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Here's another posting from Karen Bishop! Enjoy! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings! Welcome! Becoming as free and clear as possible is what our souls are attempting to do, as we continue to prepare for a very new residency in a very new place. And even though many of us may be fairly clear of much that is vibrating lower than we now are, or was holding us down in the past, we still do not yet know exactly where we are going. Here’s the situation and the divine plan, and as always, we are right on track: In mid-summer of 2008 we began to get signs or symptoms that we were done. This manifested as not knowing what we were now supposed to do, feeling worthless and out of place, feeling invisible and not valued or needed, and generally just lost. By October, the dis-connect was very evident and complete for many, and by January of 2009 it was fairly clear that something very new was on the horizon for 2009. January brought in many manifestations of setting up for the new, of creating a very new stage for ourselves, and of getting a new foundation ready for a very new reality in a very new place. Almost as if we were packing for a very special trip, we were having desires of replacing anything old with something new, of knowing we were going somewhere new and exciting, and of leaving our old world behind as we readied for a new journey to a new land. As we neared the completion of this setting up process, other things needed to be addressed as well. We needed to be ready at all levels. So then, our new foundations also included a new us. Attention to our health and well-being, along with attending to what we needed first was now a priority. We had successfully brought the old world up to a new vibration or rung on the ascension ladder, which was our original intention, and now we were most assuredly able to tend to ourselves for a while. As the ascension process so mimics menopause in both men and women of all ages, this was no exception. We were done “raising” the planet, and now it was time for us. Self-care then, ranged from attending to our weight, to exercising, to anti-aging processes, as the ascension process (especially in the last two years) can really age a person (all that transmuting through ourselves!). We now get to be rejuvenated as we begin again…a re-birth in another land and in a very new reality. In this way, watch as our energy returns, as all those muscle and body aches and pains of the past resulting from our old roles disappear, and as we connect to the many new products and supports out there that serve to revitalize and rejuvenate. In addition, we needed to leave the old world behind in all of its entirety, and this was a long process, or so it seemed. As we neared June of 2009, we had to really let go, let go, and let go some more. We may have suddenly awakened and found that we absolutely had no desire to be with the same old people, the same old things, and in the same old ways. Our roles have changed. We are being reborn. Everything is and will be different now. The more we spend time in the old structures and the old systems, around the old vibrations and the old ways, the more we will most certainly go insane, become incredibly angry, and totally miserable. Like a surgeon with a delicate scalpel, we had to meticulously cut out the old from our lives in order to start again, fresh and new. And starting new with a very new beginning comprised of near nothing, is what needed to occur. The equinox of March 20th and the new moon on the 24th opened another new door. If we were vibrating in any way that was not a match or in alignment with the new reality, we would most certainly know it. Some old vibrations that needed to depart? Not putting ourselves and our needs first. Not being comfortable asking for what we want. Allowing ourselves to be trapped and held hostage by lower vibrations that sucked our energy. Believing we had to be “nice” and polite to energies that were not. “Allowing” older and denser energies to have free reign, thinking we were being respectful. If we were not ready to enter through these new doors, we then had to undergo yet another, but brief cleanse and release. Abdominal distress, muscle and body aches, emotional pain, and the like were common manifestations. And as always, when we move up into a higher vibration, we can become very lethargic, weak, sleepy, tired, spaced out, and as limp as can be. Starting all over again, and starting new can at first feel empty. But it can feel gloriously good as well. It is very freeing. The more that we progress with this process, the lighter we feel, and thus, having to be entangled with anything at all, can make one short fused, con-fused, angry, resentful, and depressed. And butting up against any lower vibrating energies can make one come out swinging. But the more we let go, cut out, leave behind, and refuse to participate in these old energies, the more we will find ourselves in the eye of the storm….our perfect center…and right where we need to be. Being in the eye of the storm is being in a wonderful flow that creates and attracts to us exactly what we need at any given time. In these new and higher energies, we can simply be still, go about our day, and the universe will bring anything and everything to our door. A good rule of thumb to follow in these energies is to pay attention to which doors are opening and which are closed. I have found that any road-block or closed door is simply telling me that there is another alternative that is much better and I will immediately be led to that open door. I need do nothing…the door will arrive almost immediately, and if not, I have learned to simply wait while enjoying myself and staying still. Right now, we are in some very quiet energy. The phones are not ringing, the e-mails may be sparse, and the money may be in a slump (if, you have arrived in the new). But this is only temporary. We have made great progress in setting up our new foundations, in letting go of much, and in simply allowing the flow to take us where we need to be. If we try and push ahead now (and please know that I am only giving you an energy reading here…you can do whatever feels right for you), we will be going against the tide and perhaps even creating things that will need to be un-done and that we will need to back out of later on. It is quiet now because not everyone has yet arrived and because we will not fully connect to each other until everyone does. This time is for our enjoyment now. This time is for relaxing and for us. This time is for creativity and for continuing with the set-up process or in other words, continuing to create and to design what we will soon be bringing into form. In this way, we may not be clear on where we are going. We may feel that we are done, ready to move forward, but have no idea where to go! We may feel lost without a rudder, feel dis-connected yet from our new shore, and wonder where to go that now fits where we now are. This is simply part of the process. This new energy is so very magical, it is so very light, it is so very clear, it is so very precious. And staying in the eye of the storm, or out of the old, is a sure fire way to find it. It is these simple moments that can place us there. The other night I was in bed with my eight year old granddaughter. It was late as she is on her spring break. We were both reading. Periodically, we would stop and ask each other, “What page are you on?” Looking over at her face so close to mine, her beautiful and intense deep brown eyes (we have generation after generation of blue eyes in our family!), and her velvety chocolate brown skin, I could only marvel that my blood actually ran through hers. Waking up in the morning to two little ones but nine months old, as they laugh and giggle, smile so brightly when making eye contact, and fill the room with brightness, makes my day as well. And while back at my home in the wilderness of Ramah, as I sit outside writing on my laptop, with a very gentle breeze flowing through my hair among the warm new rays of spring, I am truly in my center. April will bring in many more connections and even more of a move forward. Things are anchoring in now, if ever so slowly. The equinox and new moon opened more doors, brought us more fully out of the old, and allowed yet more freedom into our lives. These events in March allowed us more “room,” as we could then progress yet a bit forward still, move more fully out of the old, and thus, not have to be “swatting” at the old energies around us! The more we dis-connect from the old, the more comfortable we will be, and the universe (or our souls) is guiding us every step of the way. We need only follow the crumbs, open to this new guidance, get out of the way, and allow our new spaces to magically arrive for us without analyzing, questioning, or resisting. It is through this ease, through these open doors, through these continuing messages and amazing synchronicities that we will find our new spaces and new homes. Saying a vigilant “no” to anything old that attempts to connect to us, and saying a vigilant “no” to any participation in the old and uncomfortable energies, will always allow for the new to arrive as if by magic. By June, then, our anchors will be complete. We will be fully grounded in the new and ready for our very new lives and new realities to begin their complete and assured new beginnings. Because of this new “groundedness” that we will need to embody, we are preparing still in some ways. We will no longer be able to connect up there and out there. We will no longer be able to “leave” through meditating, imagination, or much else. We need to be here now. We are holding these new energies of this very new rung on the ascension ladder and these energies will come through us. We have evolved this far and we have earned it. Thus, we will be shouldering and embodying more. So although we may be much lighter, we will also feel much heavier in that we will be very attached to the earth now. We will need to stay put, stay still, and stay centered. We are holding so much more light now. This confusion on where to go and where we now belong will begin to dissipate. We will soon realize that we are the ones who will be creating where we are going. We have arrived on a new rung of the ascension ladder, and we must now create it. It is up to us. So in this way, as I mentioned in the WINGS post of March 15th, we will begin to connect to each other and form a web of foundation for this very new rung. As we observe what is occurring on the next rung down (or the old world as it is making a massive transition as well), we will also be creating our own very new world on our very new rung. Learning how to stay out of, or navigate the energies of the old world, will seem foreign to many of us, but becoming angels of the earth is our plan and these new ways of being are what this web site is all about. Yes, by April we will feel oh so much lighter, we will experience so many magical occurrences, and we will know indeed that we have arrived somewhere very new while we have gotten oh so out of the old world and old reality at last. With much love and gratitude...until next time,
