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Sexy Shell's blog: "Stories"

created on 09/15/2009  |  http://fubar.com/stories/b309313

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“Come sit with me Edward” Bella said beckoning me.

I stood there for a moment, and then slowly took the chair next to her.

“I’m sorry that I kept you in the dark, that I never answered you when you asked me” she said and sighed.

“Look Bella, you frustrate me sometimes, but I really do love you” I said so softly that I didn’t think she heard me.

“Edward I know you love me, it’s not you.  I just needed some time to think” she said as she raised my chin to make me look at her.

“There’s just so much going on right now, but I have thought about it since you left”

“Bella you don’t know how much that broke my heart.  I know I don’t have a heart, but it hurt like hell when you just stood there and didn’t say a word”

“I have come to a decision Edward.  Would like to hear it?” she asked me.

“Not if it’s going to hurt Bella, I don’t think I could handle it” I sighed.

“I will marry you on one condition, there is something I want you to do for me” she said softly.

“Anything” I said quickly.  “I’d do anything for you, and you know that”

“We’ll see” she said deviously.

“So what’s this condition?”

“YOU have to change me” she said quickly, to quick that I almost didn’t hear her.

What she was asking me to do sunk in “No Bella I will not take your soul, you know how I feel about that”

“I thought you said you’d do anything for me?” she spat.

“Bella what you are asking me to do, is everything I’m against.  You want me to make you into a soulless monster!” I screamed.

“You may have no soul Edward, but you are far from a monster.  That's my condition take it or leave it" she said dryly.

With that I stormed out of the room.  I couldn’t believe what she was asking of me, that she would even put me in this situation.  I left the cottage furious, god help anyone who crossed my path at this very moment.  I ripped my way through the forest and back to the main house, I slammed the door so hard it flew off its hinges.

“Whoa” Emmett said backing away from me.

“Get the hell outta my way Emmett” I said as I pushed passed him and went up to my room slamming the door behind me.  I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

“What!” I spat. 

The door opened slowly and Carlisle walked into the room.

“Edward, what’s the matter?” he asked.

“Bella said she’d marry me”

“Well congratulations son” he said with a smile.

“If I change her”

“Oh I see.  Have you tried to compromise with her?”

“Compromise!” “What she’s asking me to do goes against what I believe”

“Edward you’ve chosen not to live without her.  Do you even comprehend that no matter what you do, she is going to die?” he said.

“But that’s how it’s supposed to be, that’s the order of things”

“So you’re going to watch the mother of your child grow old, while you stay seventeen for all eternity?”

I was silent, didn’t say a word, but he continued.  “Edward she might not make it through the birth, we both know that.  Why not just agree to turn her after the wedding and the baby’s birth?”

“I don’t know Carlisle; I have to think this through.  Thank you for understanding and the advice”

“Not a problem Edward, you know I’m here if you need me” he said putting a hand on my shoulder then heading for the door.

I sat in my room pondering everything that Carlisle had said.  Bella was sure to fight me on it, but I would try.  I listened to some soft music to settle myself down and then returned to the cottage.  I found Bella sitting in the living room watching television with Jacob and Liz.

“Bella I don’t like this” Jacob retorted.

“Well Jacob it’s my decision and if you don’t like it you know where the door is” Bella hissed.

I stood there in silence listening to what was going on.

“Bella he wants to marry you, isn’t that enough?” Liz replied.

“I don’t want him to see me wither up and die; I know it would hurt him.  If I were like him, we could be together indefinitely”

I cleared my throat “Well…”

“Edward! You’re back” Bella said racing to my arms.  I hugged her gently to me.

“Could you two leave us alone, Bella and I have some things to discuss” I said turning to Liz and Jacob.

“Sure thing Edward” Liz said grabbing Jacob and pulling him out the door.

“Now let’s sit down and talk” I said guiding her to the sofa.

“I’m willing to meet your request, but I have a few conditions of my own”

“UGHHH!!!” she groaned.  “I knew that you would find some way to get out of it”

“Come on Bella, do you want to hear the compromise or not?” I chuckled.

“Fine” she said crossing her arms across her chest.

“Ok like I said I’ll meet your request, but not until after the wedding and the birth of our child”

“What! Are you serious?  How do I know you won’t renege after you get what you want?”

“Bella love, I want to get married before the baby is born, but we can’t do that if you’re turned.  Remember you’ll be a newborn vamp, and you’ll have a lust for blood.  How do you expect to get married without killing some of our guests?”

She sat there pondering my question for awhile, finally she broke the silence.  “Alright I see your point, but if you don’t turn me after the baby is born I’ll just get Alice too, I can always depend on Alice, and if she has to do it, there will be hell to pay for you”

I went into the kitchen and retrieved the ring and a rose, I returned to Bella’s side. 

“Edward please not again” she whispered.

“I’m doing this the right way Bella” I said as I got down on one knee.

I handed her the white rose “Bella I love you more than words can explain, and I would be honored to have you as my wife, Will you marry me”

Her face was totally red, and she looked away from me.  “Bella please look at me”

She turned back to me with a soft smile on her face “Yes Edward, I would marry you a hundred times if that is what would make you happy”

I slipped the ring on her finger and softly kissed her wet lips.  “I love you” I said softly in her ear.

“Congratulations” I heard in unison.

I turned to see the whole family standing just outside the living room; Liz and Jacob were with them.  Everyone ran forward to give us hugs and congratulations, but Jacob just turned and walked out the door slamming it behind him.

“I should go talk to him” Bella said getting up.

“No Bella, you sit and rest” Liz said following Jacob out the door.


Blind Sighted Chapter 25

Blind Sighted


It took us roughly ten hours to get back to forks, due to the fact that we were traveling late and there was no traffic.  We got to the house and I parked my car in the garage.

“Edward what are we going to do?  I just know they are waiting on the other side of that door to rip us to shreds” Emmett asked.

“What can we do Emmett, if we don’t go home that will make it even worse.  Do you really want Rose to hunt us down?” I said dryly.

“Good point, but it still doesn’t make it any easier” He retorted.

We slowly got out of the car and headed for the front door, we hesitated just outside when the door opened.

“I’ve been waiting on you guys” Alice said.

“Oh hey Alice” I quickly replied.

“Where on earth did you guys go?” she asked concerned.

“What do you mean where did we go?” I asked confused.

“Well I saw you two driving on the Fork’s highway, then you just disappeared”

“Really! Hmm we must’ve been too close to the Wolves, maybe that’s why you weren’t able to see us” I said with relief.

“So how was your night?” She asked.

“Very uneventful, nothing exciting happened.  We just drove around and talked”

“Well Bella has been calling the house for you, didn’t you have your cell phone with ya?” she quipped.

“Ya I had it with me, but I didn’t feel like talking to anyone but Emmett so I turned it off”

“You turned off your cell phone, what if there was an emergency Edward?”

“Emmett had his on, so if you needed to get a hold of me all you had to do is call him” I said rolling my eyes.

“Well are you going to see Bella in the cottage? Or are you going to keep avoiding her?” She spat.

“Look Alice I’ll go when I’m good and ready to.  I’m not in the mood for rejection right now thank you.  I proposed and she just stood there, and didn’t even say a word.  I thought I had set everything up perfectly, thought it was romantic, but I guess it wasn’t enough for her” I spat and walked back out the door slamming it behind me.

What the fuck did they want from me?  Did Bella expect me to bend over backwards for her, if that’s what she is thinking then she has another thing coming.  I refuse to be treated like this, especially by someone who says they love me.  I turned my cell phone back on and dialed Liz’s number.

