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September 16th

Potter Calls out Dark Lord!

Challenge of Duel to the Death.

In a stunning development, Harry Potter publicly challenged He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to a duel to the death.

"It's finally time to end this war," Potter said.  "If <name deleted> doesn't respond, we'll simply label him the coward that he is, and simply start exterminating Death Eaters.  Not capturing, exterminating."

When asked about the time and place of the duel, Potter replied, "It's a fitting time and place for his end.  On Halloween sixteen years ago, at Godric's Hollow, he tried to kill me, and he failed.  It is appropriate, and even a little ironic, that it will end where it started."

Per arrangement with The Boy Who Lived, <name deleted> needs to simply accept his fate or decline and be hunted down by simply sending a response to the Prophet by the end of the month.  A copy of the challenge made by Potter is on Page 2.

Apology and Retraction

In a related story, the Daily Prophet announces the suspension of Rita Skeeter.  Ms. Skeeter had written a story six weeks ago about Mr. Potter and his alleged secret love affair with Miss Hermione Granger.  Two days after the story was printed, Miss Granger wed her real fiancé, Mr. Ronald Weasley, in a surprise ceremony immediately following the wedding of Mr. William Weasley and Miss Fleur Delacour.  The double Weasley wedding was held at Hogwarts with the Headmistress presiding.  Miss Delacour was the Beauxbottoms Champion in the Triwizard Tournament three years ago.  Apparently the observations of Ms. Skeeter were part of an elaborate prank pulled by Potter and the newlywed Weasleys on Fred and George Weasley, which was revealed at the double wedding.  The Prophet wishes to apologize to the Weasleys and Mr. Potter, and retract the story.

"Well, that's that," said Harry.

"Think he'll bite?" asked Ron.

"He has to," replied Harry.  "His ego can't stand being shown up.  It's a major weakness he has. Plus he still doesn't know about my little surprises I have planned."

"What, you're not going to make it fair fight?" chided Ron.

"A fair fight is one you lose.  I want it to be totally unfair, in my favor," replied Harry.  "In the meantime, between classes, training, and the rest, I have plenty to do."

* * *

September 16th-30th

The rest of the month progressed rather normally, and as Harry had predicted, he had plenty to do, between DADA classes finally getting into the proper years' studies, the Defense Association, and his own personal training.  He even combined the two with Aurors as guest instructors dueling him, and he became better and better each go-round, to the point where he was holding his own against Flitwick, Tonks, Lupin, and Kingsley.

September 30th dawned cloudy and wet, with a fog outside left over from the rainfall the night before.  Harry was sitting at the head table when a post owl came and dropped a Daily Prophet in his lap.  Soon several more owls followed, dropping more notes.

"Well," Harry said as he detached notes from owls and then opened the paper.  "Since today is the response day, here we go."


On the last day of the challenge issued by Harry Potter to He-Who-Must-No-Be-Named, the Dark Lord has responded with an acceptance letter:

September 29th


I accept your challenge.  It is indeed fitting that I will end your life sixteen years to the day that it should have ended, at exactly where it should have ended.  I look forward to it.  You have been a thorn in my side for far too long.

I will be bringing my Death Eaters with me as well.  After I kill you, they will slaughter everyone there.  But they will not interfere with the challenge.  They will bear witness to my triumph and your destruction.  If you have any honor, any members of you wretched Order of the Phoenix, Defense Association, or the Ministry itself will do the same, watch but not interfere.  Let them all see your end before they meet theirs!

In the meantime, do practice your dueling, just to make it worth my time.

Lord Voldemort

Ginny began looking over the other notes.  "These are mainly well-wishes for the duel, a couple of bad wishes, and here's even a marriage proposal should you survive-Rolanda Vane, of course."

Harry smiled.  "I hate the publicity."

:Not to worry about Vane, love.  I'm taken by you, and taken with you, too!

:You sap!

McGonagall looked at Harry.  "I'm giving you the month off of class teaching.  Remus will take your classes, and you will spend all of your time in D.A. work and practice and conditioning."

"Thank you, Headmistress."  Harry finished his breakfast and headed to the Room of Requirement.  He looked inside and found the room already set up as a dueling arena, and Tonks, Kingsley, and Dawlish waiting for him.  A long shadow fell over the floor.

