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August 31st

Two days later, Harry and Ginny stood at the gates of Hogwarts, waiting, hand in hand as usual.

Ahead of them, a dot appeared in the sky, and it grew bigger and bigger.  Soon they could make out that it was two figures on a broom, moving towards them at what for that broom would be considered a moderate pace for the Potters, but nowhere near its top speed.  The pair on the broom settled in for a perfect landing as Harry opened the gates.

Ron and Hermione ran through the gates and Harry closed them behind the pair.  Ginny got the first hug from her brother, and Harry was attacked by the mess of bushy brown hair that was Hermione.  Then hugs were exchanged between best mates and best girlfriends.

"Welcome back, you newlyweds!" Ginny grinned.  "Come on, you can fill us in on the gory details later.  Right now, McGonagall wanted to see you as soon as you arrived.  She has your letters."

"Well, not all of the details, Ginny," Hermione blushed.  "Some things are best left unsaid."

"You can say that again, Hermione," Harry blanched.  "I don't want to hear a damned thing about any shagging you did!"  That earned a punch on the shoulder from Ron.

"Mate, I won't snog and tell if you don't."  Ginny turned on him.

"That's assuming you have any snogging to tell about, dear brother."

"All right, all right, settle down, we're here," broke in Hermione as they walked in the door.

"Uh, before we go up there, I need to tell you two something," Harry said.  "More people know about the Horcruxes now, and that means Ginny, McGonagall, Pomfrey, Snape, and Lupin.  Ginny because she would have found out anyway; Snape because he is still on our side and will soon be returning to Voldemort in Albania; Lupin, McGonagall, and Pomfrey because we'll be using Hogwarts as our operational base for going after the Horcruxes."  They continued along the halls.  "The good news is that we've got the locket and R.A.B. was Regulus Black.  Snape will take care of Nagini, if he can, so that leaves only two to find."

They arrived at the gargoyle.  "Tabby Cats."  The gargoyle stepped aside, the door opened, and the four jumped onto the moving staircase.  At the top they knocked on the door, and it opened for them.  They entered McGonagall's office.

"Welcome back, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.  I apologize for cutting your honeymoon short, but since the Board of Governors decided to reopen the school, thanks in part to your fine efforts, we had to contact you immediately."  McGonagall paused for a moment.  "Am I correct that you both desire to do your seventh years?"

Both of them nodded.  "You know about the Horcruxes, and if Harry's here, we're here," said Ron.

"Besides," Hermione continued, "there's life after Voldemort, and we need to graduate to get there and into our careers."

"Excellent, that's what I hope you were going to say."  McGonagall handed them their letters.  "Harry figured you would say yes, and made arrangements for purchasing your supplies in your absence."

Hermione opened her letter and the Head Girl pin fell into her hand.  She let out a squeal of joy.

Ron opened his letter and two pins fell out: Head Boy and Quidditch Captain.  He turned to Harry.  "Isn't this one supposed to be yours?"

Harry smiled.  "I asked McGonagall to give it to you.  You're a better judge of Quidditch talent than I am, and a much better a strategist, too."  He gestured at the Quidditch Cup over on the shelf.  "The Headmistress wants to hang onto that, and I think you would be well-suited for it."

"Uh, Wow!  I never thought I'd be Head Boy!"  Ron exclaimed.

"Yeah you did, Ron.  Remember first year?"  Harry replied with a grin.  "Well, dreams can come true, can't they?  You never thought you'd be married to the Head Girl while still in school, that much is sure!"

"That reminds me, Headmistress, they need to know about their new accommodations!" piped up Ginny.

"That's right.  Normally the Head Boy and Head Girl have separate private rooms off of their house's common rooms, but in this case, since you happen to be married, you will have separate quarters for the both of you in one of the guest suites."

"Sweet!" said Ron.  "I guess being married has its perks!"  The teens laughed.

"Headmistress, who's teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year?"  Hermione asked.

"Don't worry, you'll meet the new professor tomorrow at the Welcoming Feast," McGonagall smiled.

Ron and Hermione spent the rest of the day unpacking and telling Harry and Ginny about their honeymoon.  Since no one had any idea where they were going, including Hermione, Ron had surprised her with a trip to South America to see the Argentine steppes, Andes Mountains, and the Brazilian rain forests.  Along the way they visited her parents and delivered the news of their wedding.  Mr. and Mrs. Granger were able to see the wedding memory through Harry's Pensieve ("So that's where that went off to!") and they were going to extend it another week when Hedwig showed up, and they returned straightaway.

"So, what have you been up to?"  Ron asked next.

"Well, we told you about the Horcruxes, and the rest of the time has been Ginny studying up a storm.  McGonagall offered the chance to skip sixth year if she passed the exams.  We found out yesterday she did, and that's on top of her twelve O.W.L.s." Harry replied.

"Twelve!" Hermione look aghast.  "You beat my eleven?  I need to top that on my N.E.W.T.s!  I can't let that stand up!"

"Easy, love.  It's not the end of civilization as we know it, and when the final battle comes, it won't really matter.  Besides, she matched Percy.  Let it go," advised Ron.

