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Religious Or Atheist?



Dear Readers; To all my readers if you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to this FREE newsletter please go to www.drturi.com/newsletter/ scroll down to the box and click on the little arrow "Subscriber Action". "Then Choose Subscribe or Unsubscribe on the drop down menu, enter your e-mail address, and click Submit." If you experience difficulty simple email us at dr.turi@cox.net Thanks Mike - DTteam As we approach Christmas and the New Year, in these difficult days of recession I have decided to offer the last few VIP newsletters for FREE to my worldwide audience. The deal for you to join and become a VIP in 2009 will remain at $50.00 all the way to the end of the year 2008. Then the price will be back at $100 as of January 2009 and ALL current subscribers' information and emails addresses will be automatically deleted as of 01/01/09 from our newsletters system. Thank you so much for your trust in my wisdom. I am getting so extremely busy and my time is becoming very precious and I wanted to offer you the option to realize how much hope, wisdom, true guidance, real predictions and logic you can find in my work. So make a good use of the current deal, join the thousands of wise readers because you are in good hands with me. Note that once you join our new system a password will allow you to read every single newsletters I ever wrote as those wont be available public for long anymore. Do not miss the first 2009 VIP newsletter and your PERSONAL dragon forecast and daily guidance. I usually give my moon power for free every year towards the middle of the year to help those unfortunate but again my new direction with Voice America may not allow me to do so any longer. Be aware that if you feel you have something good with me NOT to lose it, especially when the best of the best and the TRUTH is offered to you with a 50% discount! With such a small investment you will find regeneration, true wisdom, true predictions, true PERSONAL monthly guidance, your horoscope, transits and RED ALERT windows. Offer yourself a valuable Christmas affordable present of $50 that will last you (and your loved ones) for a FULL YEAR! Remember food can only last so long in your physical body but my spiritual food will last for ever…Call Terania at 972-623-7689 don’t wait, change your mind and end up paying $100. My wisdom is PRICELESS and WILL save your life, let me guide you and your family safely throughout the year 2009 and you will realize next Christmas how much you gained listening to your INTUITION! As we approach the year 2012, the world is soon to raise its spiritual vibrations where more and more people will challenge themselves spiritually demanding more plausible answers to their quests about God himself and as your chosen spiritual Leader I am dedicated to help you hear and see God at work through the Cosmic Code like you never saw him before. This newsletter did not end up in your mailbox by accident, there are NO accident, you asked so now you received, Stay put with me and let me raise your Cosmic Consciousness and find all the true answers of what it means to be human that we have been all enslaved to uncover. THE LAW OF OPPOSITE To those of you who read my book "Beyond The Secret" you are familiar with this particular law… www.drturi.com/books.php

Why some people are so much Neptunian (believers) and why others are so Saturnian? (Non-believers) and that is the dramatic eternal conflict between the yin and yang and the drastic result of ignorance from both parts. When I write ignorance is evil and knowledge is power I cannot be more precise for sure and I am going to make you aware of the enormous difference between the UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) of a pious Christian and an impious atheist. While this material is for my VIP only any traditionally educated psychologist or psychiatrist would make tremendous benefit acknowledging from my solid research. Doing so will allow the *elites of the mind to understand how the Cosmic Code transcend with the human experience and armed with such a valuable wisdom, be in a much better place to guide others instead of using dangerous prescription drugs. The Freedom from Religion Foundation has a placard up in the Legislative Building in Olympia, Washington.