Harry didn't hesitate.  Before any of them could raise their wand, he transformed into his phoenix form and disapparated so fast that he may have simply disappeared, apparated up to near the ceiling, cast a spell, quickly disapparated again, apparated to behind them two seconds after he started, the cracks echoing through the room, stunned Dawlish, body-bound Kingsley, transformed into his lion form, and pounced on Tonks, knocking her to the floor and pinning her, wand flying out of her hand.

It was over in five and one-half seconds.

Tonks looked up at the lion on top of her that was looking at her with a toothy grin.  "Wotcher, Harry, but there were four of us."

Harry changed back into human form and waved his hand towards the ceiling.  Emmilene Vance slowly levitated to the ground, completely wrapped in ropes, looking furious.

"You mean her?"  he grinned.  He revived Dawlish and released the others, then helped Tonks up.  "Her shadow fell on the floor at an odd angle towards the door, so I knew she was up high, and I took her out in between changing forms and appearing behind you."  He looked at Vance.  "Next time, hover behind the chandelier-it gives you cover and prevents the shadows from being seen as well.  Otherwise, it was a good tactic.  Death Eaters tend to think in only two-dimensions."

He looked at the four.  "I want to bring in Ginny as well for training.  She has a huge role in this, and she can use the practice."  They nodded.  Harry opened the link.

:Love, come here, I need you.

:Are you hurt? You sense fine.

:I am fine, but I need you here.

:All right, love, be right there.

Ginny appeared with a pop.

"Ginny, you're going to train with me now," Harry said.  "I need you by my side for this."

:Team Potter, I presume?

:Of course, and I told Voldemort it would be Potter vs. Voldemort.  I didn't mention it would be both Potters.  This is why I've been keeping our marriage a secret.  He won't be expecting you with me, and it makes things much more interesting and problematic for him.

:But the punch line is that I could be killed.

:True, but so could I, and we both have the Amoeba Suits, and our phoenix forms, and I'll have some surprises from Fred and George lined up as well.  I want your reactions to be as fast as mine.

:Let's do it!  And I'm going to snog you senseless later for this!

:You want this?

:I may have beat him in the Chamber, but I still owe him.  Love conquers all, and Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off female Weasley!

:That's true!

They got to it over the next four weeks, with their link open, they quickly discovered that they worked well together, filling in each other's gaps in defense and offense, and they found that shortly they were a well-oiled fighting machine, working almost on instinct.  Soon the two of them working together could hold off six Aurors on their own, and could do so silently, wandless, and with wands in either hand.  Their Animagi were a great equalizer, and they quickly learned that wandless magic was completely possible in those forms, and the link was just as strong.

On October 15th they held off a dozen Aurors, four Hogwarts professors, and a dozen N.E.W.T.-level D.A. members in long arena-style battle that lasted almost an hour.  Ginny was slightly scratched on one leg after a bad landing against a sharp edge, and Harry broke an arm, but in the end those were the only injuries they had against twenty-eight attackers.  The whole school was there to watch, and the level of astonishment was amazing.

Afterward, they had their injuries healed by Madam Pomfrey, and they set off to dinner in the Great Hall.  Harry and Ginny entered the Great Hall to a standing ovation.

They made their way up to the head table.  Harry raised his hand, and the applause finally slowed and stopped.

"Thank you all.  I know you saw a great sight today, but please understand, this is deadly serious for us.  We win this battle, we win the war.  We still have two weeks to go until then, and a lot of work to do.  For now, tuck in!"

He sat down and everyone began eating.  He looked over at Ginny.

:We need to go to Gringotts tomorrow.


:Just in case, we need to make out our wills.

:That's not being very confident.

:It's being pragmatic.

:I suppose you're right, even though it is nothing to be happy about.

* * *

October 16th

Harry and Ginny arrived at Gringotts and went inside, asking for Griphook.

Griphook came forward and shook their hands.  "Harry Potter.  Miss Weasley.  How can I help you today?"

"We need to discuss our wills," Harry replied.

"Of course.  This way."  He led them into a small conference room.

"Is Mrs. Potter aware of the current arrangements of the accounts?"

"She is aware of the trust funds," Harry replied.  He turned to Ginny.  "Because our marriage is a secret, Gringotts is actually keeping two sets of books on the accounts.  The real ones are in the vault, and have your name on them as well.  The public ones have just my name on them.  That's only to keep it quiet."  He turned back to Griphook.  "We need to establish one more set of trust funds, like the Weasley ones, for all children of Remus and Nymphadora Lupin."