“Hey Liz want to go to a movie or something”

“Alright I’ll come and pick you up, we can figure out what to do after that” I said hanging up the phone.

I went to the garage and got in my car.  Fuck this shit! I mumbled to myself as I sped off towards Liz’s place.

I got to her house and called her to let her know I was outside.  She came out and I sped off as soon as she was in the car.

She decided that she wanted to do some shopping before we went to a movie.  I wandered aimlessly with her through the mall as she tried on clothes and shoes, she bought a few things and we went back to the car to put them in the trunk and head for the theater.

“What’s on your mind Edward?  Why aren’t you back at the cottage with Bella?” she asked me.

“I don’t want to talk about it Liz” I spat distastefully.

“Edward we’re friends right?” she asked.

“Of course we are Liz”

“Well I hope you know that if you need to talk I’m here, and I will listen”

“Thanks Liz” I said with a small smile.

We went to the theater and choose a comedy.  It was rather funny and it lightened my mood a bit.

“Thanks for coming with me Liz.  I just needed to get away from my house, Alice is on my ass about Bella”

“No problem Edward.  So what happened?”

“Well I prepared a wonderful breakfast for her with flowers and everything.  I got down on my knee and proposed and she just stood there and said nothing” I said solemnly.

“Oh wow, now I see why your upset”

“Seems no matter what I do, I cannot please Bella.  Maybe I should just move on with my life” I hissed.

“How do you feel about her Edward?” she asked.

“I love her Liz, look at everything I did so we could be together”

“Well then maybe you should be a bit more patient with her, remember she is pregnant and her hormones are going kinda crazy right now”

“Just give her some time, if she loves you like she says she does she’ll come around”

All of a sudden my phone rang, I answered it.

“Hello.  What happened? Yeah, ok I’m on my way now thanks Alice” I said hanging up the phone.

“Something’s wrong with Bella, I’ve got to get back to the cottage ASAP” I said as I sped down the road.

“Shouldn’t you drop me off first Edward?” Liz quipped.

“No there’s no time it sounded urgent Liz, I don’t want to take any chances by stopping”

I floored it all the way to the cottage, I ran in throwing the door open, almost taking it off its hinges.

“Bella!” I yelled running to the living room, Liz was right behind me.

“In here Edward!” Alice bellowed.

I ran to the kitchen and found Alice there with Bella.  There was nothing wrong with her, she looked absolutely fine.

“What the fuck Alice, you had me fucking worried” I spat rushing to Bella’s side.

At that moment Liz walked into the kitchen.  “Is everything alright Edward?” she said as she walked in.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Alice spat with vehement hostility.

Bella looked up at me “That’s a question I’d like to hear an answer for”

“It’s not what you think Bella” Liz quickly said.

“Really then what is it Liz?” Alice said slowly walking towards her.

Liz started to back up slowly; she was just about to step out of the kitchen when Alice grabbed her by the hair, and dragged her across the kitchen floor.

“Alice stop it this instant!” I shouted.

“Why Edward, this bitch has been nothing but a thorn in my side since her skanky ass showed up here in Forks” Alice spat.

I rushed towards Alice and easily grabbed Liz from her grasp. 

“Alice chill, I just needed a friend.  All we did was go shopping and to a movie”

“Ahhh fuck, Edward go get the door” Alice said rolling her eyes.

I took Liz with me to the door, I opened it and there was Jacob.

“Ok who invited the mutt” I spat pinching my nose and turning away from the door.

“HAHA not like you smell any better blood sucker!” Jacob said with utter distaste.

“Look I don’t have time to argue with you Jacob, I’m not in the mood” I spat and walked back to the kitchen, leaving him and Liz standing in awe.

“Ok now would someone tell me what the hell is going on?  Why did you call me and tell me there was something wrong with Bella Alice?”

“Well Edward, you refused to come back to the cottage so it was the only way I could get you here”

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack Alice”

“Hardly not like you could have one anyways, your heart stopped beating many years ago”

“Alice enough!” Bella shouted.

“Alright Bella, I don’t want to upset you.”

“Edward Alice did it for me, she knew you would come if you thought there was something wrong with me” Bella said softly.

“Edward we need to talk, don’t you think?”

“I don’t feel like talking Bella”

“Don’t you want to know the answer to your question?”

“I already know the answer Bella; you made it plain and clear.  Don’t worry I won’t ask again” I said spinning on my heels and leaving the room.

“Then you clearly don’t know me as well as you think you do Edward” she said with a sigh as I walked out of the room.

That stopped me in my tracks “Come again?” I whispered.

“You heard me Edward, if you want to go don’t let the door hit you on the way out” she spat.

I turned back to her “Is that what you really want Bella?”

“No it’s not Edward, but if you’re going to act like a juvenile then keep walking and don’t come back”

I stood there my jaw dropped.  “I can’t believe you just said that”

“Alice could you leave us alone please?” Bella said turning to Alice.

“Of course Bella, and I’ll take the mutt and skank with me” she said while leaving the room.


The Bronze Chapter 24

The Bronze

Once we got inside the bronze I noticed Buffy and a dark haired girl dancing rather provocatively.

“Whoa bro, check out those two hotties dancing right there?” Emmett said slapping my shoulder and pointing towards Buffy and the dark haired girl.

It took a second for me to speak, but just as I was about too Willow bumped in to me.

“Oh I’m so sorry! Oh! It’s you! Hi Edward” she gushed.

“Who’s that with Buffy” I asked as I stared.

“Oh that’s Faith, a new slayer” Willow said rolling her eyes in distaste.

“I’m going to go and say hi to Buffy, come on Emmett I’ll introduce you” I said grabbing him and pulling him along.

“Hey Buffy, how have you been?” I said as we reached them.

“Oh hey Edward, I’m doing great thanks.  This is my friend Faith, Faith this is Edward and ….” She paused.

“Umm well this handsome man I don’t know yet” she finished.

“Ha-ha this is my brother Emmett” I chuckled.

“Hi” Emmett said ruffling his hair with his hand.

“Oh my god I love this song” Buffy screeched as she pulled me to the dance floor.

I tried to protest, but had a sudden urge to give in.  I turned and looked behind me as I was being pulled towards the dance floor; Faith and Emmett were right behind us. 

We stopped when we reached the middle of the dance floor, and Buffy started dancing all provocatively with me.  I let her run her hands down my chest, it felt good and my body started to respond to her movements, swaying softly with her’s.  Our dancing was so erotic, so sexy and very sensual.  I grabbed her hair and breathed her scent in deeply, and wow she smelt good.  I looked over towards Emmett, Faith was rubbing all over him and he was enjoying every single minute of it.  Just then Buffy whispered ever so softly in my ear “Let’s go somewhere a little more private”

I smiled “Alright I wasn’t planning on driving home tonight anyways.  Emmett let’s go get a room for the night, we’ll go home tomorrow”

We all got in my car, I turned over the ignition and I swear I seen something in the darkness of the alley.  I ignored it and sped off to search for a hotel.  We found a hotel and rented the penthouse suite, and took the elevator to the top and used our keycard to enter the room, it was huge.  Faith walked over to the Radio and turned it on filling the room with the gentle flow of R&B music. 

I sat myself down on the sofa, Buffy tried to get me back up to dance, but I was feeling quite light headed.  Since I wouldn’t get up she straddled me and started giving me a lap dance, at this point I had no clue where Emmett had gone.  I sat there moaning as she starting taking my shirt off, still grinding her body on mine.  She lifted it over my head and threw it to the floor, running her hands down my bare chest.  The warmth of her hands sent a shiver down my spine, as she brought her lips to my chest.  Each kiss felt like a flame of desire, rushing through my body.  I couldn’t take it no more; I gently grabbed her face and brought her lips to mine.  The kiss was passionate, breath taking.  If I had a pulse it would’ve been racing and my heart would be pounding.  I flipped her over and started exploring her body with my lips, feeling a need for release.  “Oh Angel” she moaned softly.