www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/12/05/atheists.christmas/index.html "When people ask us, 'Why are you hateful? Why are you putting up something critical of people's holidays? -- we respond that we kind of feel that the Christian message is the hate message," he said. "On that Nativity scene, there is this threat of internal violence if we don't submit to that master. Hate speech goes both ways. Well it would be quite a challenge to investigate the UCI of those millions of people if God was introduced as he really is all would be so simple. If this rare *discarded celestial wisdom was induced (introduced) by advanced parents to their children at an early age chances are both the Christian and the atheist children would surely grow much less animalistic and fully understand each others psyche. But of course I am talking, thinking and seeing what will take place in the future once Cosmic Consciousness is established as a solid discipline in my Astropsychology schools to replaces both ignorance and the damage of deceiving deadly religions. THE NEPTUNIAN (WATER) AND THE ATHEIST (EARTH) ELEMENTS A soul born with a strong Neptune (Lord of religions/deception/imagination) is seriously prone to use an over powerful imagination to *escape reality and gifted at birth to perceive much higher vibrations in a parallel world (angels, spirits, ghosts etc.) these souls are very creative, spiritual and ALL blessed with any form of artistic ability. This makes the soul very vulnerable to Neptune's quick deceiving sands of religions and many signed their lives away with cult leaders. NEPTUNE LORD OF INTUITION OR DECEPTION? www.world-mysteries.com/turi_mgpoc.htm Just because there is only ONE hair between Divine blessings and pure imagination... Neptune rules also addictions, chemicals, drugs and alcohol! Memo - 07/28/2006 - LOS ANGELES, California -- Actor and director Mel Gibson was arrested Friday in Malibu, California, and charged with driving under the influence, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office. Check Mel Gibson fate and UCI as an actor and a true Neptunian. Mel Gibson's Pisces Mind


www.drturi.com/news/1154130192.html Check www.drturi.com/newsarchive/


Poseidon attacking Odysseus's crew. Poseidon attacking Odysseus's crew. God ordering Neptune Through The Cosmic Code to Sink A Ship! Neptune is also seen in Greek Mythology as the Lord of the Seas and rules the sign of Pisces. There the soul must fight all treacherous currents and swim backs to his birthplace, the stars and realize he is a child of the Universe. The current is endless almost impossible to fight (religions) but against all odds like a salmon the positive fish succeeds to find GOD and find true light, success and all the answers in the Cosmic Code. Einstein, George Washington, Michael Angelo and myself are Pisces Sun.


Swimming upstream is indeed the most difficult thing to do and where ever your Neptune or your Pisces house is your have NO fate but only your will to FREE yourself from addictions, religions, fears, phobias, guilt etc. Expressed positively (or swimming upstream) Neptune imaginative gifts can be channeled in to music, dancing, photography, designing, intuition, channeling and acting. You better find out where Neptune is in your chart because this is where you are the most vulnerable. www.drturi.com/readings.php In a future VIP newsletter I will elaborate on Neptune affecting ALL signs of the Zodiac both positively and negatively. Sign up NOW I will come up with a lot of teaching next year! Call Terania 972-623-7689. GO TO WWW.DRTURI.COM AND SCROLL DOWN TO THIS BANNER - Click on it to read!


www.drturi.com/commandments.php However a soul overloaded with a Saturn (logical, rational, scientists) UCI will never be able to enter the intuitional domain of the stars or the realm of super-consciousness and run his/her life on solid ground. But again you will not reach a position of power and a solid career in life and become one of the elite of education (or an astronomer/astrophysicist) if you are lost into the clouds per say, thus logic dictate that this mental snobs crowd's UCI is LOADED with a serious dose of earthy Saturn (the builder, the engineer) or the ATHEIST! Without Cosmic Consciousness themselves, the teachers (and elites of the educational world) can only stay solid planted *cursed to the ground (like a tree) mentally and NOT allowed by the *Cosmic Code (or God) to "perceive" and use such vital wisdom. In their mind your children are missing absolutely nothing and must digest their daily dose of math and algebra in order to graduate and be part of a productive society! Thus without education, both the pious or impious souls are left in total darkness and this is why I am working so hard to *erase ignorance and elevate the human spirit from darkness. Meantime, the extend of what produce a believer (religious) or a non-believer (atheists) is also amplified by a long series of experiences induced by your first teachers and the early *education will in some cases stimulate the exaggeration and negative behaviors. So to summarize, as explained so many times before humankind made incredible technological progress PHYSICALLY because of the earthy practical Saturnian *building scientific attitude while the spirit has made absolutely NO progress for the last 2000 years and stick still to the old, archaic deceiving doctrines. Some people can not and will not challenge that *supposedly a man walked on water (Neptune/deception). Some people can not accept and challenge that a Man can not walk on water (Logic/Atheists) WHERE IS THE JUST MIDDLE? But God through the Cosmic Code knows better and as of the year 2012 a new *energy will liberate the human spirit and MATCH its physical counterpart bringing balance between the yin and yang or the physic and the spirit. But this will not happen overnight because the earthy gravitational forces do not allow a fast more spiritual progression that easy and this is why there is so much controversy. To make it easy for you to understand the human spirit is STUCK on this EARTHY planet and the earth naturally ASSIMILATE and endorse down-to-earth matters and allows it to develop much faster than the spirit. Again the year 2012 will change all this and I am the spiritual Leader (if not the ONLY Leader) with the *Cosmic understanding able to penetrate, understand and offer YOU the key!




