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10 things.......

Instructions...... Once you have been tagged (or have read this), you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. 1987 was the worst year of my life 2. I love the rain. 3. I was born in Illinois. 4. I take things too seriously. 5. I can fit my hand in my mouth. 6. I daydream WAY too much. 7. I want to own my pre-school someday. 8. I hate politics. 9. I miss my parents ALL the time 10. I love to take pictures I'm not tagging anyone, if you want to play you can :) *hugs*

Merry Merry :)

Christmas I know how impersonal is this!! But if I went one by one I know I'd forget or skip someone, and it would take all day!!! haha SO here's my blanket Christmas card :) I hope all of you have a wonderful, happy, safe & healthy Christmas. Lots of Luv `n` HUGS From me Look Who :) hugs christmas

Happy Thanksgiving

Since I am sick..WOOHOO 10 days of meds :) and the monitor is hurting my eyes..I'm going to TRY!!!!! to avoid the Fu LOL. (although I might sneak on to give away my 11's..who wants? drop me a line) Anyway to all my regular peeps I talk to and to all my new fu-friend (i.e. Cappy's Flight) and those that we never exchange a word :P Have a wonderful,safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! day too... Funny Fu-Thanksgiving Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Heartfelt Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket No matter how you celebrate (or don't) have a FANTASTIC day my fu-friends & fu-family :)


dv xp3j h3yu c7 etc....... I know I'm not the only one annoyed by the bouncer, but I need to vent. 8 times!! 8 times in a row I had that crap. I'd enter the code and up it came again!!! what the hell? Okay, Fubar aside wtf is up with people who double park their cars on a two way street across from a car that is ALREADY double parked???? Are they trying to cause an accident? Do they want their side view mirror ripped off by a passing car? PULL A LITTLE FURTHER DOWN THE STREET!!! And WTF is up with people who double park next to someone who is pulling out of a spot?? You can see them pulling out and you have the entire block to pull over BUT NO!!!! you block the one car that is trying to leave. YOU SUCK. and EVEN after you see & hear the person in the car tell you.."excuse me, I'm trying to get out" you give them the hand wave and say "I'll only be a second" YEAH a second I'll NEVER get back from my life!!! Is it the weather? Is it the pre-holiday season that has people on edge? I saw an elderly woman knock a walker of another elderly woman out of her way today in the supermarket, because it was blocking her. And both of them must've been in their 70's!! sigh...I'll rant more later :) I need some water :)

can someone disappear?

For financial reasons & the children, my friend is staying with her cheating husband, but she has had enough!!(he's been caught & has admitted it, it's not just suspicion) She's tried to leave but he manages to track her down. She doesn't use credit cards or a cell phone anymore because they have led him to her in the past. Can someone disappear? What can she do? anyone have some ideas?? oh.. btw her hubby is a police officer!!


I'm having somewhat of a bad week. I go online to distract myself but it's not working. I'd love to be able to BREAK something. I'm angry and sad and I wont say anymore but I just want to apologize to all the COOL people I talk to on Fubar from time to time, if I seem distant. Things always get better (I keep telling myself)


I sit on the ground where you lay. I hold the grass in my hands and wish that you were still here. Is that selfish? I think about you... everyday.(Some more than others) I think about you and feel so lonely. why did you leave? you were supposed to come home. You left everything behind...including me. I know time will ease the pain. I've lost like this before and it hurt just as much. You were all I had for such a long time. I was all you had. I was your life. Your birthday is coming up and just thinking about it makes me cry. I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you

which one are you?

Hi, I hope this reaches alot of people :) I'm helping a neighbor. She's doing a study on left hand right hand dominance. please write if you are a male or female and if you are a lefty or a righty :) THANK you so much :)

would you want to know?