I shot up quickly “Huh what the hell is going on?” I said in shock grabbing my shirt and putting it back on.

I ran into the room and found Emmett standing there in his boxers.  “What the hell is going on” I said again.  “Emmett put your clothes back on, we’re leaving” I said feeling a bit disoriented.

He quickly put his clothes back on.  “You ladies can take the room for the night, we’re going home” I said as I dragged Emmett out the door with me. 

I threw Emmett in the passenger’s seat and slammed the door shut, and went around the car and got in to the driver’s seat.  I flew so fast out of the parking lot, racing back towards Forks. Once we got away from Sunnydale, I felt a lot better.

“Ok was it just me, or did we almost make the biggest mistake of our lives?” I asked.

“I don’t know what came over me Edward, I swear that I was with Rose”

“Well I’m just glad I realized what was going on before it was too late” I said sourly.  I was disgusted with myself, how could I just make out with another woman when my heart belonged to someone else.

“Look Emmett let’s not talk about this ever again, let’s just pretend it didn’t even happen” I said glancing at him.

“Agreed, Rose would kill me if she found out”

I thought about what was going to happen when we got home, I almost forgot about Alice and her visions.  Ughhh I thought to myself, no point in hiding it.  I was dreading the wrath that we were bound to come home to.

“God dammit” I muttered under my breath.

“What Edward” he replied.

“There’s no way we can hide this” I groaned.

He looked baffle for a few seconds “Awe shit Alice.  I’m so dead meat when we get home Edward”

“You! I just proposed to Bella, told her I’d never hurt her again.  This is gonna kill her” I sighed.

That was the last thing said, we drove in silence the rest of the way home, both fearing what was waiting there for us.

The Big Question

With a new beginning comes a new life, I thought very hard about a lot while Bella was sleeping.  I knew that I could not live without Bella, that she was everything in the world to me.  I rushed back to the main house, leaving Bella asleep in the cottage.  I walked in the house and Alice raced and embraced me “So have you proposed yet” She asked.

“Not yet Alice, I was just coming to get my mother’s engagement ring.  I’m going to ask her this morning after I make her a hearty breakfast” I replied.

“Well good luck” she said and winked at me.

I ran upstairs to my room and got my mother’s engagement ring and returned to the cottage.  I wanted to make sure that Bella’s memory of this day would be etched in her mind forever.  I went to the kitchen and started to set up for my impending proposal.  I called the flower shop and order some white roses that I would place on the table.  Bella was still fast asleep in bed.  I set up everything as quietly as possible, when I heard the front door open. 

“Alice I’m in here” I shouted.  Alice came through the kitchen door with a dozen white roses.

“These came for you, I figured I’d bring them over to you” she said.

“Thanks Alice, these are the last things I need to complete my proposal breakfast” I said as I placed them in the vase on the table.  I turned to say something to Alice and she was already gone.

I put the bacon on and started grating the cheese for her omelet.  She must’ve smelled the bacon cooking because she walked in a few minutes later.

“Mmm smells good in here” she said with a smile on her face.

“I thought you’d be hungry, so I’m making you breakfast” I said not turning around.

“Well what’s with the roses?” she asked.

“Please just sit down, your breakfast will be ready soon” I said starting the omelet.

She sat down at the table and waited patiently.  I placed some bread in the toaster and grabbed the margarine from the fridge, then attended to the omelet.  The toast popped and I buttered it and put it on the plate, taking the plate to the oven and getting her omelet and bacon.  I took it to the table and gave it to her.  “Would you like something to drink?” I asked.

“Yes please some orange juice”

I grabbed a glass and poured her some juice and returned to the table.  She sat there scarffing it down, I doubt she even got to taste it with how quick she was eating.

“Bella” I said

She looked up at me with loving eyes “Yes Edward” she said with a mouthful of food.

‘I have something I would like to ask you, can you stop stuffing your face for a few minutes” I said chuckling.

She put her fork down and swallowed what she had in her mouth.  “What is it you want to ask me Edward?” she replied.

I took a rose out of the vase and knelt before her.  Her face went white.  “Edward please get off the floor”

“No if I’m going to do this Bella, I’m going to do it right”

Her face went red and she looked away from me.

“Bella your everything to me, you’re the air I breath, you’re the sun that shines so brightly upon me, you’re the stars in the sky, you’re my very reason for living.  I love you more than I ever thought I could ever love someone, you make me feel things I have never felt before in my entire life.  Right here right now I pledge my love for you; you hold my heart in your hands.  Will you Marry Me” I said reaching in my pocket and pulling out the small red box that held my mother’s engagement ring. 

She was silent for awhile, the shocked of it all sinking in slowly.  I opened the red box slowly and held it out for her to see.

“Bella please say something, the silence is excruciating”

“I I I….” was all she could manage to get out.

I got off my knee and placed the rose and the little red box on the table.  “I can wait for your answer, think about it some if you’d like” I said and walked out of the kitchen.

I bolted from the cottage upset, the silence was too much to bear.  I wandered aimlessly trying to compose myself.  What was so hard about this, why is she leaving me dangling in the dark.  She loves me I love her, what was there really to think about; she said she wanted to spend eternity with me.  I just didn’t understand any of it, would being married to me be all that horrible.  She knows that I would do anything for her, I would go anywhere for her, that I would gladly die for her.  Surely if my heart was beating right now, it would be broken.

I decided Bella needed some space and went back to the main house.  I walked in and not to my surprise Alice was waiting at the door.  “I don’t wanna talk about it Alice” I spat as I walked up the stairs and headed to my room.  I went to my Stereo and put Claude Debussy in and went to Claire de Lune.  I sat listening to his soft melody, if I could cry I probably would have.  There was a soft knock at my door, normally I wouldn’t close my door, but I really wasn’t in the mood to talk.

“Edward” I heard softly coming through my closed door.

“What do you want Alice” I spit with such venom.

“Bella just called and asked me to tell you to please go back to the cottage”

“I’ll go when I’m good and ready” I said getting up and opening the door.

“I’m going to see if Emmett wants to go into town.  I feel like shopping” I said rolling my eyes and leaving the room.

I got downstairs and found Emmett in the living room.  “Hey bro you want to come to town with me, I need a break from all these emotional females” I said grabbing my keys off the side table.

“Umm ok” Emmett said as I walked out the door heading for the garage.

“Go with him Emmett, he really needs a man to talk to and you and him are close” Alice said coming down the stairs.

“Ya will do Sis” Emmett said following me out the door.

I pulled my car out of the garage and waited for Emmett to get in.  As soon as he was in I took off.

“Where too Bro?” Emmett asked me.

“I feel like doing a bit of shopping” I replied dryly.

“I know you don’t want to go shopping bro” he said watching my face.

“I need to do something Emmett.  I asked Bella to Marry Me not more than an hour ago, she didn’t say nothing, she just stood there with this dumb look on her face” I said and sighed.

“Well she must’ve been shocked Edward.  Come on first you love her, then you don’t, and now you want to marry her, can’t you see her dilemma?” he asked.

“I know, I’ve hurt her so much, maybe she shouldn’t forgive me, and maybe she should just disappear with our child.  If that’s what she decides, I’ll just have to live with it.” I said as I stared out the front windshield.

