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The Admiralty Court Exists Because

the U.S. is Under Martial law

This Awareness* wishes briefly to remind entities that the admiralty court is the court in which the gold braid goes around the American Flag which indicates the court is under martial law, or under admiralty law, from the martial law since Abraham's Lincoln's executive order putting it under martial law, and in order to continue staying under martial law, the country has to have some kind of war every two years. Thus, the war on drugs, the war on poverty, et cetera, and the admiralty laws are used in the courts in such a way that they are not necessarily tied to the Constitution, although the Constitution is said to be the law of the land.
Did you know the U.S. has a Military and a Civil Flag?

This Awareness indicates that when Lincoln was assassinated, no one thought to put an end to this declaration of martial law because of the Civil War and because the martial law has continued up to this time, from the time of the Civil War, the nation can be directed by what is called Admiralty Law or martial law by simply a command of the President or the authority of the land or his agents.

It is not even required by Admiralty Law that Congress conduct proceedings to make laws. The Admiralty Law can provide statutes, which are called statutory laws, while the country is under Admiralty or martial law, but the Admiralty or martial law must come to an end eventually, in which it much either end or be reinstated. Thus, entities will find a new effort to create martial law in this country again. It may be martial law against what is termed a crime wave, even though crime has decreased two years in a row and has not increased much in the past several years.

"A country cannot be both ignorant and free..."
Thomas Jefferson

US Under Martial Law - War and The Emergency Powers

For example, they may find that a crisis lets them circumvent rules or laws that are protected by Constitutional principles so that they break the Constitution by following procedures in the activity of a disguise of helping out in a crisis. The emergency acts often set aside laws and once a law is set aside for an emergency, it may be left sitting aside.

For example, Abraham Lincoln declared martial law during the Civil War. Martial law has not been lifted yet from his declaration of martial law, over a hundred years ago. This Awareness indicates that any time entities in power want to do something that is illegal under the Constitution, they go simply ahead with it under the principle of the martial law declared by Lincoln. That is how the Executive Orders are presented. They are Executive Orders based on martial law that has not been lifted. This is also referred to as admiralty law.

Thus you have, in one period, a war on poverty. A few years later you have a war on drugs. And there are more and more of these wars occurring every two years. Otherwise, Martial Law would have to be canceled and you would be back under the Constitution, and your freedoms could be restored. You could then plead Constitutional Rights in courts of law. However, at present, the courts of law are following Admiralty Law, and therefore, if you plead Constitutional Rights in court, you are not likely to get anywhere.

Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presidentially-proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national emergency declared by President Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency proclaimed by President Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by President Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971.

Ooooops....and here comes for your entertainment "A Letter to the Sheeple"

Thus Constitutional Rights only count when you get up into the Supreme Court, for there is a tendency to continue to use the Constitutional law in the Supreme Court because they do not want the people to know that the Constitution has been superseded by Admiralty Law. This Awareness indicates that therefore, the Supreme Court will often rule if there is a constitutional discrepancy, so that the lower laws are supposed to follow the Constitution, and yet, entering into a court of law, arguing with the Constitution, seldom is beneficial to an entity because they will say the entity is in the wrong jurisdiction in this court.

They do not recognize your Constitutional Law in the jurisdiction of an Admiralty setting or court, and therefore, they will rule against you, This is the purpose of lawyers. They are clearly aware of their role in the Admiralty court, because you are not in the right jurisdiction for such.

American Patriot Friends Network:
"The Law"!
Secret Courts - Secret Law

The admiralty law, like any military law, has its own set of rules. This Awareness indicates it is also likened unto a corporation, which has its rules or laws, and when the laws of a corporation affect an entity in a way that is contrary to his or her Constitutional laws, then the entity can sue the corporation and rely on the Constitution, but this is often ignored by the corporations and most entities do not have the funds necessary to follow through to sue a corporation in order to have the Constitutional rights adjudicated.

The Federal Government in D.C. a Corporation from England

This Awareness indicates that likewise, the corporation that is the Federal government in Washington D.C., which was incorporated in the last century in London, England, which the Freeman have pointed out has its rules; these are the Federal statutes and so forth; and these too are designed for certain purposes but are required to follow the Constitution and if entities feel their Constitutional Rights have been violated by a Federal statute, they have the option of suing the Federal government and the statute for a constitutional ruling in the Supreme Court.

