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I'm a Straight Up, No beatin' around the bush, Blunt A$$ Bish. If you Can't handle the Truth - that's Not my problem. I'm as Real as they come and if you can't be real, then I have No time for you. I pity Nobody. Love me or Hate me - you're Still thinking of Me. I have NO remorse for my words or actions. Get on my bad side, and I'll roast you like a pig. I Fear NOBODY - I'm a 100% Jersey Girl. I Roll with the High Rollers. I don't hang with the dogs - period. So if you think you're some big bad dawg, Then go back to the Kennel where you belong. If need be, I'll even call you a Whambulance to get there. I try to be reasonable - but Sometimes Life Isn't Fair and Not Everyone has common sense OR RESPECT, and Need to be put in check. I have No jealousy, and No envy - Your Dreams are Likely My Reality. I LIVE the Salt Life - Hated & Envied. And if you Disrespect Me, my Significant Other, my Family, Friends, or Others I have Respect for... I won't think twice about Deleting you from my life. The School You Go To, Not Only Do I Teach There - But I Invented It. You Can't Play the Player that Invented The Game.



Interview Thingy...

**Your Interview **

*Winter or summer?

Summer - but I like to visit the other seasons sometimes

*Do you have any piercings/tattoos?


*What kind of car do you drive?


*What are your "comfy clothes"?

Depends on my mood

*Do you believe in heaven and hell?

I believe in Karma

*Is this boring?


*What colour are your eyes?

hazel Green with Blue circle around the iris...

*What sort of character would you play in a comic book (hero, humorous sidekick, villian, that abrasive newspaper guy, etc.)

the bad a$$ sexy chick that drives a monster truck & rides a sports bike.

*Coke or Pepsi?


*If you were on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition; what kind of room would you ask for?

A sunken living room with a BIG fish tank wall

*If you were one word, what word would you be?

Seriously {no really - Seriously}

*What is the name of your truest friend???

They know who they are

*If you could time travel, what would be your first stop?

May 2009

*What is your natural hair color?

Reddish Dark Blonde. My hair is natural with streaks added.

*How many people are in your family?

Many {I'm Italian}

*Favorite Rapper

Lil Wayne

*Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?

John Cusack

*Whats the First Thing You Notice In A Boy/Girl?

More than they want me to. I read people like books.

*What language would you like to speak fluently?


*Desktop or Laptop?


*Whats your favorite sport?


*Are you in love?


*How many kids (or any at all) would you want to have?


*Chocolate or other candy?


*Sour or sweet candy?

mixed - but Im not a candy person

*Favorite hot drink?

Coffee Or Vanilla Chai

*City or the suburbs?


*What is your dream job?


*What religion did you choose to follow?


*Performing Arts, Fine Arts, or Sports?

Depends on my mood

*Riding horses or riding dolphins?


*Are you fed up of all these questions?

my ADHD kicked in 50 questions ago - which is why multi-tasking is my remedy. I'm curious if it ever ends.

*Do you believe a good life is attainable? or is it something that is out of our control ie subject to luck etc.

My Life IS Good. You can attain anything you want if you put your mind and effort to it.

*What came first, the chicken or the egg?

The Egg. Evolution of the creature who laid the egg is yet to be determined.

*What is your favorite color?

Green, and Pink- not together.

*How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

He'd Leave it to Beaver

*beach or mountain?


*left handed or right handed?


*Why are you taking this interview?

Cuz my friend sent it to me. And cuz I was asked to...

*who do you count on when feeling down


*do you plan in advance


*What attracts you most?


*Do you feel comfortable showing PDA in pubic?

Why not - some people need to get over that. Learn from the Europeans.

*How many hobbies do you have


*Close your eyes for a moment, who pops into your head?


*Do you say "I love you" in the relationship?


*Aliens have landed and selected you to visit their home planet. Do you go with them?

LOL - seriously?

*Describe your perfect Sunday morning?

Watching the sunrise over the ocean.

*If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?

Photo Journalist

*If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I live here already.

*If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?

I wouldn't want to be anyone but me

*If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?

All depends on who's coming

*What is your favourite word?


*What makes you cry?

I'm not one to cry.

*What makes you laugh?

Too much to list... but ignorant haters rank up pretty high

*If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?