“Look Edward, I’m not saying that she won’t forgive you, maybe she already has.  Just give her time, when she’s ready ask her again”

“Let’s find something to take my mind off of everything”

“Alright what are ya up for?” he asked.

“How about a club?” I said smiling widely.

“A club? Are you serious, all the club’s here we can’t get into” he said with a sly laugh.

“Who said we were going to stay here in Forks.  I was thinking of going to Sunnydale and the bronze” I said chuckling to myself.

“Alright bro I’m game.  Let’s do this”

New Beginning chapter 22

New Beginning


We raced home, back to our family.  I stopped the car but didn’t get out.

“You go ahead Alice, I have something to take care of” I said.

“Alright Edward, do what you must and hurry back to us” she said as she walked into the house.

I took my phone out and dialed Liz’s number, she answered on the third ring.

“Hey Liz, I’m on my way over” I said.  “See you in a few minutes” I hung up the phone and started towards Liz’s place.  I knocked on the door and she answered it quickly.

“Come in” she said smiling widely.

I walked into the house and we went to the living room.  I could hear her heart beat, smell the blood flowing through her veins.  

“I hear your heart beating.  I see my plan worked.”

“Yes seems it has, I’m in debt to you for all eternity”

“No thanks needed, you just find the happiness you deserve and live your life to the fullest” I said as I walked out the door.

I got in my car and raced home.  I wanted to see Bella, no I had to see Bella.  I parked the car in the garage and raced to the cottage.  When I got there Jacob was standing outside.

“I thought I told you to stay away” Jacob said glaring at me.

“I’m sorry Jacob, but I can’t.  I love Bella” I said softly.

“I thought you were with Liz now?”

“I thought a lot about everything, and with Bella and our child is where I belong”

“Figures you’d go back on your word Blood sucker”

“I’m not going back on my word.  I said I would never hurt her again, and I intend on keeping that promise”

“We’ll see about that” Jacob spat.

“Let me by Jacob, I don’t wanna have to hurt you.  You mean a lot to Bella, hurting you would only hurt her and that is something I don’t want to do”

With that he stepped aside “She’s been waiting for you.  No matter what I do, it’s always you”

Jacob led the way in, walking slowly to the living room.  Bella was sitting propped up on the couch watching television.

“Edward you’re back” she said with a smile on her face.

I ran to her side and kissed her forehead “I’m here now Bella, and I am not going anywhere.  I promise I’ll never hurt you again”

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.  “Please don’t cry Bella, I can’t stand to see you shed anymore tears” I said and turned away from her.

She touched my cheek softly and turned my face towards hers.  “Edward I love you”

“I know Bella.  I tried so hard to banish my feelings for you, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop loving you”

Bella’s eyes darted towards Jacob, his whole body was trembling.

“Go Jacob, you don’t want to phase here.  Bella might get hurt” I said crouching in front of Bella defensively.

“He won’t hurt me Edward.  Please let me have a few minutes alone with Jacob”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Read his thoughts, is he going to hurt me?”

She was right, I knew Jacob would never hurt her, not intentionally at least.

“Carlisle I need to talk to you anyways, let’s go in the kitchen” I said heading for the kitchen.

I told Carlisle about the events that took place in Sunnydale, and how when I returned to Forks I had gone to see Liz and that I heard her heart beat.  He was shocked at the whole story.

“So you mean to tell me that if you kill the vampire that bit you, you turn back into a human?”  He asked.

“Yes, but I believe they are a different type of vampire.  Didn’t you ever notice Liz smelled different from us?” I replied.

“Hmmm, yes I did notice that, maybe your right you should look into it” he said.

I would look into it; I wanted to know what made us different from her, and why her scent was different.

I heard some yelling and I ran to the living room.  “What the hell is going on here?” I retorted.

“After everything you’ve done, after all you have put her through SHE STILL WANTS TO BE WITH YOU!” Jacob screamed.

“I just don’t get it; all you’ve done is hurt her. PFFTTT WOMEN!” Jacob said phasing on his way out the door.  We heard him howl in pain as he raced away from the house.

I sat down next to Bella; she looked somber so I wrapped my arms around her.  “It will all work out Bella, trust me”

“Edward I’ve hurt him so much.  I told him that I love him, but in a sisterly way.  He still pursued a different relationship; his feelings for me weren’t of a brotherly way.  It’s always been you Edward” She said.

“Bella until I met you, I didn’t know what true love was.  I was miserable for over a hundred years, and then I met you.  I have never in all my life felt the way I do, when I hold you in my arms, the very thought of you ceasing to exist, makes my entire body feel like it’s on fire.  I’d rather die a thousand deaths then to live without you.” I said as I stared deeply into her eyes.  Tears were welling up in her eyes, and I kissed each of them gently away. 

“Go to sleep my love, you look tired.  I’ll be here when you wake I promise” I said kissing her forehead and beginning to hum her lullaby.

Carlisle left and returned to the main house.  I picked up Bella and carried her into the bedroom, pulling back the covers and gently placing her under them.  Once she was settled in I climbed up beside her and wrapped my arms around her.  I knew now that with her was where I belonged, and I would do everything in my power to make her happy.  I laid with her for a bit then decided to go and do some research on the differences between us and Liz, Spike, Angel and Drusilla.

I went into the study and turned on the computer; I opened the browser and typed in Vampires.  I got a ton of hits, I opened the first one and read through it quickly, nothing of interest there I thought.  I briefly read down the page and came upon one that said 1st and 2nd generation vampires.  I opened the site and started to read, it talked about the vampire gene getting weaker because of an experiment gone bad.  It seems the government was trying to find a cure for the vampire gene and the outcome had made the gene weaker instead.  The government had sought out everyone that had been bitten by the experiment, the experiment escaped and disappeared.  They called him THE MASTER.  Things were starting to make sense to me now in that perspective, that’s why they all smelled different, why they burst into flames in the sunlight, why when you killed the one that turned them they returned to their human selves.  I would definitely have to share my findings with Carlisle.  I returned to the room and put my arms back around Bella, this really is going to be a new beginning I thought to myself.


Spike chapter 21



Angel was waiting for us in the drive way, we got out of the car and approached the door.  Buffy knocked at the door and it was soon opened by a tall man with glasses. 

“Hey Buffy, who are your new friends” He asked.

“This is Edward and Alice” she said gesturing to each of us.

“They are here about Spike.” She said as she walked in the door, her friends following behind her.  She turned back to Giles “Giles you have to invite them in they are both vampires”

Giles turned and looked at Buffy “Are you sure they can be trusted?” he asked.

“Giles we are not here to hurt anyone, well accept Spike that is” I said.

“Oh I see, well please do come in” he said stepping away from the door.

We walked in and followed everyone to the living room.  We all sat down and I began explaining why we were looking for Spike.

“I’m in love with a human, her name is Bella.  She’s pregnant with my child”

“Pregnant!” Angel said.  “But how is that possible?” he asked shocked by what I had just told them.

“I never knew it was possible myself, until it happened.  But that’s not why we are here” I said.  “Please let me continue”

“Now I left Bella because I didn’t want to hurt her, because I don’t think she belongs in my world.  I started seeing this girl named Liz, she’s a vampire.  I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I fear if I leave Liz it will hurt her.  So the only thing I could think to do is kill the person who turned Liz, so she can become human again and live a happy life.  I talked to her about it and asked her who turned her, she told me his name and where I might find him, and now here we are.” I said.

“Wow that’s quite a story” Giles replied.

I looked at Alice and she nodded her head.  I could read everyone’s thoughts and I knew they were going to help us.

“I’d like to thank you all in advance for your help” I said.

“And how do you know we are going to help you?” Giles retorted.