Griphook made a note.  "It shall be done."

Harry continued, "Next, as of October 31st Ginny's name can appear on the accounts.  At that point it will be a non-issue anyway, as either Voldemort will be dead, or we will.  I think it needs to be that way for the purposes of the wills."

Griphook nodded.  "It does, and it shall be done."

"As for the wills, is it better to do separate ones or a joint one?" Harry asked.

"For a married couple, a joint one is best normally," replied Griphook.  "If one of you survives your battle with the Dark Lord, they can make another will later."

"Fair enough."  Harry looked at Ginny.  She nodded.

:It seems so weird to be planning for your death at 16!

:I know.  Welcome to war, starring everybody. Follow what I do, but correct me, too.  I'm winging this.

:All right, love.

"The Potter estate is to left entirely to the surviving spouse.  If no spouse survives, it is to be divided equally among our children.  Should we have no children, it is to be divided equally amongst Molly, Arthur, William, Fleur, Charles, Frederick, George, Ronald, Hermione, and Percival Weasley, Remus and Nymphadora Tonks, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood.  Should none of those survive, the estate shall be liquidated and divided equally to all registered wizarding charities as of the date of our deaths.  No matter whom are the survivors, ownership of all magical properties under the Potter name shall revert to their tenants, fully paid."  He looked at Ginny, and she nodded.

"How do you want to make this will-Pensieve or written with witnesses?" asked Griphook.

"Written, I think.  We need witness?" asked Ginny.

"Yes, but we Goblins can do that," replied Griphook.

"Let's get this done, then," replied Harry.

While they were waiting, Ginny was able to view the account books, and was surprised to see just how much was in there.  "When you said you were loaded, you weren't kidding!"

"There's so much there that I don't know what to do with it, which is why I've spread it around."  Harry replied.  "Money is no object for any of us, so help me."

Ginny responded the only way she could: she kissed him.

An hour later it was done, with a copy placed in the Potter vault and the original with Harry and Ginny.  Thanking Griphook, they left and headed to the Ministry.

Arriving at the Ministry, they first found Arthur, who still had the note from Fudge from before, then headed to the Department of Magical Records.  There they recorded their marriage with a date of October 31st, then obliviated the record keeper again.

That finished, they returned to Hogwarts.

* * *

October 30th

Harry and Ginny woke up early and did their usual dog run around the Quidditch Pitch, then headed in for breakfast in the Great Hall.  The mood was somber and anticipatory at the same time.

McGonagall rose and addressed the Hall.  "Today will be a day of great history in the wizarding world.  Either we win this war, or all is lost.  I ask you all to keep that in mind today-that no matter what happens, tomorrow will still be there, and united we will face what comes.  At midnight the final confrontation will happen.  Classes are canceled for the next two days."

:Thank, Minerva.  Just toss the weight of the world on my shoulders again.

:Our shoulders, love.  Besides, we've been there and done that before, remember?

:True.  Hopefully this will be for the last time.  I'd like to have a normal life tomorrow.

:Normal life?  You???  Harry, love, your life will not be normal tomorrow.  Give it twenty years, maybe.  But remember, you're The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, and so on for now.  Plain Old Harry will come with time.

:I know.  Just keep me grounded, OK?

:You don't need my help with that.  You've never had an ego.  If anything, I need to keep you from going subterranean!

:That's true, love.  I want to be there early.

:Well, we need to get ready, and make sure we have everything set up.


They left the breakfast and headed to Harry's rooms, where they changed into their Amoeba Suits and organized their supplies.

"Felix Felicis?"  Harry asked.


"Smoke Bombs?"


"Delayed Explosion Fireworks?"


"Stun Bombs?"



"What's a Kissfor?"  Ginny asked, puzzled.

"For luck, duh!" Harry replied, grinning.

Ginny groaned and rolled her eyes.  "You're as bad as my brothers!"

"Image Projection Bombs?"


"All four wands?"


"Hufflepuff's Cup?"


"Gryffindor's Sword?"


"I think we're ready."

"Let's go."

Harry and Ginny joined hands and called Fawkes to them.  They grabbed his tail, and the three disapparated with a flaming crack to Godric's Hollow.

* * *

They arrived at the Potter Cottage.  The dueling arena, constructed by the Ministry exclusively for the Duel, loomed in the distance.