Fox or a wolf

*If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions?

Buy my favorite mansion on the beach & another Lincoln Navigator... & be responsible with it all so my kids can have a good life.

*If you could travel back in time, what mistake(s) would you want to correct?

I have no regrets. Everything happens for a reason - and if I changed anything, I wouldn't have certain things I love today...

*Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full?

Depends - Half Full if it was just poured, Half Empty if ya drank from it ;)

*What do you do for fun?

Life's a Beach. I take lots of pix

*Are you an outdoor or an indoor person

Depends on the weather and my mood

*If you had only six months to live, what would you do first?

No time is ever guaranteed - so why change

*What 3 words would your best friend use to describe you?

Brutally Honest & Interesting

*Where do you see yourself in five years?

Very Busy with my 3 sons ♥ homework, sports mom, etc

*What are you most proud of in your life?

Being a Mommy

*Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have?

Dumeril's Boa, Betta fish, and Dogs

*Who do you admire most?

My kids

*Do you have any tattoos, and if so what and where?

LOL - I'd give a list, but more fun to have ya guess n do research.

*When do you plan on getting married?

been there done that

*Get the number or give the number?

Email - but They usualy give em to me anyway

*Romance or Kinky?


*How do you feel?


*What size shoes do you wear?

 Depends... some are 8 - 8.5 but some of my sexy boots are 9

*Water or 100% Juice?


*Would you rather be hot or cold?

hot - Kinda why I migrated from Jersey to Florida LOL

*Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?


*Favorite Place to Eat?

Varies on my mood

*Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other?

been to all... VIP whatever

*What is your favorite clothing brand?

Baby Phat

*If you had to pick one car, which would it be?

Lincoln Navigator - fully loaded & with the sunroof n built in child seats etc

*What are some of your favorite Disney Films?

Almost all of em

*Why did the chicken cross the road?

For Entertainment purposes of makng you Wonder Why.

What was your last thought?

I have the handsomest baby - Karizma

*Favorite fruit?

Mango, Pomegranite & Acai

*Are you a cat or a dog person?

Reptiles - they don't whine, crap on ur floor, or walk on ur counters after steppin thru the box...

*Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Neither... I wouldn't want to miss seeing my children and hearing their laughter. But if I HAD to chose, being a photography requires sight - so - deaf .

*Define yourself in 3 words...

Blunt, Beautiful, B*tch

*Do you eat cold cereal at night?


*What is your favorite TV show?

Grey's Anatomy, House, Burn Notice, In Plain Sight - stuff like that...

*Kill the spider or let it out?

Eat It... just kidding - they make nice pets

*Do you shower every single day?

Of Course

*Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore?

I had one live with me - isn't that enough charity? LOL!!!

*Where do you want to travel next?

Cali & Vegas

*What is your favorite food?

Lamb, Lobster Tails Stuffed with Crabmeat, And Porterhouse Steaks ♥

*What is your favorite place?

My Beach ♥

*If you could have one super human power what would you choose?

To Make Certain People DISAPPEAR FOREVER :)

*Have you had a beer in the last week?


*Vitamin Water or Gatorade?

Vitamin water & Acai

*Flip flops or tennis shoes?

Barefoot or stillettos :)

*What do you do on fridays?

Whatever I Want

*What is your favorite song of all time?

"Life is Beautiful" "Desert Rose" "Pocket Full of Sunshine" - - there's so many...



My Hell Froze Over.