I pointed to my temple.  “He can read your thoughts Giles” Angel quickly said.

“Read my thoughts! What do you mean?” Giles said all confused.

“It’s a gift that I got upon being changed.  I can read thoughts and Alice can see the future, she can only see when decisions have been made, but they can change”

“I pitty you Edward, I was able to read thoughts for 24 hours and I’m sure glad I can’t anymore.  It was excruciating” Buffy flinched as she said this.

“Don’t pitty me Buffy, I have learned to control it.  I can block out thoughts.”

“Anyways, where can we find this Spike?” I asked.

“Let us help you” Buffy said.

“Thanks Buffy, any help would be appreciated” I said.

“Alright let’s grab some weapons, and off to the cemetery we go” Buffy said going to a chest in the corner.  She opened the chest and pulled a cross bow, some stakes.  She handed the cross bow to me.  “I’m sure you’re going to want to be the one to kill him” she said smiling at me.

We left Giles’s place and head towards the cemetery.  Alice and I chatted quietly on our way there; we were planning how to take care of Spike.

We arrived at the cemetery and Buffy took us to a mausoleum.  “Well here we are; this is where he lives” She said.

I looked at Alice.  “What do you see Alice?” I asked.

“There’s a woman with him, she’s wearing red and is also a vampire” she replied.

“Drusilla” Angel spat.

“Is there any other way out of here?” I asked.

“Yes, there’s a tunnel beneath the mausoleum” Angel said turning to me.

I looked at Angel.  “Could you go make sure they can’t leave that way?” I said winking at him.

“Sure thing Edward gotta love a pincher attack” he said chuckling.

I walked to the door and opened it slowly, it screeched loudly.  There was no one inside; they must’ve gone into the tunnel.  Buffy walked over and jumped into the hole.  We followed right behind her.

“Hello Spike” Buffy said.

He turned around instantly.

“Buffy” He hissed.

“Awe come on Spike I thought you’d like to play with me and my new friends” she gestured towards us.

I tensed up waiting, listening to his thoughts.  “No sense in running Spike, you will not be able to evade us.” I snickered.

“Oh I’m so sorry where are my manners, I forgot to introduce my new friends.  This is Edward and Alice, and guess what Spike they’ve come a long way just to kill you”

I heard a hiss coming from the shadows.  “What makes you think they can do what you have failed to do many times”

“My pet does have a point Buffy.  What makes you think they can do what you cannot?  You are the Slayer.” Spike spat.

“Because they have us to help” Spike turned around.


“It’s Angel Spike, and it would be wise of you to remember that”

I raised the crossbow and pointed it at Spike’s heart.

“You think I’m going to let you kill me with ease lad?” Spike said turning to me.

“I really don’t need this crossbow Spike; I could kill you with my bare hands.” I said glaring at him.

“Then put the crossbow down and let’s do this”

I looked at Alice, she nodded and I put the crossbow down at my feet.

Alice turned to Buffy “Buffy we have to keep them from escaping”

They all fanned out to block their means of escape.

“You’re not leaving here alive Spike” I said.

“That’s what you think lad”

He came at me and threw a punch; I grabbed his arm and flung him back.  He tried to come at me again and I was ready, I swung at him and connected with his jaw.

“Alice grab Drusilla” I hissed.

Drusilla had decided that she was gonna include herself in the fight, but I knew she was going to do it.  Alice swiftly grabbed Drusilla and threw her to the ground.

“Now Drusilla, let’s keep this fair” Alice said looking at Drusilla.

“Why are you here, and why do you want me dead?” he asked.

 “You want to know why we’re here, and why we are going to kill you?” I spat.

“If I’m going to die, I at least deserve to know why.” He replied.

“Elizabeth Evans” I hissed.

“What does she have to do with anything?” he asked.

“You turned her, and now I’m here to kill you, so she can live a normal life”

‘You’re here to kill me over some dame I turned in the 1900’s” he laughed.

“That’s right, she was an innocent young woman, and you took not only her life, but her parents too” I spat with venom.

“Now now, is there anything else I need to know” Spike asked.

“What’s there to know Spike?” I hissed.

“You know what I’m going to do before I do it, I don’t think that’s coincidence”

 “I know I’m at an unfair advantage” I laughed.

He turned and looked at Drusilla, that’s when I grabbed him and threw him to the ground.  All of a sudden there she was on my back; I threw her off with brute force, and she hit the wall hard.  Alice ran to my side and helped me pick up Spike.

“Any last words before your turned into dust” Buffy laughed.

“How did you know my every move?”  he asked me.

I pointed to my temple “Like I said I have an unfair advantage, I can read thoughts” I said and snapped his neck.   Alice finished off Drusilla, and we took both of their bodies and ripped them apart, started a fire and threw in the pieces.

I turned to Alice “What do you see now?” I asked.

“Nothing Edward” she replied.

“You can’t see Liz?”

“No, I can’t see her at all”

“Good that can only mean one thing, it worked”

I turned to Buffy “Thank you for everything, all of you”

“You’re welcome, one less Vamp in the town of Sunnydale is a good thing” she smiled.

“Alice we must go now.  I’ve gotta get back to Bella”

“Yes we better get going” Alice said turning to Buffy and handing her a piece of paper.  “You should come visit us sometime, the rest of the family would be honored to meet you”

“Washington eh, well maybe we’ll take you up on that offer sometime” Buffy replied.

We said our goodbyes and returned to the hotel.  Alice went in and paid for the room while I got the car started.  We had finished what we came to do and now it was time to go home. 

I drove swiftly back to the airport.  We returned the car to the rental place and bought our tickets home.  The plane ride back seemed a lot shorter and we were back in Forks in no time.

Sunnydale Chapter 20


We drove for what seemed hours.  “Turn here Edward, this is the road that leads us straight to Sunnydale”

I sped along the road and we were in Sunnydale within a half hour.  I had no clue how we were going to find Spike; I figure we’d just ask around, but of course it would have to be at night.

We pulled up to a Hotel in the heart of the town; the sun had already set so we didn’t need any cover.  I parked the car and got out.

“Alice go and get us a room, once we’ve checked in we’ll start the search”

I waited for her by the car she was back quickly.  “I think the library would be the best place to start looking, old news paper articles should help us in the search”

We decided to walk, this way we could question people that we saw.  We got to the library and went immediately to the computers.  There were a ton of articles and it seemed that one person was in all of them.  Buffy Summers was the key to finding Spike, I typed her name into the city yellow pages and jotted down her address, it was easy to find because it was the only Summers in the directory.

We left the library and started towards the address.  We arrived at our destination and stood under the tree in the front yard debating on knocking. 

“Well Edward are we just going to stand here?” Alice asked.

“No let’s get this over with”

We walked up to the door and I knocked gently, a woman with curly blond hair answered the door.

I stood there staring for a moment.

“Hello can I help you” she said.

“Oh yeah sorry.  We’re looking for Buffy is she home?”

“I haven’t seen you before, are you friends of hers?”

“Please let me introduce myself.  I’m Edward Cullen and this is my sister Alice, we just started school at Sunnydale High, and we were told that Willow is the one to talk to about catching up.  We just moved here from LA.”

“How did you know Willow and Buffy we’re friends?” she said curiously.

“Well it seems Buffy has made quite an impression on everyone at the school, plus Willow’s mother told us she was with Buffy” I quickly said.

“Oh well they aren’t here right now, they’ve gone to the bronze”

“The bronze? What’s that?”

“Wow you really are new here; the bronze is where the high school students hang out.  It’s a club downtown”

“Thank you Miss Summers, you have a great evening” I said as I turned and walked away.