If you could know the date and time of your death, even HOW you would die, would you want to know?
The beware is..it's LONG :) a list came out recently of films with a TWIST that included: I KNOW IT's A LOT to read :) anyway...can you think of a movie that was missed?.. a good one...not "The Village" or "Sleepaway Camp" (which is actually not bad for a horror film :) 1.Movie: The Planet of the Apes (1968) Director: Franklin J. Schaffner The Setup: A group of American astronauts crash land on a world where apes talk and rule, while humans are primitive slaves with no voting rights. The Twist: The planet is actually Earth; the space ship traveled in time instead of space. Fun Fact: The script was actually written by twist-loving Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling. 2.Movie: Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Director: Irvin Kershner The Setup: After blowing up the Death Star in 1977's Episode IV — A New Hope, Luke Skywalker trains to become a Jedi while Vader and the Empire strike back, frequently. The Twist: Darth Vader is Luke's father. Though as we learned later, he was also Princess Leia's father and, in a way, C-3PO's father. Which kind of makes him the Sith version of K-Fed. Fun Fact: In an attempt to keep this twist a secret, the scene was originally shot with actor David Prowse — who was the guy in the Darth Vader suit — saying to Mark "Luke" Hamill, "Obi-Wan killed your father." 3.Movie: Fight Club (1999) Director: David Fincher The Setup: On his way home from a business meeting, a normal shlub befriends a far more interesting guy named Tyler Durden, leading the two eventually to form an underground boxing organization. The Twist: Tyler Durden is all in the narrator's head. Fun Fact: According to Variety, Fight Club was one of the first DVDs to be overseen by the film's director, which might explain why it was, and still is, one of the better movie DVDs ever made. 4.Movie: Psycho (1960) Director: Alfred Hitchcock The Setup: After stealing money from her boss, Marion Crane checks in the Bates motel, where people check in but they don't check out! The Twist: The murderer is the inn's owner, Norman Bates, who thinks he's his own mother, even though Mama Bates is dead … and kind of ripe. Fun Fact: Among the women considered for the role of Marion Cane, which ultimately went to Janet Leigh, were Eva Marie Saint, Lana Turner, and Shirley "Mrs. Partridge" Jones. 5.Movie: Citizen Kane (1941) Director: Orson Welles The Setup: The story of newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane is told by a reporter who's trying to find out what Kane meant when, with his last dying breath, he uttered the word "Rosebud." The Twist: Rosebud was his childhood sled. Fun Fact: Kane was inspired by real-life newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who was so "flattered" by his thinly veiled portrayal that, when the film opened, he decreed that no Hearst paper mention it. At all. Ever. 6.Movie: Soylent Green (1973) Director: Richard Fleischer The Setup: The Earth has become so overpopulated that people will do (and eat) anything to survive. The Twist: In the immortal words of Detective Robert Thorn, "Soylent Green is people." Fun Fact: On the cartoon Futurama, Soylent Green was the special ingredient in a parody of the cooking show "Iron Chef," while in another episode characters enjoyed a nice, refreshing can of Soylent Cola. 7.Movie: The Usual Suspects (1995) Director: Bryan Singer The Setup: After a group of criminals are caught during a heist, one of them, a crippled man named "Verbal" Kint, reveals that the entire plot was the work of master criminal (and urban legend) Keyser Söze. The Twist: Verbal is Keyser Söze. Fun Fact: Soze is actually Turkish for "talks a lot." 8.Movie: Oldboy (2003) Director: Chan-wook Park The Setup: After being held prisoner for 15 years, Dae-su is finally released, not knowing who held him or why, only that his wife is dead and his daughter is nowhere to be found. Joined by Mi-do, a woman he met in a sushi bar and later falls in love with, Dae-su tries to find out what happened. The Twist: Mi-Do is Dae-su's daughter … which he doesn't learn until after they've slept together. Fun Fact: Oldboy is actually based on a Japanese comic book of the same name, further proof that not all comic books movies have to be, well, comic book movies. 9.Movie: Mission: Impossible (1996) Director: Brian De Palma The Setup: After the members of his spy squad — including his leader, mentor, and friend Jim Phelps — are killed, and he's accused of being a double agent, super spy Ethan Hunt goes on the run to clear his name. The Twist: Phelps not only isn't dead, but he planned the whole thing. Fun Fact: Because of this twist, actor Peter Graves, who played Phelps on the original TV show, declined to appear in the film. 10.Movie: Friday the 13th (1980) Director: Emile Chautard The Setup: When a group of kids at a summer cap start turning up dead, they believe it's the work of Jason Voorhees, a kid who years earlier was allowed to drown in the camp's lake and who, they think, has returned from the grave to enact his revenge. The Twist: It actually wasn't Jason killing all those kids, it was his mommy. Which is just so embarrassing. Fun Fact: In 1992, Jason was given a Lifetime Achievement Award at the MTV Movie Awards. 