I'm Happy. Its been a LONG time. All I can say is I'm glad everything went the way it did. Everything happens for a reason. With my husband, I never dealt with my issues, I pushed them aside and tried to forget them, but they grew bigger in the corner... when we went our seperate ways, I HAD to deal with them. And the deadbeat X I had in the middle kinda made me deal with them... which is ALL I can thank him for besides my Precious Littlest Angel I have been blessed with as a result of our relationship.  When I was alone, I had time to evaluate my life and deal with my issues and see WHAT I really wanted. I had time to be sad and time to think. Many people are delusional and think I want that loser back in my life - I Don't. I don't want him in my life at all. I have three son's of my own - and don't have time for a 30yr old child that doesn't feel like working and uses people. I don't have room in my life to tip toe through the house so he doesn't get mad and throw things at me or worse.  I was sad for a long long time. I had lots of factors to deal with. I lost many people close to me, and one of those people brought my husband {Yes Husband} and I together... and another one of those people was a huge part of my life, and the father of my 1st child. I can take my life and make a blockbuster movie - literally. I had many obstacles I had to sort through. I took the time and did it. And when I did - I was able to clearly see what I wanted, and made goals and plans on how to get there. I am divorced, but from the man I should be with - The MAN who has been there all along and who never left my side no matter WHAT. For OVER 10 years. 10 REAL Years day in and day out. I was never able to give my heart to him the way I wanted because of the unhealed pain from my one true love because We never had closure - We never got a chance to say goodbye, and never planned to. It still hurts but I know he is watching over me from above. In a way, the guy in the middle- reminded me Of HIM. I felt like maybe I could be with HIM again -but that guy wasn't HIM as much as he had some resemblance. I didn't fully love him, I loved the thought of him. I loved the things about him that reminded me of the one I do love. When I was with him I thought of my true love. The only difference was that my true love Was a Great lover, as opposed to his proxy. Fact is, nothing can bring him back and nobody can take his place in my heart or fill the void I felt. But when I realized this, I also realized that there was no void, as he will live forever in my memories and all the years we shared will always be part of me, and I can pass them on to our son. His "proxy" did me wrong on so many levels, but at the same time, did me good. He saw I had wings and Showed me... so when he pushed me, I flew. And I'm moving Forward in my life with nothing stopping me.  I had the most beautiful New Years Eve with my husband, it couldn't have been more perfect - on the beach with a blue moon. I brought my baby boy into the world January 8th, and the next day it snowed. Here in Florida it SNOWED. For the first time in over 8 years we had snow in Cocoa Beach. From my hospital bed I had the most beautiful view. My baby in the crib right next to me, and in the background: The bay and part of the ocean with snow falling in the early morning. Hints of sunrise mixed with the fading nightly lights and glistening white snow. {I wish I could have taken a picture, but from the bed it didn't turn out.} In any case, I knew in that moment that My Hell Literally Froze Over.

And now for the first time in a long time... I'm happy. Truly Happy.


To My Past, Present, and Future Prospects:

I meet people every day, everywhere and some people I find more interesting than others. But before you start to prospect me there are some things you should know so it’s no surprise, And so you can’t pretend it was.

1: If that last little note made you feel like it would be something that would apply to you - f*ck off now and don’t waste your time or mine. I HATE fakes and wannabes.

2: I have had ONE true pure love, and you will probably NEVER compare to him. So if second best doesn’t work for you - buh bye. He will always be number 1 in my heart and soul. He’s the father of my oldest son, and I will always love him and miss him. {May he rest in peace}

3: I’m the bluntest b*tch you will ever meet. I speak my mind, I don’t tolerate bullshyt, and I don’t let anyone walk on me. So if you think you’re going to be able to seduce me with your charm and then be an utter a$$hole, Don’t expect me not to be a bigger a$$hole back and push you away.

4: Don’t think I’m going to cover you’re a$$ and pretend you’re Mr. Perfect if you try to double cross me. Double crossing me WILL BE your BIGGEST mistake. You might end up like this guy with a crystal clear admission of guilt blasted out to over 500 people on yahoo proving that YOU are The Liar, NOT Me!! http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/12/21/538607/September22-2009-admits.mp3

5: Abuse will NOT be Tolerated. If you aggressively put your hands on me, I won’t take it lightly. If I actually care about you, I’ll try to get away like in the case recorded above - but Don’t think you walked away with a free pass. However the result of THAT situation might change my future reactions.

6: My ex-husband has been my best friend for well over 10 years, so if you think you’re going to put an end to that, you are sadly mistaken. I confide in him and he confides in me. So if you do him wrong, I won’t hesitate deleting you from my life, and if you do me wrong - you better hope it’s not in category of #5. And no he’s not the only Ex I’m friends with. Most of my male friends have been around for at LEAST 5 yrs to Over 10 years, and some of them have been more than friends at one point or another - and category of #5 is guaranteed to find you a Royal a$$ whooping from more angles than you’ll be able to count by the time they are done with you. I have NO problem with males and females being friends and/or best friends. If you try to make it seem that I do than stick your foot back up you’re a$$ because those who Know ME Know Different.

