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bondage lover's blog: "hodge-podge"

created on 01/10/2008  |  http://fubar.com/hodge-podge/b176644

The nightclub capture

If I have posted this before on my old profile, I do apologize. Feedback determines if the tale continues. Laura sat in the smoky bar and surveyed the crowd. She hated coming here, the drinks were always watered down and her clothes stank of stale cigarettes for days afterward. But the place had an uncanny knack for attracting the naïve young girls that she had found herself preying upon lately. Laura knew their type. They dressed in tight leather and fancied themselves players in the BDSM scene because their boyfriends had blindfolded them once or twice during sex. They considered themselves bisexual or lesbian because they had kissed their roommates once or twice in college. Laura was an experienced player in the BDSM scene. She had tried it all and she had enjoyed every minute of it. But she had trouble keeping a partner. Her previous playthings had found her too rough, and ended their association with her after the first session. She longed for a partner with whom she could let herself go fully, hold nothing back, but the women she met seemed fragile and scared of their own reactions. She had toyed with the idea of becoming a submissive, but there were two problems. First, she was too dominant to let herself be controlled forever by one person. She much preferred to play the role of switch. But even more troubling, she could not find a man who could push her to her limits. They treated her like she was a glass sculpture, liable to break if they got rough with her. She longed for a man who could give back what she was capable of dishing out. But men like that didn’t seem to exist. At least, she hadn’t found one. And so Laura had begun a long string of one-night stands. She would pick up a young woman in a bar (never a man, bringing strange men home was too risky) and bring her home, binding her and testing her limits. But it was always the same. They were full of bravado at the bar with a drink safe in their hands, but once Laura had them tied up and had forced them to submit to her every whim, the bravery of the young things melted away. Laura wondered if the woman before her would be any different. Laura had spent the better part of the evening looking the petite brunette over before approaching her. Her name was Catherine and she was dressed in the latest in “fetish wear”, straight off the rack from Hot Topic. She wore an ivory colored corset with cute little black and white skulls dotted across the front of it. The top of the corset extended up so that her full breasts were almost completely covered. The red plaid mini skirt was straight out of a Britney Spears video, but it did show off Catherine’s legs to good effect. When she stood, her G-string peeked over the band of her skirt. Laura doubted that the girl would be any different than the others, but she looked so damn fine that Laura decided to play it out. They had talked over drinks for nearly an hour, and Laura was pleased to see that Catherine had been looking her over as well. Laura had made sure to wear her clubbing outfit as it did a marvelous job of accenting her “charms”. Her tight jeans showed off her legs and the curve of her ass, and her black boots added a few inches to her 5 foot 6 inch frame. Her red hair was pulled back and hung down her back, just brushing the top of her tattoo. The bustier showed her breasts to full effect. She was a striking woman, and she had turned her share of heads when she entered the bar. The conversation went well. Catherine had “experimented” before with bondage and lesbianism and longed to try something more. The alcohol served to lower her inhibitions, and soon she agreed to ditch her friend and come back to Laura’s house for some fun. Laura laughed softly. “At least one of us will have fun,” she thought to herself. Laura paid the tab and the two of them rose to leave. Catherine’s gait was unsteady, and she leaned into Laura for support. Laura felt the pressure of Catherine’s breast against her arm and felt her pussy grow wet with the promise of the evening to come. Laura steadied Catherine as they made their way through the parking lot to Laura’s car. She opened the door and helped Catherine inside. Laura took her place at the wheel. She turned to Catherine and spoke. “Are you ready?” she asked. “Yes,” Catherine replied, a slightly nervous shudder in her voice. Laura continued. “Good,” she said. “From now on you will call me Mistress or Ma’am. Do you understand?” Catherine giggled. “Yes, Mistress,” she said. “Very good,” said Laura. “Now open the glove box and hand me the scarf inside.” Catherine did