This Awareness indicates however, the ability to follow a case through the Supreme Court to test a Federal statute is not always easy, nor is it inexpensive. It is very costly, and very difficult and may take years. This Awareness indicates that for these reasons, the Federal statutes are extremely difficult for entities to overrun, and by carrying on the martial law in this country and using the Federal statutes as law, the Constitution becomes less and less effective, because it becomes more and more expensive to use, and therefore, gradually, over periods of time, more and more statutes and more and more corporate rules had their effect over the masses to the point where entities begin to feel that they do not have any rights, and whereby even judges in courts of law dismiss and refuse to allow constitutional points of law to occur in their courts.

The Judicial System is Really to Protect the D.C. Corporation

Why should they allow constitutional points of law in their courts when they are actually military courts? This Awareness indicates that most entities think the judicial system is there to protect the rights of entities according to the Constitution, the law of the land, the Bill of Rights and so forth, but they are really there to keep order in society and to protect those who have the power and the money and to assure that no one disturbs the infrastructure of the corporation being promoted from London or the state rules and those that are promoted by the courts as military organizations.

Courts Are Above The Constitution?

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security


The Press Works for those Who Promote the New World Order

This Awareness indicates the press of course works for the people who bring you the New World Order, who bring you the means by which this country will eventually be enslaved, and the press ins not going to promote clear and honest reporting on these kind of of issues. There are things from the Internet, that give some clear reporting. This Awareness indicates that in general, however, most people will only receive what the world planners want them to know, and therefore, they are not likely to get the full story.

A stroke of a Pen Could Create Martial Law
(Revelations of Awareness 94-5)

This Awareness indicates that this could occur at the stroke of a pen when the Constitution is discarded under martial law, which could occur any day that it is decided. This Awareness indicates that as soon as the people are disarmed, the martial law that has been in existence in this country since Lincoln will be publicly exposed and people will realize they no longer can use Constitutional claims, freedom, rights, and so forth, as a defense, and that they have no right to bear arms, they have no right to congregate, they have no freedom of speech, they have no rights in the courts of law to a fair trial by their peers.

They have no rights to prevent their homes from being searched. This Awareness indicates that the major block to martial law being announced is that there are some 70 million gun owners. Many of these entities being upright citizens and business people who do not consider it the business of government to enter in their homes, to take their weapons, and therefore, they are a danger to anyone who would violate the rights as given by the Constitution.

In other words the Federal government does not want the people to know yet they are under martial law, or that they are not protected by the Constitution for fear that if they were to discover this, it could start a civil war directed at the Federal government from this army of 70 million people, for there are only 3 million armed people in the military and police force in this country at this time.

"Government" working for the Rothschilds

(Revelations of Awareness 94-8)

This Awareness indicates that in a country where freedom of speech and other freedoms are allowed, entities have been killed for expressing or pursuing those freedoms. It is because this country is out of control in terms of the type of government, and who the government really is working for, because this government has not been working for the people for some time.

It has been working for the Rothschilds and other international bankers in their effort to create a New World Government, run by the United Nations, which is a Rothschild organization, which is an international banking organization. It is basically owned by the international bankers, established by them, set up by them, and influenced and basically controlled by them..

On Timarchy and the Usurper's Machineries

This Awareness indicates that it is time for the people to reclaim their inalienable rights that were given to them by the Divine, and handed to them through laws of the United States Constitution, the Magna Carta, and other documents from antiquity and historical situations wherein mankind fought, suffered, and died to win these freedoms.

Government's "Crime Prevention"-
just another new way to confiscate the guns from U.S. citizens

This Awareness indicates in other words, the government has gotten into Crime prevention, by making the planning or the attempt to cause a crime a crime in itself. This Awareness indicates that this is also part of the reasoning behind the anti-gun movement, in which government sees that anyone having a gun, wherein the Constitution gives entities the right to bear arms, the government is saying: "If we take away the guns, they cannot commit the crime, thus it is Crime Prevention. If we make it a crime to have the guns, then we make it a crime in a way that prevents crime from occurring."