Harry took a deep breath and entered the yard.  Before him stood the remains of the house that sixteen years ago had been his home.  Now it was an overgrown mess of weeds and rubble.  But next to it stood a new house, an exact replica, freshly painted, and waiting for its new inhabitants.

Ginny took it all in with a combination of sadness and hope.

:Is that a new place, for us?

:Yep.  I had it built identical to the old place, but I had to leave the old place as is.  The Ministry wants it preserved as a memorial to my parents.  I agreed for now.

:What about your parents?

:The graveyard.  Let's go.

They set out down the street and walked about a mile, and found the graveyard.  They entered and began a search of the tombstones.  After an hour of searching, they found the stone, towards the back of the area.

Harry and Ginny looked at the stone, carved with the Potter crest, and a simple inscription:





Thrice defiant of evil, martyrs for the light, bringers of hope for the future.

In the end, love conquers all.

Harry stepped forward and kneeled at the stone.  Tears began to flow freely down his face, and his words were choked with sobs.  Ginny hung back, not wanting to get in the way of this most personal moment.

"Hi Mum and Dad.  I finally got here, and today I either join you or avenge you.  I've found true love, I saved Sirius, and cured Moony.  I found a new family.  I hope you're proud of me."

"They most certainly are, Harry," said a new voice.  Harry looked up and saw a handsome teenaged ghost smiling at him.


"Yes, Harry.  I have seen your parents in what lies beyond the earthly plane.  They asked me to give you a message.  They love you and miss you and are so proud of you, for the fight you've waged, for the man you've become.  They also said it is not your time to die today, and that you are ready to face your destiny.  They also want you to know that you and Ginny were destined for each other before she was born, and that together, you will win the day."

Harry looked at Cedric Diggory.  "Tell them I love them and miss them terribly, and that I made a vow to defeat Voldemort, and today is the day I do it.  Tell them their sacrifice was not in vain, and to give Tom Riddle Hell when they see him soon."

Cedric smiled.  "I will, and good luck."  He faded from view.

Harry was still crying, but his grief was lessened now from the message he needed to hear.  Ginny stepped forward, waved her hand, and conjured a lightning-bolt-shaped wreath of white lilies.  They settled on the tombstone.  Ginny took Harry in her arms and held him, letting him cry it out.  Fawkes trilled a soft song, which helped.

Finally, Harry had cried himself out as the sun set, and they stood, and turned to leave.  Suddenly the entire graveyard was lit up with countless lights.

The sight before them stunned them.  Hundreds of wizards stood there silently, solemnly, wands lit.

Lupin stepped forward.  "Harry, every year this happens here-people in the wizarding world come here to pay their respects to your parents.  This time, because of the Duel, turnout is huge.  These people are here for you today, Harry, and they did not want to disturb your moment."

Harry nodded, numbly.  The show of respect was overwhelming.

Molly stepped forward.  "You have never been alone, not for the past sixteen years, as tough as they have been, and you are not alone tonight, even if this battle is yours to fight."  She gave him a hug, joined by Ginny and Lupin.

They slowly headed to the gate, and the crowd parted for them.  The line of witches and wizards closest to them raised their lit wands in an honor guard salute.  Harry and Ginny walked under the wands.  The wizards were lined up all the way out of the village to the arena.  They approached the arena, which looked similar to a Muggle stadium, but not fully enclosed.  One end was open, and had a smaller seating area.

They entered the arena and made their way through a door at the ground level and found themselves in a waiting room.  Dobby was there waiting with a light dinner.

They ate and gave Dobby a long hug.  He left with the empty plates, and Harry and Ginny proceeded to go over their battle plan.  Ginny loaded her waist bag with most of the smoke and stun bombs, and the delayed explosion fireworks.  Harry took the rest of the bombs, Hufflepuff's Cup, and the Sword.

Harry pulled out the bottle of Felix Felicis and removed the stopper.  Ginny conjured two goblets, and Harry measured half of the potion into each, than handed her one.

"For love and luck." He raised his goblet.

"For love and luck." She raised her goblet.

They drank, and each felt a warm glow.

They embraced and did one final long snog, and the white glow surrounded them again, filling the room.  When they came up for air, they turned their link on full.  A bell in the distance chimed midnight.

:It's time.

Together they walked out into the arena.