7: If you suck in bed or have a little d*ck, I’ll most likely tell you or end the courtship. I’m not getting any younger and don’t want to spend the rest of my life with a selfish, half-a$$ lover. But, If you interest me in other ways, I’ll probably be nice and keep it to myself so as not to hurt your ego. How Ever - if you turn out to be an a$$hole - don’t think my best girlfriend won’t hear stories, And you can Bet your Life we have had a good laugh about your sexual dysfunctions and inabilities. Just because you have your tongue pierced doesn’t give you magic abilities… I’ve noticed that the guys that do generally don’t know what to do with it. Not speaking for all, but as far as my most recent experience - he was a total FAIL when it came to pleasing a woman in any way shape or form. Any chick that thinks he is a good lover Apparently Never had a good one LOL. (I have had the best experiences with the love of my life and have higher standards of expectations than someone who had had nothing but cheap lays)

8: I will Not support any Man Or play mommy to you. If you get to be a prospect in my eyes and get my attention - it’s because you are presumed to Be a Grown Man with something that caught my interest. I have the attention span of a grapefruit and get bored easy, so if you plan on keeping my attention - ACT Like a Grown Man. If you have No Job, and don’t hold up your end As A Man - my attention will be directed elsewhere until you disappear. I might miss you if I liked you, but I’ll still be laughing at you and so will others I’ve talked to. If you are the kind of guy that runs home to mommy like a little girl with all kinds of sob stories to make yourself seem like a poor innocent trapped victim when things don’t go your way - then you need to grow the f*ck up and You are Not worth my time. My ex-husband Set some pretty damn High Standards of my expectations for what a Man’s role is - and If you Can’t meet my expectations, then don’t waste my time or yours. **What DO I expect? Well, A Man should have a JOB. I’m Not going to support you - that’s Not My Job, I’m NOT Your Mommy. If you work hard and bust your a$$- you can bet your life I will do anything for you. If you don’t, well, Don’t Expect Shyt from me in return. I’m Not going to be the one working, going to school, raising my babies, AND playing Mommy to A Grown Man. I’d rather do the rest by myself then have to take care of another Pet. If you Work hard (make income), RESPECT ME, and Contribute around the house - I’ll be that woman who does Everything for you: I’ll cook for you, clean, wash your clothes, even serve you your cold beer… whatever makes you comfortable and happy. But I WON’T do it for a Deadbeat who sits around playing on the internet or video games all day when he could be out getting a f*cking job. So if you talked to any of my ex’s and they told you I didn’t do anything for him - it’s because he didn’t deserve it. I believe there’s a few of them floating around on the internet someplace - and only one I can think of fits into the deadbeat category. The others I love to death and would still do anything for them.

9: If you didn’t run away yet, there may be hope for you. Lol. Don’t make Empty promises. If you tell me you’re Going to DO Something - DO IT. If you keep telling me you’re going to do this or that - I Expect you to follow through with it. You can thank my ex-husband for that - because He ALWAYS followed through with his promises. If you don’t - then you’ll lose my interest REAL Quick! Even if it’s something small on this site - Like if you tell me you’re going to get me a Bling Pack, or a Happy Hour… and it doesn’t happen when you say it will, I take that as a sign that you are the type of guy that talks out of his a$$. Actions Speak Louder Than Words. If you talk talk talk and I see no actions… what can I expect from you if you’re here? Been There Done That! LOL. The Last guys I got rid of who made me empty promises is STILL living home freeloading off his mommy and people who think they are his friends, jobless, f*cking off on the internet every day. I wasn’t tolerating a deadbeat loser so didn’t make his life all cushy in my house. I let him make his Own food, wash His Own clothes, and pick up after Himself - when He used dishes he had to Wash them. I wasn’t cleaning up after him. Sure he complained he Had To DO SOMETHING - but why the f*ck would I clean up after a freeloading deadbeat??? So he can have More Time to DO NOTHING? BWAHhahhaaHAHAAhahahha. I have/and had better things to do - like work on my college work. There were also a few people who had interest in me since him who made me empty promises and got no further than that. I don’t hold my breath Waiting for ANYBODY. Some people don’t get that I just Don’t Care. There are millions of gorgeous men out there who work hard and deserve women to treat them like the Men They Are - Why waste time on the ones who are old enough to go to bars but still need their diapers changed?