Thus, getting into Crime Prevention may go against the Constitution of the United states, but it would be to the benefit of the New World Order to be able to call any kind of potential violence a crime. They could even go further and restrict knives or bows and arrows, but this is not likely to occur. The ownership of bows and arrows however might eventually become a crime, because generally bows and arrows would be considered potentially violent in their use.

This Awareness indicates in other words, by creating a set of laws to prevent an entity from having the ability to commit a crime, is making it so that entities do not have to take responsibility for themselves. They only obey and are taken care of by the government and its laws. The Constitution put the burden on the individual to be a good citizen, whereas the New World Order is putting the burden on the individual to give up freedoms and to obey the government and its statutes and laws that do not guarantee freedoms.

This Awareness indicates the Constitution was concerned about the judgments and laws of King George and of government itself, and made it such that the people were in charge of the government. The Constitution was there to serve the people against an unruly tyrannical government to ensure that the government would never be able to set up a totalitarian control over the masses.

This has been more or less neutralized, negated, and made obsolete, though they still pretend the Constitution has power. The agencies, particularly the Justice Branch of government and the executive Branch have total control over the people at this time. If a case is brought to a courthouse anywhere in the United States, and an entity attempts to use the Constitution as the arguments for protection, they will get nowhere in the effort, because the courts are not operating under the Constitution. They are operating under martial law, and as continued to the present.

Go to the Next Page; "Masons the driving force behind the New World Order"

* Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce, Christ,
the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who served as "channels" for Cosmic Consciousness,
and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. The information contained herein was received from deep trance states and "interpreted" by an entity (Paul Shockley) affiliated,
at that time, with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.)

This information is for those who inherit the New Age.
This Awareness indicates that it is the universal vibrations and the movement of planets, the movement of the sun in its sojourn through its orbit, through its orbit around Sirius in the Orion constellation and the variation that it meets in its movement that determines the Earth ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it is this movement into these new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the planets of the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and on the other planets in such a manner that it changes the consciousness of individuals on earth. It is this that is causing and bringing about the New Age.

Awareness tells you not to believe anything,
even this Awareness not to believe, but to question,
explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth.
Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.

Cosmic Awareness introduces Itself (by TV) in 1977 to the World

The Main Purpose of Awareness at This Time

Are You Ready for Cosmic Awareness?

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FCC’s Warrantless Household Searches Alarm Experts
By Ryan Singel
You may not know it, but if you have a wireless router, a cordless phone, remote car-door opener, baby monitor or cellphone in your house, the FCC claims the right to enter your home without a warrant at any time of the day or night in order to inspect it.

That’s the upshot of the rules the agency has followed for years to monitor licensed television and radio stations, and to crack down on pirate radio broadcasters. And the commission maintains the same policy applies to any licensed or unlicensed radio-frequency device.

“Anything using RF energy — we have the right to inspect it to make sure it is not causing interference,” says FCC spokesman David Fiske. That includes devices like Wi-Fi routers that use unlicensed spectrum, Fiske says.

The FCC claims it derives its warrantless search power from the Communications Act of 1934, though the constitutionality of the claim has gone untested in the courts. That’s largely because the FCC had little to do with average citizens for most of the last 75 years, when home transmitters were largely reserved to ham-radio operators and CB-radio aficionados. But in 2009, nearly every household in the United States has multiple devices that use radio waves and fall under the FCC’s purview, making the commission’s claimed authority ripe for a court challenge.

“It is a major stretch beyond case law to assert that authority with respect to a private home, which is at the heart of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable search and seizure,” says Electronic Frontier Foundation lawyer Lee Tien. “When it is a private home and when you are talking about an over-powered Wi-Fi antenna — the idea they could just go in is honestly quite bizarre.”

George Washington University professor Orin Kerr, a constitutional law expert, also questions the legalilty of the policy.

“The Supreme Court has said that the government can’t make warrantless entries into homes for administrative inspections,” Kerr said via e-mail, refering to a 1967 Supreme Court ruling that housing inspectors needed warrants to force their way into private residences. The FCC’s online FAQ doesn’t explain how the agency gets around that ruling, Kerr adds.

