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Wow, I am honestly starting to believe that Druggie Limbaugh's habit is starting to erode his brain capacity. Now, for starters, I have mostly avoided trying to write anything about Michael Jackson. Yes, he's a legendary singer and artist, but in my opinion, this situation is not worth the first ten minutes of every cable news cycle.

That being said, check out Druggie from earlier as he stated that Jackson "flourished under Reagan, languished under Clinton and Bush, and died under Obama"......um.....ok. But hey, let's have fun with this, maybe I can even make the rumor circuit!!

1968, Jackson 5 and 10 year old Michael sign with Motown. Lyndon B Johnson is president, meaning then President Johnson's war in Vietnam motivated Motown to look for musicians that would make us forget about the war. (sorry, that's all I could come up with)

1970-the group's first 4 singles are number 1. Of course, then President Nixon most likely broke into where their music was being written, and already knew what was coming out before it was published. (any better)

1982-releases "Thriller". Reaganomics bears sole credit for this becoming a major hit!

1985-writes "We are the World" with Lionel Richie, inspired by Reagan's stance on the Soviet Union. It is rumored that Nancy knew of Jackson's success long before it happened, most likely from a Wigi board or some kind of spirit medium.

1994-Jackson marries Lisa Marie Presley. President Bill Clinton, an Elvis fan, introduces the two and they fall madly in love!

1995-Jackson releases "HIStory" album, which sells 2.4 million copies. Bill Clinton and Michael Jackson both be appearing to benefit from Reaganomics.

2001-"Invincible" album starts at number 1, but fades quickly, almost as fast as the anti terrorism task force in the White House under President Bush pre 9/11. Former president Clinton is believed to be responsible for the albums quick decline.

2003-2005-child molestation scandal. It is widely believed that then President Bill Clinton sent the children to Michael Jackson's estate to take attention off of him and Monica....even though Lewinsky-gate had long since passed.

2008-release of 25th Anniversary of Thriller edition. Michael Jackson's career slump blamed on Democrats being elected to House and Senate in 2006.

2009-Michael Jackson passes away, evidence suggests President Obama sent prescription drugs to Michael Jackson, probably to take the attention off of the creation of the Obama Youth and the hammer and sickle being introduced as the new symbol of America.

There ya go Druggie, run with it baby!

Franken victory official

Again, you can read everything on


Franken victory official

June 30, 2009

Al Franken has been declared the winner in the Minnesota Senate race. After 34 weeks of battling, recounts and court battles, Norm Coleman finally conceeded the race to Franken in a gracious speech earlier this afternoon. Although I disagree with Coleman dragging his feet on this, I thought his speech showed a lot of class. Franken won by 312 votes out of over 2 million cast.

This means the Democrats now have a supermajority in the Senate, or, 60 votes, enough to override a fillibuster. Obviously, this concerns some, others are overjoyed with the news. My take….neither should get too excited, this is a wait and see scenario. For starters, it’s not like the Dems have shown all that much backbone when it comes to their agenda in the first place. I believe many of them are as bought and paid for by special interest as the Republicans were a few years ago.

I do have a high opinion of Al Franken himself. I don’t believe him to be the type to fall into corruption. He is intelligent, well researched, and will represent Minnesota very well. Having read a number of his books (highly reccommended!!), I was very impressed with how well he researched his subject matter.

To Republicans/Conservatives-don’t freak out too much over there. As I said, many of the Democrats have proven to be bought and paid for, or just plain spineless. No need to worry about this turning into the old Soviet Union anytime soon. Besides, the midterms are coming up, and my bet is on the GOP picking up a couple of Senate seats in 2010. They wont get a majority, but they’ll break the supermajority…I think.

To Democrats/progressives-Same as above. You probably don’t like the idea of the GOP picking up a couple of seats, but I honestly think it would be good to weed out a few of those Dems who have sold out or simply refuse to grow some grapefruits.

To extreme leftists/righties-nobody likes you guys anyway.

So again, congrats to Al Franken, and if you get a chance, read the following books to start. “Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”, and “The Truth, With Jokes” by Franken. Very entertaining and very informative. Good night for now all.

Maybe I should’ve done this first….clarify my beliefs and how my opinions are formed.

For starters, no, I am not a far left idealogue who hates guns, meat, and is unpatriotic. I am a pro gun, pro Israel, pro free speech Democrat. I believe in keeping the largest, baddest military on the planet. I believe we should never seek war as a first option, but never take it off the table as an option. I believe we should hold dear the idea of free speech, even speech that we may find personally offensive. I am against the idea of a “fairness doctrine”. As much as I think the likes of Hannity, Druggie Limbaugh, O’Reilly and others are, for the most part, lying hacks, I would steadfastly defend their right to say what they say.