Another installment of Karen Bishop's Wings - Emerging Earth Angels! Enjoy! And remember to always assess these through your personal "truth meter"....if it feels like truth to you, take what speaks to you. If not, let it go..... Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for you and yours, my dear friends! Welcome! A few days ago, I went out my door for a walk. After going down the gravel road in front of my house for a few minutes, I found myself staring straight on at a small group of deer. What a beautiful sight they were. As we stood there locked in a long gaze for several minutes, I noticed that instead of the five I had counted, there were actually ten. Eventually, they moved oh so slowly away and I progressed on with my walk. On my way back home, as I neared my house, there they were again, as they had moved along on their journey, crossed though my land, and ended up along another stretch of the gravel road I was journeying upon. This time, there were eleven, but as we stood there looking at each other once again, another deer emerged, making a total of twelve. Again, we had a wonderful encounter and interaction, and again we moved on with our own journeys. It occurred to me, as I encountered this beautiful gentle energy of the deer, yet twice in one day, that they possessed a wonderful message. At first they appeared as five…the energy of change. Then came ten…the energy of new beginnings with the zero being an extra energy of special inner gifts. Progressing to eleven, a new portal was opened, with the dual number one serving as pillars of new beginning energy for a wonderful entry point. And then eventually, they emerged as twelve…the final energy of a higher way of being..of a new dimension…of completion and perfection. And this is what is occurring now for so many of us. First we experienced great change and much that was new. The energies were encouraging us to leave much of everything behind and to set up a very new foundation for ourselves. New and different was the theme. Change readying for new beginnings. Along with this, we progressed through a portal to a new and different shore. And currently, depending upon where you are on your journey home, there may be a strange and unsettling calm, a void or standstill, a space of no movement, and a wondering where you are now. As always, we wait for the perfect time…we wait for enough souls to come to their own places on this journey…their own places in the new with their own new foundations now being set up. So in this way, after we progress to a certain point we may feel that not much is occurring, as the critical mass needs to be met before the next big surge forward and big experience of new and exciting adventures can arrive. Yes, we are laying a very important new foundation now. We all need to be ready. From new web sites, to new cars, to new clothes, better health, or perhaps new homes and new friends, we are preparing for something very big…for the new dimension of completion and perfection. We are now being asked to wait as everything is not quite where it needs to be before we move ahead. All the pieces are not yet together as a whole. It is not yet time. Shortly after the equinox on March 20th, there will be a bit of a shift along with the new moon on the 26th, and our new beginnings will then begin to open more fully. Waking Up At 3 A.M. Part of this preparation involves waking up at around 3 a.m. every morning, unable to go back to sleep. The last time I saw this happening was a very long time ago, when we were adjusting to the higher vibrations and evolving very rapidly in the beginning stages of our spiritual evolutionary, or ascension process. There is a lot of energy running through us as we are preparing. Our souls want to get moving with their new roles, but it is not yet time. We are grounding in the new energies here in our new spaces, and thus, we indeed need to be here and not in another reality of dream time. We need a break from being gone as so much is occurring on all levels…we need to be here. If you are one who is unusually sensitive, you may be finding it difficult to be out in the world, or to even have interactions at all with anything going on “out there.” Much of the old world can feel downright awful, as it is currently in such a major transition that the instability can throw us off balance and off course. Sensitives can oh so easily pick up these feelings of instability and uncertainty from others, but know as well, that the energies of the fall itself can be ever present as well. The energy of uncertainly, as all the pieces are not yet together for a big thrust forward, can be felt at all levels. At our soul levels we always know what is occurring. Thus, our souls serve to protect us in every way by making it very clear what is occurring at higher levels. The uncertainly can manifest as fear and uneasiness, as a jittery feeling of insecurity and vulnerability, but it is only our souls telling us to wait a bit longer before we forge ahead. It can be difficult to make any kind of decision then, as there is so much unpredictability now present, as well as these energies now being shaky, confusing, not attached to anything, and simply hanging out there with no seeming direction. This is simply part of the process of moving into another reality. We are setting up (and many are now done with the setting up), and have not yet come to the phase where we actually attach to the new shore. Add to this the void, or space left from the leaving of so many light filled beings, and much darkness can seem to have rushed in and taken over this very vacant spot. Darkness can seem to have much more of a foothold when we are in a vulnerable position, but this will soon pass. Another new challenge is the fact that those of us who left (there were many), are no longer “allowed” to assist, to integrate, to interact, or to save what is now left behind. Nothing to hang onto in the old and with our old ways of being. So used to bringing up the lower vibrating energies, so used to interacting with openness in any given moment, we are now being asked by our souls and our group soul decision as the creators of this magnificent shift, to stay away, to bow out, and to wait for those who are ready to come to us for wisdom and direction. A strange time indeed. Everywhere we turn, we may see darkness and appalling circumstances still present, as this shift is long and deep, but our souls know that this is simply part of the process and all, as always, is in divine and perfect order. We are simply in a void of in between, and temporarily so. Our Current State Setting up the new for ourselves is taking a while as it is so vitally important that our new foundations are right where they need to be. In addition, we are each at new and different stages…some ahead of others and some still preparing. Staying in the eye of the storm is also vitally important now. Just putting a toe out into the swirling energies of the old can serve to smack us severely. In many ways, we have to go back into the old in order to set up our store-fronts or parts of our new foundations. These can be challenging interactions, but they can also be divine as well. We can ask that the perfect person and circumstances present themselves to us. We can refuse to participate or interact with anything less. In these times now present, simply staying still while we wait for what we need to miraculously arrive is becoming the norm as we begin to realize these new and special ways of the higher realms. Creating our own personal sanctuaries and staying there is of great comfort and can immediately place us in the wonderful space of peace, love, calm, joy, and great miracles abounding. This is the difference between the new and higher realms that we have arrived in and the old world that is falling very rapidly now. And the chasm is now very vast indeed. These are times for asking and being sure about what we want. These are times for expecting nothing less than the perfection we have now arrived in. These are times for ignoring, refusing to participate in, and for shutting the door on anything and everything that vibrates lower. We are the creators of our new reality here. It is up to us to decide what it will indeed look like. Vigilance is important, as we accept nothing less than what we have envisioned for so long. We get to decide who will reside with us here. We get to allow access only to whom and what we choose. We get to create whatever it is that we choose to create in these new and higher vibrating spaces. I am in the process of purchasing a new piece of land here in the mountains of West Central New Mexico, just moments away from my old land that I am now selling. As I visited this new place today, it became very clear what is now occurring. An ancient being arrived at my side at one point during the day, dictating to me that this new land of mine should be a portal for the star beings, as they wanted an entry spot. He said that they were counting on me to provide this for them. I had interacted with this being before, as he was the original being in charge of the first waves of ancients arriving on this Earth…an ancient one indeed. I promptly told him to depart and never return. I am planning on creating a very special space on my new land, and it will grow and open oh so slowly to each and every living thing that needs and “should” be there. It will be perfect in every way. It is up to me and up to all of us what we choose to create in our new Heaven on Earth. During these times of massive transition and massive energies of the fall, we can actually live about anywhere we choose if we are able to create a personal sanctuary within and in our immediate surroundings. This new Heaven on Earth will begin with small pockets of energy. Very small and vibrating high… in time, these new pockets that we will create will come together, join hands, and create a magnificent web of higher vibrating energy and reality. It is up to us. We are not going to get it up there or out there or back there. We will need to indeed create it ourselves. We have graduated and are now holding enough light within us to sustain what we used to get from the outside. And coming together is slow and steady ways will eventually create the web needed to hold together our very new reality in the higher realms. Tuning out the old, ignoring the old world as much as possible, not participating in the old, and knowing that it is now indeed OK to disregard others, will make our journey much easier. The new ways of navigating and surviving in the new (and the old) will be addressed in much greater detail in the new mini e-book I am in the process of creating and offering to you on this web site in the near future. These ways are different than we have ever known. The old world may seem ugly now because it is supposed to be. We do not belong there anymore. We now belong in this very new space that we are indeed creating one special piece at a time. We have been beaten down so much in times past, as this is very simply a part of the process. It is our ego selves that are being beaten away…being lashed at, pounded upon, and hit until we are willing to let them go…to let go and to surrender to our souls and to the light that is now indeed within us. All else is being washed away as it is no longer needed. This is part of the process and always will be. It is the simplicity that will remain…the true and authentic parts of ourselves that will remain to guide, create, and to love this Earth and all her inhabitants. As we begin to vibrate higher within ourselves, we reach a point where we no longer feel comfortable being alone. In the beginning stages of ascension, we needed to be comfortable being alone, as this was part of the process of letting our fear of being alone go. And now as we are vibrating with the energy of a whole, we can have distinct and at times painful desires to be with others. This is as it should be, because we have now evolved to the states of unity that are present in the higher realms. This is why we will soon be coming together. We had to start over first. We had to create and experience a very clean and clear slate and palette before we could place a thing upon it. All in divine and perfect order. Soon then, we will begin to hold hands with others who are vibrating where we are, and who are divinely intended to be in our spaces. As this process continues to unfold, while we continue to create our new foundations and palettes, we can know then what is on the near horizon. If we can keep our minds on positive thoughts, if we can be grateful for so many things, we can also know that this can assist in keeping us right where we need to be as well. (A brief note here: If you are experiencing any panic or anxiety, a great remedy is calcium and the Omegas 3, 6, and 9. As always, it is best to consult your health care practitioner. Staying in the eye of the storm will very naturally create a very calm state as well.) Although things may indeed seem confusing now, they are actually simply part of the big plan that is unfolding as it should. We will all be OK, as we are the creators of this plan, and it was intended that we remain intact and safe in all ways. Are you ready to see what the end of March will bring? And are you ready to be fully integrated, grounded, and complete with your new beginning in June? I sure am! What a journey these last stages have been! With much love and gratitude...until next time,