The rules came to attention this month when an FCC agent investigating a pirate radio station in Boulder, Colorado, left a copy of a 2005 FCC inspection policy on the door of a residence hosting the unlicensed 100-watt transmitter. “Whether you operate an amateur station or any other radio device, your authorization from the Commission comes with the obligation to allow inspection,” the statement says.

diggThe notice spooked those running “Boulder Free Radio,” who thought it was just tough talk intended to scare them into shutting down, according to one of the station’s leaders, who spoke to Wired.com on condition of anonymity. “This is an intimidation thing,” he said. “Most people aren’t that dedicated to the cause. I’m not going to let them into my house.”

But refusing the FCC admittance can carry a harsh financial penalty. In a 2007 case, a Corpus Christi, Texas, man got a visit from the FCC’s direction-finders after rebroadcasting an AM radio station through a CB radio in his home. An FCC agent tracked the signal to his house and asked to see the equipment; Donald Winton refused to let him in, but did turn off the radio. Winton was later fined $7,000 for refusing entry to the officer. The fine was reduced to $225 after he proved he had little income.

Administrative search powers are not rare, at least as directed against businesses — fire-safety, food and workplace-safety regulators generally don’t need warrants to enter a business. And despite the broad power, the FCC agents aren’t cops, says Fiske. “The only right they have is to inspect the equipment,” Fiske says. “If they want to seize, they have to work with the U.S. Attorney’s office.”

But if inspectors should notice evidence of unrelated criminal behavior — say, a marijuana plant or stolen property — a Supreme Court decision suggests the search can be used against the resident. In the 1987 case New York v. Burger, two police officers performed a warrantless, administrative search of one Joseph Burger’s automobile junkyard. When he couldn’t produce the proper paperwork, the officers searched the grounds and found stolen vehicles, which they used to prosecute him. The Supreme Court held the search to be legal.

In the meantime, pirate radio stations are adapting to the FCC’s warrantless search power by dividing up a station’s operations. For instance, Boulder Free Radio consists of an online radio station operated by DJs from a remote studio. Miles away, a small computer streams the online station and feeds it to the transmitter. Once the FCC comes and leaves a notice on the door, the transmitter is moved to another location before the agent returns.

This post was updated Thursday morning to include comment from Professor Kerr, and to remove an inaccurate example of unrelated criminal behavior.




U.S. -China relations: a newfound maturity

Article Summary

This article explains how China has evolved past the U.S.A in economy and technology to become the new Super power.   Even though China is a Dictatorship, they have become a powerful society and want to involve the Americans into their country.  Chinese President Hu Jintao came to America knowing that being the two largest economies in this world, China will need to work with our Country.

The two Presidents talked about how they feel one another should run their country, flaws in the way things are run and the two countries coming together to help one another better the country’s economies.  President Obama had a private dinner with China’s Hu Jinto to show China’s people that America is equal and a big part of Chinese economy.

China is looking to become the better economy with American help of exports.  The Chinese spend about 1/5 of what America spends on its defense.  Our military is powerful enough to regulate the world. These two countries will work together by helping out one another through these difficult times.  The Chinese supply the U.S. with a lot of their products which helps the Chinese economy.  The difference between these two countries is that the U.S. is a Democracy and China is a Dictatorship and they are now trying to make peace with one another after years of fighting.  This peaceful coming together is making the two countries stand out more than ever before in history.

My Opinion

What this article means to me is that China has a big hand in how our economy runs.  The U.S. is in such debt with the Chinese that they need to find a way to repay back the Chinese debt.  The two countries needed to find a peaceful way to solve this problem without the two countries having to go to war with one another.   I also heard on the news that China is now our new land shark.  Has President Obama given China the rights to our land and resources?  Would our President make this agreement without even consulting with the people in America?  If this were true they could start to deplenish our resources.  These resources would include American land property, fresh water aquifers, and the Great lakes.  I also wouldn’t be surprised if they took some of our natural gas and oil.      

The American people deserve to know what was said between the two presidents.  I don’t believe in secret meetings held without the public eye knowing about it.  I would like to know the real meaning of the Chinese flag on Constitution Street.  How much of an impact has the Chinese become in our market?