STILL LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH MYSELF! How many times has the Pope or the Dali Lama refer to the stars, God and the Cosmic Code? Because these souls established themselves in their righteous endeavors AT THE TOP and became icons DOES NOT make them TRUE spiritual Leaders… But this world is much too young to challenge such authorities. Be sure that overloaded Neptunian and Saturnian souls will be appalled by my words assuming that I am the most egocentric, self-centered, illogical, OR dreamer or sinner living on this planet just because their Neptunian or Saturnian UCI imposes this limited perception of the true Divine on them. When is the last time you received educational, healing or predictions from any of these souls personally? How much time has any of those *spiritual Leaders spent on you personally to help you grow? Where are their well-documented predictions? After all they are the closest thing to God ain't they? So they should have supreme wisdom, supreme powers and supreme information for you yes? You bet lolol...Why not seeing the facts is simply amazing to me but with so much male and female *Joe Six Packs out there what can you expect? Feeling targeted? Please do not take anything personally this would show an inborn insecurity and/or inferiority complex because I am referring and classifying IGNORANCE itself and NOT anyone of my readers What IF, I was one of them do you think you would get better treatment? You BET! so WHERE DO YOU STAND? · Are you totally refusing their blessings and teachings? Then you are a Saturnian Atheist. · Are you totally accepting and blinded to their blessings and teachings? Then you are a Neptunian. Are you willing to explore and use critical thinking and intelligence? Then you are on your way to God's Cosmic Consciousness and FREE your spirit from ignorance and fears. Check your spiritual Leader at www.drturi.com/daily.php Read "SOS To The World"yet? Go to www.drturi.com scroll down to the banner. How do you fix 2000 years of wrong evolution I ask you, certainly not with constant raging religious Neptunian wars or with our infantile scientific experts Saturnian ridiculous explanations of their big ban accepted theory… This world is about to undergo a serious *face-lift for the scientists and a much deeper spiritual uplifting for the pious Neptunian lost souls. And its all ready started with me! Now the question is will you join my VIP's and make those changes faster by sharing the TRUTH about God and humanity's identity (Cosmic Code) or stay in your fears (ignorance) and refuse to develop spiritually? Once more you are NOT reading this material by accident, you have asked for it, you like it or not! The choice is yours because don’t worry you have eternity to find the essence of God in yourself and you will in time realize what following the *Pitcher means to you and the fate of humanity. Now refusing to deal with reality (Neptunian) is not an option anymore because only the truth will set you free! The nasty Dragon's Tail in Leo (children) has once more spoken and took many young lives away. As we approach Christmas be sure more innocent children will meet with their death and only you, the concerned advised, aware parent can change that! As a responsible close relative I am asking you to be very aware and vigilant so your family wont have to experience any dramatic event I foresee. Accept the fact that the Dragon is REAL! Accept the fact that Jesus did his ministry well but his message about the Father (God/Cosmic Code) was distorted by political greedy manipulators since then and replaced with stories and in the process his true message got lost and NO ONE got the clear message he conveyed. 2000 years later people are totally lost and STILL not getting it!


Jesus says "go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces"... I was born February 26th in the cuspy constellations of Aquarius/Pisces "Knowledge is Power Ignorance is Evil. Ask And You Shall Receive" Note also that the holiday falls in a waning (negative) moon demanding you to be much more conscious of the Dragon's deadly power. Many families will lose children to the Dragon and this does not have to happen if you remember my heeding. Many of them will go before the year is over and it does not have to happen!