“Pffttt the bronze, lovely place for vampires.  There must be a ton of hot sweaty teens in there” I said.

“I’m sure it’s a feeding ground for vampires Edward.  We’ve got to be careful, we don’t know what the vampire population is like here” Alice quipped.

“I know Alice, but I must Find Buffy, she’s the key to finding Spike”

“Alright Edward let’s go”

We got to the bronze and stopped outside in the alley.

“Edward did you get a good whiff of the contents of the house?” Alice asked.

“There were a lot of scents, but I’m sure I can find her with what I did smell”

We paid the entrance fee and walked into the club.  It was loud and packed and sweaty inside.  I started scanning the thoughts of people in the room.  Then I heard it, someone was thinking about Buffy. 

“Alice this way” I said.

She followed me as I followed the thoughts; whoever it was that was thinking about her was in love with her, I could hear the longing in his thoughts.  At that moment I seen a man turn and start for the door.

“Alice wait here I’ll be right back” I said racing after him.

“Hey!” I yelled after him.

He spun around quickly and stared right at me.

“Why are you following me?” he hissed.

I put my hands up “Hey man I just wanted to ask you a question”

All of a sudden we were surrounded by vampires.

I spun around “I don’t want any trouble, I’m just looking for someone then I’ll be on my way” I said.

“Oh come on we just want to play” one of the vamps said.

“Run, save yourself” the mysterious man said.

I broke out into laughter “HAHAHAHA I’m not afraid”

“You should be” the mysterious man said.

“And why’s that?” I said backing towards him.

“As you see they aren’t human, you’re going to get yourself killed” he said.

As I got closer to him I saw his face more clearly, he was indeed a vampire.  I snickered “I guess this town is full of mysteries eh” I said.

One of the Vamps lunged at me; I grabbed him by the throat in mid air and slammed him to the ground.

“Are you guys sure you want to do this?  I really do hate killing one of my own” I said with a half smile on my face.

“But I will if I’m forced to”

I heard a hiss coming from behind the mystery man.  “One of your own HA you’re not like us”

“Your right I’m not, I don’t go around killing humans” I spat.

Another one lunged at me and I easily snapped his neck, and threw his body in the dumpster.  The mystery man stared in awe.

“I really do hate having such an advantage, it’s just not as fun knowing what you’re about to do next” I said.

They all lunged at me at the same time and I took them out with ease, the mystery man pulled something out of his jacket and walked towards me. 

“HAHAHA are you thinking of using that on me?” I retorted.

“What?” he said.

“I know what you intend on doing with that stake, don’t bother I’m not the enemy”

“What are you?” He asked.

“Are you serious? You don’t know what I am?” I said laughing.

In the blink of an eye I had him on the ground and the stake to his heart.

I was close to him now.  “Do you hear a heartbeat?” I asked as I got slowly off him.

I walked over to the mangled bodies and staked each one of them to make sure they were dead.

“You’re a vampire” he said in shock.

“Yes I am, and so are you” I spat.

“Let me introduce myself, I’m Angel”

“This I have never seen before” I said to him.

“Since when do Vampires have souls?”

“It’s a long story” Angel said.  “But I’ll break it down for you.  I was once the most feared Vampire, when I didn’t have a soul I was called Angelus.  I was cursed by Gypsies and given a soul.  If I have one perfect moment of happiness I turn back into the vampire I used to be”

“That’s quite the story” I said.  “How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself.  I’m Edward”

We shook hands “Nice to meet you” Angel said.  “Why are you here?”

“You and I have more in common then you think” I said.

“Really how so?” Angel asked.

“Well first off, we are both in love with humans”

“What how did you know that?” Angel replied.

“I can read your thoughts Angel. I know everything that you are thinking”

“If you hurt Buffy I’ll kill you” Angel spat.

“You can try, but I’m not here to hurt anyone, accept Spike that is” I said sourly.

“Spike, what you want with him” Angel asked.

“Spike is the solution to the problem I’m facing right now” I spat

“Anyways, enough chatting, I need to talk to Buffy”

At that moment Alice emerged from the club with two females, one blond and the other a red head.

“Edward I found them” She said.

They walked towards us and the blond walked over to Angel.

“We’re you just going to leave without saying anything” She said.

“I’m sorry Buffy, I heard noise out here and came to check it out”

“We were attacked by five vampires, but Edward took them out with ease” Angel said.

“It’s easy when you know what they are thinking Angel” Edward said chuckling.

“Ok so let’s get this straight.  You and Edward are vampires?” Buffy said puzzled.

“That’s right Buffy” Alice said.  “Let my brother explain to you why we are here”


“I think we should go somewhere more private Alice, this isn’t the place to be having this conversation” I said.

“You’re probably right Edward.  Buffy is there somewhere we could go that’s more private?”

“Yeah let’s go to Giles’s place” she said taking her phone out of her pocket.

“Giles I’m coming over with a few people we need to talk in private, it’s business”

“Ok see you in a few minutes bye”

“Willow go and get Sander, we’re going to Giles’s place, bring the car around” Buffy said.

“Alright Buffy” she said as she left.

A few minutes later the car came.  There was only enough room for the three of them and Alice and me.

“I’ll meet you guys there” Angel said and sped off.

Giles house was only a 10 min drive, and we were there in no time.

Searching for answers


I ran quickly back to the cottage, I needed to talk to Carlisle.  I entered the cottage and found Bella, Carlisle and Jacob sitting on the couch watching television.

“Carlisle can we talk for a minute?”

“Sure son”

“In private please, let’s go outside so we don’t disturb Bella”

I told Carlisle everything that had happened in the meadow.  I asked him some questions that he was shocked even came out of my mouth.

“What’s going on Edward?  What are you thinking?”

“I’m not sure if it will work Carlisle, but I’m going to give it a try.  I will be gone for several weeks, trying to figure this all out.  I will however be calling to check up on Bella”

“Alright Edward, do what you must, but please hurry back the baby is growing rapidly”

“I’ll try to get this all sorted as quickly as possible Carlsile” I said as I walked out the door.

I started back to the house and sensed that someone was following me; I turned quickly to see Liz.

“I was just about to come and see you” I said.

“What’s going on Edward?  Why haven’t you called me?”

“I had a lot to think about Liz, but now I’m done thinking.  I know what I must do to make everyone happy, including myself”

“What’s that Edward?”

“I’ve got to leave for a few weeks, to do some research”

“Leave! Why?”

“I don’t want to keep hurting people Liz, it seems that’s all I have been doing lately”

“What do you mean Edward?”

“Well there are three people being hurt in this whole situation, you, Bella and Jacob.  I need to try and fix this”

“How are you going to fix it Edward?”

I told her what I was planning on doing; she was so shocked she couldn’t speak.

“All I need is a name Liz, and I can fix all of this”

“William Shaw, or as he likes to call himself Spike, last I heard he was in California, a town called Sunnydale”

“Thank you Liz, hopefully this works”

“What if it doesn’t Edward?”

“I have to at least try” I said turning away from her and disappearing into the forest.

I ran quickly back to the house, I needed to get Alice.  She had to come with me.

I entered the house and Alice was standing at the door.

“About time” she said sticking her tongue out at me.

“I guess you already know where we are going eh”

“But of course my dear brother”

I ran upstairs and grabbed my passport and some money, and rejoined Alice back at the door.

“So whose car are we taking to the airport?

“We’ll take mine”

We got in my car and sped off toward the airport.  I parked the car in the parking lot and we went in and bought our tickets. 