I am posting another installment of Karen Bishop's take on the energetic changes taking place. Enjoy! And remember to run her thoughts and words through your personal "truth filter".....if it doesn't feel like truth to you, just let it go! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Bit by bit, piece by piece, we are starting over. After enough souls residing in the lower dimensional old world, had been given enough time and opportunity to choose if they would stay behind or move on to their newer and higher vibrating reality of the next step for the whole, many of us then left for the next rung of our very new reality. When we left, we may have felt a great completion, a sense of loss of identity and purpose, and perhaps great feelings of no sense of place. We were done with a very important phase, and because this phase was completed by enough of the whole, we were most certainly done with a very important mission. This was a huge completion. Because we are very done, we are now readying to start over…to experience a grand rebirth, and some very new beginnings. Immediately before we entered our own very new space, or higher dimension, great muscle and physical pain could be felt, as we were squeezing what was left of any density we may have had within us, into a very small birth canal. But once we arrived, any discomfort may have magically dissipated. Moving into a higher vibrating reality creates common themes that are always present. Some include: A very low tolerance for lower vibrating energies and ways of being, great loneliness, memory loss, a strong feeling of no sense of place, a great dis-connect from much of everything, extreme fatigue and feelings of not wanting to do anything but rest, apathy, sleepiness, mood swings, great joy, peace, a deeper connection to Source and our souls, greater feelings of love, and a very strong awareness of what is around us. What does all that mean, exactly? · A low tolerance for lower vibrating energies: Lower vibrating energies are much too dense for those vibrating higher. They can feel very heavy, unpleasant, and downright awful. These energies are encouraging us to flee, to leave for a higher vibrating shore where we belong, and to create a higher vibrating reality somewhere else. We no longer belong nor do we reside in the lower dimensions. Personal sanctuaries and nature are the remedies for these challenging feelings, along with creativity and things vibrating high (love, caring, respect, art, music, and anything neutral, etc.). · Great loneliness: The higher we vibrate, the more we spin off lower vibrating energies within and without. Eventually, there is not much left that we can surround ourselves with. Thus, we can become lonely as we are the forerunners, unless we are able to tolerate the lower energies for long periods of time, which becomes nearly impossible after a while. Eventually, we may seem to be the only ones around, but this is now changing (more about this further along in this post). Hanging with children (as they naturally vibrate higher), and finding small circles of friends and loved ones that really love us and care about us (even if they do not share our beliefs), and vice versa, are the remedies. True and authentic love vibrates high and this is enough to keep a connection, even if we have nothing else in common. · Memory loss: We are evolving into pure energy, and also leaving much behind which can then become difficult to remember. In addition, the higher we vibrate, the more we exist in pockets of energy with different themes. What is in the now is all that exists, as we no longer hold strong and long connections to much. Higher vibrating energy moves in and out, very quickly, and is very in the moment. We are also becoming pure energy. In this way, specifics and details become moot after a while. I continue to receive correspondences from readers who feel a need to correct my spelling, grammar, and punctuation. What is happening here, is that I am now spelling phonetically and cannot remember detailed rules of grammar, etc. I used to be the continual winner of every spelling bee and meticulous about grammar and punctuation as I loved it, but it is simply not possible now, and too time consuming to send each WINGS post out to someone else for corrections. Superimposing letters and words in sentences is common as well in the beginning stages. Details and analyzing eventually become moot as well, as love and energy are all that will eventually remain. · No sense of place: This experience is very common and will occur each and every time we move up a notch on the ascension ladder. We no longer reside in the lower dimensions and the new has not yet arrived. In this way, we do not fit anywhere. There is nothing to connect to and nowhere to go. We may feel lost, freaked out a bit, insecure, and perhaps loose our confidence as we feel out of our old groove. Knowing that these feelings always pass is the remedy here, as well as being in the moment as much as possible, and keeping busy and distracted can help as well. · A dis-connect from much of everything: Much leaves our space through the ascension process. We may begin to vibrate differently than others and thus need to part, or perhaps our prior friends are now leaving for a very new and different “assignment” than ours. We can no longer relate to or become a part of the old systems, and even our loving animal companions may part as they are unable to travel with us to our very new shore (they always return again in a new form!). Connecting to the new is the remedy here and it can really make us feel so much better. · Apathy, exhaustion, and sleepiness: We feel apathy when we are re-booting, resetting, or in a space of hovering while we are waiting for our new connections or new roles. Exhaustion comes from re-wiring or having our bodies tune up to a higher frequency (our cells are morphing and this take a lot of energy), and sleepiness occurs when we are going from one dimension to another (as does being cold with an inability to get warm). No remedies here, except to just go with these stages and know that they are always temporary! · Mood swings: We feel great around the higher vibrations and not so great around the lower ones. We can try and stay in the higher vibrations as much as possible and in a loving and accepting state when in the lower ones. · Joy, peace, a deeper connection to our souls, and feelings of love: This is what occurs when we remove ourselves from the old, or the lower vibrating energies. If we can remove ourselves as much as possible, it is then much easier to be around the lower dimensions for the short periods of time that we need to. And when we are around the higher vibrations of unity, caring, respect, creativity, love, and joy even in the old world, we can easily feel much better as well. · A very strong awareness of what is around us: The higher we vibrate, the more unity we experience. Separation occurs in the old reality, and when we encounter it after we are vibrating higher, it can feel downright awful. Being aware of each and every thing that is around us, and knowing that we are a whole and all one, becomes increasingly evident the more we evolve. In this way, much else can seem to be existing in great separation mode, almost within its own bubble of separation and locked doors, and thus appear to exist in some strange world of its own. This has always been the toughest one for me, as not “seeing” or acknowledging one another feels particularly unpleasant for me. Everything affects everything else, and the sooner we realize this as a planet, the better off we will be. Over this past week-end (the end of February and beginning of March), we reached yet another milestone and were then ready to move forward a bit more. This manifested as feelings of great sleepiness, vertigo and spinning for some, and a strong desire to sleep, rest, and nest. We had successfully released much of the old, had set in place enough of the new, and could now let go and move forward once again…forward into a very new reality. Ever so slowly, we have been putting the pieces together for our very new beginnings. New connections, new foundations, fresh and new pieces in our lives have ever so slowly been manifesting and are being put into place. Yes, we are starting over. In this way, we needed to be removed and separated from much. We needed to be left with the bare bones of the bare minimum so that we could start once again. We may have found ourselves with fewer friends than ever before, losses of income, stripped of so much, and may even had feelings of being left out in the cold. This was because we had to be ready to start fresh and new…we had to be ready to begin a very new life with new connections and much of everything else very new. Our slates needed to be wiped clean before anything new could be added, as what will be added will be comprised of much higher energy that now matches our own. We needed a clean canvas before we added the first new brushstrokes of very new paint creating our very new picture. (This scenario is also occurring in regard to earth cleansings and natural disasters. This is why our beautiful Australia has experienced such massive fires…it is preparing a clean slate for a very new and higher vibrating reality. What will emerge from the rubble will be a bright, shiny, and new area that will prove to be a very grounded and pristine place for the New World…a place that will be known far and wide for its very special contribution to the planet.) Thus, we have been released from all of the old…from all of the unpleasantness of the past….from difficult and challenging connections…and from old responsibilities of bringing up the vibrations of the old world and its inhabitants. (If you are feeling miserable and still feel a need to get out, leave the world, and that you are possibly now in hell instead of heaven, know that this comes from a greater connection to the old. The more we are enmeshed in the old reality, the more difficult it can be, and the worse we feel. Things indeed get better as we leave the old world behind, say no to unpleasant ways and individuals, and know that when we are willing to leave and to refuse to participate, we will always be taken care of. Really letting go is always a great benefit that keeps us in the flow during the ascension process.) Our new reality and our new world will being with us. It will begin with one. Soon (if you have not already done so), each of us will introduce one more piece, or one more person. Then we will have two in our new reality (continued relationships from the past can remain as well, but at even higher levels now). This then, will be the beginning of new communities. Know as well that it took a very long time to release the old, so then, it will take a while to create the new (but certainly not as long as it took to release the old!) In addition, we have learned that we need to be hyper-vigilant about boundaries. We need to be ever so particular about whom we allow into our new world and new reality. Not everyone can enter, but those who cannot enter will be met at the dimensional border when they ask. Those who do not ask, are not yet at the dimensional border. And those who do ask, will most times be met through our new store-fronts, which will exist on the border, while we reside on another side, having all our needs beautifully met. What is occurring now with the economy is part of the plan. It was supposed to occur. The old world needed to start over as well. It was time for it to crash, thus, this massive transition is indeed in divine and perfect order,.. and know as well, that we will indeed be protected. We have left that world. Going through these confusing, strange, and perplexing feelings of endings and loss of purpose, are simply proof that we no longer belong on that lower rung of reality (the one that is crashing), and in this way, we have indeed arrived in a land where things are very different. If we can trust that this is so, and if we can remove ourselves from the old world as much as possible (with the exception of our money-making store-fronts), we can more easily experience the Promised Land of joy, peace, love, and harmony, among all else. We are moving along quite nicely now. Feelings of heaviness, entrapment, distress, depression and panic, are indications of a residency in the old world or of interactions with old ways and lower vibrations. Staying still in our center, or in the center of the storm, and simplifying our lives as much as possible, can keep us out of harm’s way. Staying still while being willing to let go and trust can be great resources that enable us to ride the current to a new arrival in the higher realms. We are also much more grounded now as we are readying for a very new reality right here. All the waiting and separation of many years past, and the isolation for many, will soon begin to depart. Yes, we are indeed starting over. Much love and continued gratitude. Until next time,