COLUMBUS, Ohio — Firefighters said four children were among the five people killed early Saturday morning when a fire swept through a west side apartment complex. Dragon's Tail (negative/karma) in Leo (famous people) – Well it seems to work as predicted for many unlucky Infamous people. Astropsychology can EASILY uncover the UCI, fate and deplorable endeavors of those famous souls… Take the course live or by mail and learn how and why! www.drturi.com/astroclass.php




Simpson and co-defendant C.J. Stewart face sentences of up to life in prison for their roles in a 2007 confrontation at a Las Vegas hotel. www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/12/05/oj.simpson.sentencing/index.html?iref=mpstoryview


LONDON, England -- Former Culture Club singer Boy George has been convicted of falsely imprisoning a male escort. www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/12/05/uk.boy.george.guilty/index.html?iref=mpstoryview Sharing emails: Testimonial for the taped VIP reading performed live on the 4th of December 2008 Dearest Louis, It seems when one is supposed to be in touch with you it works in a flash! I would like to thank you from the depth of my heart for your guidance and insights, which were OMG all along. And I guess now it just means I have some work in front of me to accomplish!! You have been extraordinarily accurate about my imminent move, to an unknown place to me, Malaysia (Klang area in Kuala Lumpur), and for the fact that I shall be living there pretty much on my own as it concerns spiritual awareness of like minded people... May be this testimonial will be read by one or two of your clients, students? Whoever inclined with this type of deep vocation? I will have the peace and quietness to get on with my true real work, in continuing studies and your teachings, speaking and events made for the opening of the next conscious generation, the children of our Planet. I am writing a book with simplified information and profound spiritual knowledge of past, present and futuristic approaches. This book though is aimed to be simplified, may or may not reach a great percentage of the population, knowing that most is waiting for a bigger wake up call! Each and everyone in their own timing I guess. A big thank you again! Wishing you all the very best in all your (our) endeavors all over the/and for the world. Nadine DT- indeed your note is well appreciated Nadine and I am glad I could offer you all that I promised you in the VIP reading… Blessings DT Dr. Turi I am having heart surgery the 16th. Will I survive? I have tried to learn as much from you as I can, but I do not have that answer. Birthday: 02/21/1953. I am saving up for your course but cannot afford it yet. David DT – Hello David you were born with the Dragon's Tail (challenging) in Leo (the heart) and the Dragon's Head (protective) is right now on you. Thus yes you will die * apathetically and be born again as a new healthier and stronger person. Have faith you will be fine and as an Aquarius you will fulfill your soul's purpose to master and teach all about the Cosmic Code *the stars in time. Blessings DT Dr. Turi Thanks for the + dear one you. I have been excited about you & your work for years now...thank you for being one of my favorite souls! I hope to be getting a few of the Star*Power*Moon*Guide books of your this year for friends of mine... reeeally right on & exceptional unique are your understandings of the Universal Law. Look forward to checking out more of you, & one day here plan on taking a course from you (that would be the bestest!) kiss*kiss ciao, faith ^_^ DT- Thank you so much Hun I really hope to bring more Cosmic Consciousness to you and I would be glad to have you in my star family...I need more *Teachers Of Teachers and you have it all... Blessings DT Hello Dr. Turi, I Know you're an extremely busy gentleman, I met you a couple of years ago at my workplace. As many people you have encountered I would be surprised if you remember me which I can relate to, now living in Las Vegas. I have only received one reading since and nothing compares to the level of your abilities you have been blessed with. I want and need the universe to be on my side. My goal is to tap into and excrete undeniably strong energy. A "reprogramming" I guess you could call it .I believe in myself and need to align myself to reach my true level in every aspect. I have not forgotten about you and was wondering if you could take a lil time to do a reading for me, this would mean a great deal to me. I will be visiting the Phx area and would like to do an in-depth reading. Wishing you the very best in your endeavors and am looking forward to hearing from you. Until then...Ciao! Your Solstice Sister, Ms. C DT- Dear C thank you for the support yes indeed you are due for a progressive reading, I will take good care of you Blessings DT Fantastic, my dear Nostradamus! My son is switching his major from engineering into Liberal Arts & philosophy.. He's in a bit of an identity crisis and I believe it is good that he is motivated to write this fiction book of his. I'm praying he finds himself & I get my son back. I keep urging him to read your material and constantly e-mail him my newsletters :) I will keep pushing support for you are truly gifted. I am reading your last newsletter and will be writing George Noory to have you back ASAP before the full moon. Love you dearly!!! NY DT – Thank you Hun, all appreciated but it would take a LOT of people to do so to get me there again… Blessings DT To: george@coasttocoastam.com ; tom@coasttocoastam.com ; lisa@coasttocoastam.com Hi George; Dr Turi seems pretty upset about this coming lunation. You should have him on for an update. It sounds serious and he is usually on target within a day or so. Vic DT –Thanks gain Vic, all appreciated but it would take a LOT of people to do so to get me there again… Blessings DT Enjoy my last radio show from Utube you will indeed learn something there and realize why you should become a VIP and join my worldwide family.