* * *

Voldemort and his Death Eaters apparated to the arena.  Per previous arrangement, the Death Eaters took seats in the open end section.  The larger section that surrounded two-thirds of the arena were rapidly filling with witches and wizards.  He turned to his followers.

"As agreed to, you will do nothing to aid me in this fight, and while the fight continues, you will do nothing but watch.  Once I kill Potter, attack.  Spare none of these traitors."

At that moment the bell tower chimed midnight.

At the other end of the arena, a door opened, and two figures emerged.

* * *

Harry turned to Ginny and nodded.  She turned into her phoenix form and flew off, circling the arena.  Fawkes joined her.  Unnoticed, Fred and George, pockets bulging, slipped away from the crowd, mounted their brooms, and begin quietly circling high above the Death Eaters.

Voldemort turned to meet his enemy.

In the stands, Severus Snape stood up amidst seven Weasleys, and touched his wand to his throat.

"LORD VOLDEMORT!  Before this duel begins to your end, I would speak.  Your end is here, and your plans have failed.  You made the mistake, on this night, sixteen years ago, of trying to kill the woman I desperately and unrequitedly loved, Lily Evans.  For that, I swore vengeance.  I have spent the last sixteen years in that quest, pledged to the Order of the Phoenix and to Albus Dumbledore, then to Harry Potter."

"It was I who cast the charm on you to allow Potter unfettered and undetected access to your mind, and he used that his advantage, and he has led you by what's left of your nose to this very night.  Dumbledore was right all of these years, love is something you know not, and tonight you shall know its power, but too late.  I am glad to be here and see you get yours."

Voldemort's only response was a sneer.  "I will kill you personally, you greasy traitor, after I kill Potter.  I will not be denied my vengeance tonight!"

"I don't think so," replied Snape.  "Potter has had me under a protection charm for months, the strongest I've ever seen, and not even you could penetrate them.  My 'pain' at your curses was all an act."

Harry stood there waiting.  He removed his travelling cloak, leaving only the Amoeba Suit.

"Are we going to do this, or are you going to waste time trading pleasantries all night long?" he asked mildly.  "C'mon, Tom, I have a date for the Halloween Ball, and I intend to keep it."

Voldemort looked at Harry, then sneered.  "I have put up with your cheek for too long, Potter.  I will enjoy killing you!"

Harry just smiled.  "You can try."

Harry bowed and assumed a defensive stance.  Voldemort just stood there.

"Well, Tom?  I seem to recall the proper protocol is that we both bow before we begin."  Harry pointed out.

"I will not bow to you!" sneered Voldemort.

"Wanna bet?"  Harry cast a silent Imperius Curse, and Voldemort, to his own surprise, bowed to Harry, and straightened up as Harry released the spell.  "That's better, Tom.  That makes us even as far as that little issue from Little Hangleton goes."

Voldemort, even more outraged, assumed an offensive stance.  "You really think you can kill me, Potter?  You, a mere teenager of no great talent?"

"Funny you should ask that, Tom.  I do, and I have for quite some time."  He yelled back over his shoulder.  "HEY, HERMIONE!"

"WHAT?" she yelled back from the first row.


"YOU GOT IT, HARRY!"  She placed the memory in the Pensieve, and Trelawney towered above them.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Voldemort looked at Harry in shock and anger.  "So that's it, then?  You, a mere pathetic teenager, hold power that I don't?  That's ridiculous!"

Harry just smiled.  "Is it really, Tom?"  He continued, "Is it ridiculous that five times now you have tried-and failed-to kill me?  Is it ridiculous that I gave you a Muggle prank known as a Hotfoot and walked away laughing?  Is it ridiculous that I gave you another Muggle prank, a variation of an exploding cigar, and made you look utterly stupid?"  He silently cast a shield charm with his phoenix wand.

"You see, Tom, you have your weaknesses.  Ego, for one.  You don't understand the Muggle world, its inventions, or its innovativeness.  You don't understand creativity.  You certainly don't understand love, happiness, and friendship.  You don't understand science, magic that you have no use for, and most of all, ability over fear, Tom.  In fact, as a wizard, you are quite limited, even while being powerful within those limits.  My powers that you know not are love and knowledge."

"Well, Potter, what I have is enough to kill you! Avadra Kedavra!"  The Killing Curse shot from his phoenix wand and collided with Harry's shield.  They both glowed, then the curse fell away harmlessly.