The flight seemed to go on forever; we landed and went to the car rental place.  Of course Alice wanted something fast, so we rented an Audi TT quarto.  We got a map of California from the car rental office; we opened it up on the hood of the car.  I took out a red pen and circled Sunnydale.  I got in the driver’s seat and gave Alice the map.  I’ll drive; you keep track of the roads and tell me where to turn.

My Salvation chapter 18

My Salvation


I ran swiftly back to the house, the reality of everything hitting me, I was going to be a father.  Did this change the way I felt about Bella?  I need to be alone with my thoughts, need to think this through.  I was still baffled about her calling our unborn child EJ.  Why after everything I have done to her would she give him my name sake?  I had to admit to myself though, I kinda liked it.  I got back to the house and Esme was standing on the porch.

“Edward?” she said turning to look at me.

I turned towards her “Yes Esme”

“What are you going to do?  Bella’s pregnant with your child, so it’s time for you to face reality” she asked.

“I know Esme, I’m trying to do the right thing for everyone, but I’m not sure what the right thing is now”

I stood there looking up at the sky, it was a cloudy day not once piece of blue anywhere to be seen.

“I really need to be alone and think this through, but first I must talk with Alice”

“She’s in the Carlisle’s office” Esme quipped.

I walked somberly into the house and went to Carlisle’s office.

“Hey Alice” I said from the doorway.

“Hey Edward, what’s up?” she asked.

“Have you seen anything new, that I need to know about?” I said searching her thoughts, but finding nothing.

“Sorry Edward, I can’t see anything beyond the baby.  Anything to do with Bella has totally disappeared”

“I’m torn Alice.”

“How so Edward?”

“Come walk with me so we can talk”

We left the house quickly and started walking south.

“So tell me Edward, why are you so torn?” Alice asked.

“I was at the cottage with them and the baby kicked, Bella called for me to feel her stomach and the baby kicked.  I still had my hand there then I saw something.  I boy holding a blood soaked rag.  I asked Bella if that was what she had seen in her dreams and she said yes.  I talked to the baby, and then it kicked fiercely, it made me jump back.  I mentioned that I didn’t think that the baby like me, and then Bella said to the baby “It’s ok EJ your father won’t hurt you”


“I said the same thing Alice.  EJ stands for Edward Junior”

“Whoa, now I see why you’re torn.  How did you feel when she called the baby EJ?”

“I was shocked of course, that she would want to name him after me after all I’ve put her through, but inside I was smiling.  I liked the sound of it”

“Does this mean your feelings are changing Edward?”

“I dunno Alice, but I needed someone to talk to about it.  Thanks for listening; now I’d like to be alone to think this all through.”

“Alright Edward, I’ll leave you to your thoughts.  Just remember whatever you decide I’m behind you on it”

“Thanks Alice”

“No problem” she said disappearing into the forest.

I decided to go to the meadow where I first showed Bella what I looked like in the sun.  It was my quiet place, the place no one knew about, and a place I could be alone with my thoughts.

I lowered myself to the grass, and lay amongst the wonderful scent of the wild flowers.   I laid there staring up at the sky, thinking about what the days to come will bring.  That’s when I heard it, my mother’s voice.  She whispered my name softly, like she did when she was tucking me into bed as a child.  I knew it was crazy, but I answered her.

“Mom, I dunno what to do.  Tell me, what’s the right thing to do here.  Please help me”

“My beautiful son, oh how I miss you.  I missed watching you grow into this wonderful man you’ve become”

“Oh mom I miss you so too, but I’m not a wonderful man, I’m a monster”

“Edward, I knew what Carlisle was but I didn’t care.  I asked him to save your life, because your life meant more to me than my own.  I do not regret my decision”

“Mom I’m going to be a father”

“I know Edward, and that’s why I’m here”

“What should I do mom, tell me what is the right thing to do, because I don’t know myself”

“What is your heart telling you to do Edward?”

“My heart stopped beating the day Carlisle turned me”

“I know Edward, but deep inside you are still human.  Look within yourself, the answers are right there.”

I looked up from the ground and there was my mother standing in front of me, it was like she never had the Spanish Flu.  I looked into her beautiful turquoise eyes, the eyes I used to have; tears started streaming down her face.

“Please don’t cry mom”

“I can’t help it Edward, I’m just so happy to see you.  You’re my baby and I’ve missed you something terribly”

“I know mom I miss you terribly too.  I think about you every day.”

“Why have you come now mom?  You’ve never appeared to me before”

“My dear Edward, you’re about to be a father, did you really think I’d miss that?”

I stood up and walked slowly towards her holding my hands out.  She smiled at me with that warm smile that I had seen every day of my childhood.

“Mom I’m so confused.  I try so hard not to be a monster, to be good, to make you proud, but I am a monster.  Look what I have done to Bella”

“Edward stop it this minute.  You didn’t force Bella to do anything, she loves you can’t you see that!”

“How do I know that she really loves me?  Everything about me invites her in, my scent, my voice, the way I look.  With Liz it’s different, she’s the same as me, a vampire”

“Edward, we always love what we shouldn’t, but that don’t mean the love isn’t real.  What was it about Bella that brought you two together?”

I turned away from her “It’s her scent, she’s like my own brand of heroin”

“Her scent is that enticing to you?”

“Yes the first time I caught her scent was in bio, I wanted to kill her right there and then.”

“But you didn’t, maybe there is a connection, maybe she is the one”

“She is the only one I have ever felt compelled to protect, but she is too fragile she doesn’t belong in my world.  Like she said to me once, I can’t protect her from everything”

“There is only one solution Edward”

“What’s that mom?”

“I don’t have to tell you, you already know”

I turned back to look at her and she was gone.

I sat back down on the grass, to think.

Was there some way I could make everyone happy, was there something I could do to make everything right?

At that moment I got an idea, a way to fix everything, a way that everyone could be happy.  I had made my decision, and now it was time for me to make it all possible.

The Shocking Truth


We got to my house and everyone was waiting for us outside.  Bella walked towards me and Jacob, taking both our hands.  We all walked into the house together.  Carlisle and Esme were sitting in the living room.

“Carlisle, we have a problem” I said as we walked into the room.  I helped Bella to the sofa and sat her down.

“What’s the problem Edward?” he said all confused.

“Come over here and I’ll show you”

Carlisle walked over to where I was sitting with Bella.  I lifted her shirt gently and showed him the bruises.  Rosalie wasn’t too far and she hissed when Carlisle touched Bella’s stomach.

“Calm down Rosalie.  I’m not going to hurt her”

Carlisle shook his head “I’ve heard about this, but never thought it was a true legend”

“What! you’ve heard about this”

“Well I actually heard of a legend of a Vampire that would visit woman, bewitching them and impregnating them, but I thought it was just a legend”

“So she is really pregnant?” I asked in shock.

“Seems so Edward, but it’s not safe for Bella to continue on with this pregnancy”

“What do you mean not safe?” Jacob asked.

“Well the legend says that the baby supposedly chews its way out of the womb.  Bella more than likely won’t survive, unless she is changed”

“Over my dead body are you going to change her into a blood sucker” Jacob spat.

“Isn’t there any other options Carlisle?”

“Not that I know of Edward, but I can do some extensive research and find out what I can, but until then I think Bella should stay here with us”

“And what am I supposed to tell Charlie Carlisle?” Bella said.

“I don’t know Bella, that’s something you and Edward are going to have to figure out”

“We can tell him she’s sick” Jacob quipped.

“Well we can use my old cottage for her and set it up for all her needs” Esme said quickly.

“Good Idea honey.  I’ll get started on that right now” Carlisle said and raced out the door.