I find it hard to believe that China has agreed to get along with the America after all these years of fighting with one another.  President Obama must have sacrificed this countries people to come with an understanding with a Dictatorship economy of China.  This would make a lot of sense to America if you saw what our government has done to help out the big corporations.  I like to know why the government bails out all the big corporations and banks out of debt and not the rest of the working class Americans. 

Obama has shown more signs of Dictatorship then a democracy since he has taken office.  President Obama needs to leave out other countries and only focus on our own economy and how to make it better.  Since Obama came into office a lot more security has been enforced.  The President has also put America into a police state and has encouraged the homeland security to be infiltrated in all airports, public trains, public bus stations, and even in Wal-Mart’s.  Making us Americans live in a state of fear from the Sept 11 terrorist attacks.  I think too much security is being enforced on the American people.  The Patriot Act strips America of their rights.  He has made America look like a Dictatorship country by bailing out the rich and letting the working class go bankrupt.  Everyone knows China is a nation that detains and tortures individuals for exercising their rights to freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

According to the corporate media, Obama will lecture China on the persecution of Tibetans, Uhgurs, Falun Gong, environmental degradation, currency manipulation, theft of intellectual property, imbalance of and unfair trade practices, human rights violations and the release of Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Prize winner imprisoned by China’s authoritarian leadership.  This I will have to see for my own eyes to believe that the President can turn an evil country into a good one. 

Hu Jintao and his minions have arrived in the district of criminals for one reason and one reason only to plant a red flag of corporatism that is fascism on Constitution Avenue.  According to the globalists, China is the next evolutionary step in human history.  The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history was said by David Rockefeller in the New York Times.  Mao’s social experiment has now come to America.  Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.  Power-seeking maniacs built the China Miracle from the ground up over the last few decades and now it has come to claim a stake in America.

Hu Jintao did not arrive at the White House to talk shop with Obama.  Along with Goldman Sachs, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg advisors present at the dinner.  Hu Jintao arrived to plant the red flag in order to initiate the next phase.  The globalist’s effort to turn the planet into a slave induced well-oiled killing machine meticulously designed by an inbred gaggle of eugenicist psychopaths.

Here are ten solutions through non-violent activism:

1. Buy Local Food: One of the most powerful cartels that has their tentacles into government is the food cartel. Their agenda has been to control the basic resources of food (corn, wheat, soy, rice).  The best way to conquer this cartel is by eating local; produce your own food, join and contribute to local cooperatives, and engage your neighbors and community for more local food solutions.  Local co-ops are also a great place to trade locally crafted goods and even services. Obviously, do your best to avoid GMO food and eat organically when you can.  Finally, be vocal and active in your opposition to GMO foods and the cartel control of the FDA.

2. Become More Self-Sufficient: Our modern society has made us dependent on something or someone other than ourselves for most necessities such as electricity, food, water, medicine, security, and education. This dependence puts us at the direction or disposal of the cartel state. Therefore, the only entity that has the power to grant us liberty is ourselves; and we can take back our independence through self-sufficiency. Being self-sufficient means learning skills that will help you and your family survive economic downturns or other emergencies.  These skills may also help you to be less dependent on your job as they’ll make you a useful independent producer. Lead your neighborhood and community toward production and away from dependence.

3. Get Healthier: The increasing pace of life seems to offer a wealth of distractions from the importance of living a truly healthy and free life.  Our modern world offers easy choices like fast-food in place of fresh produce; TV in place of reading, exercise, or meditation; Internet social networks in place of meaningful personal relationships, etc.  Identify the areas lacking in your own life and resolve to make the necessary changes that will increase your physical fitness, mental acuity, and your spiritual evolution.  These three areas are what truly sustain us in both good times and bad — not smart phones, computer games, and the virtual world.

4. Buy Silver and Gold: America desperately needs a monetary revolution before the dollar experiment completely collapses. Like all revolutions this must start from a groundswell of rebellious action.  A good place to start is to convert your devaluing dollars to physical gold and silver.  This will punish the banks, especially JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve, as well as protect your assets. Furthermore, if the dollar continues to collapse, silver and gold may well become a viable currency in society once again, as it already is in some parts of Michigan. Buying junk silver is something anyone can afford to do and is highly recommended.

