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                Okay, I think I’ve had enough of all the rhetoric and sheer idiocy of so many people in the world who not only wish me and mine ill, but wish to control every aspect of my life. As an American, I’ve been blessed by God (yes, GOD – you know, that Supreme Being we’re not allowed to talk about anymore?) to have been born in a nation where I have certain rights that were given to me by Him. Yes, my Creator, God, not a panel of idiots who have managed to get themselves elected to office so many times they feel they know better than I what is good for me.

                So, here’s a list to those who wish to tell me how to live my life, and just what my response to them is. If you don’t agree, I truly don’t mind. You see, that is your choice, and whether you believe in Him or not, that choice is the gift He’s given you. You will deal with the consequences of your own choice.


To President Obama: You are not the “Prophet” or the “New God” of America. I truly don’t care what color you are, so if I disagree with your policies, don’t call me a racist. You want to control me, I don’t want you to. Does that make me a racist because you are black? I don’t think so. If you were any other color, it wouldn’t matter. You want to control me and what I can do, you want to take the money I work so hard for and give it to someone who doesn’t deserve it. I do not want you to. Does that make me racist? Well, if despising someone who wishes to take away my God-given rights is racist, then I guess I am.

                Oh, by the way? I was willing to give you a chance when you took office, but after seeing how you dismiss me and the majority of Americans as being too stupid to understand what’s “good for us” and push through laws we have clearly told you we do NOT want, I think you’ve lost that chance. What you have done is un-constitutional.  Considering you are a constitutional lawyer, the only reason I can see that you would do such things is because you know, but do not care, how illegal it is for you to do that. You can say that “Congress passed the law” all you want to, but We the People know the tactics you used to force Congress into doing what you wanted. For your actions, especially knowing how illegal they were, you should not only be impeached, but recalled from office and tried for treason.

                Yes, I said TREASON. Remember that oath you took when you took office? The part of the oath you took that said you would protect and defending the Constitution of the United States of America? Deliberately shredding the Constitution instead is an act of treason, not the act of a President.

                To the NAACP, the Latino League, and other racially-based organizations: You are the reason for racism. The majority of white people really don’t care about color, but the more you push how “special” you are, the more you piss white people off. Try being a white person who is out of work, can’t find a job, has a family to feed and a mortgage to pay, and get any type of help from the government. You won’t be able to. Why? Because of your organizations pushing a “minority” agenda. I thought this was America, and we were all Americans? When did the color of your skin take precedence over being an American? When did the color of your skin make you better than anyone else? Talk all you want to about how the “white folk” have always had it better.  If you want to be “The Man” you’ve always ranted about white people being, then go to a country where you ARE “The Man.”  In this country, we believe that you should be based upon your merits, not the color of your skin, the language you speak, whatever. If you have no merits, then you deserve nothing. Try this – get a job, quit selling drugs and quit killing people of your own color who don’t agree with you. Maybe you will one day be taken seriously.

                To the members of Democratic Party: Some of you still have sense and believe in what your party once stood for. You actually stood up against pressure and voted NO on a bill your constituents said they did not want. Not all Democrats are bad, just like not all Republicans are bad. To the rest of the Democrats, though, who ignored the will of the people – your time has ended. Apparently, you have forgotten that our government is a one “of the people, for the people, and by the people.” Since you have forgotten, let me remind you. That means that you should be one of us (of the people) and not a career politician who embraces back-door deals to pass something we don’t want, and then recuse yourself from having to follow the law because you know just how bad it is. You should be voting exactly how the majority of your constituents wish you to (for the people) because that’s why you were put in office in the first place. And you should remember the most important thing – it is the will of the people (by the people) who allow you to serve, not your own self-serving agenda. We the People will remember.

                To the members of the Republican Party: Get rid of any progressives within your ranks. It is the progressives that have taken over the Democratic Party and turned them into a communist party in all but name. Don’t let it happen to you as well. You are doing well so far in saying that you will only do what the people want – make sure you follow up with that. If you do not, you are no better than the Democrats who are pushing to change the name of our great nation to the U.S.S.A. (yes, the first “S” stands for “socialist”).