“Bella you’re going to have to call Charlie” I said.  “Tell him you’ve come up with something and Carlisle is going to take care of you, so you don’t have the expenses of a hospital”

She picked up the phone and dialed.  “Dad I’m not feeling so well I collapsed at school, Alice was worried about me and brought me to her place to have Carlisle look at me.  Seems I have come down with something and Carlisle said he’d take care of me so we wouldn’t have all the hospital expenses”

“I know Dad, but I think this would be best, I don’t want you to have to pay a fortune in hospital bills.  Yes Edward’s here, no dad I’m fine it don’t hurt as much now”

“Ok dad I love you, I’ll call you every day I promise. Bye” she said and hung up the phone.

Just at that moment Bella fainted, I tried to make it to her, but Jacob was there in time to catch her.  He carried her to the couch and laid her down.  Rosalie ran and got a blanket and draped it over her.

“Blood sucker we need to talk, right now” Jacob spat.

“Alright Jacob, let’s go outside and not disturb Bella”

We both walked slowly outside and stood on the porch.

“Look Blood sucker, I love Bella and I won’t sit back and let you hurt her again”

“I don’t intend on hurting her Jacob”

“Does that mean you want to be with her again?”

“Hardly” I said rolling my eyes.

“Well if you don’t want to be with her, then leave her alone”

“How am I supposed to do that Jacob, when she’s pregnant with my child”

“Child, you mean your spawn”

“Look this doesn’t change anything.  I’m not good for her, and this proves it”

“Good then I’ll stay with her, and you stay the hell away”

“What if she wants me there Jacob?”

“Look Blood sucker, this is my chance to get closer to her, I’ll take care of her and if there is any problems I’ll call Carlisle”

“Alright Jacob, I’ll stay away unless she wants me there”

He turned and walked back in the house, I stood on the porch thinking.  I need to talk to Alice; I had to see if this had changed her vision.  I went back in the house to find Alice; I found her upstairs in her room.

“What’s wrong Alice?” I asked.

“I have a terrible headache, and my visions are all foggy”

“Well the foggy visions I can only assume are because Jacob is here, let’s go for a walk and see if that helps the headache” I said

She agreed and we left the house to go for a walk.  I wanted to talk to Alice about the situation and this would be the perfect time to do so.

“So has the headache subsided?” I asked.

“Hmm seems so and my visions aren’t foggy anymore”

“I’m glad you came for a walk with me.  I wanted to know if your visions have changed”

“Hmm let me see” she said focusing and closing her eyes.

“I see you, but you’re not at Bella’s side”

“So this doesn’t have any effect on the future then?”

“Seems not Edward.  I can’t see Bella at all, which leads me to believe that she is with Jacob”

“Alright Alice thank you, I just wanted to know”

“You’re welcome Edward, I know how hard this all must be for you”

We started slowly back to the house.

“Ugh the headache is coming back.  I need to find out what is causing it”

We entered the house and Alice seemed in more pain than when we were outside.  She walked into the living room and approached Bella who was sitting up awake.

“Bella I want to test a theory” she said.

“Alright Alice, you know I trust you completely”

She walked over to Bella and placed her hand on her stomach.  She got that look on her face like when she has a vision.

“Wow” she replied taking a step back from Bella.

“What Alice?” Bella asked.

“I just seen the future, and it was clear.  It was like the baby was showing it to me”

“What do you mean Alice?” I asked.

“Well seems the baby has some abilities already.  I think I figured out why I get the headaches and can’t see Bella.”

“Alright Alice what’s your theory?”

“Well it seems the baby is protecting Bella, keeping people from seeing her”

“If that’s the case Alice maybe you should keep clear until he/she is born” I quickly said.

Carlisle entered the room.

“Alright everything is set up, we can take Bella to the cottage” he said.

I walked over to Bella to help her up, Jacob was at her side faster then I was.

“”Let me help you Bella” Jacob said as he turned and glared at me.

“Thank you Jacob” she said smiling weakly.

“How far is the cottage Carlisle?” Jacob asked

“It’s a bit of a hike, I don’t think Bella will make it on her own”

“Bella I can carry you and we’ll get there faster” Jacob said.

“Alright Jacob, I’m too weak anyways to walk”

He helped her outside and picked her up in his arms and followed Carlisle to the cottage.  I hesitated and then followed behind them.

I got to the cottage and went inside.  Carlisle had a fire going in the fireplace, trying to keep the cottage as warm as possible for Bella.  I went down the hall to the master bedroom and found Carlisle, Jacob and Bella there.  The room was set up like a hospital ward, and Carlisle was measuring Bella’s stomach.

“Hey Edward” Bella said smiling.

“Hey Bella, how are you feeling?”

“I have a craving for eggs; do you think you could make me some please?”

“Sure” I said and left the room going to the kitchen.

I took out 4 eggs and fried them, making some toast to go along with them.  I went back to the room.

“Your eggs are waiting for you in the kitchen”

“Thank you Edward” she said getting up slowly.  She took my hand and we walked to the kitchen.  She sat at the table and started eating her eggs and toast.

“Cullen I want to talk to you” Jacob said suddenly.

I followed him into the living room.

“Look Cullen, you’re not needed here so you can leave now, I’ll take care of Bella”

“Look Jacob, I just wanted to make sure she was comfortable.  I was just about to leave”

“Edward! Come here” I heard from the kitchen.

I rushed into the kitchen and Bella had her hand on her stomach.

“What’s wrong Bella?”

“Nothing’s wrong, come and feel this”

I walked over to her chair and she took my hand and placed it on her stomach, all of a sudden there was movement.


“The baby’s moving did you feel it?”

“Yeah I did and that’s some kick I just felt”

“I’ve been having these strange dreams”

“You’ve been having dreams Bella?” Carlisle asked.

“Yes Carlisle.  Strange dreams, I had a dream last night there was a little boy sitting on a rock, reaching out for me.  I felt a sudden urge to protect him”

“Hmm interesting” he said.

“I’ve been having this dream a lot lately” she said.

I still had my hand on Bella’s stomach, and quickly pulled my hand away.

“What’s wrong Edward?” Bella asked.

“Did the boy in your dreams have something in his hand Bella, a blood soaked rag?”

“Yes, but how did you know?”

“I just saw it.  I think the baby is showing me”

“What! Don’t’ be ridiculous Edward”

“No seriously Bella”

Carlisle looked at me; I had a shocked look in my eyes. 

I leaned down and whispered to Bella’s stomach.

“Hello this is your father” I said.

Suddenly there was a fierce kick, I jumped back.

“Wow I don’t think he/she likes me”

“Of course he/she does Edward, you’re his/her
father” she said touching her stomach lightly.

“It’s ok EJ your father won’t hurt you”


“Oh.  I’m sorry I kind of named him already”

“Him why do you keep referring to the baby as a male, and what does EJ stand for?” I asked.

“Well the dreams are so vivid; I believe he’s a boy.  EJ is the short form for his name.  Edward Junior”

I was shocked that after all the pain I had caused her that she would choose to give the baby my name.  “Well what if it’s a girl Bella”

“Oh that’s easy, if it’s a girl I’m going to name her Renesmee”


“Yes Edward, Renesmee.  After My mother Rene and your mother Esme”

“Oh how sweet Bella, I think Esme would love that” Carlisle quipped.

“Well I’m going to let you settle in and get some rest.  You know where to find me if needed” I said.

“Please don’t go Edward” she said.

I looked back at Jacob; he put his head down in defeat.

“Bella I have some things to take care of.  If you need me I’m only a phone call away.  You need some rest you look exhausted.  Jacob could you stay with her?”  I asked.

“Of course there is no where I’d rather be”

“Thank you” I said and walked out the door before she could protest.


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