That being said, I do not hate all types of government. I believe government, which essentially is meant to be an arm of the people, can play a roll. It organizes national defense, maintain fair commerce, help to educate our children, maintain our roads, provide emergency services such as police and fire, and a number of other functions. The idea that all government is bad is wrong, too much government is bad, yes, but so it too little.

As for my political affiliation, yes I am a registered Democrat. With that said, and you will find out, I am not always a fan of the Democrats, and will vote Republican if I believe the Republican is the better candidate. As a matter of fact, I am not at all impressed with the Democrats in the House and Senate. I believe they are headed toward the same scandal riddled mess the Republicans were in a few years ago. Special interests are dominating, and in few years, we will see a new crop of Republicans that will overtake the Dems, and probably rightly so.

Or even better, maybe a new, common sense based party is in order. I don’t believe the majority of Americans are “conservative” or “liberal”. I believe most Americans, as I do, take each issue individually and make a decision based upon our experience and personal beliefs. Thats why I believe that while most Americans are for a public health care option, they are also for the most part against abortions, or pro Israel, or pro stronger regulations for Wall Street. Americans in their opinions cross party lines all the time. It’s why in 1994, Republicans were overwhelmingly swept into power. It’s why in 2006, the same Republicans were tossed out of power. America is not about just Republicans and Democrats, or liberal and conservative, or right and left, Americans are about the issues, and what makes the most sense, and this is what I’d like to do on this site. Take each issue that I write about, and try and inject some basic common sense into the subject.

For example, I’d love to write about the Cap and Trade law that passed the House, however, at this point I haven’t even finished forming an opinion yet. There are some aspects I like. For example, incentives to cut emmissions, or reduce dependence on foreign oil. Did you know that every time you fill your gas tank, a portion of the proceeds go to you friendly neighborhood Al Quaida group? Where do you think that money that Saudi Arabia gets for that oil goes? Again, cutting emmissions. The jury with me is still out on global warming. I don’t think we know fully what will happen to the earth in a hundred years, and the climate on earth does go in cycles. With that said though, I can drive on the 202 here in Phoenix, and see the brown cloud that hangs over the city. Now, I want someone to try and tell me that there’s nothing wrong with that. I want someone to try and argue that the brown cloud will have no impact on the enviornment, or on our health for that matter. Or, the idea of incentives to go with renewables such as solar and wind. That could be, in the future, a powerful industry in this country and employs a sizeable portion of the workforce. Best of all, solar and wind are FREE!! I can’t for the life of me, figure out why we in Arizona, don’t already have a solar grid set up…actually I do know, it’s called special interest groups.

On the other hand, it creates an additional burden on households that are already struggling. The increase in energy costs might sink a few more families before it’s all said and done. So short term, bad, long term, probably very good, it’s a toss up.

So again, I am not an leftists, commie, terrorists loving idealogue. I go after Democrats as well. In fact, I am very likely to vote for our Republican governor in the next election. Hopefully this gives a little better perspective of where I come from when I post things. And as always, post your thoughts on the subject as well.

Wow, the hysteria from some on the right continues. I’ll admit, I listen to Michael Savage’s radio show, on in the evenings here in Phoenix. I find his show to be somewhat entertaining, and most of the time, he isn’t the GOP hack, unlike Druggie Limbaugh or that pond sludge Hannity. All that said though, I was checking out Savage’s website, www.michaelsavage.com, which interestingly enough, is an extension of the whackjob site www.worldnetdaily.com (did you know, according to Word Net Daily, that soy makes you gay??), and I noticed he had a story on his page entitled, “GE benefits from Obama’s rule changes-Why NBC and MSNBC are now state TV“.  Interesting title, and scary. Even worse, this source is the liberal conspiracy machine Washington Post, so even they can see that Obama is pumping money into GE, and that MSNBC and NBC are his own private television stations….right??

Well, you decide. Actually, I’ll help you out on this one. Basically, GE, although it owns a couple of small Utah banks, is actually, not a real bank. However, due to loopholes in the regulatory system, it qualified for funds from last October’s bailout. The article states that, “The Obama administration now wants to close such loopholes as it works to overhaul the financial system. The plan would reaffirm and strengthen the wall between banking and commerce, forcing companies like GE to essentially choose one or the other.