                To the members of the Westoboro Baptist Church: God doesn’t hate anyone, even gays. If you were truly the Christians you claim to be and not the Satanists you present yourselves to be, you would know that. God loves everyone, and wishes they would all come to know His love. In fact, He loves us so much He gives us the ability to choose what we wish to do, because only if we give ourselves to Him willingly can we truly be saved. He sent His only son to die for us just for that reason. He loves everyone, even gays, that much. I guess you forgot to read about that part.

                To all right-wing extremist militia groups who wish to overthrow the government: Get a clue. Using weapons or trying to kill law enforcement officials to start a revolution will never be the answer. I have one word for you that will, however, change the government. Vote. Yep, vote. Use your voice for what it’s supposed to be used for, and make sure that whoever goes into office is a person who will reflect your beliefs. Whether or not the voice of that person you elect will be heard or not is up to you.

                To left-wing groups like Code Pink and MoveOn.org: Seriously, are you so stupid that you think you are any different than “the other side?” I mean, come on. Your tactics are just as violent and oppressive as anything the far-right can ever come up with. The only difference is, you are more prepared to use violence to silence anyone who opposes you than the right is. Wow, scary, huh? That’s ok, though. You keep chanting “Bush lied, people died!” all you want to. I’m sure God will let you know the truth of your idiocy when you die. Right before you get sent to burn in hell along with the far-right idiots.

                To the so-called black Reverends advising Obama: I’m sorry, I despise you so much I won’t even say your names. You think evil white people want to assassinate Obama? Sorry, you’re as wrong about that as you are about white people being the cause of all problems. White people don’t want Obama dead, because we don’t want him to be a martyr. He should live his life in jail knowing he was the only president to ever be fully charged for crimes against America. As for your charges about the “N” word? Look that word up. It was a word that originally meant “ignorant.” I guess that word truly describes you, doesn’t it?

                To the blind (and I don’t mean as in blind in sight) of America: Wake up. Get off your couch. Quit eating your fatty-burger from Fatso Fats fast food restaurant and pay attention. You thought you had rights, such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to well, just live your life the way YOU want to. Stay asleep, and you will wake up only when you end up in jail for doing what you thought WAS your right. Yep, you will end up learning that the only thing you are allowed to do is what the great government wants you to do unless you get up off your couch and use one of the greatest rights you have as an American – the right to vote.

                To Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid: Keep celebrating with all your million-dollar dinners, champagne, limousines and your exemptions from any law you push through against the will of the American people. You will be fired. And all those perks you were looking forward to when you “retire?” Kiss them good-bye. You wanted the law; you will pay the same taxes anyone else will. You will be forced to deal with the government in the same way that any middle-class American will. Oh, wait – after all the taxes on the rich you passed, you WILL be middle-class. Lower middle-class. You deserve it.

                To the members of Congress: It is time for you to have term-limits. Here’s the deal; you will be given the same pay and benefits as you give the military. You can spend 20 years in Congress, maybe even up to 30. However, your pay and your benefits will always be the exact same as you give members of the military. If you want to give yourselves a 5% pay raise, guess what? The military gets the same pay raise. Oh, and by the way – no member of Congress, no matter how long they have served, will ever get paid more than what the Joint Chiefs of Staff members get. Period.

                Oh, and by the way? I’ve figured out just how all you “pork-hating” members of Congress can get rid of the fluff. Pass an actual amendment to the Constitution stating that no bill may contain anything other than what it is designed for. In this amendment, you can add that any member of Congress, who proposes a “deal” in order to vote for a bill, will be fined from their personal (not tax-payer) funds to cover the deal. And any member of Congress who offers a deal for a vote will be fined the exact amount of the deal from their personal funds as well. If there is to be a bill to fund the military, jobs creation or whatever, only the funds proposed for that purpose will be authorized. Anything else will be taken from the personal fortunes of the “politicians” who propose them.