5. Expose the Agenda: The “agenda” is one of consolidation of wealth, power, and control in every facet imaginable. The international elite are approaching near one-world control, which they call full spectrum dominance of economies and societies.  In other words; national, local, and individual sovereignty is all but gone.  It is extremely important to engage your local community, especially community leaders and police, to reiterate their obligation to serve the local community under the Constitution, and not to follow illegal Federal demands. Above all, do not give in to the temptation of apathy as you begin to learn more about the systems of control.  These systems first count on your ignorance, then they count on laziness.  Finally, say what you stand for such as peace, liberty, and genuine justice with even more force than shouting about what you oppose.

6. Boycott: In the U.S. it has become obvious that a system has taken hold which is economically designed for one thing: consumption.  This is the value that each person has been given from birth.  So, one key way to assert your power and value in such a system is to vote with your wallet.  Every purchase you make either contributes to, or boycotts this corporatist structure.  Become aware of who the real owners are and what inhumane practices are behind the products you purchase, so that you can make intelligent choices that support your health and promote justice.  Additionally, it is important to learn the true contents of the products you buy, so that you don’t fall prey to slick advertising and corporate misdirection. Join or create campaigns to educate shoppers and force better labeling of products so it is easier for others to consciously boycott them.

7. Local Politics: Forget wasting any of your energy and resources on Federal politics — they have sold out long ago to the higher authorities that fund their multi-million dollar campaigns. Instead, get involved in small town politics and community initiatives.  The future will be built from the ground up, starting right in your own neighborhood.  Local politics is where you can affect tangible changes. Everything from removing chemicals from public water, to throwing the TSA out of your local airport, or refusing military recruitment or fusion centers in protest of the war on terror, can be accomplished at the local level.  Each minor victory will send shock waves to other small communities and the country as a whole, so be sure to document the steps you have taken to achieve victory, then share your story for others to emulate.

8. Military refusal: Do not contribute to fraudulent wars, and do not succumb to the pressure of feeling “unpatriotic.”  There are countless groups of veterans who have seen through the government lies that have led to unnecessary deaths, as well as the financial destruction of the country.  There is, in fact, no more patriotic action that can be taken than to demand that our military be used properly to strengthen the country, rather than to weaken it. For some, there is absolutely no excuse for war, ever, and merely the act of showing up contributes to this affliction.  It is a profound resolution of courage to live by your convictions.  So, if opposing the fraudulent wars is your main issue, file as a conscientious objector and contribute to peace instead of war.  As Gandhi said, “There is no path to peace; peace is the path.”

9. Don’t Use Banks: The banks have proven to be some of the most immoral, dare we say “evil,” institutions on the planet. Besides their Ponzi-style Wall Street casino and mortgage/foreclosure fraud, they also profit heavily from wars, Mexican drug gangs, andfleecing the public. Some are finding their actions so horrific that they’d prefer to default on their debts rather than give them another dime. That may be extreme given the consequences; however, we can at least vow not to take on any new bank financing of any kind — mortgages, credit cards, or car loans, etc. Where possible, bank with local credit unions instead of the big banks that make up the cartel.  Another powerful action is to start or support a regionalcompeting currency.  On the Federal level, we can tell our Congress reps to support Ron Paul’s effort to legalize competing currencies nationwide.

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10. Tax Resistance: Becoming a tax resister is a hardcore action of civil disobedience that comes with serious consequences — unless of course you’re Tim Geithner who gets to say “oops, my bad” in order to qualify as the head of collecting said taxes.  However, when the electoral process and two-party system proves to be a farce, corporations clearly win on every issue, and the will of the people is no longer represented in the media or the courts, people are left with little choice but non-violent rebellion in all its forms. Tax rebellion is often cited by conscientious objectors who oppose how the government uses taxpayer dollars to fund immoral deeds such as war, authorizing torture, building the police state, and fraudulent bank bailouts.  A second group of tax protesters refuse to file because they don’t believe income taxes to be lawful under the Constitution.


note- this plan of nuke attack was document in 2009 this is new improved hot zone plan

note- ground nuke planted

note- the start of marial law

World WAR 3

World War Three in Brief

A Three World War scenario was developed several decades ago (see Conspiratorial History).  Two World Wars have already been achieved, and the Third and final World War envisions an attack on Iraq, Iran and/or Syria as being the trigger to set the entire Middle East into fiery conflagration. Once America is firmly entrenched into the Middle East with the majority of her first-line units, North Korea is to attack South Korea. Then, with America's forces stretched well beyond the limit, China is to invade Taiwan.  This will usher in the start of World War Three.

