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The Church And States?



Dear Readers; Well one of my predictions came true again – From www.drturi.com/newsletter/ December 2008 Red Alert! Dec 2nd 2008 1:52pm I wrote - Expect more light on that terrible drama! and do not be fooled her mother was born with a terrible UCI and KILLED HER! The stars don't lie to me.


Remains found last week in a wooded area have been identified as those of missing Florida toddler Caylee Anthony, authorities said today. Caylee's skull was found a half-mile from her grandparents' home. The girl and her mother, Casey Anthony, lived in the home until shortly before Caylee disappeared. Her mother is charged with first-degree murder in her death. Just a little note to let you know that I am offering the option for many people who can not make it to Arizona in September 2009. On February 26, 2009 I will start my own radio show on *Voice America and the 60 minutes air format is NOT set to teach anyone the secrets of the Cosmic Code. Instead I will talk about everything and anything under the stars and perform LOTS of live readings. But the real option to become a proficient Astropsychologists and graduate by listening to my other radio show on BBS is NOW very real and exceptionally affordable.


Because of the economy I have literally slashed the price in half and I am offering you 16 full hours of LIVE teaching on the air. Many of you have lost their jobs or are stuck in a boring profession with little reward and little money. If you are not happy doing what you are doing right now no one but YOU must make the change! I am offering you the option to work for yourself and serve the world at large like I do from your own home using your computer and a unique software that can be used well before you graduate. No more driving and taking chances on the highway and burning gas. Use your car on the weekend only to enjoy the outdoors with your loved ones. No more dealing with abusive, depressed, egocentric moronic people at the office or at the shop etc. The Tail of the Dragon (negative/karma) wants every one of us to reevaluate our money making schemes and with the current Dragon's Head (growth/positive) in Aquarius (New Age/technology) I am trying very hard to make you aware of this only one of its kind transit or what God through the Cosmic Code is offering you. The challenges are as great as can be but the human nature is above all with dedication. The worse thing you can do is NOTHING and expect to have a better life or a better paycheck. Your investment will pay off because the information your will gain can and WILL serve you ALL your life regardless of your profession. Remember everything UNDER the universal canopy (the cosmos) is UNDER the jurisdiction of the stars and affect ALL the human affairs on earth.


· You are an investor and play with the stock market? You better know the laws or waste your money. Timing is everything and there is NO chaos above your head. · You want to start your own business but don’t know what to do? You better find out if the Cosmic Code (or God's will) endorse and support any of your endeavors and respect the Universal rules. · You are lost and do not know your call in life, its funny because this is the easiest answer I have for you but what will you do to find out? Take a chance is the key. · You feel every thing is out of control and you are going nowhere? Wrong an inner order has been passed upon your fate, take it as a serious message that YOU have to ask in order to receive and I am here for you! · You are depressed and loaded with anti depressants relying on God or Jesus to help you? You bet they will but you better learn a new language so you can follow the right path and find your own blessings. · You had enough of being abused emotionally and you need to find true love? Guess what if you only knew where and when to look and change your attitude you would indeed make yourself more magnetic and find your soul mate…after all I did find Terania and she found me! But it is what you don’t know that hurts you nothing else because ignorance is evil!


There is NO WAY for me to help you if you do not help yourself, invest only 8 hours on me and all the materials you need, CD, tapes, DVD etc. will be shipped BEFORE you start the course on BBS. Yes true help, true guidance is offered to you, yes the rope has been sent and you are reading me NOW because you have asked for it…NO accident remember? So now what will you do? Ponder and dream or listen to that little voice inside you? You know this little voice has never lied to you and more than ever this is when you want to listen to it, to you, to God! Check those sites…take your time and JOIN US LIVE ON THE AIR. We are taking applications for 2009 NOW! You can join anytime all my teachings will be archived, be ready for an incredible time and yes you'll be able to see me if you have cam technology. www.bbsradio.com/education/courses/cosmic_codes.php www.bbsradio.com/bbsradio/signup.php?price_group=12 Don’t be afraid to ask any question to Don by emailing him at don@bbsradio.com Now I thought about the separation of church and state but there is NOT such a thing really by judging the facts!


Kolbert told CNN she is "deeply disappointed" with the choice of Warren and said the powerful platform at the inauguration should instead have been given to someone who has "consistent mainstream American values." Well my friend let me tell you something, Christian monopolize pretty much everything, every media and every corporations not only in the US but also all over the world. Thus while President Obama was running money (and a lot of it) was poring to elect him and the biggest chunk came from the Church Inc. Now those who have the power to make (or destroy) people's life and fate have also the *right to get rewarded, from their good deed would you agree with me? Thus Mr. Warren is the *right CHRISTIAN influential choice reminding you that there is NO such a thing of a legitimate, enforced separation of church and state!