as she was told and placed the long silk scarf in Laura’s outstretched hand. “Turn your head,” Laura commanded. Catherine turned to face away from Laura, who wound the scarf around Catherine’s head and over her eyes. She tied a knot in the back and cinched it tightly. Catherine hissed slightly. “Is the knot too tight?” Laura asked. “No, Mistress,” Catherine said quietly. “Good,” said Laura. “Now face the front and place your hands at your sides. Do not move them unless I tell you to.” Catherine complied without a word. Laura turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the lot. She lived only a few minutes from the bar, but she made a point to drive out of her way, lengthening the journey to heighten the apprehension for Catherine. She stole a glance at her passenger and was pleased to see the petite brunette trembling slightly in her seat. Was it fear? Was it excitement at the events to come? Laura did not know, but her lust intensified. She reached over with her right hand, the left firmly clutched on the steering wheel. She let her long nails lightly brush against Catherine’s inner thighs. Immediately, Catherine’s skin broke out in gooseflesh at Laura’s touch. Laura’s hand moved up and under Catherine’s skirt and gently grazed the fabric of the thong Catherine wore. The panties were damp. Catherine breathed in sharply as Laura’s fingers grazed her flesh. She let her breath out in a long shuddering sigh. Laura rubbed gently against Catherine’s pussy, her eyes never leaving the road before her. Catherine moaned softly and shifted in her seat so that Laura’s fingers could get better access. Laura listened to the sound of Catherine’s quickening breath. She made no attempt to slide her fingers inside the silky fabric; she simply continued to rub lightly, sensually. She continued to tease her new toy. Finally, when Laura felt she could not contain her lust any longer, she turned the car and made a beeline for home. She pulled into her driveway and quickly shut off the motor. In a flash she was at the passenger door. She opened it and helped the blindfolded girl out of her seat. Laura guided her inside the home, a hand on her shoulder. She felt Catherine shaking beneath her touch. Laura led the trembling girl into her bedroom. A large four-poster bed dominated the room. She stepped before her and placed her hand at the back of Catherine’s head. She pulled her toward her and kissed her full, on the lips. Catherine hesitated, and then returned the kiss. A moment later their tongues touched. They kissed deeply, each tasting the residue of the other’s drinks on their lips. Laura wound her hand into the girl’s hair and pulled Catherine’s head back sharply. She gasped. “Not so hard,” she murmured. Catherine did not loosen her grip. She traced Catherine’s neck with her tongue, coming to rest in the hollow of her throat. She nipped gently at the skin of her neck. Catherine was shivering as though a low electric current were running through her body. Laura released her hold on the girl and stepped back. She watched Catherine’s heaving chest as it rose and fell with every deep breath. Laura turned to the dresser by the bed. She had laid out her toys in preparation for the events to come. It was covered with an assortment of tools she would use to test Catherine’s limits: A large wooden paddle, several wax candles, coils and coils of hemp rope, a small case which held several sterilized needles and scalpels. Laura reached over and picked up a switchblade knife. She thumbed the button and the blade sprang open. It gleamed in the moonlight that flooded the room. She stepped towards Catherine and in one quick move she sliced through the laces and the fabric of the corset she was wearing. She tore the garment away from the girl, exposing her breasts. At the sound of the ripping cloth, Catherine stepped away; leaving the torn clothing in Laura’s outstretched hand. Catherine tore the blindfold away from her eyes and her voice rose in anger. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? That cost me a lot of-“. Her voice stopped in mid sentence as her eyes fell on the knife in Laura’s hand. Her eyes darted to the table and widened in fear as she saw the objects laid out upon it. “Oh, shit,” she said softly. “Look, I think you’d better take me back to the bar. This is getting a little out of hand.” Laura said nothing. She picked up several coils of the rope and stepped toward Catherine. Catherine saw the look in her eyes and turned and ran for the door. Laura bolted after her. Catherine was halfway down the hallway to the front door when Laura’s hand grabbed her by the hair and pulled back sharply. She wrestled the young girl to the floor and forced her face down on the ground. Laura