World War Definition:

What constitutes a 'world war'? How many countries need to be involved?  And who decides at which point a number of regional skirmishes can be grouped together and called a World War?  At the time, who called the official start of World War 1 and World War 2?

And have you noticed that although the term 'World War Three' is freely used in the alternative press and on the Internet, all the major news networks have stoically avoided using any phrase reminiscent of World War. 

Since it's difficult to find a definition for an event which has only happened twice in modern history, here's my attempt at an answer to the question 'what constitutes a world war'?

A World War is a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents, in which at least 20 major countries participate in an attack against a common enemy, and which has the attention of the man-in-the-street due to the significant loss of life.

With that definition, we can agree that WW1 and WW2 were in fact World Wars (both wars involved some degree of participation from most of the world's then existing countries: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and the Soviet Union).  We can also agree that we are very close to achieving World War 3.  The only requirement left to fulfill the start of WW3 is that of a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents.  As soon as Israel attacks Palestine, or North Korea attacks South Korea or the US, or China invades Taiwan, we will have the next World War well underway.

World War 3 Timeline

These are, I believe, the stages of the planned Third World War:

  • Prelude - The events leading up to the start of World War Three, including Sept 11, 2001.
  • Act 1 - The Middle East.  Widespread conflict to bring the entire region into the flames of war, possibly triggered by Iran or militants in Pakistan using North Korean supplied nuclear arms.  The first Scene in this Act is the US Invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.
  • Act 2 - Israel at War -- Against her Arab neighbors, possibly Palestine.  A Palestinian State will be established, so that all Israelis will be fully separated from Palestinians (listen out for mention of a 7-year treaty to be confirmed by a World Leader - probably Bush), only for Israel to viciously attack Palestine shortly thereafter.
  • Act 3 - Far East -- "Hair-raising nuclear confrontation that threatens mankind's existence" - Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script, p. 223, written in 1981.  Includes China invading Taiwan and a nuclear eruption on the Korean Peninsula.
  • Act 4 - Erosion of Confidence in 'The System' so severe citizens will be panicked into giving up liberties and Constitutional form of government.  The plan calls for the dissolution of the US Constitution, triggered by a significant enough 'terrorist' attack.  The ultimate intent is to introduce a global government and one-world religion.
  • Act 5 - The collapse of the US, and other Western economies and morals.

  • Act 6 - Significant population reduction using natural and man-made disasters.
  • Curtain.  Who can tell how this war will end?

Both Biblical prophecy and the Illuminati plan state that Israel is the key. The Third World War is planned to begin when Israel goes to war against her Arab enemies. Then, and only then, will all the other elements begin to occur and they will do so in rapid succession. The plan is to have one disaster following another in such rapid succession that, before people can mentally and emotionally handle one disastrous news event, they will be hit with another.  It is also accurate to say that until ALL of the elements for WW3 are in place, the plan will not commence.

While it would be naive to suggest a specific timeline for the events leading up to and including World War 3, we do know that the plans for World War 3 are well advanced, and our leaders involved in this secret plan are waiting only for the right signal before all-out war begins.

We are in the last stages of the preparation to so globalize the world that the Masonic New Age Christ (Antichrist) can appear to receive all the political and economic power of the world's rulers. This is the Illuminati plan and Biblical prophecy (Revelation 17:12-17).

In the words of Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script:

"Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions.  The stage itself, albeit in darkness, is almost ready.  Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up.  The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled.  Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles.  Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise.  The time for action will have come."

Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats and welcome on stage the players of this Grand Play:

World War Three!

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13 years ago
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