                Another note to Congress, and Obama: I think you have forgotten a very important part of the Constitution. You cannot do anything that does not deal with commerce between the states or that does not deal with foreign policy. Anything other than those two things is a state-controlled issue. That’s right; you don’t have the ability to tell any American what they can or cannot do. Only the states have that right.

                To my fellow Americans: Look up the word “treason” and apply it to the oaths taken by the elected members of our government. Look up the oath these members take. Know exactly what our elected officials can and cannot do according to law. You will see just which ones deserve to be labeled as “traitors” and tried for treason. Since there are too many in our society who do not agree with the death penalty, which is the actual penalty for treason, let those who hate our society so much they wish to change it against our will to rot in prison. That would truly be a punishment that would fit the crime, as living the rest of their lives knowing their names will go down in history alongside Benedict Arnold will kill them more than anything.

                To the Agnostics and Atheists in America: You are outnumbered. Suck it up. If you don’t like it, move. You have that right.

                To the Islamic Extremists around the world: We get it, you hate Jews. Remember a few points, though. You honor Abraham and Moses, just as much as the Jews and Christians do. Abraham and Moses were Jews. They both informed the enemies of the Jews of what God would do if they opposed God’s chosen people. You will be destroyed. Your own prophet told you to honor the Jews and Christians, since all worshipped the same God. God chose the Jews as his chosen people, and the Christians are saved through His Son. Doing your best to kill the followers of God and God’s chosen people will do nothing but get you killed. You won’t go to heaven. You won’t have however many virgins you think you’ll get. You’ll get a lot of demons torturing you for eternity.

                To the Islamic Jihadists: Yep, just like any other religious extremist that destroys the innocent people of God, you just aren’t going to find paradise. Unless, of course, you think paradise consists of ugly demons torturing you for eternity…

                To the allies of the United States that has been true to us: Thank you. Isreal, Australia, Great Britain… We know you are not perfect. Neither are we. But you have stood by us, and if we, the People of America, have our way, you will not be forgotten.

                To the nations of the world who hate America: Prove it. Give up all of the American inventions we have given you. If you hate us so much, give up your phones, your computers, your electricity, your cars, your planes, your televisions. Some of the inventors of these things came from your nations, but they all claimed to be Americans, because it was only in America they were able to have the freedom to create their inventions. Amazing, huh? All the wonders of modern technology, and it came from America. If you hate us so much, ban it. Ban all things American. I promise you, it won’t hurt our feelings one bit. Just remember, the generosity of the average American Citizen is so astounding, you keep begging us for help, even when you hate us. If something bad happens to your nation, don’t ask us for help. Show your hatred, and only ask help from other nations that hate us Americans as much as you do. Good luck with that, by the way.

To the people of the world: Can’t we all just get along? I don’t know who originally said that, and I give kudos to that person. I know that it is nearly impossible, since we Americans cannot even get along. But think about it. The more we strive to give each other a voice, the better chance we have of ending all the things we all desperately want to end, such as violence, war and hatred.

                And finally, to the members of the armed forces of the United States of America and those who spend their lives protecting America, such as our law enforcement officials, firemen and emergency medical personnel: Thank you all. If it were not for you, we Americans would not have the ability to speak our minds and live with the freedoms that most countries dream of having. I know the freedoms you willingly give up in order to keep America free, because I have been in your place. So thank you, and God willing, one day you will be recognized as the only ones worthy of praise.

                God bless you all, and keep America free.

We the People

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If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he may write something along the following lines.

                As the popular saying goes, “Once upon a time,” we, the founding fathers, created a document that would live through the ages. We fought amongst ourselves, trying to imagine every possible scenario that the future could bring. In the end, we felt that no matter our differences, no matter our political beliefs, the document we created would last through the ages.