quickly sat on her captive, and pulled her arms behind her back. “Let me go!” shouted Catherine. “Let me go or I’ll scream!” “Please do,” said Laura. “No one will hear you, and the sound will excite me further.” She quickly bound the girl’s wrists behind her back, palms together and pointing upwards, as though in prayer. She jerked the ropes tight and pulled the wrists upward so they nestled in the small of Catherine’s back. Her fingers touched the bottom of her neck and she howled in pain. “Why are you doing this to me?” Catherine cried, her face pressed against the wooden floorboards. “Because it pleases me,” Laura said. “You said you wanted to try something more. Now I will make your wish come true.” She bound the struggling girl’s legs and ankles, and reached up to the skirt that still hung around her waist. Laura slid it down the length of her body and tossed it aside. Catherine was nearly nude now, the thin fabric of her thong her only covering. Laura turned the girl onto her back and pulled her torso up so that Catherine sat facing her. She wrapped another coil of the rope around her body, crossing the ropes above and below her breasts and further securing the frightened girl’s arms to her body. Laura rose and stood watching her unwilling playmate as she struggled in the ropes. There was no hope of escape, as Laura was an expert in the art of rope work. Catherine glared at Laura, her eyes brimming with tears. Laura reached down and took Catherine’s nipples in her fingers. She pulled upwards, and Catherine yelped in pain. Laura did not cease her pulling, and Catherine tried to scramble into a kneeling position to ease the pain. Once she had found her knees, Laura began to pull the girl along to the bedroom, leading her by the nipples for the entire journey. Catherine shuffled forward slowly, her bound legs allowing her only minimal process. She yipped constantly as her nipples stretched out before her. They reached the bedroom, and Catherine began to beg. “Please let me go!” she sobbed. “I just thought we’d make out, maybe do a little spanking or something, I’m not ready for this.” “I know you aren’t,” said Laura. “That’s what makes this fun.” She lifted the bound girl easily and laid her across her lap. Laura leaned over and grabbed the wooden paddle. “Spanking sounds like a good way to begin,” she purred. She brought the paddle down sharply, reveling in the loud cracking sound it made as it came into contact with Catherine’s ass. Catherine yelped in pain. Laura spoke. “With every blow, I want you to thank me. Is that clear?” Catherine did not answer. Laura struck her again, and the young girl’s buttocks jiggled when the paddle made contact. “I asked you if that were clear,” Laura repeated. “Yes! Yes! YES!” Catherine screamed. “Good,” said Laura. “Then we may begin.” Laura swung the paddle. Catherine whined and said, “Thank you, Mistress” in a small voice. The paddle came down again. “Thuh-Hank you, Mistress,” repeated Catherine, the strange inflection in her words was caused by her grunt of pain in the middle of the phrase. Laura continued to swing the paddle, landing blow after blow on the girl’s quivering ass. Laura loved the way Catherine jerked on her lap with each strike. Her ass was beginning to glow a fiery red. Laura was really turned on now. The girls fear, her struggles, and her sobs all fueled her growing lust. She swung the paddle over and over, each blow harder than the last. She rubbed the wood against the cheeks of Catherine’s ass after each strike, caressing the tender flesh. Catherine repeated her thanks over and over, her voice catching each time in the middle of the phrase as she gritted her teeth in agony. Finally, Laura tossed the paddle aside. She tossed the girl onto the bed, and rolled her over so that her face turned toward the ceiling. Catherine lifted her head to watch, fearful of what was to come. Laura stood at the foot of the bed and removed the bustier. Her breasts popped free, her nipples fully erect. Laura rubbed her breasts for a moment, then reached down and unbuttoned her jeans. She slid them to the floor. Her panties followed. She stood naked before her terrified captive, her body bathed in moonlight. She walked along the side of the bed and climbed onto it. She rolled Catherine onto her stomach, and then stretched out before her, her legs on either side of the girl’s head. “Now,” she said softly, “show me how much you appreciate the attention I have given you so far.” Catherine only blinked in confusion. “What do you mean?” she asked in a small, frightened voice. “I want you to lick my pussy. Work me over with your tongue until I cum.” Catherine shook her head, and Laura reached down and grabbed the girl once more by the hair. She did not