Hermione slumped her shoulders.  "I suppose you're right, Ron."

At dinner they were joined again by Molly and Arthur, and the rest of the table enjoyed them recount the honeymoon.  Nobody let on to Ron and Hermione about "Professor Potter" as requested.  After a late snog or two, the couples headed off to bed.

* * *

September 1st

The next day dawned bright and sunny.  The staff received word that the Hogwarts Express was on its way, and the staff began last minute preparations for the arrivals and the Welcoming Feast.  This meant a staff meeting, and McGonagall included Harry and Ginny as well, since, unbeknownst yet to Ron and Hermione, they were staff.  Ron and Hermione, being Head Boy and Girl, were also included.  Course schedules were finalized for the years, and each professor made sure that their supplies were in order.  The house elves finished last-minute cleanings of everything in the castle, and even Filch, minus his still-missing bottle of soap, found little to complain about and actually smiled when he found Hermione giving Mrs. Norris a grooming.

Finally, dusk hit and they heard a train whistle in the distance.  Hagrid headed down to Hogsmeade with the carriages, and the squid moved the boats to the shore of the Black Lake.  The Sorting Hat and the stool were moved to room off of the Atrium.

Flitwick took his position in the Atrium while the rest of the staff headed to the staff table, leaving four empty seats: one tall stool on McGonagall's right, which was obviously Flitwick's, a large heavy bench at the end by the Atrium which was obviously Hagrid's seat, and two empty seats between Madam Pomfrey and McGonagall, directly to her left.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione took their seats at the Gryffindor table.

Soon the returning students arrived from their carriages and began to take their seats.  The four recognized and greeted all their friends as they came in:  Neville, Luna, Seamus, the Creevy brothers, even Dean was hospitable to Ginny considering their breakup, and even Cho said hello.  Only the Slytherins showed any hostility.  With Draco's death it seemed that the entire house took it personally and blamed Harry for it.  Crabbe and Goyle, now absent their ringleader, looked lost until they took up with Pansy Parkinson, who kept shooting murderous glances at the Gryffindor table.  At one point she caught Harry's eye and mouthed words.

"I'm going to kill you."

Harry just smiled, then cast a Legillimens spell on her.

I don't think so.  Draco died because he defied the Dark Lord, not because of me.  He made sure she heard his voice inside her head.

Then he withdrew the spell, leaving her looking at him in shock, until Nott shook her shoulder to get her attention.  She looked away, flushed.

:What was it like in her mind?

:Like a sewer with PMS.

:Ugh.  That's not the impression I want just before dinner, love.

:Sorry, dear.

They were interrupted by McGonagall standing up, and the room went silent.  The Atrium door opened, and Flitwick led in the first years while carrying the Sorting Hat and its stool, which he set down in from of the staff table.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!  I am pleased to say that after the victories this past month the Board of Governors decided to open the school for this year after all.  I will have some announcements later, but for now, let the sorting begin!"  McGonagall went silent and waited.

The Sorting Hat stirred, then a voice began to sing from a rip near the top.

I am the Sorting Hat,

And I'm here to say,

You'll all be put in houses

By the end of this day.

For that is what I do,

I know what's best, you see.

Which is why the Hogwarts Four

Placed their trust in me!

The Hogwarts Four are gone now,

But their legacy remains.

Both in this school and in its houses,

And in some people in the same.

Heir of Hufflepuff will lead you.

She is wise and strong.

Heir of Ravenclaw will teach you

In her classes all day long.

So will Heir of Gryffindor.

He will lead us in the light.

Against the Heir of Slytherin

In the last and final fight.

But though the Heirs are divided,

The Houses must not be.

Because there is strength in numbers,

And Hope in unity.

Dark times will be coming soon,

The prelude to the end.

But it all comes down to this:

Stand by your family and your friends.

Victory is possible,

If we stand as one.

But we don't, all may be lost,

When the day is done.

So here now I will sort you.

But while divided, we must be as one.

For that is the only way

This evil can be overcome.

So here now I will sort you.

Into Houses, one of four.

But remember this, at the end of the day,

It's only Hogwarts on the Door.

The students applauded at the end, and McGonagall unrolled the scroll of first-year names.  At the end of the Sorting, Flitwick removed the stool and the Hat back to the Atrium, and he and Hagrid took their seats.

McGonagall looked over the students.  "At this point, there is only one thing to say: Tuck in!"

The food appeared in front of them and the room became full of laughter, tinkling silverware and glasses, and a lot of talking.  After an hour, everyone had had their fill and the empty plates, silverware, and leftover food disappeared.  McGonagall stood again, and began her announcements.

"Now that we are fed, we must be getting on with business.  First, the Forbidden Forest is named that way for a reason.  All students are forbidden from being in it.  Second, the ever-growing list of banned items is posted on Mr. Filch's door, especially anything from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.  Third, only prefects, professors, ghosts, and the Head Boy and Girl are allowed in the corridors at night without escorts.  Fourth, everyone will receive their class schedules from their Heads of House tomorrow morning at breakfast, and you are expected to be on time to your classes, even first-years.  Do not be afraid to ask upperclassmen for help if you get lost."