                Because the document we created would be simple enough that all men, regardless of color, creed, or religion would be able to understand it.

                The document we created would limit a federal government. It would keep its powers so simple, that any man would understand that only he, or she, would be the sole one that could dictate its powers. A document that would put the power in the hands of the people, and made the government one that would be “of the people, for the people, and by the people.”

                So how could we allow our government, that should be doing what we tell it to do, become one that tells us what is best for us? I once said that “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

                And I must tell you, my friend, that today there is tyranny. Today, we see a government that tells us it will pass laws that we, the people, tell them we do not want.

                Today, we see a government that arbitrarily taxes us for their own pet projects. One that has told us, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we, the people, are too stupid for our own good. A government that tells us that we, the people, cannot understand the problems which affect us today. Our government is now telling us that we are too stupid for our own good, and that only our government is intelligent enough to solve all the problems that face us in this, the modern day.

                As in 1775, when we sent our resolution to an overbearing government, it is time today to take up arms (our vote) and restore our government to what we, the people, have told it to be.

                To this extent, I I call upon all free men and women of the age 18 and older to register to vote. Your votes shall be the ammunition we use to destroy the overbearing government we have today. Read the Constitution, read about what rights you should have. Go to the voting booth armed with knowledge; not only the knowledge of the Constitution, but with the knowledge of what those wishing to be elected to office stand for. If those who wish to become an elected official do not stand for the Constitution, don’t vote for them.

                To the governors of each of the Free States within this Union, I call upon you: call upon to remember  the 10th Amendment, which flat out states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited it by the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” Because our government is a Federal Government, not a National or Socialist government. It is the States that are given the power, not the Union. It is the people who have the power, not the Union.

                The cries of the people have gone unheard by those who believe they currently hold power. The people say “No.” The federal government says “you are too stupid for your own good, so let us do what we want anyway.” Did we not once throw such a government out of power, and become the greatest nation to ever grace this earth? It has been merely 235 years. It was due to the most important document ever created outside of the bible, the Constitution of the United States, that this was possible. How can we, the people, allow this document to become mundane?

                I say “No.” This will not be. It is time, once again, for the people of this great nation to rise up and tell a rogue government that we will not allow it to ruin us for its own prosperity. It is time; once again, to tell the government we have allowed to govern us that it is not them that is in charge, it is we, the people, who control our nation. When the people say “no,” the government must listen. The government we allow to make decisions must listen to us, not tell us that we are too stupid to understand.

                On July 4th, 1775, we, the founding fathers, delivered unto an unjust government a document telling them we would not stand for their hypocrisy. We told them we would not stand for a government that did not listen to the people. Now, 235 years later, it is time yet again to stand up for our rights, the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

                So I implore you, the people, to once again stand up for your rights. Use your first amendment rights to free speech and tell our government without equivocation that it will do what you tell it to do, not the other way around. Use your second amendment rights to organize and use your arms to forcibly tell this oppressive government that it is you, the people, who are in the right.

                For I feel that it is we, the people, who are the ones who are intelligent enough to run this great nation of ours. Politicians making deals amongst one another to pass bad bills that will drive our nation to ruin are not the intelligent ones; it is we, the people, who are intelligent enough to say “no.”

                And I say “no.” No to massive government that turns we, the people, into what Communist Russia did to its people, no to the North Korean approach. No to the government telling us what we must do, and yes to us telling the government what we, the people, wish it to do.

                It is time once again that we, the people, make the decisions. It is for this one purpose that we divided ourselves from oppression from British rule. Wake up, and do not let this happen again from within.

                In this vein, I call upon you, the people, to once again rise to the occasion. Take up arms, and relieve this oppressive government from its so-called power. Remove all those who make the laws we cannot abide, and spend the money our great-grandchildren do not have. It is time once again to make this a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

                For remember, it is we, the people, who are in charge of a federal government. It is our individual states that have been given the power. It is you and I that have been given the power. Let us use it. And use it well.

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