bother to repeat the command; she simply pulled the girl forward. Catherine cried out in pain and began to inch her way forward along the bed like a centipede. Finally, her mouth was at Laura’s pussy. Laura tugged her forward again, burying the girl’s face between her legs. She closed her knees around Catherine’ head. “See how wet you have made your Mistress?” Laura asked. “Can you smell my scent? Lick my pussy so that my scent remains on your breath and maybe I’ll release you.” Catherine let out a small sob from between Laura’s legs. A moment later, Laura felt the girl’s tongue as it poked out and began to hesitantly kiss her pubic mound. She ran her tongue over and around Laura’s sex. The girl was hesitant, her unwillingness evident in her tentative movement, but Laura was in a heightened state of arousal from all that had gone before, and shivers ran through her body. “Oh, God, yes,” she said breathlessly. Catherine pushed her tongue between the lips of Laura’s pussy and flicked at her clitoris. Laura tugged harder at the girl’s hair, forcing her to squirm her body forward and bury herself further inside Laura. Catherine began to move with more urgency, as though she had realized that the sooner she brought her captor to climax, the sooner the ordeal would end. Her tongue made slow, sensual circles around the clit. She strained her neck forward and trapped the clit between her lips, sucking at it gently. Laura arched her back. Her eyes rolled back into her head in ecstasy. Catherine had found a rhythm and was working steadily, taking her cue from the moans and gyrations of her captor. Laura’s breath was coming faster now, her body alive and surging toward climax. Suddenly, she began to spasm as she came violently. She squeezed her knees together tightly, trapping Catherine between her legs and forcing her head to move along with her as she thrust her hips upward. “Keep that tongue moving!” Laura ordered. She wanted nothing to rob her of the full force of the orgasm. The girl’s tongue continued its motions, and Laura cried out as the waves of pleasure shot through her body again and again. Finally, she fell back to the bed, panting. She opened her legs and Catherine peered up at her. Her face was slick with Laura’s juices. Her face was red with shame. “Please let me go now,” she sobbed. Laura rose from the bed. “You will go when I tire of you and not before,” she told the bound woman. “And since you have displeased me with your question, it is time for you to be punished once again.” She rolled the girl onto her back and grabbed more rope from the dresser. She untied Catherine’s legs and wrapped a length of rope around each ankle. She wound the other end around the bedposts and pulled tight. Catherine sobbed again as she was spread helpless before Laura. Laura did not untie her arms and Catherine grimaced in pain as her bound wrists were pressed into the small of her back. Laura took two more lengths of rope and wrapped the ends around each of the girl’s upper arms. She tied them off around the remaining two bedposts. Catherine tried to move, but she was pulled tight. Laura stepped over to the dresser and picked up one of the large candles. She crossed to the foot of the bed and stood before her captive. “Have you ever had hot wax dripped on your naked flesh?’ she asked. Catherine shook her head, her lips pressed tightly together. “The closer you hold the candle to the body,” Laura said, “the hotter each drop is when it makes contact with the skin. I find it delightful to start high and move slowly closer so that each drop hurts more than the last.” She lit the candle and bent down; holding the candle near the girl’s trapped foot so that she felt its heat upon her tender soles. Catherine tried to pull away but the ropes held her fast. Laura rose again. She stared at Catherine but did not register the fact that the young girl’s gaze had shifted to something just behind Laura. Laura lifted the candle. A large amount of liquid wax had pooled in the shallow bowl near the wick. “It’s time for a little pain, my dear,” Laura said softly. She was about to step to the girl when a strong arm reached around her from behind and locked itself around her throat. A hand clamped roughly over her mouth. Laura let out a surprised “MMMPPPHHHH!” into the palm of her unseen assailant. She dropped the candle. It fell to the ground and the flame snuffed out. Wax spilled across the hardwood floor. She struggled in the grasp of the intruder. The arm around her neck tightened and Laura gasped for air. She felt his lips at her ear and heard his strong voice, gentle in tone, as he spoke. “Yes, Laura. You’re right,” he said. “It’s time for a little pain.”
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