"Now, then some other announcements and introductions are in order.  First, I wish to introduce you to this year's Head Boy and Head Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weasley."  Some murmurs rose from the students.

"She called that Mudblood Granger a Weasley!"

"Mr. and Mrs.?  Does that mean-?"

McGonagall raised a hand.  "Yes, it means what you think.  Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley were married here at the castle last month."  That caused a round of applause.  McGonagall raised and hand and the Hall quieted down.

She continued.  "Second, I wish to introduce you to a new intern for Madam Pomfrey. This fine young lady put in an exceptional effort on her O.W.L.s, and N.E.W.T.s and graduated summa cum laude just days ago.  She will be Madam Pomfrey's intern as part of her Healer training, and she will be most likely treating some of you for whatever injuries and maladies you may incur during the term.  Miss Ginny Weasley, please take your place at the staff table."

Harry grinned, and Ron and Hermione looked on in shock.  Ginny stood up and walked up to the staff table and took her seat next to Madam Pomfrey as the students applauded.

Hermione turned to Harry.  "You knew?" she asked.  Before he could reply, McGonagall raised a hand and the applause died down.

"Third, the organization known last year as Dumbledore's Army will continue and be known as the Defense Association.  This group will also serve as a practical application class for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and will be mandatory for any student testing for O.W.L. or N.E.W.T. in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Fourth, I wish to introduce you to our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.  This man is more than qualified for the position, and many of you know him well.  After discussion with the Board of Governors, he was really the only choice, and he graciously accepted."

Ron looked at Hermione.  "I wonder who's the poor bloke they suckered into it this year?"  Hermione shrugged.

"Please welcome Professor Harry Potter."

Ron's jaw dropped, and Hermione whirled around in astonishment, eyes wide, and speechless.  Up on the staff table, Ginny struggled to keep a straight face.  After a long silent moment, the Great Hall erupted in cheers and applause, except the Slytherin table, which looked like they had just had their dinners taken away before they could finish them.  Harry stood up and made his way to the staff table, getting pats on the shoulders and well wishes all the way up there.  He took his seat next to Ginny, who grasped his hand under the table and gave it a squeeze.

:Did you see the look on their faces? Priceless!

:I didn't realize Ron had a double-jointed jaw!  I think it's somewhere in the kitchens below at the moment!

:And we got Hermione speechless on top of it!

McGonagall again raised a hand.  "Before you ask, Professor Potter also graduated summa cum laude days ago and is a full professor, even if he is the same age as some of you.  Please remember that, and expect no favoritism either, because we have made arrangements to prevent that."

"Last, Quidditch tryouts begin in a week.  Captains, please be sure to post signup sheets in the common rooms."

"Now, bedtime, you lot!  Please follow your prefects and Head Boy and Girl to your dormitories.  Breakfast begins at 6 AM sharp!"

The students filed out behind the prefects and Weasleys.  McGonagall returned to the staff table.

"That went well, I think," she smiled.  "The reception was more enthusiastic than I anticipated, Harry, but the Slytherins didn't seem too thrilled."

"They'll come around, Minerva.  We need to watch Parkinson, Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle.  All of them have a grudge against me, and Parkinson threatened to kill me.  Not that I'm worried about that, but they could be trouble," Harry replied.

"Well, you better get your rest.  I don't want to have my newest professor be late for his own classes or not be in top form tomorrow," smiled McGonagall.

"You can say that again."

"I don't want to have my newest professor be late for his own classes or not be in top form tomorrow," said Ginny in a perfect impression of the Headmistress.

McGonagall looked at her sternly, then smiled.  "Very good, Miss Weasley.  Don't do it again."

Harry took her hand and they left the room, heading for his quarters.  They were almost there in the deserted corridor when Ron and Hermione caught them in a gang tackle, knocking all four of them down.

"You prat!" Hermione laughed.  "Why didn't you tell us?"

Harry got to his feet and helped Ginny up.  "Why, Mrs. Weasley, whatever are you on about?" he said innocently.  "Don't you realize by now that your brother and sister-in-law just could not resist the chance to prank you in front of everybody?"

Ginny giggled.  "After all, we four got Fred and George, so we just had to get you, too."

Ron stood up, laughing.  "That you did.  Here we were speculating about who the new DADA professor was, and here he was sitting right next to us!  And you Ginny, how did you pull that off with the exams?"

Ginny smiled and hung on Harry's arm.  "Team Potter, of course.  And no, Hermione, we studied together and I got to his level through our Bond, but we didn't use it on the exams."

Harry looked at Ron.  "The bad news is that you need to find a new Seeker and Chaser."

Ron's face fell.  "Oi!  That means tryouts are going be a letdown, as good as you two are."

"I'll sweeten the deal.  Whoever makes Seeker can use my Firebolt," Harry said.

Ron's face brightened.  "You sure?"

"I don't really need it anymore, except for leisure rides, and if I get the crazy idea to try professional Quidditch, I'll just get a new one."


The couples headed off to bed, sleeping soundly after some snogging, and dreamed in anticipation of what was shaping up to be a good year.


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