I was finally able to load and copy the follow up to Karen's Energy Alerts! This is for those who are interested. Please remember to run this by your personal "truth" filter.....I always take these viewpoints with a grain of salt, lol! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings.....This installment is called: Separation of the Worlds Welcome! In times gone by, when we were young and naïve, we may have imagined that the ascension process would be incredibly joyous, full of ease, and lift us up to a higher dimension where we would float on a cloud in Heaven, maybe eating bon bons all day, or perhaps suddenly be filled with light while our challenges disappeared in one fell swoop. We would reach the Promised Land where love would abound and we would never again have an unpleasant experience. Now we know better. Although certainly in many ways things get better and better, and if we were to look back we would see a very different version of ourselves, the ascension process still presents itself in ways we may have never imagined. As we begin to vibrate higher and higher, and reach higher planes of existence, so much changes for us, and we are always met with very new challenges in order to match and align with the higher vibrations we now find ourselves surrounded with. This is a grueling and challenging process, but bit by bit, we come to realize that we are always right where we need to be and experiencing just what we intended to experience at exactly the right time. And we become much stronger as well the more light we carry. The Promised Land is indeed on a near horizon, but getting there has presented itself in many strange, miraculous, and unexpected ways. And paradoxically, the closer we are to arriving, the more we realize that we indeed no longer have the same desires, and service to humanity with disregard to our own personal desires can begin to overshadow all else as our ego selves diminish ever so slowly. As we find ourselves in a very new space, on this latest new rung of the ascension ladder, new and unsettling feelings can arrive as well. The other day, my daughter jokingly confessed to me that perhaps I had become “bi-polar,” as I had been exhibiting some behaviors for several months that she had never seen in me before. She claimed (smile) that I was blissfully happy at one moment and quite grumpy at another. “Who, ME?” I had responded in great astonishment. The usually happy, joyful, and pleasant ME? She must be delirious or perhaps grumpy herself and simply projecting, after all, I knew I was just about perfect just about all the time…she must have been talking about someone else! (smile again) “No, I’m serious Mom,” she persisted. So what was going on? Was this yet another strange and unprecedented ascension symptom? Extreme mood swings from one moment to another with great extremes in experiencing the world around us? Yup, yup, and yup again. After we experienced the great disconnect from the old reality (roughly around October of 2008, but really beginning to manifest itself in July and onward), we were then set free and slowly began the process that this monumental experience created. Losing the sense of our old selves, feeling lost without a rudder, confused, or even useless as our old roles were now over, we also began to slowly re-connect to something very new and different…and magical indeed. This great separation from one reality to another was quite distinct, dramatic, and very complete. We had succeeded in bringing up the vibration of the old world and now it was time to depart to a new shore where things were magical, peaceful, blissful, loving, and where all our needs were miraculously met. But we are still in the process of adjusting, as this has been a substantial vibrational leap. The chasm between the old world and the new reality is now quite large and also quite distinct. In this way, there is a huge polarity present, and thus, while we still continue to straddle one reality with another, we may indeed feel bi-polar. As we progress in our spiritual evolutionary journey, we ever so slowly lose tolerance for lower vibrating energies. At first we may become irritated by them, then we may guiltily wish we did not have to be around them, and eventually we come to a point where we say, “Get me out of here!” Our intolerance then becomes total, and the loving beings that we may feel we should be, seem to have strangely been replaced by an imposter within us that feels repulsed by the lower vibrating energies. “What happened to my spiritual self?” we may wonder. “Aren’t I supposed to be loving and kind to all others? Doesn’t vibrating higher mean that I am now a perfectly loving and understanding person, here to make others feel better when they are around me?” With this extreme chasm now present from one reality (or dimension) to another, our reactions then, are extreme as well. The gap is now quite large. When we are in the lower dimensions, or lower and denser vibrations, we can feel absolutely horrible. Very horrible. This can manifest as great anger, pain, frustration, tension, and a real grumpy attitude. And then quite suddenly, we can encounter something that vibrates higher and we can immediately feel happy, right, blissful, and in a naturally good space. From one extreme to another, we may begin to wonder what in the world is going on within us. And with a near zero tolerance for anything that vibrates lower, we may find that we do not like ourselves much as our reactions to these vibrations are creating unpleasant feelings within us. If you are a woman of menopausal age, you might have recently decided to have your hormone levels checked, wondering if this is the culprit, but with so many having this experience, perhaps it is not due to a physical cause. Ascension has always mimicked menopause in both men and women of all ages. Thus, feelings of “I have had enough,” or “I am ready to be done!” or perhaps “Is it time for me yet?” are very common as we have done so much to assist this planet since our arrival. Short tempers, memory loss, a need for self- care, and a desire to move on are simply a part of our spiritual evolutionary process at this current stage, even if these things do indeed mimic menopause. Feelings of tightness, pressure, and short fuses are also common symptoms as when we migrate higher, the energies become tight because anything that vibrates lower within us needs to be “squeezed out” in order that we become aligned. We may feel as though there is now much more energy flowing within us, we may feel like we are hyperventilating, having pressure in the chest, perhaps feeling like we just got hit with a quadruple shot of caffeine, or may even have difficulty sleeping as so much energy is now flowing through us. In this way, “alignments” do not always feel great. After the energies are squeezed out and adjustments are made, we always feel better…at least until our next phase of expansion! The higher the evolutionary space we occupy, the less lower vibrating energies there are present. This is because love is the ultimate energy that remains. Thus, we lose more and more of ourselves as things progress, resulting in a need to adjust or we become grossly uncomfortable. This latest move upward is no different. We are adjusting now in a great way in regard to boundaries and how we interact with the lower energies or lower dimensions. We are very far removed from them now, so in this way, they feel downright intolerable to be around. In addition, we are so done with them, that we can become exasperated and angry when they show up in our space. Add to this the challenges of the past year, perhaps feeling like a punching bag as so many of us got clobbered over and over, and it can be extremely hard to be around anything unpleasant. We are indeed ready for the new, for our Promised Land or at least a bit of a rest, and maybe even an experience of a very higher order. But the higher dimensions are here as well. Miracles and amazing new connections are beginning to manifest, feeling great is occurring, if even at unpredictable intervals, and we are well on our way to a better and new reality for ourselves. Several weeks ago I began having dreams about the original intentions or rather the pristine connections. For example, one night I had a flash image of December 16th. My daughter was born on the 24th of December, but her due date was the 16th. The message here, or programming I was receiving was about the original intentions. For many years now, we have been adjusting our energies in order to stay in alignment as a planet. We have had to adjust to stay balanced when so much was out of balance. Now, we get to return to the original and pristine intentions, the true connections and alignments, and what we had always planned for the planet. These new and pure alignments are occurring within us, as we can finally get back to whom we really are and to what we came to do…setting up the New Planet Earth. So in this way, we are preparing for our very new roles indeed. In addition, and on this same note, we are clearing and releasing again, but it is very different this time. In a strange way, we went a bit backwards the past year or two. We decided to wait until enough of the masses had a chance to catch up before we moved on, so in this way, we were trapped on a lower rung of the ascension ladder for longer than we may have wanted (but our souls decided we would, so all was right where it needed to be). Because of this, we took on more of the lower vibrating energies (thus, the “being clobbered”) than we had in the past…and these energies were energies that we were quite done with. So now, we are releasing and clearing these experiences once again. The reason that this is different this time, is because it was sort of an add on, or unusual and one of a kind experience. Even after we had been very done and our vibrations were much too high to have these experiences ever again, we none-the-less became entangled with the lower energies as we were waiting until just the right moment to depart. So then, we now need to clear out or remove the residue created from these experiences (hope this all makes sense!). When I began a very accelerated ascension process many years ago (as I was so far behind with my soul’s intentions), I experienced strange and intense dreams for a period of time. These were snippets and frames rapidly flying past me in the night, as I was releasing the old…almost like a life review. This is happening again for me, but to a much lesser degree. We are releasing in our dreamtime what we no longer need to be connected to. So even if you are one who has not had any kind of intentional healing for quite some time, you may suddenly desire to have some kind of clearing done. Even so, the ascension process always creates what it needs to very naturally, all on its own, without any intentional assists. As we begin to move on, away from the lower vibrating energies of the past, we may also become very interested in our own personal health and well being. Now having the time to take care of ourselves, to make adjustments in diet, exercise, and the like, it is finally time for us for a while. At our soul levels, we know that we need to be pristine within in order to fulfill our very new roles. So what about navigating the dimensions? How can we stay sane and happy when we have to be in the old at times? Having very adverse reactions to old energies is a high sign that we no longer belong there. We are being told to leave and go to our very new space and new reality. The higher we vibrate, the more that intentions are no longer viable. Intentions are far too time consuming for the very direct and swift energies that exist in a higher dimension (this is addressed in more detail in Stepping Into the New Reality). Thus, navigating in the higher realms actually becomes much simpler. We need not then, make anything our intention, as we very naturally and swiftly attract what is inside of us. In this way, we can now find that doors that close do so because they are not in alignment with whom we now are. Many doors are opening for us now…new accesses that may have been blocked in times past. And these accesses, miracles, or doors can open if only very briefly right when they are needed, and then close once again. In addition, whenever we find that a door is closed, or that something is far too difficult to gain access to, or rather no easy flow with many blocks, this is our high sign that this is the wrong direction or wrong manifestation for us. Another common scenario of ascension that presents itself frequently is the grabbing or holding on of the lower energies when one has now navigated to a higher dimension. This can manifest in many, many ways, from things in the nature kingdom tripping us when we walk, to individuals clutching onto us, not wanting us to depart, to old energies asking us once again come back and do what we used to do. If we are ever tempted to jump in and assist, we will likely become like the swimmer attempting to save a drowning victim while we are pulled under and end up drowning ourselves. The higher we vibrate, the more vigilant we need to be…to stay on our true and rightful path…to disregard the opinions and ideas of others….to stay in these new and higher realms we are now so blessed to be surrounded by. Another common symptom of vibrating higher? The loneliness. The more we evolve, the smaller our circle of friends becomes. Eventually, we find ourselves connected to but a very few loyal, caring, loving, and very special friends. My star companion told me the other day that my friends would again be “scarce and few.” Ugh! was my first reaction until I realized that these very special relationships run deep and pure and are very special gifts indeed. The remainder of the time, we will be attending to our service to humanity and our connections and loyalties will be in regard to assisting others. Eventually, the communities will form when enough souls are ready, but this is the current scenario for some. As we come ever closer to becoming the angels of the earth, we begin to learn very new ways of being indeed. I am just starting the first of the Emerging Earth Angels mini e-books that will address in greater detail our new roles, how to navigate the dimensions and stay sane, more about our dimensional border store-fronts, and more of the strange and surprising feelings we encounter as we evolve. These mini e-books will be offered to you on this web site via donation only, as these times of transition can present unusual but temporary circumstances for many. There is far too much information about our new changes to be offered solely in a WINGS post. For our special friends down under: Our hearts and prayers go out to you as you experience such great loss through your recent fires. Know that you are greatly preparing for the new, as much is being cleared away for your very new foundation. You will emerge a shining star for our world and we love you so much! Much love and continued gratitude. Until next time,
