to hold you when things make you mad
I want to hold you whenever you cry
so I can dry your tears from your eyes

I want to hold you whether it's early or late
I want to hold you 'till the birds and bees no longer mate
I want to hold you and never be alone
I want to hold you 'till the swallows of Capistrano no longer come home

I want to hold you 'till the cock no longer crows
I want to hold you 'till the farmers no longer reap what they sew
I want to hold you 'till eternity is near
I want to hold you 'till there is no fear

I want to hold you 'till there's no stars in the sky
I want to hold you 'till the birds no longer fly
I want to hold you 'till there are no clouds up above
I want to hold you 'till you say you're in love



YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that walks beside me and holds my hand
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that says I'm your man
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that fixes my meals
YOU'RE THE ONE that shows me how good I can feel

YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that's going to love me 'till the end
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that's going to ask me where I've been
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that wants to move in
YOU'RE THE ONE that makes me want to sin

YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that says that she loves me
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that's going to set my soul free
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that's going to walk with me in the park
YOU'RE THE ONE that waits for me in the dark

YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that wants to sit under a tree
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that everyone can see
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that wants to have my child
YOU'RE THE ONE that always drives me wild

YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that will promise to be true
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that will ever make me blue
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that always wants to share
YOU'RE THE ONE that wants me to touch you there

YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that wants to love me forever
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE where I have to be smart and clever
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that always has to be right
YOU'RE THE ONE that's there for me at night

YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that wants for better or worse
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that will ride in my hearse
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that always has to be first
YOU'RE THE ONE that makes me feel like I’m going to burst

YOU'RE NOT THE ONE whose heart I will steal
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that always has to have things real
YOU'RE NOT THE ONE that keeps me on the run
but I know, whenever I need a friend YOU'RE THE ONE




When I see you smile that sweet girlie smile
don't be angry if I stare at you awhile
when I see you on the street with all your female charms
don't be angry if I take you and hold you in my arms

If a day goes by without you near, your touch I will miss
don't be angry if when I see you, I steal a kiss
If you're walking next to me, looking oh so fine
don't be angry if I hold your hand like you are mine

If you're sad and have been crying all day
don't be angry if I wipe your tears away
If you are happy and things are very clear
don't be angry if I nibble on your ear

If the wind starts to blow and your hair begins to flow
don't be angry if I touch you just so
If I want to show you that I care
don't be angry if I run my fingers through your hair

If the moon makes a twinkle in your eye
don't be angry if I ask you to look up at the sky
If my touch makes a gentle sigh
don't be angry if I make a try

When I see you so innocent and sweet
don't be angry if I want you to keep
when it comes time for me to go home
don't be angry if I don't want to be alone

If we watch the sun set then watch it rise too
don't be angry for the things I might do
If all these things happen, if all these things come true
don't be angry if I say I love you



Death is something we try not to think about, but is there from the start
from the time we first open our eyes, we are on that road to depart
Some people live there lives and try to make a mark, and some just try to survive
no matter what you do, you’ll never make it out alive

Death, it's the great equalizer of men
it doesn't matter how rich you are, who you know, or where you've been
when the angel of death knocks on your door
you can't hide and you can't ignore

Some people believe that death is a passing to a new life
that when you close your eyes for the last time, you just look for the light
there are those that think that there is no journey to start
that when you close your eyes for the last time, there is nothing but dark

The meaning of life is death
it's the one and only thing everyone will do from their first to their last breath
forget all the gray in-between
forget about taxes, learning, loving, forget about everything

You can't take anything with you and you don’t really leave anything behind
the only thing that stays is the memory you leave in people's minds
but even memories will fade away into the past
because nothing last forever, and forever never last

Death really is the final frontier
No one knows what happens when moving from here to there
It's a mystery and that's a fact
no one's ever been all the way there and come all the way back

I hope there's someplace to go on this trip we all have to take
I prey that there is another side for our soul's sake
I'm sure that when it's my time it won't make a mark
I'm sure that when I close my eyes for the last time, all I will see is . . .



I Remember

I remember a time that was about innocents
a time when you could go to the movies for thirty-five cents
I remember food brought by girls on roller skates and carrying trays
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember playing cowboys and Indians
the good guy wore a white hat, and the good guy would always win
I remember cutting grass for the little money it pays
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember riding my bike down a hill
and how much fun it was, even if I had a spill
I remember kicking the butt of a bully on the prey
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember Howdy Doody
and of course John Wayne movies
I remember rock and roll and how we thought it would always stay
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember grease to slick back your hair
and Elvis shaking his hips everywhere
I remember when sock hops were the phase
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember when it was twenty-nine cents for a gallon of gas
and a student had to learn to be able to pass
I remember when athletes played out of love, not what it pays
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember Muhammad Ali
when he would float like a butterfly and sting like a bee
I remember when the Beatles were all the craze
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember man landing on the moon
I remember a King and a dream that died too soon
I remember a family by the name of the Kennedys
yeah, them were the good ole days

I remember black and white TV
and all the channels counted up to three
I remember the old folks telling me about their days, and they would say
yeah, them were the good ole days

I guess forty years from now
though I don't know how
people will look back, sigh and say
yeah, them were the good ole days



THE SOUL If I could touch you anywhere, it wouldn't be where you think if I could touch you anywhere it wouldn't even make you blink If I could touch you anywhere it would be daring and bold if I could touch you anywhere I would touch your soul If you believe the eyes are the windows to the soul then look in deep and you will be sold If you see something you like, and you want to see more look at the smile, you just might find the door Once you're inside the door, you can see what there is to see once you're inside the door, you can tell if it's meant to be Once you're inside the door, you can feel what it's all about once you're inside the door, you can touch the soul from the inside out The body is just a vehicle for the soul, that we know if human touch is the motor that makes the soul go If the soul is the essence of what is you and what is me then to start this motor, Love is its key In the night when it's dark and cold I want your heat to grab and hold I want to bring you into the fold I want to hold you tight and kiss your soul The soul is what makes us different from other forms of life because the soul knows the difference from what's wrong and what's right The soul, when it's sad is heavy with blight but when it's happy is light in its flight Every soul has a soul-mate but until you find it, you just have to wait When the soul meets its soul-mate there's an electrical surge the two searching for love, move into each others souls in one easy merge STANLEY HENDRIX 8/25/08

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