Hmmm……I know Dr. Savage is getting up there in age, so maybe I’ll cut him a break on this one. Last October, when the funds were approved and GE was able to capitalize based on a loophole, Obama was not the President of the United States, George Bush was. Then candidate Obama, now President Obama, is working to close that loophole that GE took advantage of. If GE benefits at all from this proposed rule changed (note, the rule has still not changed), it will be in principle only, meaning that the new rule will force GE to act more ethically.

The other part, is I don’t see in the article where NBC and MSNBC are mentioned or relevant. But since we’re on the subject, let’s go for it. The GOP hack machine is going after NBC and MSNBC, in which GE owns, or in MSNBC’s case, shares with…well, Microsoft. GE, apparently a large, corporate liberal sword, is now on the target list. The problem with all of this is in 2000, GE donated approximately 1.1 million. Microsoft, donated approximately 2.4 million. Does this mean a damn thing? No. Both Microsoft and GE came to the conclusion that their respective business interest were better served by supporting Bush for President. Of course, I think most of us understand the country’s interest in the meantime were not better served with Bush in office, but that’s the past. Does this mean that GE and Microsoft have suddenly become liberal attack machines? I dunno, you tell me. Do you think Rupert Murdoch, owner of the Fox propoganda network, is a far right idealogue? The answer, no. Murdoch saw an opening in the market, and took advantage, and, to his credit, has built a highly rated cable…I guess you can say, news channel. GE, more importantly Microsoft, saw another opening in the market for a liberal leaning, guess you can say news channel. This is to counter Fox and take up a sizeable market share. The owners of FOX, Microsoft and GE are, if nothing else, sharp business people who are exploiting an opening in the market. I believe, this is called free market capitalism. How ironic that the commie, America hating, terrorists loving, French MSNBC is taking advantage of the free market that the right claims it hates, and is doing so almost as well as FOX.

Finally, the headline from Savage’s website claiming that this is now “state TV”, is also false. My favorite host on MSNBC, Ed Schultz (GREAT SHOW!), as well as others, Olberman, Matthews, and Maddow, have all criticized Obama, sometimes quite harshly, when they’ve seen the need too.

Dr. Savage, I really think you need to start reading the articles you post on your website. Everyone else, always research…an informed electorate is key to maintaining a democracy.

The Real Story Today

Again, this can also be found on my site, www.aznativemike.wordpress.com . It's still be worked on, but the postings are coming.

Thanks to guardian.uk (so what if it’s a liberal publication) for this piece from an Iranian medical student. Read the following:

“I only want to speak about what I have witnessed. I am a medical student. There was chaos at the trauma section in one of our main
hospitals. Although by decree, all riot-related injuries were supposed to be sent to military hospitals, all other hospitals were filled to the rim. Last night, nine people died at our hospital and another 28 had gunshot wounds. All hospital employees were crying till dawn. They (government) removed the dead bodies on back of trucks, before we were even able to get their names or other information. What can you even say to the people who don’t even respect the dead. No one was allowed to speak to the wounded or get any information from them. This morning the faculty and the students protested by gathering at the lobby of the hospital where they were confronted by plain cloths anti-riot militia, who in turn closed off the hospital and imprisoned the staff.

The extent of injuries are so grave, that despite being one of the most staffed emergency rooms, they’ve asked everyone to stay and help–I’m sure it will even be worst tonight. What can anyone say in face of all these atrocities? What can you say to the family of the 13 year-old boy who died from gunshots and whose dead body then disappeared?

This issue is not about cheating (election) anymore. This is not about stealing votes anymore. The issue is about a vast injustice inflected on the people. They’ve put a baton in the hand of every 13-14 year old to smash the faces of “the bunches who are less than dirt” (government is calling the people who are uprising dried-up torn and weeds). This is what sickens me from dealing with these issues. And from those who shut their eyes and close their ears and claim the riots are in opposition of the government and presidency!! No! The people’s complaint is against the egregious injustices committed against the people.”

To put it bluntly, I don’t give a shit about some politician having an affair, they do it all the time, there isn’t a whole lot of news there and it certainly isn’t worth the amount of coverage it’s receiving today on the news. MSNBC, which I usually enjoy watching, has devoted far too much time to this….there are other stories far more worthy of their time.

I believe this is just the beginning of the crackdown, the violence, in my opinion, will get worse, and is probably worse than is being reported. The clerics and the current regime will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power. There are reports of people disappearing in the middle of the night, state TV asking for Iranians to give any information on who they know is protesting or speaking out against the regime, and even possibly the beginnings of mass graves.