11.Movie: Chinatown (1974) Director: Roman Polanski The Setup: Private dick Jake Gittes is hired to investigate what he thinks is a routine case of corruption and adultery. It turns out to be a tad more complicated. The Twist: Evelyn Mulwray's sister — slap! — is her daughter — slap! — her sister and her daughter! — slap! Fun Fact: During the climactic reveal, Faye Dunaway asked Jack Nicholson to really slap her. He did. 12.Movie: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari a.k.a. Des Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1919) Director: Robert Wiene The Setup: Dr. Caligari and his sleepwalking sidekick Cesare are connected to a string of bizarre murders, and it's up to Francis and Jane to expose them. The Twist: The entire thing is his Francis' head; he's actually a patient in an asylum, and Dr. Caligari is his shrink. Fun Fact: While the film's twist has been a big influence on other movies, the film has also been a big musical influence as well, inspiring the Pere Ubu song "Caligari's Mirror," a Spanish rock band called Gabinete Caligari, the music videos for the Red Hot Chili Pepper's song "Otherside," and the Rob Zombie tune "Living Dead Girl." 13.Movie: The Wicker Man (1973) Director: Robin Hardy The Setup: Responding to an anonymous tip, Sergeant Howie goes looking for a missing girl, and ends up on a strange island full of human-sacrificing pagans. The Twist: Actually, the pagans sent the anonymous tip to lure Howie to the island so they could sacrifice him. Fun Fact: Christopher Lee actually appeared in the film for free. He has since said that he considers his role in the film to be one of the best of his career. 14.Movie: 12 Monkeys (1995) Director: Terry Gilliam The Setup: After a deadly virus nearly wipes out humanity, the last remaining scientists send James Cole back in time to find out how they can stop the Army of the 12 Monkeys, who they believe to have spread the virus. The Twist: The Army of the 12 Monkeys was actually a PETA-like animal rights group that released animals from a New York City zoo on the same day the virus was released by some jerk. Fun Fact: Like Christopher Lee and The Wicker Man, Bruce Willis agreed to star in 12 Monkeys for free, though he was eventually paid after the movie came out. 15.Movie: Jacob's Ladder (1990) Director: Adrian Lyne The Setup: When Vietnam veteran Jacob Singer starts hallucinating demons and his dead son, he thinks it has something to do with post-traumatic stress from combat. The Twist: Jacob actually died in Vietnam, and everything he sees is a deathbed vision. Fun Fact: Jacob's doctor was played by Lewis Black, who's now known for being a comedian, a Daily Show regular, and kind of twisted. 16. Movie: Eddie & the Cruisers (1983) Director: Martin Davidson The Setup: When the re-release of their only album returns them to the spotlight, the members of the long-defunct '60s rock band Eddie & the Cruisers reminisce about their band and its dead lead singer Eddie Wilson. The Twist: Eddie ain't dead, he just grew a beard. Fun Fact: Unlike Eddie & the Cruisers, the band that performed all the music in the movie, John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band, is actually still around … and on MySpace. 17.Movie: Angel Heart (1987) Director: Alan Parker The Setup: When private dick Harold Angel is hired by Louis Cyphre to find a missing singer named Johnny Favourite, it leads Angel into the bizarre world of New Orleans's voodoo scene. The Twist: Angel is Favourite, he just doesn't remember, though Louis Cypher, also known as Lucifer, does. Fun Fact: According to the IMDb, Robert De Niro's performance as Cyphre is actually an impression of his pal and Goodfellas director Martin Scorsese. 18.Movie: The Game (1997) Director: David Fincher The Setup: Nicholas Van Orton is a tightly wound executive who eventually chucks himself off a building when his life goes to hell. The Twist: Instead of being killed in the fall, Nicholas lands in one of those big air stunt pillows because everything that has happened — including having his house vandalized, being kidnapped and left for dead in Mexico, and accidentally killing his brother — was part of an elaborate game paid for by his brother as a birthday present. Fun Fact: While doing such a game may have looked far-fetched 10 years ago, similar A.R.G.s (alternate reality games) have since become popular (and commercial) and have been used to promote things like Nine Inch Nails's Year Zero album, the TV show Lost, and the upcoming Batman movie The Dark Knight. Courtesy of Polygram Filmed Entertainment 19.Movie: The Sixth Sense (1999) Director: M. Night Shyamalan The Setup: A very sensitive, and kind of creepy, little kid tells his psychologist that he "sees dead people." The Twist: His psychologist is actually one of those dead people. Fun Fact: Though he's actually left handed, star Bruce Willis learned to write with his right hand so viewers wouldn't notice his character's missing wedding ring. 20.Movie: The Crying Game (1992) Director: Neil Jordan The Setup: After a British soldier is accidentally killed fleeing from the IRA members who had been holding him hostage, one of his captors goes to make sure the soldier's girlfriend is okay. The Twist: That girlfriend is a man, baby. Fun Fact: This gender twist was also used, albeit a lot less successfully, in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
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