"You also seem to have a short memory, Tom," Harry said.  "You forgot about the twin cores of our wands."

"There are other ways!  Avadra Kedavra!"  This time he sent the Killing Curse wandlessly, and it passed though the shield and hit Harry in the chest.

Harry just stood there.  Then he laughed.

"Nice try, Tom, but that doesn't work either.  Care to know why?"

"That's impossible!  Nobody survives the Killing Curse!" Voldemort screamed.

"Funny, I've done it twice now.  If you had ever bothered to figure out how the Killing Curse works, you'd also have figured out how to beat it.  I did.  So that trick won't work."  Harry replied calmly.  "You'd have thought that if we had figured out how to kill Dementors that we had figured out some other things.  Like this, for example: Musaceae Terra!" He sent the spell wandlessly, but into the ground at Voldemort's feet instead of at him.

Immediately the ground under Voldemort's feet turned into banana peels, and when he shifted his feet, he began slipping and sliding, and eventually falling down on his behind. The crowd roared with laughter.  He banished the banana peels with a wave and got up, shaking with rage.

"You dare make a mockery of me!" he screamed.

"I'm toying with you, Tom.  Just like I have been for months.  Thanks for dropping in, by the way.  Now, are you going to actually try now?" taunted Harry.

Voldemort suddenly launched a barrage of wandless jinx and curses at Harry, but Harry was ready, responding with his own.  Each dodged and ducked and deflected the other's spells.

:This is finally getting interesting down here.  Ready the image projection bombs!

:Ready, love.

:Drop 'em.

Ginny dropped a dozen Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes Image Projection Bombs in a ring around Voldemort.  Each exploded with a bang as they hit the ground, and Harry disapparated as they hit and apparated onto the ring, along with twelve other Harrys.

Thirteen Harrys spoke as one:

"Riddle me this Tom:

There are thirteen you see of me, but only one is real.

Can you find me amongst them, by sense and by feel?

When the clock strikes thirteen, what does it do?

It simply calls out an extra cuckoo!"

Voldemort began firing Cutting Curses at each Harry in turn, and the curses dissipated the images.  Finally he found the real Harry, and the curse hit him a glancing blow on his right forearm.  Blood oozed from the wound temporarily and Harry gasped in pain.  He sent three body-binding jinxes at Voldemort in quick succession, followed by a summon of Voldemort's wand.

Voldemort blocked the first jinx, dodged the second, but the dodge took him straight into the third.  His phoenix wand flew out of his hand as he fell sideways onto the ground.  Harry caught the wand.

Harry looked at his bleeding arm, and it appeared to be healing by itself without any help.  Harry felt the surge of power through the link.

:Hang on Harry, I'm healing the cut.

:Thanks, love.  Fred and George should have made this long-sleeved!

His arm healed, Harry snapped Voldemort's wand.  Suddenly a wandless stunner from Voldemort hit him in the chest.  The Amoeba Suit absorbed the spell, but the sheer force of impact sent him flying backwards.  He transformed into his lion form, twisted in mid-air, and landed on all four paws, then quickly changed back into human form.  He threw a pair of stun bombs and a smoke bomb.  Ginny dropped some delayed explosion fireworks.

Stunned, Voldemort could only lay there in the darkness as he could not see a thing.  Suddenly the world exploded around him in a series of huge bangs and bright flashes, blinding him and making him close his eyes in pain.

Finally, he shook off the stunners and body-binds and shakily got to his feet.  He waved his hand and the smoke cleared.  Harry stood there waiting.

"Going to try now, Tom?" he taunted.

This brat has become powerful, but he is running out of tricks!

"Getting by on luck, Potter?" he sneered.

"Actually, to some extent, yes," replied Harry.  He tossed a small bottle at Voldemort's feet.  "I took Felix Felicis before we started."

Voldemort looked at the bottle, then drew himself up to his full height.  "I am though playing you little games, Potter!  Your luck has run out!"

At that Voldemort began throwing jinxes and curses at Harry at an unbelievably rapid pace, except that Harry kept pace.  Some got through and caused some damage, but were just as quickly repaired by Ginny through the link.

After thirty minutes and several hundred jinxes, curses, and counterspells between the two, Voldemort stopped.  His robes were in tatters and he bore singe marks and bleeding cuts all over.  Harry, on the other had, looked to be barely scratched, and was only sweating and breathing heavily.