Obama is only a puppet like ALL past and future Presidents. Since day one (2000 years ago) abusive politics and deceiving religions have marched hand in hand together IMPOSING their rules, their teachings to control not only very important elections but also ALL the people's resources on earth. To the point where BILLIONS of dollars were *stolen from dim, innocent, vulnerable minds throughout a continuous religious dose of poisonous doctrines aimed to build fears, guilt and *collect it all at the end. The good news is that little does the Church Inc. know that; like the mighty Roman Empire (or Hitler German Reich) they will in time be brought down, for God's justice is around the corner in the dawn of the year 2012. The future has and will always be my true witness readers…mark my words! Humankind spiritual freedom has already started and, like many advanced, enlightened souls, I am gladly doing my mission to liberate the spirits of all the children of tomorrow. Now I want to thank thousands of you for being my friend on many websites such as Myspace, Facebook, PeopleLinking and so many other Internet locations. I wish you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a wonderful prosperous New Year 2009. May you absorb the spirit of the Season with peace and happiness and enter the New Year, 2009, with an expectation that your joy, success and abundance is dawning on you like the twilight of a new day, just waiting on the blossoming of your ultimate good. So today and every day expect a miracle, lookout for it! Because you are my friend on any of those sites, to reward you for your trust in my work I am offering you a few end of the year SUPER DEAL for you or your loved ones. Start the year with solid guidance and real predictions, I am offering you with a few incredible deals you MUST not turn down so make your choice! THIS SUPER DEAL END ON JANUARY 1ST 2009! AND IS ONLY BY MAIL AS MY WEBSITE WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANY DISCOUNT. Send your money order or check to: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016 You may also call Terania with your credit card at 972-623-7689 - Terania is moving back to Phoenix from Dallas and her tel# will be changed, thus do not call this number (972-623-7689) after 12/28/08 - You will be able to reach her at the Phoenix office at 602-265-7667 only or by email at teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com 1 - You qualify for a 90 mn taped full life reading, and career report (35 pages) for: $210 (save $100) please be patient - 3 TO 6 WEEKS minimum - 2 - 1 - 90 mn hypnotherapy tape and your 2009 Lucky Dragon dates for: $55 3 - 2 - 90 mn Astrotherapy tapes and your 2009 Lucky Dragon dates for: $ 65 4 - My 12 months VIP Cosmic Code newsletter for: $30 (save $70) 5 - Your so very important Astrocartography relocation maps: $110 (save $100) 6 - I am also extending my VIP LIVE consultation for $450 (regularly $700) until 12/31/08 THEN you can still call me for this price DEAL in 2009 if you ask/email Terania to put you on the long list for when you can afford it or want to set the telephone appointment then. IMPORTANT - If you decide to write to us make sure to type or print ALL your information such as your name, dob, time, physical and email address (and tel#) CLEARLY because if we can't read you we will be waiting for your wondering why call! BLESSINGS TO ALL Dr. Turi