Special Announcement Dr. Turi and Jim Roger live on TV 01/09/09


2009 Universal and Personal Predictions Watch the show online www.ufoshows.com/ If you are in Arizona come to the studio email the Producer Jim Roger at jimrodgeraz@gmail.com 2009 predictions as well as a live music performance by Dr. Turi Jim has always introduced me as a graduate from the Royal School of Music Of London and asked me many times if I could play something on stage. Thus I have decided to perform a deep mystical love song I wrote for my sweet girlfriend Terania on my keyboard. Sometimes music is the only way one can express deepest feelings… My next radio show with Christine B. is scheduled for January 17-2009 World of the Paranormal - KFOK LP FM 95.1 Listeners please go to www.kfok.org and then click on the "Click Here To Listen" link. You might have to download a program in order to be hooked up to the stream. Web site: http://edparanormal.com KFOK web site: www.kfok.org Special Announcement


"Home of the Voice America Network and World Talk Radio" NEXT VITAL STEP FOR DR. TURI


I am working on one of the biggest project with "Voice America" and our meeting yesterday went incredible well. I have finally found "HOME" and a few smart dedicated professionals willing to expose my gift to the entire world and save the children from mental exploitation! Let me teach them how God really speaks to them from the Cosmic Code *signs and how find a reason to be, to find peace, happiness and respect for all. I will give you all the vital information once the sponsorship package is ready next year and with it the REAL opportunity not only to start a new career with me but to become a direct participant with the God and his *Cosmic Code order to finally reach the masses. You've heard me on CTC with George Noory so many times, you've read my Cosmic Code newsletters, you've watched my television and radio shows on You Tube, and you've acknowledged my uncanny ability to indisputably predict the future. Over the years, you've read my best-selling book, Moon Power, and my predictions informed you well before anyone else about the terrorist attacks on 9/11 in NY, plus those in England and India, too. Yes, I also fully predicted the Asian Tsunami, gave the exact dates for the devastating Hurricane Katrina, and all major natural disasters well before CNN ever mentioned these traumatic historic events! Yes, I also predicted the current crisis with the US economy months ahead of time. And I have so much more crucial information to share -- right here, right now! The documented information published in my books make all my incredible predictions completely verifiable by the most skeptical people. What else do I have to do to prove my amazing abilities? Won't you please help me to bring back Cosmic Consciousness into this world? You can help now by becoming part of one of the greatest 2012 spiritual movements to acknowledge, understand and translate God's Will! I urge you to show your support for my work by helping to sponsor my new live, weekly interactive Internet talk radio show called, The Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi, soon to be heard on the 7th Wave Network of www.VoiceAmerica.com Your generous support is greatly appreciated. Please email Tony with your suggestions at tony.tomko@modavox.com or call him at 480-294-6476 Thank you and blessing Dr. Turi Sign up for the VIP Cosmic Code newsletter NOW, don’t wait and don’t miss anything, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter


SUPER DEAL FOR ALL – SAVE $250 Enjoy a LIVE CELEBRITY VIP CONSULTATION by telephone (602) 265-7667 for $450. Talk to me and call me ASAP to set up your crucial telephone appointment. My work, guidance and fundamental information and personal dragon predictions for the next 3 years ahead of you will be taped as we speak. My voice and guidance will reach your subconscious and help you to regenerate drastically and will help you to start the New Year with the right frame of mind. Information on your past lives, your health, your future, your career, your love life and so much more will be answered and taped for review. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK and feed me with any information at the beginning of our meeting. Yes because I know all about you already! Be ready for a shock because I know you better than you know yourself! During our conversation I will also make note for all sorts of products, books, CD, DVD tapes etc that I feel you need and all will be shipped to you the very same day. If you feel depressed, if you feel cursed or suicidal our conversation will HEAL your body, mind and spirit. Time for you to invest on someone really gifted and starts LIVING again! There is hope, there is REAL information and this is a promise. Blessings Dr. Turi Start 2009 with TRUE directions! Use this link to order and please be patient. www.drturi.com/readings.php


teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689

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