10: Respect ME and I will Respect YOU. Respect is not a one way street. If you want me to Respect You - you Better Respect Me. If you’re acting like a whore and pretending you’re single when you’re with me - then don’t expect me to Respect you. I have plenty of Real Men waiting in line and they all know if you’re on your way out. Some even have betting pools of how long you’re going to last - ROFL. Once I lose respect for you, it’s pretty much over. You may think I care and have delusions that I’ll be waiting here for you - but the cold truth is - I already made a fool of you and moved on. And if you’re Still Dwelling on Me than you’re an even Bigger Fool.

11: The L Word. Love. If you are lucky enough to have love from me in any way shape or form, Cherish it. I don’t expect you to love me back, but I do expect you to respect that you earned a piece of my heart. And just because I Love you in some aspect, doesn’t mean my world stops At YOU. Put it this way, I Love My Kids, I Love My baby daddy’s, I Love my friends, I Love my DOGS, I Love my Pink Playboy Bunny Purse, I Love Heart Shaped Diamonds, I Love Pink Leopard Print and I love animal print in general. I also Love my snake, taking pictures, and doing graphics. Point taken? I know what love is. There are many types of love and pieces of my heart are not given randomly. But Just because I may love you, doesn’t mean I’m always going to Like you, and doesn’t mean I’m IN Love with you either… and IF you get THAT from me - bravo. You’re one of the few - but it doesn’t mean you will have that forever if you neglect it. If you have a piece of my heart, you will always have a piece of my heart. I don’t forget those I loved even if I don’t ever talk to them again. And YES even if you have a piece of my heart and I can Still Hate you at the same time.

12: The beginning. If you made it into my life and become a significant part of it - be Honest from the beginning. I’m Not Impressed by a Sea of Lies that Will eventually unfold into what’s true and what’s not. I weed out the fakes pretty quickly, and Unless I find enough interest in you to see past your insecurities that caused you Lie to make yourself seem like something you’re not - You will be dismissed quickly and likely publically humiliated since I have no problem telling the truth about what a LIAR you are. Which is usually humiliating to those who live a big lie, since they will actually have to start being Real for once. I’m talking real life not internet. Or maybe both.

13: The End. When it’s apparently Not Working. Be a MAN About it. Being A whiny sissy lala is not going to get you very far. There’s no need to lie and pretend you were perfect and try to put the blame on me. Most people who have Actually HAD a Real relationship will know the difference - and KNOW it takes TWO to make things work. The one’s who Might Believe YOU - probably Never HAD a REAL relationship. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but at least I can admit when I am in the wrong or didn’t do my part in whatever we had. Keep in mind that I’m above average intelligence and most likely can Prove My Side. (I wasn’t scouted out to be sent to police academy to be a detective for nothing - even though I turned down the opportunity.) I very likely have enough evidence to bury you into the next century if you try to pull the “She was so horrible and I’m so perfect and innocent” role. You can bet your little useless d*ck That I have enough recordings, photos, and documentations to show all the good As Well As all the bad of our relationship. If you’re stupid enough to Out Yourself - believe me I have copies. I have ex’s who literally admitted to things THEY did while trying to make ME look like I was at fault - ROFL… Some people are too blinded by the titles and the surrounding bullshyt story to even notice… but that doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed and highlighted those areas for future reference. So it pays off to be a MAN and own up to your end of the responsibility. Very likely since this world is so big yet so small - we will likely cross paths again. How you act in the end of our romantic ordeal will affect the level of comfort in future encounters. It’s Best Not to Burn your Bridges. I’m actually friends with Most of my ex’s, not ALL but Most. Some others that acted like a Man about the End of Our relationships in which we just went our separate ways - when we run into each other - it’s not an unpleasant situation. We usually say hi, talk a little, and go about our ways. The remainders who act like Pathetic Losers about our separation usually don’t have pleasant encounters with me because THEY make it that way. I try to be reasonable to those sad pathetic excuses for men - but if they act like an a$$hole to me - I’m not giving them any undeserved respect.

*Basically it’s simple common sense. Treat others how YOU want to be treated - because with Me - That’s Exactly What You Will Get.


♥ Morgan

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