I believe this may be the last of the Energy Alerts, or so she says. Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Later! Muahz! Greetings! Seven years ago, I began writing about the experiences of ascension. At that time, there were a rare few having these strange, seemingly unexplainable symptoms and experiences. Most individuals were still going about their lives as if nothing had changed. But as time went on, many, many more came on board. In this way, much to my surprise, my audience grew. It was thrilling to see this process in action, as a growing audience of readers was proof that we were indeed going through a miraculous process of spiritual evolution. We have come so far. First, as a small group of way-showers guiding the way and forging new territory for many to follow, and now with so many rapidly climbing the rungs of the ascension ladder. As a planet, we have made impressive progress. The more souls who are embraced by the ascension process, the more rapid our spiritual evolution will become. And this is occurring now. Recently, we crossed a pivotal threshold due to all the purging and releasing we had done so far. A critical mass was then reached because enough souls were now embodying enough light within them to hold the light here…to hold the light for this planet as never before. In this way, any guidance or surges of light coming from the outside, began to diminish. We had graduated to a new level indeed. As the Hopi so eloquently put it, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” And now it is our time. We hold now more than ever before, the answers within us. So in this way, it is time as well, for me to move on. I am no longer needed in this particular role. This role will now be filled by you. We are each powerful in our own rite. We are such awesome souls! And we are moving into new roles. This is a good and miraculous thing. This means that much has transpired and we will now be needed in a new way. This is what the past few weeks and months of re-connecting has been all about. Although I will no longer be writing “energy alerts,” I will still be around, but in a different capacity. I am taking a short sabbatical (I have no idea how long) to complete my re-connection process, and then I will be launching a very new web site designed to assist those growing their angel wings and becoming the angels of the earth. Although all the pieces of my very new role have not all been formulated, know that the new site will be designed with you in mind. I hope you will join me there. Energy alert archives will still be available, as will books and other new assists. And there will be new information posted on a regular basis as well….just like the energy alerts, but now containing things that are more appropriate to where we currently are on our ascension journey. (Those who wish to terminate your donation subscriptions to What’s Up On Planet Earth?, may do so by going into your PayPal history. If you would like to continue with these on-going automatic donations, you may do so as well, as the new web site will be strictly donation only.) While on sabbatical, the Stepping Into the New Reality Questions & Answers page will be updated regularly. So I welcome you in visiting the What’s Up On Planet Earth? site as often as you wish. If you are on the mailing list, you will be notified when the very new web site is up and rolling. You may still sign up through the old web site until then. Everything on the What’s Up On Planet Earth? web site will still be live and running, except that there will no longer be new energy alerts. Thanking each and every one of you for your years of support and dedication seems trite, to say the least. I would not have been able to continue in my joy and passion if it were not for you. My gratitude to you is boundless. And even though I could never rationalize why so many of you kept coming back for more, I was delighted none-the-less. Thank you so much, you beautiful souls! And now, onto the last energy alert: October brought in some very new connections for some, and although things began to pick up a bit, the temperature was still not right for jumping in. It was hoped that the time would be ripe, as many of our ducks were now in a row, but as with much of everything, with personal choice involved, things can only progress according to where they are. In many areas on the planet now, it suddenly becomes cold and nature pulls back thinking it is time. Then all of the sudden it is warm once again, and nature wants to bloom! Very confusing indeed. And this is how it is with the energies. It can be difficult to know what will come next, as any normal patterns have seemingly changed. In this way, at higher levels we are being asked to wait a bit longer, to pull back, to stay out of the mainstream, and to sit tight until the masses are indeed ready for our services and assists. The natural inclination of the masses is to want things to be “fixed,” to want some stability, and at times to want to go back to the familiar and to restore as much as possible. But this cannot be. So until enough are ready to let go and embrace something very new, to become aware of their brothers and sisters that surround them, and to support each other as a team, another big and substantial shake-up will indeed occur. Going into the masses now, before the time is right, will result in some fairly unpleasant scenarios. Much of the time we will feel invisible, invalidated, not heard, diminished, dis-respected, and basically as if we do not even exist. Lower vibrating energies cannot “see” higher vibrating energies, similar to angels existing in the non-physical plane, and this is what will indeed occur when we attempt to jump back into old energy. It will be enough to make one want to flee and never return. So then, we can know that our needs will be met while we “wait.” It can be a good time to enjoy ourselves and do fun things and simply laugh and play, as always. The re-connecting process has been a long one. Many are having strange dreams and unusual visitations in their sleep. Hearing sounds, feeling a presence, and so forth are symptoms that another dimension is indeed now merging with us. Coughing spells, intestinal distress, heart palpitations, and insomnia are also signs of preparation for the new as we release more of the older and denser energies within us. One interesting symptom of ascension is the inability to spell things correctly or write an appropriate sentence. It can be common to superimpose letters as well. As one with a history of perfect spelling and grammar, this has been an interesting experience for me, and has grown increasingly worse. I choose to believe that the message is what is truly important and have really let go of the perfection of it all, so I don’t bother with an editor as well. It simply does not matter anymore and is a place I can no longer go. This ties in as well with that old familiar memory loss when trying to have a conversation. We are moving into states where energy is all there is. Little details do not matter at this stage. It is the feeling and the energy of anything that is all that is left. How in the world do we survive when our brains no longer function? We just do. There is a higher part of us, or our souls, who navigate through it all. We are simply losing much of our old 3D selves. By trusting that our process is being divinely guided, and thus, allowing ourselves to leave the old behind and move forward into a very new space, will always place us in alignment with where we need to be. If we can know that what is occurring on the outside has nothing to do with us, separate from the process of the fall as much as possible, and stay in our personal sanctuaries, then we can rest assured that our connection to something new and more aligned with Source and our true authentic selves will be ensured. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you continued Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life. Much love to you all, Karen Evolution glyph swirl
Newest Alert, just issued and posted. Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Later! Muah! Greetings! Things are shifting and sorting, all in readiness for a move forward the second half of October. There are various stages to this latest phase of re-connecting, and some of us may be here while others are there, but all in divine and perfect order, as always. The process of re-wiring or re-connecting to a new shore, or higher vibrating home involved a tuning up within, as well as a tuning up without. The economy here in the US is undergoing a similar process, which will affect the planet as a whole. And as we tune up within, we will affect the planet as a whole as well. This is a massive transition…but as many of us are far ahead of the masses, we will be nearly untouched, as all our needs will be met with ease. If you are one who has recently let go of connections to the old, you may now be finding yourself in a space of self-exploration, perhaps considering a geographical move, and wondering what your new role might be. Being still, exploring new options and passions, re-connecting to what it is that you really and truly have always wanted, and allowing things to unfold oh so naturally are your keys. During these times, we are always taken care of. If we are in a phase where we are re-connecting to our authentic selves, or allowing that process to unfold, the universe is always behind us, supporting our needs until we are complete with our self-exploration. There is a road map for this process in Stepping Into the New Reality (more about it at the end of this energy alert), as this process is a key component of ascension, and will continue on for many who are on various rungs of the ascension ladder. If your re-connection process is complete or near complete, you may find yourself in states of busy-ness, with too many projects to tend to, perhaps feeling overwhelmed, and with a seeming inability to complete just one. All in varying states of being half-finished and scattered. What is occurring here, is that we have one foot in one reality and another foot in another. And the realities are about setting our foundations, beginning those new projects, and tending to our supports until the new has arrived in full. Because we have created our new connections, this begins then, a new phase or new energy current that wants to be utilized, while at the same time, we may still need to finish up some of the old in order to be ready and prepared for the new. It is just a matter of overlaps while going from one place to another. Another common scenario of moving from one vibrational level to another, is having an experience of seemingly everything breaking and needing to be repaired or fixed. What is occurring here, is that there is now a vibrational mis-match, and things need to be adjusted, or “fixed.” We have to set up new alignments for the new, and this is simply part of the process. If nothing is happening for you right now, and everything seems still and dead in the water, then know that your new connections are still being lined up. You will connect when all is ready and in alignment. We are all in differing stages of this