Sharing emails: Dr. Turi; 1. What is your impression of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, as our Savior and Lord? 2. What is your impression of the written Word of God, the Holy Bible? Antone DT - Jesus message is very clear and directly involves the Father's kingdom Antone, this sound like the "Cosmic code" and the stars to me...Too many people have purposely "translated" and changed the true meaning of his son Jesus' *astrological words, which later on produced the manipulative, confusing, deceiving Bible's erroneous message. But there are many passages that are still intact! 24 - "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. - Luke 21:25-27 in the King James Version of The Bible. Jesus message is indeed VERY clear! Jesus says "go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces"... I am God's servant born February 26th in the cuspy constellations of Aquarius/Pisces... Blessings DT Once again Dr. Turi- you hit the nail on the head...you drive in a very REAL & heart-touching message & I hope others in this world who have been sticking their heads in the sand will take heed & be apart of evolution & true loving cosmic consciousness. I am looking forward to Voice America...and I am very proud of YOU. I don't care what some fools or naysayers might think when they poo-poo such intelligent sound knowledge & information that you bring to the table....I am and have always been a supporter & believer in your work. You have helped so many in so many ways...I cannot thank you enough. You smile my heart ^_^ Some day I will be truly honored & blessed to meet you...untill then....(and continually always) will I send you positive thoughts of love & encouragement to continue your path of divine Light...chasing the darkness of ignorance away...banish the hate & the fear thats been pon this Earth too long now....& you are at the forfront...Y O U are paving new(yet anchient) path of gold right to the very stars....& i am glad to have you as a friend u_u nameste, Faith DT –Hi Faith, thank you so much for your support in my work! Blessings DT Hi Dr. Turi; I did manage to pick up the show. The acoustics weren't that great (at this end anyway), but audible just the same. You are always asking for feedback, so here's mine. I think you were talking too fast which, with the echo effect and mucho info blasting, probably left many feeling overwhelmed. Dare I say you were somewhat too overpowering? Within the context of the other guests, it also seemed to me you came across as very bombastic and did too much commercial plugging of your books and yourself. Hey, everyone has their style. I've got a feeling that in a TV studio, or just facing the people you are talking to, you come across a lot better than on a radio link/relay. Take care and hope you give yourself some time now to rest up a bit over the holidays. Oh, and Joyeux Noël. Irene DT – Hello Irene thank you for your constructive criticism, first you will not have this sound quality problem on Feb 26, 2009 when I launch my new show The Cosmic Code on *Voice America , I have the best technology available for me and you will also be able to see me in action. "you were somewhat too overpowering?" I am sorry you misinterpreted my passion for something else lolol may be the guests (and messages) you are listening to needs more of my passion to make their show (and message) stand apart and be as successful as me? "You did too much commercial plugging of your books and yourself?" Again how do you expect me to pass on information on the Dragon or the moon or the subconscious etc. that took me 35 years of strenuous mental work and observations to master (and to pass on to you) in a 60 mn show? Don’t you think that is the best way for me to help the listeners to grasp such complicated information is in my books? Even my 525 page of my book "The Power of the Dragon" wont cut it trust me, you won't build up cosmic consciousness in 60 mn period! By the way is the show all about wisdom and spiritual matters? Is that what I project and offer to the world? So it's all about ME isn't it? All that I did in this show is to GIVE my best of my wisdom with passion and you managed to stumble on the imperfect technology and the way I present myself on the air? It's just a matter of perception my dear and you may not as of yet understood your own UCI and auto analyze yourself (or your own ego) correctly when dealing (or listening) to me. May I suggest you next time you tune in to listen to my message and my wisdom with the same passion than me instead of letting your hard cutting critical judgment blame technology and the dedicated guest? No one and nothing is perfect Hun Not even me, not even technology not even you, have you thought of it? Let others listen to this show and make their own mind and enjoy it to the fullest… Blessings DT http://tazzandpaulashow.com/interview-with-dr-louis-turi-12112008/ www.blogtalkradio.com/tazzandpaula Hey Louis, it's Adam from the last Sedona class. I hope everything is going good for you, it sure seems to be from what I read. You're a great guy all around and deserve the best. I wish the best for both you and Terania. Perhaps we'll meet again someday, maybe not. I'm still learning about the stars, much faster thanks to you. I don't know if I'll ever be able to make a living like you do but I will be incorporating it into whatever form of Psycho-therapy I practice. So I guess I just wanted to say thank you. You're very kind and helpful in many ways and I'm glad to say I know you even just a little. Merry Christmas - With love from my heart. Adam DT – Hello Adam yes you will make a great living out of your passion my friend, I started with nothing but with courage and respect of God's rules one can only succeed. Keep up the good work and there is nothing that stops you to meet us in Sedona next September again and meet more incredible new star students and Terania… Blessings DT Dr. Turi; I tried to subscribe but was 'told' that 'this web site doesn't exist. Hope this helps, but don't know how to sign-up now. Will we be able to get your radio program here in Tucson? If so, where will it be on the dial? Thanks for all you do. I am 81 years old and still learning from you. Mary Ellen in Tucson, AZ DT – What a compliment Hun, thank you so much for your support…I will be in Tucson twice in January, once for a TV show 01/09/09 - Watch the show online http://www.ufoshows.com/ - If you can make it come to the studio - email the Producer Jim Roger at jimrodgeraz@gmail.com and a few days later for a UFO lecture…See you then I hope. Blessings DT IMPORTANT NOTE ALL OF YOUR EMAIL addresses will be deleted from our software program as of 01/01/09 and will be replaced by the new 2009 VIP very large worldwide list.


www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter Also many of you chose to send me a check/money order to sign up for the VIP deal ($50) but many of you will NOT get the newsletter as promised on the first day of 2009 because Mike, Terania or I can not read your handwriting or your email address is missing… So simply call 602-265-7667 or email us after the New Year to get what you paid for. Once more here is the address: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016


teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689 Stay Safe Blessings to all Dr. Turi

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