"It seems, Potter, that we are at a stalemate."

Ginny landed on Harry's left shoulder.

"Not really, Tom.  You just think we are.  What did I say about your ego?  If we were at a stalemate, I couldn't do this:"

Harry promptly broke into Voldemort's mind, but this time, Ginny joined him.  They quickly dismantled his mental blocks, working in tandem, and began to barrage his mind with images of them:  walking hand in hand around the Black Lake at Hogwarts, snogging, studying together, more snogging, cuddling together, napping together, even the skinny-dip in the Prefects' Bathroom.  They enveloped Voldemort in the love they had for each other, and Voldemort crumbled under the mental onslaught.  Desperately he raised a hand weakly and cried, "Avadra Kedavra!"

The green light hit Ginny.

The link broke, she burst into flame and fell off of Harry's shoulder and fell as a baby phoenix into Harry's waist bag.  Harry, through the link, felt the pain and dropped to his knees, and withdrew from Voldemort's mind.


No response.

Harry got to his feet.  Anger and grief coursed through him.

Not Ginny!  Not now, no way!

Voldemort was slowly standing up.  He looked at Harry and sneered.

"You could not beat me in a duel, and you could not destroy my mind, Potter, and I killed your little pet.  But you lied to me, Potter.  You said this duel was you against me."

"I said, you bastard, that it was Potter versus Riddle.  And that has been exactly it.  That 'pet' was the Animagus form of MY WIFE!" he roared.  "It was Potter versus Riddle-both Potters versus Riddle, and you just made your final mistake.  Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off female Weasley, but that's small potatoes to an angry Potter!"

Harry unloaded curses and jinxes on Voldemort with a fury and speed that was a blur to behold. He disapparated and apparated from all angles, and Voldemort could only defend, not attack, because as fast as he could react, Harry was even faster.  Finally a Cutting Curse took off both of Voldemort's ankles, and he fell to the ground a bloody mess.

Harry towered over him.  "Ready to die, Tom?"

Still, he sneered at Harry.  "I cannot die, Potter.  You failed in your attempt.  One Horcrux survives, and as long as it does, so do I."

Harry looked at him and sneered back.  "I have destroyed all of your Horcruxes, Tom."

Voldemort sneered and sat up.  "No, you didn't.  There were only five Horcruxes in that trunk.  One remains, for I made six."

"No, Tom.  I only returned five to you."  Harry replied.  He pulled out Gryffindor's Sword and held it in his left hand.  His right hand dipped into the waist bag.  He pulled out his last secret: Hufflepuff's Cup.  "Here, catch."  He tossed the shattered cup at Voldemort.

Instinctively, Voldemort reacted by trying to catch the cup.  He did so, and recognized it in shock.  Harry followed up his toss with a mighty swing of the sword, and it caught Voldemort in the neck, severing his head from his body.  The head fell away and the body crumpled, but the dark magic that was Tom Riddle exploded outward.

Harry was already moving backwards away from the body, summoned away by the combined spells of Ron, Hermione, and Molly.  He fired one last spell at the expanding energy.


The orange flame shot from his fingers of both hands, contacted the dark magic, and consumed it.

The body of Voldemort remained where it fell.

In the far stands, the Death Eaters saw the impossible happen, and fell into a panic.  Suddenly they were enveloped in a cloud of smoke bombs, and then the stun bombs fell from above.  Fred and George circled overhead, dropping more stun bombs as Death Eaters stumbled out of the smoke.  Within minutes it was all over.

At the other end of the arena, Harry pulled a quivering baby phoenix out of his pocket.  He set Ginny on the ground and transformed her back into human form.  Fawkes began to sing.  Harry held her and poured all of his love into her.  He still felt that spark of her inside his own soul, and fed it all the love he could muster in his tired state.  After a few minutes, he felt her through the link.


:Ginny!  Thank heavens you're back!

:What happened?

:Voldemort killed you while in phoenix form.  You burst into flame, was reborn, and fell into my waist bag.  Just now we got you back.

:I hurt all over.

:It'll get better.


:Dead.  Completely dead.


:Tired, and sore, but OK.

Behind them, the crowd erupted into bedlam.  Harry and Ginny were enveloped in a massive and tear-loaded hug from Molly, Arthur, Ron, and Hermione.

The war was finally over.

Voldemort was dead.


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