process, but in the end, our new connections will arrive when they will! And oh so perfectly indeed. During this time of new connections, we are experiencing a new unity as well. As the veil thins on a regular basis, we ultimately begin to see our neighbors, brothers, and sisters for who they really are. The masks begin to fall and we are once again united with more of our memory intact. If you are one who has seen beyond the masks for a long while, it can be wonderful to have others now join you in recognition of each another! This new unity is occurring because the time is right. All is in divine and perfect order. We are beginning the stages of supporting each other. And as we choose to let go of what is rapidly falling now, we will then find ourselves in groups of like-minded people, all willing and able to connect in beautiful ways. As I have mentioned so many times in the past, we are embodying so much more light now within ourselves, that we are the ones we need to defer to. We need no longer ask for wisdom or support outside of ourselves. We are at an evolutionary level now, that allows us to dictate our next steps and the next phase. Enough of us are ready. We have morphed to a new level of becoming angels on Earth. A space ship is not going to arrive and save us, the darkness is not going to take over the planet, and any horrible scenario of the end times will not occur. These illusions come from an old 3D mentality and are not necessary, nor can they exist in the higher vibrations we now find ourselves in. Continuing to focus upon darkness during this process of transition will only serve to fuel an unwanted scenario of complete illusion, as well as placing one in that reality…a reality that is being created and maintained by those who are buying into it and bringing attention to it. The reality is this: We are transitioning from the old to the new. We are now existing in a higher vibrating reality. Anything that is not vibrating at this new level, will cease to exist, as there is no energy left to sustain it. Thus, it crashes. In this way, the old cannot be held up or saved. It is not possible. No new blood or attention can bring it back. This is what we have been waiting for, so it is actually a time to rejoice if one chooses to focus their attention in this way. Connecting to the new or a different shore is what will sustain us now. The reason we are experiencing the re-connections is because of the fall. So you see, we are always being taken care of, and know as well, that we are the ones creating and implementing the plan. This is why we are always right where we need to be. We would not create a scenario or plan that would jeopardize those who are here to assist. That would not make sense. At higher levels, everything is always going in the same direction. There is no polarity…there is no darkness. So-called darkness is only here to spur us on to create something new and different. The darkness is in reality, the light as well, as everything is always light. Here in the US, if we had not had George Bush as president for the past eight years, we would not be where we are now. And where we are now, is in a space where enough individuals are willing and ready for change…for a new and higher way of being and living. George Bush had to shake things up for us. He did a wonderful job, and he did his job well. He was just part of our ascension process, and at his soul level, he knew exactly what he was doing. We are all in this together. So then, the so-called “darkness” is not trying to take over. It is showing us the way. There is not a war here between dark and light, as everything is in on this together. The best thing to focus on now is the new, and simply leave the so-called “darkness” behind for others who still need a wake-up call. It is not for us to try and bring it down. It has its’ purpose. Our job is to hold the light, to create the new in our own sanctuaries of choice, to allow the old to fall. We are in an incredible space now, during an incredible time. Letting go of the old, staying centered and still, and tapping into who we really and truly are, will automatically place us in the higher realms. Focus is key as well. Looking in a new and different direction, focusing on a different perspective, or simply thinking about something else when times seem tough, will automatically catapult us into a new reality created simply through thought. We have an opportunity now to create what we have always wanted. We have an opportunity now to come together in communities of choice. We have an opportunity to offer our own special gifts and talents to others in order to create a whole. These are awesome times indeed… So get ready, as the latter part of October will rev things up, cement things in, and connect us so much more securely to a very new beginning! Which side will you choose to be on and what will your new beginning be? A brief note: Stepping Into the New Reality is indeed ready to roll, but for various reasons will only be ready for purchase when the new web site is up and running. We are anticipating one more week, as the new site is very near completion now. Thank you for your unending patience and your continued support! www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl
Hot off the presses, the newest Energy Alert by Karen Bishop. Remember as you read to run this through your personal "truth" filter - what feels like truth to you! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings to one and all! Later! Muah! Greetings! As the fall of the old world continues in earnest, varying scenarios are becoming more and more evident. If we can remember that we are smack in the middle of the end times, it can perhaps ease our minds that all is in divine and perfect order. The end times…we are in the end times…and considering this fact, I believe we are doing very well indeed. As the transition from the old to the new continues on, we may thus find ourselves enmeshed in a little of this and a little of that. This grand process of ascension was meant to be gradual in order to create the most ease possible. So then, the more we find ourselves enmeshed in the old, the more difficult our lives can seem. And the more we find ourselves embodying the new, the easier and more effortless our lives can be. The energies of the old are frightened now. They know at some level that they are leaving. In this way, they are becoming ever more difficult to interact with, as fighting, fear, nastiness, and an extreme effort to maintain some kind of control has the lower vibrating energies by the coattails. When those of us embodying more light begin our attempt at departing into the higher realms, our departure can be met with grasping and holding on by the old. Like a swimmer attempting to rescue someone who is drowning, the rescuer can easily be forced under and dragged down by the one who is drowning. It is ever important now to stay out of what is falling, or we will go down with it. And when we stay out of it, we can easily find ourselves in spaces of magical synchronicities, a new unity with others, and a new reality where all our needs are always met. We cannot bail out the old. We are in the higher vibrating energies now, and thus, there is no more energy to sustain and fuel the old. There is nothing left for it to hold onto. If we go back, we can easily get sucked under, turned inside out, thrown off balance, and become lost in a whirlwind of fearful and grasping energies. What is creating this now rapid fall is the simple fact that so many souls have now arrived on “the other side.” This joyous fact signaled the next phase resulting in the fall of the old very rapidly now….and it took nearly the entire year of 2008 to complete this latest phase. Enough souls had to be on board…enough had to be ready to let go and leave the old behind. Those struggling to hold onto what must now depart are in a space of unpleasantness, most certainly. It is time to surrender to a new way. And in this regard, our time is finally here. It is finally time for us to jump in…to jump in to the new…not the old. Who is in your space now? Whom do you find alongside of you? In what energetic space are you now residing? While the old continues its’ fall, those on the other side will be forming small communities of sustainability. In my small community here in the mountains of New Mexico, we are having talks of year round community greenhouses, mutual supports in building natural and earth sustained homes, and the like. Individuals are coming together now more than ever before. Putting our passions together to form a whole is the key. The “temperature” has not been right in all ways until now. So now, it is time to jump in. It is time to move forward, to create, to unify, and to begin some new. And in this way, we will thus be supported. Thus, October is bringing in some very new projects for many. Our time is now. We have completed our “re-connection” (although this process has different and varying timelines for everyone), and we are now very ready to roll along with the new, as we are the ultimate creators. It is those who are bearing the most light that will hold this planet up now as never before. By staying out of the old and out of what is falling, and creating new connections and a new grid of reality, we will most assuredly find ourselves in a very new Heaven on Earth. Re-connecting to a new us, a new us with more and different responsibilities to the spiritual evolutionary process of the planet, has then ushered in these very new projects. In this way, all is in divine and perfect order. Some manifestations of this re-connection or new space can be felt as sleeplessness (as we now need to be here, more than ever before), various muscle pain, especially in the feet (as we are now very grounded here), feelings of pressure (as there is so much to do and these energies are arriving rapidly now), and even upper back and neck pain as we open more fully and connect to our angel wings. The key to staying centered and on the other side during the fall is to align with your creativity and passion. Staying in this space as much as possible allows for anything and everything needed to arrive for us all on its’ own. And even though it may be difficult at times to watch what is occurring now within the old, knowing that each and everyone there will have the opportunity to be where we are now, can give some comfort. It is time to get ready with our store-fronts. These arenas of our service to others who are still on the other side will serve to sustain us while we are transitioning into a reality where money no longer exists. In hard times, there is always money available. This is an undeniable plan we created at soul levels, and thus, it will work. In this way, we will all be fine. And when we are not involved on that dimensional border with our store-fronts, we will be interacting in unity with our brothers and sisters on the other side, having fun, enjoying ourselves, and having all our needs met in an effortless way as we each contribute to our very new whole. Do we need to live in remote areas to stay safe and secure during these times? No. In 2007, the San Diego area of southern California experienced some intense fires. There was so much community support there, so many services were offered, and so many came together, that there was actually an overabundance of help! A love and respect for one’s community is all that is required, no matter where we reside. There will be more natural disasters, most certainly. The eastern US will experience some untimely and intense hurricanes. While I was there most recently, I continually picked up this vision of what is to come. But here is another certainty as well. One year, I saw that the US would experience nine hurricanes that year. The very next day, CNN reported that they we predicting nine hurricanes that year as well. As it turned out, we did not have even one. With so much unpredictability now, and with the ability to make change and choose differently, as we are the ultimate creators, most any scenario is possible. We will all be right where we need to be. There can be no mistake. We were not meant to go down with the old. It is not part of the plan. As we begin to connect very rapidly now to our new and very needed roles, the roads before us will open very clearly, and we will be united with our very new projects, very new people, and some very new ways. These are very exciting times indeed…and if we are willing to let go, the river will take us to a very new shore. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl
Received the newest of the Energy Alerts, so I'm posting this for the others who like to read them, as well. Remember to run her words through your own personal "truth filter". Much love, warm hugs, and blessings, one and all! Later! Muah! Greetings! Our transition from the old to the new continues on, and even though it may be producing fear and uncertainty within many, I can assure you that all is in divine and perfect order. My brother David has created a new web site for me (it is almost complete now). He designed it from the bottom up in the little spare time he has. His area of expertise is in software programming and writing programs for governments and the like. He is very good at what he does, and is known far and wide. He can do things no one else has ever been able to do. He is making sure that each and every one of you will be able to access and view the site with ease in every way. He designed the web site with the basic underlying structure and skeletal system in pure programming script. He wrote it from scratch. He was adamant that the new web site be very clean, pure, and clear. This being his area of expertise, he would accept no other way. With a new web site designed in this way, I can no longer utilize the software I have been using for the past several years to update my site. David says that it adds a “lower vibration,” or rather a more muddled energy to the site that would clog it up again. So then, I am getting ready to learn some programming language so that I can update and add to my site on my own. I’m very excited, as I actually love working on my own site; it has always been a great creative outlet for me…and now I get to learn a very new way without the crutch of a software program doing it for me. I will be utilizing and going directly to the source without the middle-man of software. And this is the way of our current transition. We are letting go of anything that is not pure and clean, or vibrating high. And we are thus going directly to Source. And this creates the necessity to learn new ways. And this is why we have recently been plugged in to our true and authentic selves...connecting more fully to our souls or to Source. And this is why so much of the old world in now falling away in earnest. And this is why we need to be very good at what we do. And this is why we are now ready to be who we came to be, have always known who that is (even though we think we do not), or are now getting the opportunity to discover who that is and get up to speed with it. Our time is now. We are in the intense staqes of the fall. This is the time we have been waiting for. This is why we arrived on this planet in the first place. This is why all our needs will be met and we will be OK no matter what is occurring in the “other world.” It was meant to be this way. We had to re-connect to our true and authentic selves right now more than ever before because of what is about to occur even more rapidly now. We are right on schedule and right on track. I just returned from a visit to North Carolina to see my daughter, her husband, and my grandchildren ages eight, four, and twins born 2 ½ months prematurely on June 12th. One day I took Solomon outside for some air. He is one of our new babies. They had been having a heck of a time adjusting to formula and to this world, so they had been fairly fussy and agitated. Their physical forms were still yet undeveloped due to their early arrival. Well, the minute he found himself outside in nature, he dramatically changed. He began looking around, got extremely calm, and seemed to notice every leaf, breeze, ray of sunshine, and blade of grass. But the most glorious part of all was the reaction of the nature spirits, the elves, and the fairies (lots of elves and fairies in the mountains of Western North Carolina!). They immediately came out of hiding and greeted Solomon as if he were royalty. They were unmistakably in a space of high reverence for him. And they were so very grateful, thankful, and in awe that he was here. They were truly delighted and very excited. This is a very special time for the nature spirits…to be able to connect to a higher vibration such as his. It was quite a moment indeed. The new little ones carry such a high vibration. As I have mentioned so many times before, they are arriving in droves as they are instrumental in holding a high vibrational grid to keep this planet intact through the transition. They are like no other. This is just one indicator that all is in divine and perfect order, or this would not be occurring. This is such an exciting time! As much continues to crash and fall, we will be called upon to offer our areas of expertise. In times past, much of the old world paid little attention to us. The continual crashing and falling of the old will thus create a summoning for something very new and better, as there will not be much to hold onto anymore. We are now being given the opportunities to prepare our store-fronts and to get much in order so that we will be poised to assist and share our wisdom and knowledge. This is why we experienced such a lull in recent times past. It was a gift for us…a time to re-connect. Our store-fronts are one way that we will be ensured financial security in these rocky times. And the remainder of the time we will be safe and secure in our sanctuaries, enjoying ourselves with all our needs met. While I was in North Carolina, they were experiencing a severe gas shortage. People were waiting in lines at gas stations for over an hour, only to eventually be told that there had been only so much gas available, and they were now out. In the relatively small town where I was, just south of Asheville, no one was coming together. There was no carpooling. People were not helping each other. It seemed that each and every one was on their own, desperate for gas (I am sure other areas reacted differently…I hope!). The lack of unity was blatantly evident and difficult to digest. The fall will create unity. It will force individuals to come together and to assist one another. The earth and her inhabitants can easily provide all that is needed without the need for money, only we have been used to living as very separate entities and seem know no other way…until now. My daughter Ari has a passion for children’s clothing. Through her passion, which creates a higher vibration within her, and also serves to provide a place for her attention to attach itself, she has created a network where several mothers exchange clothing. In this way, when their children outgrow one size, through their unity, all their clothing needs are met in an on-going way as they continue to trade with one another. Because she is aligned with her passion, she has then been able to create effortlessly in the arena of her passion and purpose. She is in alignment and thus a match for a higher vibrational reality. Ari’s family is struggling financially now. But if she were to be “bailed out” by someone continually saving her and holding her up, she would never have the opportunity to arrive at new and better spaces on her own….nor to connect with her gifts and talents. Saving and bailing out only serves to hold up old energy that needs to fall (generally speaking; there are always exceptions). Going to a store to provide her own needs, would have created separation, and an added stress that says we all have to do everything on our own while taking care of our own needs. This is part of the old world and the old reality that will rapidly be changing. When we are willing to connect to our true and authentic selves, to know who we are, and to provide this energy to the whole, then unity is ever present while we are more connected as well to our souls and to Source. (Stepping Into the New Reality goes into great detail about this entire process and is meant to serve as a guide and support through these rocky and transitional times. It is currently in the hands of my publisher, and should be ready for purchase in a week or so.) Although most of us are very aware that the old is collapsing because of the new and higher vibrations present, there are wonderful things that these higher vibrations produce as well. Because it is now time for us to serve, guide, and assist, all our needs will be met. We will not be affected by what is occurring in the old world. After I arrived home recently, I knew I needed to start thinking about acquiring some firewood, as the weather would soon be changing here at 7,000 feet. In this way, it was on my mind. Today I was the only one at our small post office here in Ramah, except for a very young Navajo mother. As I was leaving, I noticed her spouse and their baby in the car waiting for her. Delighted to see one of our little ones, I poked my head in the car window, squealing with delight. “Your baby is so precious!” I exclaimed. “How old is she?” I was met with only one response. “Are you by any chance in need of some firewood?” They greatly needed the money and I greatly needed the firewood. Our needs are usually met, and many times we do not even know it as we are so used to feeling powerless, stuck, and unable to create. Being used to this state of being can at times allow us to accept without seeing what is right in front of us. We simply need to connect to a new and different way of thinking and being, and know that all solutions are there…all we need do is connect to them and get out of our own way and out of any beliefs that things have to arrive in a certain and specific way. Many of our animal companions will be departing during this time of transition. But they are really not departing. When we cross over to the “other side,” we do it through the old 3D death process without our form, or through the ascension process, with our form. Due to various circumstances, some or our animal companions cannot take their current forms with them. Sometimes they are too ill or the like. In this way, they will of course be returning to us, but in very new and more highly vibrating forms. So they are not really going anywhere, but just changing clothes so to speak. The same is true for some of our human loved ones. We will, of course, be able to communicate with them with great ease in this new and higher vibrating reality. I do it with my grandmother all the time, and in this way, I have never missed her. Another phenomenon many have asked me about is the situation with electronics. We are vibrating higher now than most electronics, so then, they seem to go haywire each and every time we make a vibrational leap. Before I left for North Carolina, my printer decided it would not work, my dvd player would not connect or work, my cell phone froze and I had to take the battery out and then put it back in, and light bulbs would blow whenever I turned on a light. This is all very common for the ascension process. It is simply a mis-match in vibrational alignments. With new and higher vibrations now present, much is also magnified. If we were to get stuck in a victim consciousness, for example, that led us to believe everything was falling apart and we were powerless, we would then probably begin creating all kinds of situations that made us feel powerless and out of control. But if we are able to shift into something very new, with a new perspective, and know that we are always in charge (remember, we need to be more vigilant now than ever before), we would then begin creating and experiencing a much more pleasant reality for ourselves. We just have to get out of the snowball effect when we get in a funk. At times it can be challenging, as the old reality is so darned uncomfortable and it may seem that there is nowhere to turn that vibrates where we now are. But if we can know that we no longer need to hold up the old, that we are absolutely allowed to enjoy ourselves now more than ever before( as we have earned it and are now on the “other side”), that we can be in our creativity most of the time, and that we can have fun while we are waiting for the old to really come down, we will then find ourselves in a very new space indeed. October will bring in some refreshing energies. The equinox on September 22 brought in energies that magnified things, stirred things up, and for some, placed them in spaces of their worst nightmares. This was simply the old coming to the forefront encouraging changes to be made, and in most cases, big nudges to leave the old behind…..and now knowing that it is OK to do that. The energies of the old can at times feel like a big vacuum cleaner sucking us in….the old does not want the light to leave! But the old must fall, and through this process, we can stay in our heavenly sanctuaries as we need no longer go back….the old must give up and eventually be willing to come to us for a new and better way. So again, get ready for October as we will then be securely plugged in to our new outlets and ready for some new and supportive energies… all in our court! www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl

Is It Just Me.......