I also believe this is the beginning of the end for the radicals in power in Iran. The train, so to speak, has left the station. I believe this is setting the stage for a U.S. backed Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear targets, and we may even see an attempted strike on the leadership of Iran. Again, I believe there will be U.S. logistical support, possibly even limited military support, for this strike, and it will come with the quiet backing of Arab nations in the region, who don’t want to see a nuclear Iran almost as bad as the Israelis don’t want to see this.

Up to this point, Obama has been low key on his comments toward Iran, and I believe he has handled this very well as President of the United States. However, I believe this will soon have to change. We cannot possibly view this regime as a legitimate negotiating partner any longer. Obama’s words will have to become more stern as this crisis continues.

Could we be witnessing history unfold before our very eyes? Would we be seeing the beginning of the end of radical Islam in Iran? I believe this is very possible, and a more western friendly Iran would change the entire dynamic in the middle east. As we continue to watch the events unfold in Iran, let’s keep in the mind the real stories, instead of another tabloid worthy sex romp by a politician.

Obama/Netanyahu deal?

Ok, so maybe for a first post this is a bit "conspiracyish", and it might just be me, but it's a thought. For the past week, I've began wondering to myself if maybe there wasn't some kind of behind closed doors deal between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamine Netanyahu, and President Obama.

I find it interesting that Netanyahu's endorsement of a two state solution, (which, for the record, I am against) came after the Iranian "elections" and their announced results. Obviously, we were all hoping to see the opposition party win the elections in Iran, although truth be told, there isn't a lot of difference between the current regime and the opposition, still, some change would've been a good sign.

However, as events have unfolded in Iran, it's become increasingly clear that the old revolutionaries in Iran are determined to stay in power, and I fear mass bloodshed in the coming days and weeks as they attempt to quell the opposition. It is my belief that we will soon witness another Tienneman Square, not a revolution. The current regime has all but slammed the door shut on President Obama's attempt at a new dialogue with Iran, Obama's hand may be forced.

Which brings me to my theory, which again, is just a theory, I'll leave it just short of a prediction, but remember that you read it here first. It is my belief that there was a secret deal made between Netanyahu and Obama. For those unfamiliar with Netanyahu, he is the new, some would say hawkish, prime minister of Israel. In fact, I have read a couple of his books (highly reccommended), he is Israeli born and American educated, highly educated. He is not someone to cave in very easily to outside pressure regarding the "Palestinians". He puts Israel's security first and foremost, as he should. I believe, in exchange for endorsing a two state solution, he received support from Obama, for a future strike on Iran. This, in my opinion, comes in the form of full political backing and possibly even logistical or military support. I believe this due to the timing of Netanyahu's announcement.

If this were true, Obama, much like the pirate crisis, would show the "steel in his spine" that Vice President Biden referred to during the campaign, and I believe this to be one of his major tests. If so, it would show the world that while America is not above a dialogue with any nation, we will also never allow our people to be threated, we take care of our own. I guess we shall see.


Also now found on my blog site, http://aznativemike.wordpress.com

Of course, what else do I expect from the likes of Hannity and Druggie Limbaugh, but I'll focus on the first mentioned liar today.

I think most of us give the vast majority of the credit to the SEALS and the captain for the heroic rescue on Sunday. They are true American heroes and should be celebrated as such by all Americans. We will need more brave actions from our military in the future when facing these cockroaches.

That being said, I flipped through the channels today and managed to catch Hannity doing what he does best, lie. He claims that in fact, President Obama had nothing to do with giving the order for the rescue in....in fact, numerous media outlets have reported that he gave the go ahead for the operation on Friday and again on Saturday.

Again, the true heroes are the SEALS, the captain and the crew of the ship. I know Hannity and Druggie Limbaugh wanted to point Obama out as being weak on terror, however, when you're proven wrong, and the president gives an order for an operation such as this, and its carried out to perfection, then at least be man enough to give credit where credit is due and celebrate this victory with the rest of the country. Hannity, you are a liar and a fraud.

Coming soon, a blog site from The Pastor himself detailing the lies of these assholes, have a good night!

Damn transplants!!!

I'm pissed this morning! I just found out that I wasn't drawn for elk for the first time in 4 years. I partly blame transplants that don't actually hunt, PETA, who puts in for the tags and tosses them when they're drawn, and AZ Game and Fish, who should give priority to natives first by giving us a bonus point for every year we've lived in AZ! I'll have better blogs in the future, I just needed to vent on this. Oh, and by the way, if I find the transplant that put bass in the mountain lakes here where they weren't supposed to be, I'm going to bitch slap em!
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