Is it just me.....Is anyone else feeling this deep, all encompassing sadness? I'm working really hard to keep this feeling at bay, not permitting it to overtake me. Maybe just the Mercury Retrograde getting closer, the Full Moon, the approaching Autumnal Equinox.....? Glad I slept halfway decently last night! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Later! Muah!
This is the newest Energy Alert, issued today! Enjoy! Remember that this is Karen's interpretation on what is going on energetically. Be sure to run it by your own "truth meter", lol....whether it feels like truth to you. Much love, warm hugs, and blessings, one and all! Greetings! The energies have not changed much over the past few weeks, so even though there is not much to tell, in a strange way, there is. We are still in a stage where we have unplugged from one “outlet,” and our plugs are hanging in mid-air until we plug into a new “outlet”…but the glimmerings are arriving for that very new outlet in strange and sometimes subtle ways. This is an exciting time indeed. While we are in the unplugged stage, we are preparing and re-aligning in preparation. We are preparing for a whole new us with a very new role, or new aspect to our current roles. So then, being unplugged means that things are still, as we bottom out before we begin again. When things are still, at times it can feel that there is more going out than coming in, but this will change when we plug in once again. Things may be still without, but not within! During this preparation period, we were given the opportunity to open and to embody much more light. After this stage is complete, we then begin to feel the glimmerings of a very new connection. You may suddenly feel very empowered for no particular reason. You may feel like taking a stand. You may feel ready to let go of any of the old that has entwined itself around you or that perhaps you interacted with out of politeness. You may feel like you did your part in a higher way, but you were the only one, and now you must move on….ready to dis-connect completely from any energies that were in a very different space than you. You may feel like it is time to have your way. Some are having dreams of empowerment, of re-connecting to something new, solid, and of a much higher order, and others are finding new strength in setting boundaries. The past year and a half have been challenging for many, but we are about to finally re-connect to something we have not felt for a very long time…and it will be even better than what we have known thus far. You may be feeling the glimmerings of being strong once again, as during the dis-connect, we can become disconnected from our true and authentic selves because we are moving into a more pure and higher vibrating version of ourselves. This can make one feel weak, fragile, lost, weepy, and frightened, but it is only temporary. It reminds me of a heart transplant surgery, when the old heart is removed, and all the blood is drained from a patient before a very new heart is then implanted. In addition, a big shift has occurred over the past several months, even though it may not have seemed like much was happening at all. This shift is directly related to what is about to occur, and all of it has to do with re-connecting to a new and different energy. Over the past several months, we were removed from the old, prohibited from holding it up in any way, and may now have found ourselves in a very new space. Our old roles of holding the light for the entire planet were now abruptly over. This may have caused confusion for some, as who we had always been had suddenly changed, but we are, as always, evolving. We did not need to do this anymore, as we had completed one very important phase. In times past, the higher energies would bombard the planet, and thus, create frequent shifts. But as time went on, and as we progressed so much in our spiritual evolutionary process, the higher vibrating energies coming from the outside began to diminish and subside in frequency and duration. There-for, these phases of “everything is going so well!” and “there is so much light!” became fewer and far between. But there is good reason for this seeming lack of light and presence of “darkness.” We are now embodying much more light within. And because of this, it no longer needs to arrive from the outside. So then, we may think that any big phases of light filled ease and glory that we had experienced in the past may never come again, as we have not seen them like we used to. But what is actually occurring is that we need to carry the ball now…ourselves. The scales have tipped….we are the light as never before. There is still the same amount of light, only it is has now been distributed a bit differently, as it is now within us to a much greater degree. In this way, we are very strangely releasing from the whole…the whole being the outside energies of the universe or Source, as well as the whole being the old energies of prior creations on the planet. And yes, of course we are still and will always be connected to Source, only now we will be running and managing our energy in higher and different ways. We will be finding that the way we utilize energy will now be a bit different. We will thus need to manage energy through ourselves in different ways, and we will be guided and connected to these different ways without needing to consciously know how. So then, we have graduated. In this way, we are now being encouraged to do what we want to do. This means that connecting to outside energies of Source like we may have done in the past, in order to tap into the “flow” of finding our direction or path, are not nearly as necessary. “What are you talking about Karen?” Say, for instance, that we need to make a decision. In times past, we may have looked for “a sign” or we may have waited to be guided by the higher energies of Source, or placing the light outside of us. We can now choose what we want, and then make it work. It is entirely up to us. There is no right or wrong, or even guidance from above, as the only guidance now is that “it is up to us.” We have earned it. We are re-connecting then, but we are re-connecting to ourselves…our true, authentic, and light filled selves. But we are also connecting to a new whole, while we release from an older and more densely vibrating whole of the past. The new whole is comprised of purer energies…and most importantly, it is comprised of us. So then, we are connecting to ourselves and we are also connecting to each other. It is then, much more about us now. As we release the “old whole,” we begin to learn about discernment and boundaries. Although we may still have many different energies wanting to arrive within our spaces, we will now interact with them in new and better ways. This is because we are no longer connected to them in the ways of the past. We are now more detached and can simply see love in every situation, as we now know that everything is not about us. We need no longer “work with them” or even try and be a part of them. We are no longer connected, so we can now observe them, know that they are not about us, and hopefully see them in a loving way. Wonderful things are about to transpire, but these wonderful things are all in relation to how we choose to handle or interpret what occurs for us on a daily basis. We need not be “waiting” for a better day to arrive, as each day has, as always, its’ own gifts and beauty if we only choose to look. The better day, then, comes through us. In this way, we are now more powerful than ever before. Yes, we may have utilized this knowledge and these principles in times past, but there has been a monumental shift now, so things are different in this regard. As the equinox of September 22nd draws near, so will our shifting and connecting to things new. Brighter and better things will depend upon each and every one of us now, more than ever before, as we are the ultimate creators. Connecting to our passion, to our true and authentic selves, to what makes us feel great, and to good and special friends are the ultimate ways to connect to more light. And knowing who we really and truly are, while bringing that gift to the planet, will automatically place us in one big and awesome alignment. I will be in North Carolina spending time with my grandchildren from September 15th until September 25th. I do not have internet access there that allows me to post new energy alerts on the web site, so there will not be a new energy alert until after September 25th (unless, of course, there is some incredibly exciting news to report before I leave on the 15th!) As always, much love to you all….. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl
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